def _step1(dbname): """ :return: A List of Tuples, where each tuple 0 index is the id_customer and 1 is sku """ query = """ SELECT a.fk_customer, b.sku, a.order_nr, a.grand_total FROM sales_order a JOIN sales_order_item b ON a.id_sales_order = b.fk_sales_order """ cursor = aux.execute_query(query, dbname) ''' for tpl in result: tpl[1] = tpl[1].split('-')[1] # Remove -config from sku ''' def mapper(tpl): res = list(tpl) res[1] = res[1].split('-')[0] return res result = map( mapper, list(cursor) ) return result
def get_origination(months): query = """ SELECT id_customer, created_at FROM customer WHERE EXTRACT(YEAR_MONTH FROM created_at) in ('%s')""" % "','".join(months) cursor = aux.execute_query(query, 'jerry_live') keys, result = aux.convert_to_id_dict(cursor) return keys, result, ['Origination Date']
def get_customer(mode, language): """ Follows the query_event specifications Get customers from the database :param mode: Any one of 1. 'all': no discrimination on region, default 2. 'uae': UAE customers 3. 'ksa': KSA customers 4. 'both': Not implemented 4. 'others': Not implemented :param language: An optional language :return: A tuple ( keys: A set of id_customer, result: A dictionary { id_customer, [phone, language] }, headers: A list of headers ) """ if mode == 'uae': where_clause = 'where cust.fk_country = 3' elif mode == 'ksa': where_clause = 'where cust.fk_country = 193' else: where_clause = '' query = """ SELECT distinct cust.id_customer, phone.number, if(cust.fk_language=1, 'English', 'Arabic') as language, if(cust.fk_country=3, 'UAE', 'KSA') as country FROM customer cust INNER JOIN customer_phone phone ON phone.fk_customer = cust.id_customer %s """ % where_clause if language is not None: fquery = """ SELECT * FROM (%s) AS T WHERE language = '%s'""" % (query, language) else: fquery = query cursor = aux.execute_query(fquery, 'jerry_live') result = {} keys = set() keys, result = aux.convert_to_id_dict(cursor) return keys, result, ['Phone', 'language', 'Country']
def _step2(cat_list): """ :return: A dict of { sku: category } """ where_clause = 'where in (%s)' % json.dumps(cat_list).strip('[]') query = """ SELECT conf.sku, FROM catalog_config conf JOIN catalog_config_has_catalog_category cc ON cc.fk_catalog_config = conf.id_catalog_config JOIN catalog_category cat on cc.fk_catalog_category = cat.id_catalog_category %(where_clause)s """ % locals() cursor = aux.execute_query(query, 'bob_live_ae') # this one only in ae result = {} for tpl in list(cursor): result[tpl[0]] = tpl[1] # Will ovewrite some skus return result
def _step1(dbname): """ :return: A List of Tuples, where each tuple 0 index is the id_customer and 1 is sku """ query = """ SELECT a.fk_customer, b.sku, a.order_nr, a.grand_total FROM sales_order a JOIN sales_order_item b ON a.id_sales_order = b.fk_sales_order """ cursor = aux.execute_query(query, dbname) ''' for tpl in result: tpl[1] = tpl[1].split('-')[1] # Remove -config from sku ''' def mapper(tpl): res = list(tpl) res[1] = res[1].split('-')[0] return res result = map(mapper, list(cursor)) return result
def execute_fn(dbname): cursor = aux.execute_query(query, dbname) return map(lambda k: list(k), list(cursor))
def execute_fn(dbname): cursor = aux.execute_query(query, dbname) return map( lambda k: list(k), list(cursor) )