Esempio n. 1
def extract_time_grid(model, nlp, formulation, init_options, V_init, ntp_dict):
    tf_guess = V_init['theta', 't_f']

    # extract time grid
    tgrid_xd = nlp.time_grids['x'](tf_guess)
    if 'coll' in list(nlp.time_grids.keys()):
        tgrid_coll = nlp.time_grids['coll'](tf_guess)

    d = nlp.d
    n_k = nlp.n_k

    for k in range(n_k + 1):

        t = tgrid_xd[k]

        ret = guess_values_at_time(t, init_options, model, formulation,
                                   tf_guess, ntp_dict)

        for name in struct_op.subkeys(model.variables, 'xd'):
            V_init['xd', k, name] = ret[name]

        if nlp.discretization == 'direct_collocation' and (k < n_k):
            for j in range(d):
                t = tgrid_coll[k, j]

                ret = guess_values_at_time(t, init_options, model, formulation,
                                           tf_guess, ntp_dict)

                for name in struct_op.subkeys(model.variables, 'xd'):
                    V_init['coll_var', k, j, 'xd', name] = ret[name]

    return V_init
Esempio n. 2
def get_control_frequency(nlp_options, model, V, outputs):

    if 'control_freq' not in list(outputs.keys()):
        outputs['control_freq'] = {}

    nk = nlp_options['n_k']

    for delta in struct_op.subkeys(model.variables, 'u'):
        if ('delta' in delta) and (not 'ddelta' in delta):
            variable = V['u', 0, delta]

            for dim in range(variable.shape[0]):
                control_freq = vect_op.estimate_1d_frequency(
                    cas.vertcat(*V['u', :, delta, dim]),
                    dt=V['theta', 't_f'] / nk)
                outputs['control_freq'][delta + '_' + str(dim)] = control_freq

    for delta in struct_op.subkeys(model.variables, 'xd'):
        if ('delta' in delta) and (not 'ddelta' in delta):
            variable = V['xd', 0, delta]

            for dim in range(variable.shape[0]):
                control_freq = vect_op.estimate_1d_frequency(
                    cas.vertcat(*V['xd', :, delta, dim]),
                    dt=V['theta', 't_f'] / nk)
                outputs['control_freq'][delta + '_' + str(dim)] = control_freq

    return outputs
Esempio n. 3
def initialize_bound_update_counter(model, schedule, formulation):
    bound_update_counter = {}

    for name in list(model.parameters_dict['phi'].keys()):
        bound_update_counter[name] = 0

    for name in struct_op.subkeys(model.variables, 'theta'):
        bound_update_counter[name] = 0

    for name in struct_op.subkeys(model.variables, 'u'):
        if 'fict' in name:
            bound_update_counter[name] = 0

    if 'ddl_t' in list(model.variables_dict['u'].keys()):
        bound_update_counter['ddl_t'] = 0
    elif 'dddl_t' in list(model.variables_dict['u'].keys()):
        bound_update_counter['dddl_t'] = 0

    if 'dl_t' in list(schedule['bounds'].keys()):
        bound_update_counter['dl_t'] = 0

    if 'l_t' in list(schedule['bounds'].keys()):
        bound_update_counter['l_t'] = 0

    return bound_update_counter
Esempio n. 4
def define_bound_update_schedule(model, nlp, formulation):

    bound_schedule = create_empty_bound_update_schedule(
        model, nlp, formulation)

    for name in list(model.parameters_dict['phi'].keys()):
        bound_schedule[name][1] = ['lb', 'phi', 'final']
        bound_schedule[name][2] = ['ub', 'phi', 'final']

    for name in struct_op.subkeys(model.variables, 'theta'):
        bound_schedule[name][1] = ['lb', 'theta', 'final']
        bound_schedule[name][2] = ['ub', 'theta', 'final']

    for name in struct_op.subkeys(model.variables, 'u'):
        if 'fict' in name:
            bound_schedule[name][1] = ['lb', 'u', 'final']
            bound_schedule[name][2] = ['ub', 'u', 'final']

