Esempio n. 1
 def test_random_score(self, r, p, s, t):
     """Test score method with random scores using the hypothesis library."""
     game = Game(r, s, t, p)
     self.assertEqual(game.score((C, C)), (r, r))
     self.assertEqual(game.score((D, D)), (p, p))
     self.assertEqual(game.score((C, D)), (s, t))
     self.assertEqual(game.score((D, C)), (t, s))
def play_intent(Rounds, Strategy):
    you = Googliness(name='you')
    strategy = which_strategy(Strategy)

    if strategy == "ERROR":
        return err('play')

    opp = axl.strategies[[ for s in axl.strategies].index(strategy)]()

    global ROUNDS
        ROUNDS = int(Rounds)
    except ValueError or TypeError:
        return err('round')

    if ROUNDS == 0:
        return err('round')

    global PLAYERS
    PLAYERS = []

    for p in PLAYERS:

    for player in PLAYERS:
        player.set_match_attributes(length=ROUNDS, game=Game(), noise=0)

    return Match().talk()
Esempio n. 3
def games(draw, prisoners_dilemma=True, max_value=100):
    A hypothesis decorator to return a random game.

    prisoners_dilemma : bool
        If set not True the R,P,S,T values will be uniformly random. True by
        default which ensures T > R > P > S and 2R > T + S.
    max_value : the maximal payoff value

    if prisoners_dilemma:
        s_upper_bound = max_value - 4  # Ensures there is enough room
        s = draw(integers(max_value=s_upper_bound))

        t_lower_bound = s + 3  # Ensures there is enough room
        t = draw(integers(min_value=t_lower_bound, max_value=max_value))

        r_upper_bound = t - 1
        r_lower_bound = min(max(int((t + s) / 2), s) + 2, r_upper_bound)
        r = draw(integers(min_value=r_lower_bound, max_value=r_upper_bound))

        p_lower_bound = s + 1
        p_upper_bound = r - 1
        p = draw(integers(min_value=p_lower_bound, max_value=p_upper_bound))

        s = draw(integers(max_value=max_value))
        t = draw(integers(max_value=max_value))
        r = draw(integers(max_value=max_value))
        p = draw(integers(max_value=max_value))

    game = Game(r=r, s=s, t=t, p=p)
    return game
 def __init__(self):
     global ROUNDS
     global PLAYERS
     self.result = [] = Game()
     self.turns = ROUNDS
     self.players = list(PLAYERS)
     self._cache = DeterministicCache()
Esempio n. 5
def test_matches_with_different_game():
    for strategy in all_strategies:
        for opponent in (Alternator, Cooperator, Defector):
            game = Game(r=4, s=0, p=2, t=6)
            players = (Player(strategy), opponent())
            match = Match(players, turns=200, game=game)
            assert all(action in (C, D) for interaction in
                       for action in interaction)
Esempio n. 6
 def test_default_scores(self):
     expected_scores = {
         (C, D): (0, 5),
         (D, C): (5, 0),
         (D, D): (1, 1),
         (C, C): (3, 3),
     self.assertEqual(Game().scores, expected_scores)
Esempio n. 7
 def test_random_init(self, r, p, s, t):
     """Test init with random scores using the hypothesis library."""
     expected_scores = {
         (C, D): (s, t),
         (D, C): (t, s),
         (D, D): (p, p),
         (C, C): (r, r),
     game = Game(r, s, t, p)
     self.assertEqual(game.scores, expected_scores)
Esempio n. 8
    def __init__(self, chi=2):
        chi = float(chi)
        (R, P, T, S) = Game().RPTS()

        phi_max = float(P - S) / ((P - S) + chi * (T - P))
        phi = phi_max / 2.

