def aurora(self) -> Aurora: """Aurora property.""" if self._aurora is None: self._aurora = Aurora(session=self) return self._aurora
class Glue: def __init__(self, session: "Session"): self._session: "Session" = session self._client_glue: client = session.boto3_session.client( service_name="glue", config=session.botocore_config) def get_table_athena_types(self, database: str, table: str) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Get all columns names and the related data types :param database: Glue database's name :param table: Glue table's name :return: A dictionary as {"col name": "col dtype"} """ response = self._client_glue.get_table(DatabaseName=database, Name=table) logger.debug(f"get_table response:\n{response}") dtypes: Dict[str, str] = {} for col in response["Table"]["StorageDescriptor"]["Columns"]: dtypes[col["Name"]] = col["Type"] for par in response["Table"]["PartitionKeys"]: dtypes[par["Name"]] = par["Type"] return dtypes def get_table_python_types(self, database: str, table: str) -> Dict[str, Optional[type]]: """ Get all columns names and the related python types :param database: Glue database's name :param table: Glue table's name :return: A dictionary as {"col name": "col python type"} """ dtypes = self.get_table_athena_types(database=database, table=table) return {k: data_types.athena2python(v) for k, v in dtypes.items()} def metadata_to_glue( self, dataframe, path: str, objects_paths, file_format, database=None, table=None, partition_cols=None, preserve_index=True, mode: str = "append", compression=None, cast_columns=None, extra_args: Optional[Dict[str, Optional[Union[str, int]]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, columns_comments: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None) -> None: """ :param dataframe: Pandas Dataframe :param objects_paths: Files paths on S3 :param preserve_index: Should preserve index on S3? :param partition_cols: partitions names :param mode: "append", "overwrite", "overwrite_partitions" :param cast_columns: Dictionary of columns names and Athena/Glue types to be casted. (E.g. {"col name": "bigint", "col2 name": "int"}) (Only for "parquet" file_format) :param database: AWS Glue Database name :param table: AWS Glue table name :param path: AWS S3 path (E.g. s3://bucket-name/folder_name/ :param file_format: "csv" or "parquet" :param compression: None, gzip, snappy, etc :param extra_args: Extra arguments specific for each file formats (E.g. "sep" for CSV) :param description: Table description :param parameters: Key/value pairs to tag the table (Optional[Dict[str, str]]) :param columns_comments: Columns names and the related comments (Optional[Dict[str, str]]) :return: None """ indexes_position = "left" if file_format == "csv" else "right" schema, partition_cols_schema = Glue._build_schema( dataframe=dataframe, partition_cols=partition_cols, preserve_index=preserve_index, indexes_position=indexes_position, cast_columns=cast_columns) table = table if table else Glue.parse_table_name(path) table = Athena.normalize_table_name(name=table) if mode == "overwrite": self.delete_table_if_exists(database=database, table=table) exists = self.does_table_exists(database=database, table=table) if not exists: self.create_table(database=database, table=table, schema=schema, partition_cols_schema=partition_cols_schema, path=path, file_format=file_format, compression=compression, extra_args=extra_args, description=description, parameters=parameters, columns_comments=columns_comments) if partition_cols: partitions_tuples = Glue._parse_partitions_tuples( objects_paths=objects_paths, partition_cols=partition_cols) self.add_partitions(database=database, table=table, partition_paths=partitions_tuples, file_format=file_format, compression=compression, extra_args=extra_args) def delete_table_if_exists(self, table: str = None, database: Optional[str] = None): if database is None and self._session.athena_database is not None: database = self._session.athena_database if database is None: raise InvalidArguments( "You must pass a valid database or have one defined in your Session!" ) try: self._client_glue.delete_table(DatabaseName=database, Name=table) except self._client_glue.exceptions.EntityNotFoundException: pass def does_table_exists(self, database, table): try: self._client_glue.get_table(DatabaseName=database, Name=table) return True except self._client_glue.exceptions.EntityNotFoundException: return False def