    if 'ddl_t' in list(model.variables_dict['u'].keys()):
        bound_schedule['ddl_t'][1] = ['lb', 'u', 'final']
        bound_schedule['ddl_t'][2] = ['ub', 'u', 'final']
    elif 'dddl_t' in list(model.variables_dict['u'].keys()):
        bound_schedule['dddl_t'][1] = ['lb', 'u', 'final']
        bound_schedule['dddl_t'][2] = ['ub', 'u', 'final']
    if 'dl_t' in list(bound_schedule.keys()):
        bound_schedule['dl_t'][1] = ['lb', 'xd', 'final']
        bound_schedule['dl_t'][2] = ['ub', 'xd', 'final']
    if 'l_t' in list(bound_schedule.keys()):
        bound_schedule['l_t'][1] = ['lb', 'xd', 'final']
        bound_schedule['l_t'][2] = ['ub', 'xd', 'final']

    return bound_schedule
Esempio n. 5
def find_ddq_regularisation(nlp_numerics_options, V, P, xdot, outputs):
    nk = nlp_numerics_options['n_k']
    direct_collocation, multiple_shooting, d, scheme, int_weights = extract_discretization_info(

    ddq_regularisation = 0.

    for kdx in range(nk):

        if multiple_shooting:

            for name in set(struct_op.subkeys(outputs, 'xddot_from_var')):
                ddq_regularisation += cas.mtimes(xdot['xd', kdx, name[1:]].T,
                                                 xdot['xd', kdx, name[1:]])

        elif direct_collocation:

            for jdx in range(d):
                for name in set(struct_op.subkeys(outputs, 'xddot_from_var')):
                    if 'ddq' in name:
                        ddq_regularisation += int_weights[jdx] * cas.mtimes(
                            xdot['coll_xd', kdx, jdx, name[1:]].T,
                            xdot['coll_xd', kdx, jdx, name[1:]])

    return ddq_regularisation
Esempio n. 6
def create_empty_bound_update_schedule(model, nlp, formulation):
    bound_schedule = {}

    for name in list(model.parameters_dict['phi'].keys()):
        bound_schedule[name] = {}

    for name in struct_op.subkeys(model.variables, 'theta'):
        bound_schedule[name] = {}

    if 'ddl_t' in list(model.variables_dict['u'].keys()):
        bound_schedule['ddl_t'] = {}
    elif 'dddl_t' in list(model.variables_dict['u'].keys()):
        bound_schedule['dddl_t'] = {}
    elif 'dv_sq' in list(model.variables_dict['u'].keys()):
        bound_schedule['dv_sq'] = {}
    # check if phase fix
    if nlp.V['theta', 't_f'].shape[0] > 1:
        bound_schedule['dl_t'] = {}
        bound_schedule['l_t'] = {}

    for name in struct_op.subkeys(model.variables, 'u'):
        if 'fict' in name:
            bound_schedule[name] = {}

    return bound_schedule
Esempio n. 7
def initial_guess_actuator_xd(init_options, nlp, formulation, model, V_init):
    level_siblings = model.architecture.get_all_level_siblings()

    time_final = init_options['precompute']['time_final']
    omega_norm = init_options['precompute']['angular_speed']

    tgrid_coll = nlp.time_grids['coll'](time_final)

    dict = {}
    dict['a'] = cas.DM(init_options['xd']['a'])
    dict['asin'] = cas.DM(0.)
    dict['acos'] = cas.DM(0.)
    dict['ct'] = 4. * dict['a'] * (1. - dict['a'])
    dict['bar_varrho'] = cas.DM(1.)

    var_type = 'xd'
    for name in struct_op.subkeys(model.variables, var_type):
        name_stripped, _ = struct_op.split_name_and_node_identifier(name)

        if 'psi' in name_stripped:
            V_init = set_azimuth_variables(V_init, init_options, name, model, nlp, tgrid_coll, level_siblings, omega_norm)

        elif name_stripped in dict.keys():
            V_init = tools_init.insert_dict(dict, var_type, name, name_stripped, V_init)

    return V_init
Esempio n. 8
def find_nominal_landing_cost(V, P, variables, nlp_options):
    pos_weight = nlp_options['landing']['cost']['position_weight']
    vel_weight = nlp_options['landing']['cost']['velocity_weight']

    q_end = {}
    dq_end = {}
    for name in struct_op.subkeys(variables, 'xd'):
        if name[0] == 'q':
            q_end[name] = V['xd', -1, name]
        elif name[:2] == 'dq':
            dq_end[name] = V['xd', -1, name]

