Esempio n. 1
    def testIsList(
            self):  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
        """Test 'check_is_list' function."""

        assert auxiliary.check_is_list("TestArgument", [])
        assert auxiliary.check_is_list("TestArgument", [1, 3, 5])
        assert auxiliary.check_is_list("TestArgument", ["a", "56", 1, {}])
Esempio n. 2
    def testIsList(
            self):  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
        """Test 'check_is_list' function."""

        assert (auxiliary.check_is_list('TestArgument', []) == None)
        assert (auxiliary.check_is_list('TestArgument', [1, 3, 5]) == None)
        assert (auxiliary.check_is_list('TestArgument',
                                        ['a', '56', 1, {}]) == None)
Esempio n. 3
  def testIsList(self):  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    """Test 'check_is_list' function."""

    assert (auxiliary.check_is_list('TestArgument',[])              == None)
    assert (auxiliary.check_is_list('TestArgument',[1,3,5])         == None)
    assert (auxiliary.check_is_list('TestArgument',['a','56',1,{}]) == None)
Esempio n. 4
    def testIsList(self):  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
        """Test 'check_is_list' function."""

        assert auxiliary.check_is_list("TestArgument", []) == None
        assert auxiliary.check_is_list("TestArgument", [1, 3, 5]) == None
        assert auxiliary.check_is_list("TestArgument", ["a", "56", 1, {}]) == None
Esempio n. 5
  def load(self, file_names):
    """Load one or more files with entries and their localities into the

       See Febrl manual for details on the file format.

    # Check input argument type - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    if (isinstance(file_names, str)):
      file_names = [file_names]  # Make a list out of a single file name

    auxiliary.check_is_list('file_names', file_names)

    i = 0
    for file_name in file_names:
      auxiliary.check_is_string('file_name[%d]' % (i), file_name[i])
      i += 1

    self.file_names = file_names
    self.clear()  # Remove all items from the look-up table

    # Loop over file names - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    for fn in self.file_names:

      try:  # Open file and read all lines into a list
        f = open(fn,'r')
        logging.exception('Cannot read from file "%s"' % (fn))
        raise IOError

      file_data = f.readlines()  # Read complete file

      # Now process all lines - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      for line in file_data:
        l = line.strip()
        if (len(l) > 0) and (l[0] != '#'):  # Not empty line and not comment

          ll = l.split(',')  # Get fields from a line

          # Check for three columns
          if (len(ll) != 3):
            logging.exception('Illegal file format (not 3 columns) in file' + \
                              ': "%s" in line: %s' % (fn, l))
            raise Exception

          key = ll[0].strip().lower()  # Make sure it's lower case
          long = ll[1].strip()
          lati = ll[2].strip()

          # Try to convert into numerical (float) values
            long = float(long)
            logging.exception('Longitude: "%s" is not a number in line: "%s"' \
                              % (str(long), l))
            raise Exception
            lati = float(lati)
            logging.exception('Lattitude: "%s" is not a number in line: "%s"' \
                              % (str(lati), l))
            raise Exception

          # And check their values
          if (long < -180.0) or (long > 180.0):
            logging.exception('Illegal value for longitude: '+str(long))
            raise Exception
          if (lati < -90.0) or (lati > 90.0):
            logging.exception('Illegal value for latitude: '+str(lati))
            raise Exception

          val = [long,lati]  # Value for dictionary

          if (self.__contains__(key)) and (self.__getitem__(key) != val):
            logging.exception('Key "%s" already in look-up table with ' % \
                  (str(key)) + 'different value')
            raise Exception

          self.__setitem__(key, val)

    self.length = self.__len__()  # Get number of elements in the look-up table

    # A log message - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    #'Loaded geocode look-up table "%s"' % (self.description))'  From files:        %s' % (str(self.file_names)))'  Number of entries: %i' % (self.length))
Esempio n. 6
  def load(self, file_names):
    """Load one or more files with words and their frequency counts into the
       look-up table.

       See Febrl manual for details on the file format.

    # Check input argument type - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    if (isinstance(file_names, str)):
      file_names = [file_names]  # Make a list out of a single file name

    auxiliary.check_is_list('file_names', file_names)

    i = 0
    for file_name in file_names:
      auxiliary.check_is_string('file_name[%d]' % (i), file_name[i])
      i += 1

    self.file_names = file_names
    self.clear()  # Remove all items from the look-up table
    self.sum = 0

