Esempio n. 1
 def set_coe(self, coe, units = None, rv = True):
     if units != None:
         from unit_conversions import converter
         coe[2] = converter(coe[2], units, 'Radians')
         coe[3] = converter(coe[3], units, 'Radians')
         coe[4] = converter(coe[4], units, 'Radians')
         coe[5] = converter(coe[5], units, 'Radians')
     #  reset coe
     self.sma  = coe[0]
     self.e    = coe[1]
     self.i    = coe[2]
     self.RAAN = coe[3]
     self.AOP  = coe[4]
     self.f    = coe[5]
     self.coe  = [self.sma, self.e, self.i, self.RAAN, \
                  self.AOP, self.f]
     #  reset r, v
     if rv:
         from auxiliary import coe2rv
         self.r, self.v = coe2rv(self.coe, self.Mu)
     #  recalculate additional useful orbital parameters
     #+ E: eccentricy anomaly
     #+ M: mean anomaly
     #+ T: orbital period
     #+ n: mean motion
     from auxiliary import f2E, E2M, orbitalperiod
     from math import pi
     self.E = f2E(self.e, self.f)
     self.M = E2M(self.e, self.E)
     self.T = orbitalperiod(self.Mu, self.sma)
     self.n = 2.0*pi / self.T
Esempio n. 2
 def flow(self, delta_time, SaveFlow = False):
     if self.eom == 'keplerian':
         from kepler import kepler
         from auxiliary import E2f, E2M, coe2rv
         #  create a list of the necessary orbital parameters
         #+ for ephemeris() and order them in the default order
         ephemeris_list = [self.e, self.n, self.E]
         ephemeris_list = kepler(ephemeris_list, delta_time)
         #  update other relevant orbital parameters
         self.epoch += delta_time
         self.E = ephemeris_list[2]
         self.f = E2f(self.e, self.E)
         self.M = E2M(self.e, self.E)
         #  update coe list
         self.coe[5] = self.f
         #  update the r, v vectors
         self.r, self.v = coe2rv(self.coe, self.Mu)
     elif self.eom == 'P2B':
         from utilities import rv2ic
         from flow import P2B
         ic = rv2ic(self.r[0:2], self.v[0:2], self.Mu, STM = False)
         flow = P2B(ic, [0, delta_time])
         self.epoch += delta_time
         self.r[0:2] = flow['y'][-1][0:2]
         self.v[0:2] = flow['y'][-1][2:4]
     elif self.eom == 'P2B_varEqns':
         from utilities import rv2ic
         from flow import P2B
         ic = rv2ic(self.r[0:2], self.v[0:2], self.Mu, STM = True)
         flow = P2B(ic, [0, delta_time], eom = 'P2BP_varEqns')
         self.epoch += delta_time
         self.r[0:2] = flow['y'][-1][0:2]
         self.v[0:2] = flow['y'][-1][2:4]
         self.STM = flow['y'][-1][5:]
     elif self.eom == 'S2B':
         from utilities import rv2ic
         from flow import S2B
         ic = rv2ic(self.r, self.v, self.Mu, STM = False)
         flow = S2B(ic, [0, delta_time])
         self.epoch += delta_time
         self.r = flow['y'][-1][0:3]
         self.v = flow['y'][-1][3:6]
     elif self.eom == 'S2B_varEqns':
         from utilities import rv2ic
         from flow import S2B
         ic = rv2ic(self.r, self.v, self.Mu, STM = True)
         flow = S2B(ic, [0, delta_time], tstep = delta_time/1E3, \
                    eom = 'S2BP_varEqns')
         self.epoch += delta_time
         self.r = flow['y'][-1][0:3]
         self.v = flow['y'][-1][3:6]
         self.STM = flow['y'][-1][6:]
     #  save the r, v and t history when not using 'keplerian'
     if self.eom != 'keplerian':
         n = len(self.r)
         from utilities import extract_elements
         extract_elements(flow['y'], 0, n - 1, self.r_history)
         extract_elements(flow['y'], n, 2*n - 1, self.v_history)