    velocity_end = 0.0
    position_end = 0.0
    for position in list(q_end.keys()):
        position_end += cas.mtimes(q_end[position].T, q_end[position])
    position_end *= 1. / len(list(q_end.keys()))

    for velocity in list(dq_end.keys()):
        velocity_end += cas.mtimes(dq_end[velocity].T, dq_end[velocity])
    velocity_end *= 1. / len(list(dq_end.keys()))

    nominal_landing_cost = P['cost', 'nominal_landing'] * (
        vel_weight * velocity_end + pos_weight * position_end)

    return nominal_landing_cost
Esempio n. 9
def set_nontime_system_parameters(init_options, model, V_init):
    for name in set(struct_op.subkeys(model.variables, 'theta')) - set(['t_f'
        if name in list(init_options['theta'].keys()):
            V_init['theta', name] = init_options['theta'][name]
        elif name[:3] == 'l_c':
            layer = int(name[3:])
            kites = model.architecture.kites_map[layer]
            q_first = V_init['xd', 0, 'q{}{}'.format(
                kites[0], model.architecture.parent_map[kites[0]])]
            q_second = V_init['xd', 0, 'q{}{}'.format(
                kites[1], model.architecture.parent_map[kites[1]])]
            V_init['theta', name] = np.linalg.norm(q_first - q_second)
            if init_options['cross_tether_attachment'] == 'wing_tip':
                V_init['theta', name] += -init_options['sys_params_num'][
        elif name[:6] == 'diam_c':
            V_init['theta', name] = init_options['theta']['diam_c']
        elif name[:7] == 'k_gear':
            V_init['theta', name] = 1
            raise ValueError("please specify an initial value for variable '" +
                             name + "' of type 'theta'")

    return V_init
Esempio n. 10
def scale_xddot(variables):

    time_scaled_variables = variables(
    for name in struct_op.subkeys(variables, 'xddot'):
        time_scaled_variables['xddot',name] = variables['xddot',name]/variables['theta','t_f']

    return time_scaled_variables
Esempio n. 11
def get_regularization_weights(variables, P, nlp_options):

    sorting_dict = get_regularization_sorting_dict()

    weights = variables(P['p', 'weights'])

    for var_type in set(variables.keys()):
        category = sorting_dict[var_type]['category']
        exceptions = sorting_dict[var_type]['exceptions']

        for var_name in set(struct_op.subkeys(variables, var_type)):
            name, _ = struct_op.split_name_and_node_identifier(var_name)

            if (not name in exceptions.keys()) and (not category == None):
                shortened_cat_name = category[:-5]
                normalization = nlp_options['cost']['normalization'][
                factor = P['cost', shortened_cat_name]
                        var_name] = weights[var_type,
                                            var_name] * factor / normalization

            elif (name
                  in exceptions.keys()) and (not exceptions[name] == None):
                shortened_cat_name = exceptions[name][:-5]
                normalization = nlp_options['cost']['normalization'][
                factor = P['cost', shortened_cat_name]
                        var_name] = weights[var_type,
                                            var_name] * factor / normalization

    return weights
Esempio n. 12
def time_derivative(expr, variables, architecture):

    # notice that the the chain rule
    # df/dt = partial f/partial t
    #       + (partial f/partial x1)(partial x1/partial t)
    #       + (partial f/partial x2)(partial x2/partial t)...
    # doesn't care about the scaling of the component functions, as long as
    # the units of (partial xi) will cancel

    # it is here assumed that (partial f/partial t) = 0.

    vars_scaled = variables['scaled']
    deriv = 0.