        p1 = 1. - phi * (chi - 1) * float(R - P) / (P - S)
        p2 = 1 - phi * (1 + chi * float(T - P) / (P - S))
        p3 = phi * (chi + float(T - P) / (P - S))
        p4 = 0

        four_vector = (p1, p2, p3, p4)
        super(self.__class__, self).__init__(four_vector)
Esempio n. 9
    def __init__(self,
        players : tuple
            A pair of axelrod.Player objects
        turns : integer
            The number of turns per match
        game : axelrod.Game
            The game object used to score the match
        deterministic_cache : axelrod.DeterministicCache
            A cache of resulting actions for deterministic matches
        noise : float
            The probability that a player's intended action should be flipped
        match_attributes : dict
            Mapping attribute names to values which should be passed to players.
            The default is to use the correct values for turns, game and noise
            but these can be overridden if desired.
        self.result = []
        self.turns = turns
        self._cache_key = (players[0].__class__, players[1].__class__, turns)
        self.noise = noise

        if game is None:
   = Game()
   = game

        if deterministic_cache is None:
            self._cache = DeterministicCache()
            self._cache = deterministic_cache

        if match_attributes is None:
            self.match_attributes = {
                'length': self.turns,
                'noise': self.noise
            self.match_attributes = match_attributes

        self.players = list(players)
Esempio n. 10
    def __init__(self):
        """Initialises the player by picking a random strategy."""

        super(RiskyQLearner, self).__init__()

        # Set this explicitely, since the constructor of super will not pick it up
        # for any subclasses that do not override methods using random calls.
        self.stochastic = True

        self.prev_action = random_choice()
        self.history = []
        self.score = 0
        self.Qs = OrderedDict({'':  OrderedDict(zip(['C', 'D'], [0, 0])) })
        self.Vs = OrderedDict({'': 0})
        self.prev_state = ''
        (R, P, S, T) = Game().RPST()
        self.payoff_matrix = {'C': {'C': R, 'D': S}, 'D': {'C': T, 'D': P}}
Esempio n. 11
    def __init__(self, phi=0., s=None, l=None):
        (R, P, S, T) = Game().RPST()
        if s is None:
            s = 1
        if l is None:
            l = R

        # Check parameters
        s_min = -min((T - l) / (l - S), (l - S) / (T - l))
        if (l < P) or (l > R) or (s > 1) or (s < s_min):
            raise ValueError

        p1 = 1 - phi * (1 - s) * (R - l)
        p2 = 1 - phi * (s * (l - S) + (T - l))
        p3 = phi * ((l - S) + s * (T - l))
        p4 = phi * (1 - s) * (l - P)

        four_vector = [p1, p2, p3, p4]
        MemoryOnePlayer.__init__(self, four_vector)
    def look_ahead(self, opponent, rounds=10):
        """Plays a number of rounds to determine the best strategy."""
        results = []
        game = Game()
        round_robin = RoundRobin(players=[self, opponent],
        strategies = ['C', 'D']

        dummy_history_self = copy.copy(self.history)
        dummy_history_opponent = copy.copy(opponent.history)

        for strategy in strategies:
            self.simulate_match(opponent, strategy, rounds)
            results.append(round_robin.calculate_scores(self, opponent)[0])

            self.history = copy.copy(dummy_history_self)
            opponent.history = copy.copy(dummy_history_opponent)

