Esempio n. 1
print("AVATAR: Transferring state from target to emulator")
transfer_mem_to_emulator(avatar, 0x20000000, 0x00001000)
print("AVATAR: Memory transfer complete")
print("AVATAR: Register transfer complete")

print("AVATAR: Continuing emulation")

print("AVATAR: Completed firmware analysis")

print("Press enter to begin exploit generation")

keyboard = input ()

avatar.stop ()

print("EXPLOIT: Beginning automatic exploit generation")

# This section is run in two threads, since concurrency is important
# A thread is used to manage the target device, and another is used to 
# generate and send an exploit to the device.
# Lots of sleeps needed to be inserted since we are dealing with slow hardware

def device_thread ():
    print("EXPLOIT: Resetting device...")
    cmd = OpenocdTarget(hwmon.get_telnet_jigsock())
    time.sleep (3)
    cmd.halt ()
    # Remove the old breakpoint, and set a new one at the "ret" instruction
    # of the vulnerable function