    # (partial f/partial xi) for variables with trivial derivatives
    deriv_vars = struct_op.subkeys(vars_scaled, 'xddot')
    for deriv_name in deriv_vars:

        deriv_type = struct_op.get_variable_type(variables['SI'], deriv_name)

        var_name = deriv_name[1:]
        var_type = struct_op.get_variable_type(variables['SI'], var_name)

        q_sym = vars_scaled[var_type, var_name]
        dq_sym = vars_scaled[deriv_type, deriv_name]
        deriv += cas.mtimes(cas.jacobian(expr, q_sym), dq_sym)

    # (partial f/partial xi) for kite rotation matrices
    kite_nodes = architecture.kite_nodes
    for kite in kite_nodes:
        parent = architecture.parent_map[kite]

        r_name = 'r{}{}'.format(kite, parent)
        kite_has_6dof = r_name in struct_op.subkeys(vars_scaled, 'xd')
        if kite_has_6dof:
            r_kite = vars_scaled['xd', r_name]
            dcm_kite = cas.reshape(r_kite, (3, 3))

            omega = vars_scaled['xd', 'omega{}{}'.format(kite, parent)]

            dexpr_dr = cas.jacobian(expr, r_kite)
            dr_dt = cas.reshape(
                cas.mtimes(vect_op.skew(omega), cas.inv(dcm_kite.T)), (9, 1))
            deriv += cas.mtimes(dexpr_dr, dr_dt)

    return deriv
Esempio n. 13
def initialize_cost_update_counter(P):

    cost_update_counter = {}
    for name in struct_op.subkeys(P, 'cost'):

        cost_update_counter[name] = -1

    return cost_update_counter
Esempio n. 14
def plot_algebraic_vars(V, model):
    counter = 0
    for state in struct_op.subkeys(model.variables, 'xa'):
        counter += 1
        plt.subplot(2, 2, counter)
        for state_dim in range(V['xa', 0, 0, state].shape[0]):
            plt.plot(cas.vertcat(*np.array(V['xa', :, :, state, state_dim])))

    plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.3, hspace=0.6)
Esempio n. 15
def guess_values_at_time(t, init_options, model):
    ret = {}
    for name in struct_op.subkeys(model.variables, 'xd'):
        ret[name] = 0.0
    ret['e'] = 0.0

    ret['l_t'] = init_options['xd']['l_t']
    ret['dl_t'] = 0.0

    number_of_nodes = model.architecture.number_of_nodes
    parent_map = model.architecture.parent_map
    kite_nodes = model.architecture.kite_nodes

    kite_dof = model.kite_dof

    for node in range(1, number_of_nodes):

        parent = parent_map[node]
        if parent == 0:
            parent_position = np.zeros((3, 1))
            grandparent = parent_map[parent]
            parent_position = ret['q' + str(parent) + str(grandparent)]

        if not node in kite_nodes:
            ret['q' + str(node) + str(parent)] = get_tether_node_position(init_options, parent_position, node, ret['l_t'])
            ret['dq' + str(node) + str(parent)] = np.zeros((3, 1))

            height = init_options['precompute']['height']
            radius = init_options['precompute']['radius']

            ehat_normal, ehat_radial, ehat_tangential = tools.get_rotating_reference_frame(t, init_options, model, node, ret)

            tether_vector = ehat_radial * radius + ehat_normal * height

            position = parent_position + tether_vector
            velocity = tools.get_velocity_vector(t, init_options, model, node, ret)
            ret['q' + str(node) + str(parent)] = position
            ret['dq' + str(node) + str(parent)] = velocity

            dcm = tools.get_kite_dcm(t, init_options, model, node, ret)
            if init_options['cross_tether']:
                if init_options['cross_tether_attachment'] in ['com','stick']:
                    dcm = get_cross_tether_dcm(init_options, dcm)
            dcm_column = cas.reshape(dcm, (9, 1))

            omega_vector = tools.get_omega_vector(t, init_options, model, node, ret)

            if int(kite_dof) == 6:
                ret['omega' + str(node) + str(parent)] = omega_vector
                ret['r' + str(node) + str(parent)] = dcm_column

    return ret
Esempio n. 16
def scale_variable(variables, var_si, scaling):

    var_scaled = variables(copy.deepcopy(var_si))

    for variable_type in list(variables.keys()):
        subkeys = struct_op.subkeys(variables, variable_type)
        for name in subkeys:
            local_si = var_scaled[variable_type, name]
            var_scaled[variable_type, name] = struct_op.var_si_to_scaled(variable_type, name, local_si, scaling)

    return var_scaled
Esempio n. 17
def plot_controls(V, model):
    counter = 0
    for state in struct_op.subkeys(model.variables, 'u'):
        counter += 1
        plt.subplot(4, 3, counter)
        for state_dim in range(V['u', 0, state].shape[0]):
            plt.plot(cas.vertcat(*np.array(V['u', :, state, state_dim])))

    plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.3, hspace=0.6)
Esempio n. 18
def define_costs_to_update(P, formulation):

    updates = {}

    initial_updates = {}
    initial_updates[0] = struct_op.subkeys(P, 'cost')

    fictitious_updates = {}
    fictitious_updates[0] = ['gamma', 'fictitious']
    fictitious_updates[1] = []

    tether_updates = {}
    tether_updates[0] = ['tau']
    tether_updates[1] = []

    induction_updates = {}
    induction_updates[0] = ['iota']
    induction_updates[1] = []

    tether_release_updates = {}
    tether_release_updates[0] = []

    power_updates = {}
    power_updates[0] = ['power', 'psi']
    power_updates[1] = ['tracking']

    nominal_landing_updates = {}
    nominal_landing_updates[0] = ['nominal_landing', 'eta']
    nominal_landing_updates[1] = ['tracking']

    transition_updates = {}
    transition_updates[0] = ['transition', 'upsilon']
    transition_updates[1] = ['tracking']

    compromised_landing_updates = {}
    compromised_landing_updates[0] = ['compromised_battery', 'nu']
    compromised_landing_updates[1] = []

    final_updates = {}
    final_updates[0] = []

    updates['initial'] = initial_updates
    updates['fictitious'] = fictitious_updates
    updates['tether'] = tether_updates
    updates['induction'] = induction_updates
    updates['tether_release'] = tether_release_updates
    updates['power'] = power_updates
    updates['transition'] = transition_updates
    updates['nominal_landing'] = nominal_landing_updates
    updates['compromised_landing'] = compromised_landing_updates
    updates['final'] = final_updates

    return updates
Esempio n. 19
    def generate_parameterization_settings(self, options):

            periodic, initial_conditions, param_initial_conditions,
            param_terminal_conditions, terminal_inequalities,
        ] = operation.get_operation_conditions(options)

        xi = cas.struct_symMX([(cas.entry('xi_0'), cas.entry('xi_f'))])
        xi_bounds = {}

        xi_bounds['xi_0'] = [0.0, 0.0]
        xi_bounds['xi_f'] = [0.0, 0.0]

        V_pickle_initial = None
        plot_dict_pickle_initial = None
        V_pickle_terminal = None
        plot_dict_pickle_terminal = None

        if param_initial_conditions:
            xi_bounds['xi_0'] = [0.0, 1.0]
            if options['trajectory']['type'] == 'compromised_landing':
                xi_0 = options['landing']['xi_0_initial']
                xi_bounds['xi_0'] = [xi_0, xi_0]
            V_pickle_initial, plot_dict_pickle_initial = self.__get_V_pickle(
                options, 'initial')

        if param_terminal_conditions:
            xi_bounds['xi_f'] = [0.0, 1.0]
            V_pickle_terminal, plot_dict_pickle_terminal = self.__get_V_pickle(
                options, 'terminal')

        if param_terminal_conditions and param_initial_conditions:
            for theta in struct_op.subkeys(V_pickle_initial, 'theta'):
                diff = V_pickle_terminal['theta',
                                         theta] - V_pickle_initial['theta',
                if theta != 't_f':
                    if (float(diff) != 0.0):
                        raise ValueError(
                            'Parameters of initial and terminal trajectory are not identical.'

        xi_dict = {}
        xi_dict['V_pickle_initial'] = V_pickle_initial
        xi_dict['plot_dict_pickle_initial'] = plot_dict_pickle_initial
        xi_dict['V_pickle_terminal'] = V_pickle_terminal
        xi_dict['plot_dict_pickle_terminal'] = plot_dict_pickle_terminal
        xi_dict['xi'] = xi
        xi_dict['xi_bounds'] = xi_bounds
        self.__xi_dict = xi_dict

        return None
Esempio n. 20
def find_fictitious(nlp_numerics_options, V, P, variables):
    nk = nlp_numerics_options['n_k']

    fictitious = 0.

