def test_log_metric_invalid_unit(capsys, invalid_input, expected):
    # GIVEN invalid units are provided
    # WHEN log_metric is called
    # THEN ValueError exception should be raised

    with pytest.raises(expected):
        log_metric(name="test_metric", namespace="DemoApp", **invalid_input)
def test_log_metric_partially_correct_args(capsys, invalid_input, expected):
    # GIVEN invalid arguments are provided such as empty dimension values and metric units in strings
    # WHEN log_metric is called
    # THEN default values should be used such as "Count" as a unit, invalid dimensions not included
    # and no exception raised
    log_metric(name="test_metric", namespace="DemoApp", **invalid_input)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()

    assert captured.out == expected
def test_log_metric_multiple_dimensions(capsys):
    # GIVEN multiple optional dimensions are provided
    # WHEN log_metric is called
    # THEN dimensions should appear as dimenion=value
        name="test_metric", unit=MetricUnit.Seconds, value=60, customer="abc", charge_id="123", namespace="DemoApp",
    expected = "MONITORING|60|Seconds|test_metric|DemoApp|service=service_undefined,customer=abc,charge_id=123\n"
    captured = capsys.readouterr()

    assert captured.out == expected
def test_log_metric(capsys):
    # GIVEN a service, unit and value have been provided
    # WHEN log_metric is called
    # THEN custom metric line should be match given values
        service="payment", name="test_metric", unit=MetricUnit.Seconds, value=60, namespace="DemoApp",
    expected = "MONITORING|60|Seconds|test_metric|DemoApp|service=payment\n"
    captured = capsys.readouterr()

    assert captured.out == expected
def test_log_metric_env_var(monkeypatch, capsys):
    # GIVEN a service, unit and value have been provided
    # WHEN log_metric is called
    # THEN custom metric line should be match given values
    service_name = "payment"
    monkeypatch.setenv("POWERTOOLS_SERVICE_NAME", service_name)

    log_metric(name="test_metric", unit=MetricUnit.Seconds, value=60, namespace="DemoApp")
    expected = "MONITORING|60|Seconds|test_metric|DemoApp|service=payment\n"
    captured = capsys.readouterr()

    assert captured.out == expected