Esempio n. 1
def collect_aero_validity_outputs(options, base_aerodynamic_quantities,

    kite = base_aerodynamic_quantities['kite']
    ua = base_aerodynamic_quantities['air_velocity']
    kite_dcm = base_aerodynamic_quantities['kite_dcm']

    if 'aero_validity' not in list(outputs.keys()):
        outputs['aero_validity'] = {}
    tightness = options['model_bounds']['aero_validity']['scaling']
    airspeed_ref = options['model_bounds']['aero_validity']['airspeed_ref']

    if 'aerodynamics' not in list(outputs.keys()):
        outputs['aerodynamics'] = {}

    ehat1 = kite_dcm[:, 0]  # chordwise, from leading edge to trailing edge
    ehat2 = kite_dcm[:, 1]  # spanwise, from positive edge to negative edge
    ehat3 = kite_dcm[:, 2]  # up

    alpha = get_alpha(ua, kite_dcm)
    beta = get_beta(ua, kite_dcm)

    alpha_min = options['aero']['alpha_min_deg'] * np.pi / 180.0
    alpha_max = options['aero']['alpha_max_deg'] * np.pi / 180.0
    beta_min = options['aero']['beta_min_deg'] * np.pi / 180.0
    beta_max = options['aero']['beta_max_deg'] * np.pi / 180.0

    alpha_ub_unscaled = (cas.mtimes(ua.T, ehat3) -
                         cas.mtimes(ua.T, ehat1) * alpha_max)
    alpha_lb_unscaled = (-cas.mtimes(ua.T, ehat3) +
                         cas.mtimes(ua.T, ehat1) * alpha_min)
    beta_ub_unscaled = (cas.mtimes(ua.T, ehat2) -
                        cas.mtimes(ua.T, ehat1) * beta_max)
    beta_lb_unscaled = (-cas.mtimes(ua.T, ehat2) +
                        cas.mtimes(ua.T, ehat1) * beta_min)

    alpha_ub = alpha_ub_unscaled * tightness / airspeed_ref / vect_op.smooth_abs(
    alpha_lb = alpha_lb_unscaled * tightness / airspeed_ref / vect_op.smooth_abs(
    beta_ub = beta_ub_unscaled * tightness / airspeed_ref / vect_op.smooth_abs(
    beta_lb = beta_lb_unscaled * tightness / airspeed_ref / vect_op.smooth_abs(

    outputs['aero_validity']['alpha_ub' + str(kite)] = alpha_ub
    outputs['aero_validity']['alpha_lb' + str(kite)] = alpha_lb
    outputs['aero_validity']['beta_ub' + str(kite)] = beta_ub
    outputs['aero_validity']['beta_lb' + str(kite)] = beta_lb

    outputs['aerodynamics']['alpha' + str(kite)] = alpha
    outputs['aerodynamics']['beta' + str(kite)] = beta
    outputs['aerodynamics']['alpha_deg' + str(kite)] = alpha * 180. / np.pi
    outputs['aerodynamics']['beta_deg' + str(kite)] = beta * 180. / np.pi

    return outputs
Esempio n. 2
def approximate_tip_radius(model_options, variables, kite, architecture, tip,

    b_ref = parameters['theta0', 'geometry', 'b_ref']
    half_span_proj = b_ref / 2.
    parent = architecture.parent_map[kite]

    radial_vector = get_kite_radial_vector(model_options, kite, variables,
                                           architecture, parameters)

    if int(model_options['kite_dof']) == 6:

        r_column = variables['xd']['r' + str(kite) + str(parent)]
        r = cas.reshape(r_column, (3, 3))
        ehat2 = r[:, 1]  # spanwise, from pe to ne

        ehat2_proj_radial = vect_op.smooth_abs(
            cas.mtimes(radial_vector.T, ehat2))

        half_span_proj = b_ref * ehat2_proj_radial / 2.