    for kdx in range(nk):
        for name in set(struct_op.subkeys(variables, 'u')):
            if 'fict' in name:
                difference = V['u', kdx, name] - P['p', 'ref', 'u', kdx, name]
                fictitious += P['p', 'weights', 'u', name][0] * cas.mtimes(
                    difference.T, difference)

    return fictitious
Esempio n. 21
def find_regularisation(nlp_numerics_options, V, P, variables):
    nk = nlp_numerics_options['n_k']

    regularisation = 0.

    for kdx in range(nk):
        for name in set(struct_op.subkeys(variables, 'u')) - set(['ddl_t']):
            if not 'fict' in name:
                difference = V['u', kdx, name] - P['p', 'ref', 'u', kdx, name]
                regularisation += P['p', 'weights', 'u', name][0] * cas.mtimes(
                    difference.T, difference)

    return regularisation
Esempio n. 22
def get_local_tracking_function(variables, P):
    # initialization tracking

    tracking = 0.

    for name in set(struct_op.subkeys(variables, 'xd')) - set('e'):
        difference = variables['xd', name] - P['p', 'ref', name]
        tracking += P['p', 'weights', name][0] * cas.mtimes(
            difference.T, difference)

    for name in set(struct_op.subkeys(variables, 'xa')):
        difference = variables['xa', name] - P['p', 'ref', name]
        tracking += P['p', 'weights', name][0] * cas.mtimes(
            difference.T, difference)

    for name in set(struct_op.subkeys(variables, 'xl')):
        difference = variables['xl', name] - P['p', 'ref', name]
        tracking += P['p', 'weights', name][0] * cas.mtimes(
            difference.T, difference)

    tracking_fun = cas.Function('tracking_fun', [variables, P], [tracking])

    return tracking_fun
Esempio n. 23
def initial_guess_actuator_xl(init_options, nlp, formulation, model, V_init):
    level_siblings = model.architecture.get_all_level_siblings()

    time_final = init_options['precompute']['time_final']
    omega_norm = init_options['precompute']['angular_speed']

    tgrid_coll = nlp.time_grids['coll'](time_final)

    u_hat, v_hat, w_hat = get_local_wind_reference_frame(init_options)
    uzero_matr = cas.horzcat(u_hat, v_hat, w_hat)
    uzero_matr_cols = cas.reshape(uzero_matr, (9, 1))

    n_rot_hat, y_rot_hat, z_rot_hat = tools_init.get_rotor_reference_frame(init_options)
    rot_matr = cas.horzcat(n_rot_hat, y_rot_hat, z_rot_hat)
    rot_matr_cols = cas.reshape(rot_matr, (9, 1))

    dict = {}
    dict['rot_matr'] = rot_matr_cols
    dict['area'] = cas.DM(1.)
    dict['cmy'] = cas.DM(0.)
    dict['cmz'] = cas.DM(0.)
    dict['uzero_matr'] = uzero_matr_cols
    dict['g_vec_length'] = cas.DM(1.)
    dict['n_vec_length'] = cas.DM(1.)
    dict['z_vec_length'] = cas.DM(1.)
    dict['u_vec_length'] = cas.DM(1.)
    dict['varrho'] = cas.DM(1.)
    dict['qzero'] = cas.DM(1.)
    dict['gamma'] = get_gamma_angle(init_options)
    dict['cosgamma'] = np.cos(dict['gamma'])
    dict['singamma'] = np.sin(dict['gamma'])
    dict['chi'] = get_chi_angle(init_options, 'xl')
    dict['coschi'] = np.cos(dict['chi'])
    dict['sinchi'] = np.sin(dict['chi'])
    dict['tanhalfchi'] = np.tan(dict['chi'] / 2.)
    dict['sechalfchi'] = 1. / np.cos(dict['chi'] / 2.)
    dict['LL'] = cas.DM([0.375, 0., 0., 0., -1., 0., 0., -1., 0.])
    dict['corr'] = 1. - init_options['xd']['a']

    var_type = 'xl'
    for name in struct_op.subkeys(model.variables, 'xl'):
        name_stripped, _ = struct_op.split_name_and_node_identifier(name)

        if 'psi' in name_stripped:
            V_init = set_azimuth_variables(V_init, init_options, name, model, nlp, tgrid_coll, level_siblings, omega_norm)