         self.t_history = flow['x']
         if SaveFlow: self.theflow = flow
Esempio n. 3
 def set_AOP(self, AOP, units = None):
     if units != None:
         from unit_conversions import converter
         AOP = converter(AOP, units, 'Radians')
     self.AOP = AOP
     #  reset AOP in coe list
     self.coe[4] = AOP
     #  reset the r and v vectors
     from auxiliary import coe2rv
     self.r, self.v = coe2rv(self.coe, self.Mu)
Esempio n. 4
 def set_RAAN(self, RAAN, units = None):
     if units != None:
         from unit_conversions import converter
         RAAN = converter(RAAN, units, 'Radians')
     self.RAAN = RAAN
     #  reset RAAN in coe list
     self.coe[3] = RAAN
     #  reset the r and v vectors
     from auxiliary import coe2rv
     self.r, self.v = coe2rv(self.coe, self.Mu)
Esempio n. 5
 def set_i(self, i, units = None):
     if units != None:
         from unit_conversions import converter
         i = converter(i, units, 'Radians')
     self.i = i
     #  reset i in coe list
     self.coe[2] = i
     #  reset the r and v vectors
     from auxiliary import coe2rv
     self.r, self.v = coe2rv(self.coe, self.Mu)
Esempio n. 6
 def set_e(self, e):
     self.e = e
     #  reset e in coe list
     self.coe[1] = e
     #  reset the r and v vectors
     from auxiliary import coe2rv
     self.r, self.v = coe2rv(self.coe, self.Mu)
     #  reset
     #+ E: eccentricy anomaly
     #+ M: mean anomaly
     from auxiliary import f2E, E2M
     self.E = f2E(self.e, self.f)
     self.M = E2M(self.e, self.E)
Esempio n. 7
 def set_sma(self, sma):
     self.sma = sma
     #  reset sma in coe list
     self.coe[0] = sma
     #  reset the r and v vectors
     from auxiliary import coe2rv
     self.r, self.v = coe2rv(self.coe, self.Mu)
     #  reset the orbital period
     from auxiliary import orbitalperiod
     self.T = orbitalperiod(self.Mu, self.sma)
     #  reset the mean motion
     from math import pi
     self.n = 2.0*pi / self.T
Esempio n. 8
 def set_f(self, f, units = None):
     if units != None:
         from unit_conversions import converter
         f = converter(f, units, 'Radians')
     self.f = f
     #  reset f in coe list
     self.coe[5] = f
     #  reset the r and v vectors
     from auxiliary import coe2rv
     self.r, self.v = coe2rv(self.coe, self.Mu)
     #  reset
     #+ E: eccentricy anomaly
     #+ M: mean anomaly
     from auxiliary import f2E, E2M
     self.E = f2E(self.e, self.f)
     self.M = E2M(self.e, self.E)
Esempio n. 9
 def set_parameters(self, body, altitude = 400.0):
     import solarsystem_objects_parameters as ss
     #  setup parameters for the requested body if available
     #  first see if the user is requesting the 'Earth' or
     #+ if the body is not on the given list, then default
     #+ to the 'Earth'
     if body == 'earth' or body not in ss.list: = 'earth'
         #  default classical orbital elements is
         #+ earth about sun
         self.sma    =['SemiMajor']
         self.e      =['Eccentricity']
         self.i      =['Inclination']
         self.RAAN   = 0.0
         self.AOP    = 0.0
         self.f      = 0.0
         #  epoch (Julian Date), default January 3rd 2014
         #+ which is roughly when the Earth is at periapsis
         self.epoch = 2456660.500000 * 86400.0
         #  mass and mu of the body
         self.mass =['Mass']   =['Mu']
         #  radius of body
         self.radius =['Radius']
         #  set the gravitational constant of 'self'
         #+ central body
         self.Mu = ss.sun['Mu']
     if body == 'sun': = 'sun'