    radius = get_kite_radius(model_options, kite, variables, architecture,

    tip_radius = radius
    if ('int' in tip) or (tip == 0):
        tip_radius = tip_radius - half_span_proj
    elif ('ext' in tip) or (tip == 1):
        tip_radius = tip_radius + half_span_proj
        raise Exception('invalid tip designated')

    return tip_radius
Esempio n. 3
def get_axi_new_residual(model_options, variables, parent, parameters, wind):

    a_var = flow.get_a_var(model_options, variables, parent)
    ct_var = coeff.get_ct_var(model_options, variables, parent)

    dbar_varrho_var = geom.get_dbar_varrho_var(variables, parent)
    df_var = flow.get_df_var(variables, parent)
    dct_var = coeff.get_dct_var(variables, parent)
    abs_dvarrho = vect_op.smooth_abs(dbar_varrho_var)

    t_star = geom.get_tstar_ref(parameters, wind)

    c1 = 4.837e-2
    c2 = 5.582e-2
    c3 = 8.730e-2
    c4 = 7.255e-1
    c5 = 1.065
    c6 = 1.404e-1
    c7 = 1.821e-1

    p2 = df_var * t_star * c1 \
         + abs_dvarrho * t_star * c2 \
         + abs_dvarrho * df_var * t_star**2. * c3 \
         + dct_var * t_star * c4 \
         + dct_var * df_var * t_star**2. * c5\
         + dct_var * abs_dvarrho * t_star**2. * c6 \
         + dct_var * abs_dvarrho * df_var * t_star**3. * c7

    resi = (2. * a_var + 1. + 2. * p2) ^ 2 - 1. + ct_var

    return resi
Esempio n. 4
def get_speed(model, u_ref, z_ref, z0_air, exp_ref, zz):

    # approximates the maximum of (zz vs. 0)
    z_cropped = vect_op.smooth_abs(zz, epsilon=z0_air)

    if model == 'log_wind':

        # mathematically: it doesn't make a difference what the base of
        # these logarithms is, as long as they have the same base.
        # but, the values will be smaller in base 10 (since we're describing
        # altitude differences), which makes convergence nicer.
        # u = u_ref * np.log10(zz / z0_air) / np.log10(z_ref / z0_air)
        u = u_ref * np.log10(z_cropped / z0_air) / np.log10(z_ref / z0_air)

    elif model == 'power':
        # u = u_ref * (zz / z_ref) ** exp_ref
        u = u_ref * (z_cropped / z_ref) ** exp_ref

    elif model == 'uniform':
        u = u_ref

        raise ValueError('unsupported atmospheric option chosen: %s', model)

    return u
Esempio n. 5
def get_trajectory_binormal(variables, kite, parent):

    tangent = get_trajectory_tangent(variables, kite, parent)
    normal = get_trajectory_normal(variables, kite, parent)
    binormal = vect_op.smooth_normed_cross(tangent, normal)

    forwards_orientation = binormal[0] / vect_op.smooth_abs(binormal[0])

    forwards_binormal = forwards_orientation * binormal
    return forwards_binormal
Esempio n. 6
def get_beta(ua, r):
    ehat1 = r[:, 0]  # chordwise, from le to te
    ehat2 = r[:, 1]  # spanwise, from pe to ne
    ehat3 = r[:, 2]  # up

    y_component = cas.mtimes(ua.T, ehat2)
    x_component = vect_op.smooth_abs(cas.mtimes(ua.T, ehat1))
    # x component had better be positive

    beta = y_component / x_component

    return beta
Esempio n. 7
def get_beta(ua, r):
    ehat1 = r[:, 0]  # chordwise, from le to te
    ehat2 = r[:, 1]  # spanwise, from pe to ne
    ehat3 = r[:, 2]  # up

    y_component = cas.mtimes(ua.T, ehat2)
    x_component = vect_op.smooth_abs(cas.mtimes(ua.T, ehat1))
    # x component had better be positive

    # the small angle approximation of:
    # beta = cas.arctan(y_component / x_component)
    beta = y_component / x_component

    return beta