        elif name_stripped in dict.keys():
            V_init = tools_init.insert_dict(dict, var_type, name, name_stripped, V_init)

    return V_init
Esempio n. 24
def get_general_reg_costs_function(variables, V):

    var_sym = cas.SX.sym('var_sym',
    ref_sym = cas.SX.sym('ref_sym',
    weight_sym = cas.SX.sym('weight_sym',

    reg_fun = get_general_regularization_function(variables)
    regs = variables(reg_fun(var_sym, ref_sym, weight_sym))

    sorting_dict = get_regularization_sorting_dict()
    reg_costs_struct = get_costs_struct(V)
    reg_costs = reg_costs_struct(cas.SX.zeros(reg_costs_struct.shape))

    slack_fun = get_local_slack_penalty_function()

    for var_type in set(variables.keys()):
        category = sorting_dict[var_type]['category']
        exceptions = sorting_dict[var_type]['exceptions']

        for var_name in set(struct_op.subkeys(variables, var_type)):
            name, _ = struct_op.split_name_and_node_identifier(var_name)

            if (not name in exceptions.keys()) and (not category == None):
                reg_costs[category] = reg_costs[category] + cas.sum1(
                    regs[var_type, var_name])

            elif (name in exceptions.keys()) and (
                    not exceptions[name] == None) and (not exceptions[name]
                                                       == 'slack'):
                exc_category = exceptions[name]
                reg_costs[exc_category] = reg_costs[exc_category] + cas.sum1(
                    regs[var_type, var_name])

            elif (name in exceptions.keys()) and (exceptions[name] == 'slack'):
                exc_category = exceptions[name]

                for idx in variables.f[var_type, var_name]:
                    var_loc = var_sym[idx]
                    ref_loc = ref_sym[idx]
                    weight_loc = weight_sym[idx]
                    pen_loc = slack_fun(var_loc, ref_loc, weight_loc)

                    reg_costs[exc_category] = reg_costs[exc_category] + pen_loc

    reg_costs_list =
    reg_costs_fun = cas.Function('reg_costs_fun',
                                 [var_sym, ref_sym, weight_sym],

    return reg_costs_fun, reg_costs_struct
Esempio n. 25
def set_p_fix_num(V_ref, nlp, model, options):
    # --------------------
    # parameter values
    # --------------------
    # build reference parameters, references of cost function should match the
    # initial guess'generate OCP parameter values...')
    P = nlp.P
    p_fix_num = P(0.)
    p_fix_num['p', 'weights'] = 1.0e-8

    # weights and references
    for variable_type in set(model.variables.keys()) - set(['xddot']):
        for name in struct_op.subkeys(model.variables, variable_type):
            # set weights
            var_name = struct_op.get_node_variable_name(name)
            if var_name in list(options['weights'].keys()):  # global variable
                p_fix_num['p', 'weights', variable_type, name] = options['weights'][var_name]
                p_fix_num['p', 'weights', variable_type, name] = 1.0
            # set references
            if variable_type == 'u':
                p_fix_num['p', 'ref', variable_type, :, name] = V_ref[variable_type, :, name]
            elif variable_type == 'theta':
                p_fix_num['p', 'ref', variable_type, name] = V_ref[variable_type, name]
            elif variable_type in {'xd','xl','xa'}:
                if variable_type in list(V_ref.keys()):
                    p_fix_num['p', 'ref', variable_type, :, name] = V_ref[variable_type, :, name]
                if 'coll_var' in list(V_ref.keys()):
                    p_fix_num['p', 'ref', 'coll_var', :, :, variable_type, name] = V_ref['coll_var', :, :, variable_type, name]

    # system parameters
    param_options = options['initialization']['sys_params_num']
    for param_type in list(param_options.keys()):
        if isinstance(param_options[param_type],dict):
            for param in list(param_options[param_type].keys()):
                if isinstance(param_options[param_type][param],dict):
                    for subparam in list(param_options[param_type][param].keys()):
                        p_fix_num['theta0',param_type,param,subparam] = param_options[param_type][param][subparam]

                    p_fix_num['theta0',param_type,param] = options['initialization']['sys_params_num'][param_type][param]

            p_fix_num['theta0',param_type] = param_options[param_type]

    return p_fix_num
def collect_guess(interpolation_variables, states, model):