create_table( self, database, table, schema, path, file_format, compression, partition_cols_schema=None, extra_args=None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, columns_comments: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None) -> None: """ Create Glue table (Catalog) :param database: AWS Glue Database name :param table: AWS Glue table name :param schema: Table schema :param path: AWS S3 path (E.g. s3://bucket-name/folder_name/ :param file_format: "csv" or "parquet" :param compression: None, gzip, snappy, etc :param partition_cols_schema: Partitions schema :param extra_args: Extra arguments specific for each file formats (E.g. "sep" for CSV) :param description: Table description :param parameters: Key/value pairs to tag the table (Optional[Dict[str, str]]) :param columns_comments: Columns names and the related comments (Optional[Dict[str, str]]) :return: None """ if file_format == "parquet": table_input = Glue.parquet_table_definition( table, partition_cols_schema, schema, path, compression) elif file_format == "csv": table_input = Glue.csv_table_definition(table, partition_cols_schema, schema, path, compression, extra_args=extra_args) else: raise UnsupportedFileFormat(file_format) if description is not None: table_input["Description"] = description if parameters is not None: for k, v in parameters.items(): table_input["Parameters"][k] = v if columns_comments is not None: for col in table_input["StorageDescriptor"]["Columns"]: name = col["Name"] if name in columns_comments: col["Comment"] = columns_comments[name] for par in table_input["PartitionKeys"]: name = par["Name"] if name in columns_comments: par["Comment"] = columns_comments[name] self._client_glue.create_table(DatabaseName=database, TableInput=table_input) def add_partitions(self, database, table, partition_paths, file_format, compression, extra_args=None): if not partition_paths: return None partitions = list() for partition in partition_paths: if file_format == "parquet": partition_def = Glue.parquet_partition_definition( partition=partition, compression=compression) elif file_format == "csv": partition_def = Glue.csv_partition_definition( partition=partition, compression=compression, extra_args=extra_args) else: raise UnsupportedFileFormat(file_format) partitions.append(partition_def) pages_num = int(ceil(len(partitions) / 100.0)) for _ in range(pages_num): page = partitions[:100] del partitions[:100] res = self._client_glue.batch_create_partition( DatabaseName=database, TableName=table, PartitionInputList=page) for error in res["Errors"]: if "ErrorDetail" in error: if "ErrorCode" in error["ErrorDetail"]: if error["ErrorDetail"][ "ErrorCode"] != "AlreadyExistsException": raise ApiError(f"{error}") def get_connection_details(self, name): return self._client_glue.get_connection( Name=name, HidePassword=False)["Connection"] @staticmethod def _build_schema(dataframe, partition_cols, preserve_index, indexes_position, cast_columns=None): if cast_columns is None: cast_columns = {} logger.debug(f"dataframe.dtypes:\n{dataframe.dtypes}") if not partition_cols: partition_cols = [] pyarrow_schema = data_types.extract_pyarrow_schema_from_pandas( dataframe=dataframe, preserve_index=preserve_index, indexes_position=indexes_position) schema_built = [] partition_cols_types = {} for name, dtype in pyarrow_schema: if (cast_columns is not None) and (name in cast_columns.keys()): if name in partition_cols: partition_cols_types[name] = cast_columns[name] else: schema_built.append((name, cast_columns[name])) else: try: athena_type = data_types.pyarrow2athena(dtype) except UndetectedType: raise UndetectedType( f"We can't infer the data type from an entire null object column ({name}). " f"Please consider pass the type of this column explicitly using the cast " f"columns argument") except UnsupportedType: raise UnsupportedType( f"Unsupported Pyarrow type for column {name}: {dtype}") if name in partition_cols: partition_cols_types[name] = athena_type else: schema_built.append((name, athena_type)) partition_cols_schema_built = [(name, partition_cols_types[name]) for name in partition_cols] logger.debug(f"schema_built:\n{schema_built}") logger.debug( f"partition_cols_schema_built:\n{partition_cols_schema_built}") return schema_built, partition_cols_schema_built @staticmethod def parse_table_name(path): if path[-1] == "/": path = path[:-1] return path.rpartition("/")[2] @staticmethod def csv_table_definition( table, partition_cols_schema, schema, path, compression, extra_args: Optional[Dict[str, Optional[Union[str, int]]]] = None): if extra_args is None: extra_args = {"sep": ","} if partition_cols_schema is