         #  default classical orbital elements is
         #+ earth about sun
         self.sma    = 0.0
         self.e      = 0.0
         self.i      = 0.0
         self.RAAN   = 0.0
         self.AOP    = 0.0
         self.f      = 0.0
         #  epoch (Julian Date), default January 3rd 2014
         #+ which is roughly when the Earth is at periapsis
         self.epoch = 2456660.500000 * 86400.0
         #  mass and mu of the body
         self.mass = ss.sun['Mass']   = ss.sun['Mu']
         #  radius of body
         self.radius = ss.sun['Radius']
         #  set the gravitational constant of 'self'
         #+ central body
         self.Mu = ss.sun['Mu']
     if body == 'moon': = 'moon'
         #  default classical orbital elements is
         #+ earth about sun
         self.sma    = ss.moon['SemiMajor']
         self.e      = ss.moon['Eccentricity']
         self.i      = ss.moon['Inclination']
         self.RAAN   = 0.0
         self.AOP    = 0.0
         self.f      = 0.0
         #  epoch (Julian Date), default January 3rd 2014
         #+ which is roughly when the Earth is at periapsis
         self.epoch = 2456660.500000 * 86400.0
         #  mass and mu of the body
         self.mass = ss.moon['Mass']   = ss.moon['Mu']
         #  radius of body
         self.radius = ss.moon['Radius']
         #  set the gravitational constant of 'self'
         #+ central body
         self.Mu =['Mu']
     if body == 'mars': = 'mars'
         #  default classical orbital elements is
         #+ earth about sun
         self.sma    = ss.mars['SemiMajor']
         self.e      = ss.mars['Eccentricity']
         self.i      = ss.mars['Inclination']
         self.RAAN   = 0.0
         self.AOP    = 0.0
         self.f      = 0.0
         #  epoch (Julian Date), default January 3rd 2014
         #+ which is roughly when the Earth is at periapsis
         self.epoch = 2456660.500000 * 86400.0
         #  mass and mu of the body
         self.mass = ss.mars['Mass']   = ss.mars['Mu']
         #  radius of body
         self.radius = ss.mars['Radius']
         #  set the gravitational constant of 'self'
         #+ central body
         self.Mu = ss.sun['Mu']
     if body == 'LEO': = 'leo_spacecraft'
         #  default classical orbital elements is
         #+ spacecraft about earth
         from math import pi
         self.sma    =['Radius'] + altitude
         self.e      = 0.0
         self.i      = 28.5 * pi / 180.0
         self.RAAN   = 0.0
         self.AOP    = 0.0
         self.f      = 0.0
         #  epoch (Julian Date), default January 3rd 2014
         #+ which is roughly when the Earth is at periapsis
         self.epoch = 2456660.500000 * 86400.0
         #  mass and mu of the body
         self.mass = 1000.0   = 0.0
         #  set the gravitational constant of 'self'
         #+ central body
         self.Mu =['Mu']
     #  place the classical orbital elements into an array
     self.coe = [self.sma, self.e, self.i, self.RAAN, \
                 self.AOP, self.f]
     #  calculate the r, v vectors for 'self'
     #+ based on the classical orbital elements 'coe'
     from auxiliary import coe2rv
     self.r, self.v = coe2rv(self.coe, self.Mu)
     #  calculate additional useful orbital parameters
     #+ E: eccentricy anomaly
     #+ M: mean anomaly
     #+ T: orbital period
     #+ n: mean motion
     from auxiliary import f2E, E2M, orbitalperiod
     from math import pi
     self.E = f2E(self.e, self.f)
     self.M = E2M(self.e, self.E)
     self.T = orbitalperiod(self.Mu, self.sma)
     self.n = 2.0*pi / self.T