        return strategies[results.index(max(results))]
Esempio n. 13
 def test_payoff_matrix(self):
     (R, P, S, T) = Game().RPST()
     payoff_matrix = {'C': {'C': R, 'D': S}, 'D': {'C': T, 'D': P}}
     p1 = self.player()
     self.assertEqual(p1.payoff_matrix, payoff_matrix)
Esempio n. 14
 def test_random_RPST(self, r, p, s, t):
     """Test RPST method with random scores using the hypothesis library."""
     game = Game(r, s, t, p)
     self.assertEqual(game.RPST(), (r, p, s, t))
Esempio n. 15
 def test_payoff_matrix(self):
     payoff_matrix = ap.payoff_matrix(self.interactions, Game())
     self.assertEqual(payoff_matrix, self.expected_payoff_matrix)
Esempio n. 16
 def test_wrong_class_equality(self):
     self.assertNotEqual(Game(), "wrong class")
Esempio n. 17
 def test_not_default_equality(self):
     self.assertEqual(Game(1, 2, 3, 4), Game(1, 2, 3, 4))
     self.assertNotEqual(Game(1, 2, 3, 4), Game(1, 2, 3, 5))
     self.assertNotEqual(Game(1, 2, 3, 4), Game())
Esempio n. 18
 def __init__(self):
     (R, P, S, T) = Game().RPST()
     ZeroDeterminantPlayer.__init__(self, phi=1. / 9, s=0.5, l=P)
Esempio n. 19
 def test_four_vector(self):
     player = self.player()
     (R, P, S, T) = Game().RPST()
     p = min(1 - float(T - R) / (R - S), float(R - P) / (T - P))
     expected_dictionary = {(C, C): 1., (C, D): p, (D, C): 1., (D, D): p}
     test_four_vector(self, expected_dictionary)
Esempio n. 20
 def test_default_RPST(self):
     expected_values = (3, 1, 0, 5)
     self.assertEqual(Game().RPST(), expected_values)
Esempio n. 21
 def test_interaction_payoff(self):
     payoff = ap.interaction_payoff(self.interactions[(2, 2)], Game())
     self.assertEqual(payoff, (13, 3))
Esempio n. 22
 def test_four_vector(self):
     (R, P, S, T) = Game().RPST()
     p = min(1 - (T - R) / (R - S), (R - P) / (T - P))
     expected_dictionary = {(C, C): 1., (C, D): p, (D, C): 1., (D, D): p}
     test_four_vector(self, expected_dictionary)
Esempio n. 23
 def __init__(self, phi=0., chi=2.):
     (R, P, S, T) = Game().RPST()
     ZeroDeterminantPlayer.__init__(self, phi=0.25, s=0.5, l=R)
Esempio n. 24
 def setUp(self):
     self.inspector = Player() = Game()
Esempio n. 25
 def test_default_score(self):
     game = Game()
     self.assertEqual(game.score((C, C)), (3, 3))
     self.assertEqual(game.score((D, D)), (1, 1))
     self.assertEqual(game.score((C, D)), (0, 5))
     self.assertEqual(game.score((D, C)), (5, 0))
Esempio n. 26
 def test_payoff_matrix(self):
     (R, P, S, T) = Game().RPST()
     payoff_matrix = {C: {C: R, D: S}, D: {C: T, D: P}}
     player = self.player()
     self.assertEqual(player.payoff_matrix, payoff_matrix)
Esempio n. 27
 def test_default_equality(self):
     self.assertEqual(Game(), Game())
Esempio n. 28
import inspect
from axelrod import Player, Game

(R, P, S, T) = Game().RPST()

class Darwin(Player):
    """ A strategy which accumulates a record (the 'genome') of what the most
        favourable response in the previous round should have been, and naively
        assumes that this will remain the correct response at the same round of
        future trials.

        This 'genome' is preserved between opponents, rounds and repetitions of
        the tournament.  It becomes a characteristic of the type and so a single
        version of this is shared by all instances for each loading of the class.

        As this results in information being preserved between tournaments, this
        is classified as a cheating strategy!

        If no record yet exists, the opponent's response from the previous round
        is returned.

    name = "Darwin"
    memory_depth = float('inf')
    genome = ['C']
    valid_callers = ["play"]    # What functions may invoke our strategy.
    outcomes = { ('C','C') : R,
                 ('C','D') : S,
                 ('D','C') : T,
Esempio n. 29
 def __init__(self, p=None):
     (R, P, S, T) = Game().RPST()
     if not p:
         p = min(1 - float(T - R) / (R - S), float(R - P) / (T - P))
     four_vector = [1, p, 1, p]
     super(self.__class__, self).__init__(four_vector)