None: partition_cols_schema = [] compressed = False if compression is None else True sep = extra_args["sep"] if "sep" in extra_args else "," sep = "," if sep is None else sep serde = extra_args.get("serde") if serde == "OpenCSVSerDe": serde_fullname = "org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.OpenCSVSerde" param = { "separatorChar": sep, "quoteChar": "\"", "escapeChar": "\\", } refined_par_schema = [(name, "string") for name, dtype in partition_cols_schema] refined_schema = [(name, "string") for name, dtype in schema] elif serde == "LazySimpleSerDe": serde_fullname = "org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe" param = {"field.delim": sep, "escape.delim": "\\"} dtypes_allowed = ["int", "bigint", "float", "double"] refined_par_schema = [(name, dtype) if dtype in dtypes_allowed else (name, "string") for name, dtype in partition_cols_schema] refined_schema = [(name, dtype) if dtype in dtypes_allowed else (name, "string") for name, dtype in schema] else: raise InvalidSerDe(f"{serde} in not in the valid SerDe list.") return { "Name": table, "PartitionKeys": [{ "Name": x[0], "Type": x[1] } for x in refined_par_schema], "TableType": "EXTERNAL_TABLE", "Parameters": { "classification": "csv", "compressionType": str(compression).lower(), "typeOfData": "file", "delimiter": sep, "columnsOrdered": "true", "areColumnsQuoted": "false", }, "StorageDescriptor": { "Columns": [{ "Name": x[0], "Type": x[1] } for x in refined_schema], "Location": path, "InputFormat": "org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat", "OutputFormat": "", "Compressed": compressed, "NumberOfBuckets": -1, "SerdeInfo": { "Parameters": param, "SerializationLibrary": serde_fullname, }, "StoredAsSubDirectories": False, "SortColumns": [], "Parameters": { "classification": "csv", "compressionType": str(compression).lower(), "typeOfData": "file", "delimiter": sep, "columnsOrdered": "true", "areColumnsQuoted": "false", }, }, } @staticmethod def csv_partition_definition(partition, compression, extra_args=None): if extra_args is None: extra_args = {} compressed = False if compression is None else True sep = extra_args["sep"] if "sep" in extra_args else "," sep = "," if sep is None else sep serde = extra_args.get("serde") if serde == "OpenCSVSerDe": serde_fullname = "org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.OpenCSVSerde" param = { "separatorChar": sep, "quoteChar": "\"", "escapeChar": "\\", } elif serde == "LazySimpleSerDe": serde_fullname = "org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe" param = {"field.delim": sep, "escape.delim": "\\"} else: raise InvalidSerDe(f"{serde} in not in the valid SerDe list.") return { "StorageDescriptor": { "InputFormat": "org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat", "Location": partition[0], "Compressed": compressed, "SerdeInfo": { "Parameters": param, "SerializationLibrary": serde_fullname, }, "StoredAsSubDirectories": False, }, "Values": partition[1], } @staticmethod def parquet_table_definition(table, partition_cols_schema, schema, path, compression): if not partition_cols_schema: partition_cols_schema = [] compressed = False if compression is None else True return { "Name": table, "PartitionKeys": [{ "Name": x[0], "Type": x[1] } for x in partition_cols_schema], "TableType": "EXTERNAL_TABLE", "Parameters": { "classification": "parquet", "compressionType": str(compression).lower(), "typeOfData": "file", }, "StorageDescriptor": { "Columns": [{ "Name": x[0], "Type": x[1] } for x in schema], "Location": path, "InputFormat": "", "OutputFormat": "", "Compressed": compressed, "NumberOfBuckets": -1, "SerdeInfo": { "SerializationLibrary": "", "Parameters": { "serialization.format": "1" }, }, "StoredAsSubDirectories": False, "SortColumns": [], "Parameters": { "CrawlerSchemaDeserializerVersion": "1.0", "classification": "parquet", "compressionType": str(compression).lower(), "typeOfData": "file", }, }, } @staticmethod def parquet_partition_definition(partition, compression): compressed = False if compression is None else True return { "StorageDescriptor": { "InputFormat": "org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat", "Location": partition[0], "Compressed": compressed, "SerdeInfo": { "Parameters": { "serialization.format": "1" }, "SerializationLibrary": "", }, "StoredAsSubDirectories": False, }, "Values": partition[1], } @staticmethod def _parse_partitions_tuples(objects_paths, partition_cols): paths = {f"{path.rpartition('/')[0]}/" for path in objects_paths} return [( path, Glue._parse_partition_values(path=path, partition_cols=partition_cols), ) for path in paths] @staticmethod def _parse_partition_values(path, partition_cols): return ["/{col}=(.