    number_of_nodes = model.architecture.number_of_nodes
    parent_nodes = model.architecture.parent_map

    continuous_guess = {}
    for name in struct_op.subkeys(model.variables, 'xd'):
        continuous_guess[name] = 0.0
    continuous_guess['e'] = 0.0

    for state in list(states.keys()):
        continuous_guess[state] = states[state]

    continuous_guess['l_t'] = interpolation_variables['l_t']
    continuous_guess['dl_t'] = interpolation_variables['dl_t']
    continuous_guess['ddl_t'] = interpolation_variables['ddl_t']

    return continuous_guess
Esempio n. 27
def print_homotopy_values(nlp, solution, p_fix_num):
    V = nlp.V

    # print the phi values:
    awelogger.logger.debug("{0:.<30}:".format('homotopy parameter values'))
    for phi_val in struct_op.subkeys(V, 'phi'):
        awelogger.logger.debug(" {0:>20} = {1:5}".format(
            phi_val, str(V(solution['x'])['phi', phi_val])))

    # print the cost components
    [cost_fun, cost_struct] = nlp.cost_components
    awelogger.logger.debug("{0:.<30}:".format('objective components'))
    for name in list(cost_fun.keys()):
        if 'problem' not in name and 'objective' not in name:
            awelogger.logger.debug(" {0:>20} = {1:5}".format(
                name[0:-9], str(cost_fun[name](V(solution['x']), p_fix_num))))
def __get_states(sstates_functions, model, interpolation_variables, sinterp):
    """Get states from interpolation variables

    :type sstates_functions: dict
    :param sstates_functions: casadi functions mapping interpolation variables to states

    :type model: awebox.model_dir.model
    :param model: system model

    :type interpolation_variables: dict
    :param interpolation_variables: variables defining the interpolation

    :type sinterp: casadi.struct_symSX
    :param sinterp: interpolation variables

    :rtype: dict

    number_of_nodes = model.architecture.number_of_nodes
    parent_nodes = model.architecture.parent_map
    kite_dof = model.kite_dof
    kite_nodes = model.architecture.kite_nodes

    # initialize dict
    states = {}

    # fill sinterp with numerical values
    ninterp = sinterp(0.0)
    for key in list(sinterp.keys()):
        for subkey in struct_op.subkeys(sinterp, key):
            ninterp[key, subkey] = interpolation_variables[subkey]

    for node in range(1, number_of_nodes):
        node_str = str(node) + str(parent_nodes[node])
        states['q' + node_str] = sstates_functions['q' + node_str](ninterp)
        states['dq' + node_str] = sstates_functions['dq' + node_str](ninterp)

        if int(kite_dof) == 6 and node in kite_nodes:
            states['omega' + node_str] = sstates_functions['omega' +
            states['r' + node_str] = sstates_functions['r' + node_str](ninterp)

    return states
Esempio n. 29
def make_periodicity_equality(initial_model_variables, terminal_model_variables, options):

    periodicity_cstr = []
    for name in struct_op.subkeys(initial_model_variables, 'xd'):

        not_unselected_induction_model = variable_does_not_belong_to_unselected_induction_model(name, options)

        if (not name[0] == 'e') and (not name[0] == 'w') and (not name[:2] == 'dw') and (not name[:3] == 'psi') and not_unselected_induction_model:

            initial_value = vect_op.columnize(initial_model_variables['xd', name])
            final_value = vect_op.columnize(terminal_model_variables['xd', name])

            difference = initial_value - final_value

            periodicity_cstr = cas.vertcat(periodicity_cstr, difference)

    periodicity_eq = periodicity_cstr

    return periodicity_eq
Esempio n. 30
def make_periodicity_equality(initial_model_variables,

    periodicity_cstr = []
    for name in set(struct_op.subkeys(initial_model_variables, 'xd')):
        if not name[0] == 'e' and not name[0] == 'w':  # and not name[0] == 'a':

            initial_value = vect_op.columnize(initial_model_variables['xd',
            final_value = vect_op.columnize(terminal_model_variables['xd',

            difference = initial_value - final_value

            periodicity_cstr = cas.vertcat(periodicity_cstr, difference)

    periodicity_eq = periodicity_cstr

    return periodicity_eq