    # Loop over file names - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    for fn in self.file_names:

      try:  # Open file and read all lines into a list
        f = open(fn,'r')
        logging.exception('Cannot read from file "%s"' % (fn))
        raise IOError

      file_data = f.readlines()  # Read complete file

      # Now process all lines - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      for line in file_data:
        l = line.strip()
        if (len(l) > 0) and (l[0] != '#'):  # Not empty line and not comment

          ll = l.split(',')  # Get fields from a line

          # Check for two columns
          if (len(ll) != 2):
            logging.exception('Illegal file format (not 2 columns) in file' + \
                              ': "%s" in line: %s"' % (fn, l))
            raise Exception

          key = ll[0].strip().lower()  # Make sure it's lower case
          val = ll[1].strip().lower()

            val = int(val)  # Convert the value into an integer
            logging.exception('Illegal value for frequency count: "%s"' % \
                  (str(val)) + ' in line: "%s"' % (l))
            raise Exception

          if (self.__contains__(key)):
            val += self.__getitem__(key)  # Sum up counts

          self.__setitem__(key, val)
          self.sum += val

    self.length = self.__len__()  # Get number of elements in the look-up table

    # A log message - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    #'Loaded frequency look-up table "%s"' % \
                 (self.description))'  From files:        %s' % (str(self.file_names)))'  Number of entries: %i' % (self.length))'  Sum of all value:  %i' % (self.sum))
Esempio n. 7
  def load(self, file_names):
    """Load one or more files with word corrections and tags into the look-up

       See Febrl manual for details on the file format.

    # Check input argument type - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    if (isinstance(file_names, str)):
      file_names = [file_names]  # Make a list out of a single file name

    auxiliary.check_is_list('file_names', file_names)

    i = 0
    for file_name in file_names:
      auxiliary.check_is_string('file_name[%d]' % (i), file_name[i])
      i += 1

    self.file_names = file_names
    self.clear()  # Remove all items from the look-up table
    self.max_key_length = 0

    # Loop over file names - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    for fn in self.file_names:

      try:  # Open file and read all lines into a list
        f = open(fn,'r')
        logging.exception('Cannot read from file "%s"' % (fn))
        raise IOError

      file_data = f.readlines()  # Read complete file

      tag = ''  # Start with no tag
      key = ''  # Start with an empty key

      # Now process all lines - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      for line in file_data:
        l = line.strip()  # Remove line separators
        if (len(l) > 0) and (l[0] != '#'):  # Not empty line and not comment

          if (l[:5] == 'tag=<'):  # It's a line with a new tag
            tag = l[5:7]

          else:  # A line with an entry

            # Make sure a tag is set
            if (tag == ''):
              logging.exception('Missing tag specification in file "%s"' % \
              raise Exception

            line_list = l.split(':')  # Separate key from values

            if (len(line_list) > 2):
              logging.exception('Illegal format in file "%s" in line: %s' % \
                                (fn, l))
              raise Exception

            if (len(line_list) == 2):  # Line contains a key - - - - - - - - -

              key = line_list[0].strip().lower() # Get and clean key

              key_list = key.split(' ')  # Make a list of key words
              if (len(key_list) > self.max_key_length):
                self.max_key_length = len(key_list) # Update maximal key length

              # Insert key itself into lookup table
              dict_val = '_'.join(key_list)
              dict_key = tuple(key_list)
              this_tag = tag

              if (self.__contains__(dict_key)):  # Already in lookup table
                test_item = self.__getitem__(dict_key)
                test_val = test_item[0]  # Value without tag
                test_tag = test_item[1]

                if (dict_val != test_val):
                  logging.warn('Key "%s" already in dictionary with ' % \
                          (str(dict_val)) + 'different value (old value ' + \
                          'will be over written with "%s")' % (str(test_val)))

                if (test_tag.find(this_tag) < 0):  # This tag is new
                  this_tag = test_tag+'/'+this_tag  # Tag for this entry
                  this_tag = test_tag

              this_val = (dict_val, this_tag)
              self.__setitem__(dict_key,this_val)  # Insert key itself

              vals = line_list[1].lower() # Get values in this line in a string

            elif (len(line_list) == 1):  # Line contains only values - - - - -

              vals = line_list[0].lower() # Get values in this line in a string

            # Porcess all values right of ':' in this line

            val_list = vals.split(',')  # Split values into a list

            for val in val_list:  # Loop over all values  - - - - - - - - - - -

              val_strip = val.strip()

              if (val_strip != ''):  # Only append non-empty values
                key_list = val_strip.split(' ')  # Make a list of key words
                if (len(key_list) >  self.max_key_length):
                  self.max_key_length = len(key_list) # Update maximal key len

                dict_key = tuple(key_list)
                this_tag = tag

                if (self.__contains__(dict_key)):
                  test_item = self.__getitem__(dict_key)
                  test_val = test_item[0]  # Value without tag
                  test_tag = test_item[1]

                  if (dict_val != test_val):
                    logging.warn('Key "%s" already in dictionary with ' % \
                          (str(dict_val)) + 'different value (old value ' + \
                          'will be over written with "%s")' % (str(test_val)))

                  if (test_tag.find(this_tag) < 0):  # This tag is new
                    this_tag = test_tag+'/'+this_tag  # Tag for this entry
                    this_tag = test_tag

                this_val = (dict_val, this_tag)

    self.length = self.__len__()  # Get number of elements in the look-up table

    # A log message - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    #'Loaded tag look-up table "%s"' % (self.description))'  From files:         %s' % (str(self.file_names)))'  Number of entries:  %i' % (self.length))'  Maximal key length: %i' % (self.max_key_length))