*?)/", path).group(1) for col in partition_cols ] def get_table_location(self, database: str, table: str): """ Get table's location on Glue catalog :param database: Database name :param table: table name """ res: Dict = self._client_glue.get_table(DatabaseName=database, Name=table) try: return res["Table"]["StorageDescriptor"]["Location"] except KeyError: raise InvalidTable(f"{database}.{table}") def get_databases( self, catalog_id: Optional[str] = None) -> Iterator[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Get an iterator of databases :param catalog_id: The ID of the Data Catalog from which to retrieve Databases. If none is provided, the AWS account ID is used by default. :return: Iterator[Dict[str, Any]] of Databases """ paginator = self._client_glue.get_paginator("get_databases") if catalog_id is None: response_iterator = paginator.paginate() else: response_iterator = paginator.paginate(CatalogId=catalog_id) for page in response_iterator: for db in page["DatabaseList"]: yield db def get_tables( self, catalog_id: Optional[str] = None, database: Optional[str] = None, name_contains: Optional[str] = None, name_prefix: Optional[str] = None, name_suffix: Optional[str] = None) -> Iterator[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Get an iterator of tables :param catalog_id: The ID of the Data Catalog from which to retrieve Databases. If none is provided, the AWS account ID is used by default. :param database: Filter a specific database :param name_contains: Select by a specific string on table name :param name_prefix: Select by a specific prefix on table name :param name_suffix: Select by a specific suffix on table name :return: Iterator[Dict[str, Any]] of Tables """ paginator = self._client_glue.get_paginator("get_tables") args: Dict[str, str] = {} if catalog_id is not None: args["CatalogId"] = catalog_id if (name_prefix is not None) and (name_suffix is not None) and (name_contains is not None): args[ "Expression"] = f"{name_prefix}.*{name_contains}.*{name_suffix}" elif (name_prefix is not None) and (name_suffix is not None): args["Expression"] = f"{name_prefix}.*{name_suffix}" elif name_contains is not None: args["Expression"] = f".*{name_contains}.*" elif name_prefix is not None: args["Expression"] = f"{name_prefix}.*" elif name_suffix is not None: args["Expression"] = f".*{name_suffix}" if database is not None: databases = [database] else: databases = [ x["Name"] for x in self.get_databases(catalog_id=catalog_id) ] for db in databases: args["DatabaseName"] = db response_iterator = paginator.paginate(**args) for page in response_iterator: for tbl in page["TableList"]: yield tbl def tables(self, limit: int = 100, catalog_id: Optional[str] = None, database: Optional[str] = None, search_text: Optional[str] = None, name_contains: Optional[str] = None, name_prefix: Optional[str] = None, name_suffix: Optional[str] = None) -> DataFrame: """ Get a Dataframe with tables filtered by a search term, prefix, suffix. :param limit: Max number of tables :param catalog_id: The ID of the Data Catalog from which to retrieve Databases. If none is provided, the AWS account ID is used by default. :param database: Glue database name :param search_text: Select only tables with the given string in table's properties :param name_contains: Select by a specific string on table name :param name_prefix: Select only tables with the given string in the name prefix :param name_suffix: Select only tables with the given string in the name suffix :return: Pandas Dataframe filled by formatted infos """ if search_text is None: table_iter = self.get_tables(catalog_id=catalog_id, database=database, name_contains=name_contains, name_prefix=name_prefix, name_suffix=name_suffix) tables: List[Dict[str, Any]] = list(islice(table_iter, limit)) else: tables = list( self.search_tables(text=search_text, catalog_id=catalog_id)) if database is not None: tables = [x for x in tables if x["DatabaseName"] == database] if name_contains is not None: tables = [x for x in tables if name_contains in x["Name"]] if name_prefix is not None: tables = [ x for x in tables if x["Name"].startswith(name_prefix) ] if name_suffix is not None: tables = [x for x in tables if x["Name"].endswith(name_suffix)] tables = tables[:limit] df_dict: Dict[str, List] = { "Database": [], "Table": [], "Description": [], "Columns": [], "Partitions": [] } for table in tables: df_dict["Database"].append(table["DatabaseName"]) df_dict["Table"].append(table["Name"]) if "Description" in table: df_dict["Description"].append(table["Description"]) else: df_dict["Description"].append("") df_dict["Columns"].append(", ".join( [x["Name"] for x in table["StorageDescriptor"]["Columns"]])) df_dict["Partitions"].append(", ".join( [x["Name"] for x in table["PartitionKeys"]])) return DataFrame(data=df_dict) def search_tables(self, text: str, catalog_id: Optional[str] = None): """ Get iterator of tables filtered by a search string. :param text: Select only tables with the given string in table's properties. :param catalog_id: The ID of the Data Catalog from which to retrieve Databases. If none is provided, the AWS account ID is used by default. :return: Iterator of tables """ args: Dict[str, Any] = {"SearchText": text} if catalog_id is not None: args["CatalogId"] = catalog_id response = self._client_glue.search_tables(**args) for tbl in response["TableList"]: yield tbl while "NextToken" in response: args["NextToken"] = response["NextToken"] response = self._client_glue.search_tables(**args) for tbl in response["TableList"]: yield tbl def databases(self, limit: int = 100, catalog_id: Optional[str] = None) -> DataFrame: """ Get iterator of databases. :param limit: Max number of tables :param catalog_id: The ID of the Data Catalog from which to retrieve Databases. If none is provided, the AWS account ID is used by default. :return: Pandas Dataframe filled by formatted infos """ database_iter = self.get_databases(catalog_id=catalog_id) dbs = islice(database_iter, limit) df_dict: Dict[str, List] = {"Database": [], "Description": []} for db in dbs: df_dict["Database"].append(db["Name"]) if "Description" in db: df_dict["Description"].append(db["Description"]) else: df_dict["Description"].append("") return DataFrame(data=df_dict) def table(self, database: str, name: str, catalog_id: Optional[str] = None) -> DataFrame: """ Get table details as Pandas Dataframe :param database: Glue database name :param name: Table name :param catalog_id: The ID of the Data Catalog from which to retrieve Databases. If none is provided, the AWS account ID is used by default. :return: Pandas Dataframe filled by formatted infos """ if catalog_id is None: table: Dict[str, Any] = self._client_glue.get_table( DatabaseName=database, Name=name)["Table"] else: table = self._client_glue.get_table(CatalogId=catalog_id, DatabaseName=database, Name=name)["Table"] df_dict: Dict[str, List] = { "Column Name": [], "Type": [], "Partition": [], "Comment": [] } for col in table["StorageDescriptor"]["Columns"]: df_dict["Column Name"].append(col["Name"]) df_dict["Type"].append(col["Type"]) df_dict["Partition"].append(False) if "Comment" in col: df_dict["Comment"].append(col["Comment"]) else: df_dict["Comment"].append("") for col in table["PartitionKeys"]: df_dict["Column Name"].append(col["Name"]) df_dict["Type"].append(col["Type"]) df_dict["Partition"].append(True) if "Comment" in table: df_dict["Comment"].append(table["Comment"]) else: df_dict["Comment"].append("") return DataFrame(data=df_dict) def get_connection(self, name: str, application_name: str = "aws-data-wrangler", connection_timeout: int = 1_200_000, validation_timeout: int = 5) -> Any: """ Generates a valid connection object (PEP 249 compatible) :param name: Glue connection name :param application_name: Application name :param connection_timeout: Connection Timeout :param validation_timeout: Timeout to try to validate the connection :return: PEP 249 compatible connection """ details: Dict[str, Any] = self._session.glue.get_connection_details( name=name)["ConnectionProperties"] engine: str = details["JDBC_CONNECTION_URL"].split(":")[1] host: str = details["JDBC_CONNECTION_URL"].split(":")[2].replace( "/", "") port, database = details["JDBC_CONNECTION_URL"].split(":")[3].split( "/") user: str = details["USERNAME"] password: str = details["PASSWORD"] if engine == "redshift": return Redshift.generate_connection( database=database, host=host, port=int(port), user=user, password=password, application_name=application_name, connection_timeout=connection_timeout, validation_timeout=validation_timeout) else: return Aurora.generate_connection( database=database, host=host, port=int(port), user=user, password=password, engine=engine, application_name=application_name, connection_timeout=connection_timeout, validation_timeout=validation_timeout)
def aurora(self) -> Aurora: if self._aurora is None: self._aurora = Aurora(session=self) return self._aurora