def post(self): self.set_header('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=UTF-8') sp_id = self.current_user.supplier_id cate_name = self.get_argument('name', '').encode('utf-8') # 检查是否重复 exist = self.db.query('select * from member_category where sp_id=%s and name=%s and deleted=0', sp_id, cate_name) # 重复组名,返回 if exist: self.write(json_dumps({'ok': False, 'error': '分组名称已经存在'})) return # 更新微信分组 if self.current_user.sp_props.wx_type == 'service' and self.current_user.sp_props.wx_verified == '1': body = json_dumps({"group": {"name": cate_name}}) wx = Weixin(db=self.db, sp_id=sp_id, method='groups/create', body=body) wx.set_app_info(self.current_user.sp_props.app_id, self.current_user.sp_props.app_secret) res = yield wx.fetch() wx.parse_response(res.body) if wx.is_ok(): # 更新本地数据库 last_id = self.db.execute('insert into member_category (sp_id, name, deleted, wx_grp_id) ' 'values (%s, %s, 0, %s)', sp_id, cate_name, self.write(json_dumps({'ok': True, 'cate_id': last_id, 'cate_name': cate_name})) else: logging.error('wx error: %s' % wx.error) self.write(json_dumps({'ok': False, 'error': '添加失败,%s' % wx.error})) else: # 更新本地数据库 last_id = self.db.execute('insert into member_category (sp_id, name, deleted) ' 'values (%s, %s, 0)', sp_id, cate_name) self.write(json_dumps({'ok': True, 'cate_id': last_id, 'cate_name': cate_name}))
def post(self): sp_id = self.current_user.supplier_id cate_id = self.get_argument('cate_id', '') # 查出默认的分组ID default_cate_id = self.db.get('select id from member_category where sp_id=%s and name="未分组"', sp_id).id # 微信服务器分组放到0 if self.current_user.sp_props.wx_type == 'service' and self.current_user.sp_props.wx_verified == '1': members = self.db.query('select wx_id from member where sp_id=%s and category_id=%s', sp_id, cate_id) app_id = self.current_user.sp_props.app_id app_secret = self.current_user.sp_props.app_secret for mem in members: body = {"openid": mem.wx_id, "to_groupid": 0} wx = Weixin(db=self.db, sp_id=sp_id, method='groups/members/update', body=json_dumps(body)) wx.set_app_info(app_id, app_secret) res = yield wx.fetch() wx.parse_response(res.body) if not wx.is_ok(): logging.error('wx error: %s' % wx.error) # 把要删除组的会员合并入默认分组 self.db.execute('update member set category_id=%s where sp_id=%s and category_id=%s', default_cate_id, sp_id, cate_id) # 删除分组 self.db.execute('update member_category set deleted=1 where id=%s', cate_id) # 返回 self.set_header('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=UTF-8') self.write(json_dumps({'ok': True}))
def post(self): sp_id = self.current_user.supplier_id cate_id = self.get_argument('cate_id', '') # 新cate id mem_id = self.get_argument('mem_id', '') try: map(int, mem_id.split(',')) except: raise HTTPError(500) # 更新微信服务器 if self.current_user.sp_props.wx_type == 'service' and self.current_user.sp_props.wx_verified == '1': members = self.db.query('select wx_id from member where sp_id=%s and id in (' + mem_id + ')', sp_id) wx_cate_id = self.db.get('select wx_grp_id from member_category where id=%s', cate_id).wx_grp_id app_id = self.current_user.sp_props.app_id app_secret = self.current_user.sp_props.app_secret for mem in members: body = {"openid": mem.wx_id, "to_groupid": int(wx_cate_id)} wx = Weixin(db=self.db, sp_id=sp_id, method='groups/members/update', body=json_dumps(body)) wx.set_app_info(app_id, app_secret) res = yield wx.fetch() wx.parse_response(res.body) if not wx.is_ok(): logging.error('wx error: %s' % wx.error) # 更新本地信息 if mem_id and cate_id: sql = 'update member set category_id=%s where sp_id=%s and id in (' + mem_id + ')' self.db.execute(sql, cate_id, sp_id)