Esempio n. 1
def load(fd, mode="safe", errto=None, encoding='utf-8', json=0):
    Load object from unicode text.

    :param fd:
        Input file name of file object opening as TextIO/StringIO.

    :param mode:
        Specifies the method of building python objects for complex values.

        There are values of parameter `mode`:
            * `safe` - use safe object builder
            * `strict` - use unsafe builder with strict name resolution: if there is no registered name
              for building object builder return `undef` object
            * `mixed` - use unsafe object builder with following rule: if there is no registered name
              for building object then use `safe` mode.

    :param errto:
        Name of file for reporting errors

    :param encoding:
        Encoding of input file (default `utf-8`).

    :param json:
        If true then allow JSON encoded parts.

        List of values.
    if type(fd) in (str_type, unicode_type):
        fd =, mode='r', encoding=encoding)

    loader = Loader(fd, mode, errto, json)
    return loader.load()
Esempio n. 2
def load(fd, mode="safe", errto=None, encoding='utf-8', json=0):
    Load object from unicode text.

    :param fd:
        Input file name of file object opening as TextIO/StringIO.

    :param mode:
        Specifies the method of building python objects for complex values.

        There are values of parameter `mode`:
            * `safe` - use safe object builder
            * `strict` - use unsafe builder with strict name resolution: if there is no registered name
              for building object builder return `undef` object
            * `mixed` - use unsafe object builder with following rule: if there is no registered name
              for building object then use `safe` mode.

    :param errto:
        Name of file for reporting errors

    :param encoding:
        Encoding of input file (default `utf-8`).

    :param json:
        If true then allow JSON encoded parts.

        List of values.
    if type(fd) in (str_type, unicode_type):
        fd =, mode='r', encoding=encoding)

    loader = Loader(fd, mode, errto, json)
    return loader.load()
Esempio n. 3
def loads(text, mode="safe", errto=None, json=0):
    Load values from unicode text.

    :param text:
        Unicode text.

    :param mode:
        Specifies the method of building python objects for complex values
        (see .. py:func:`load`)

    :param errto:
        Name of file for reporting errors

    :param json:
        If true then allow JSON encoded parts.

        List of values.
    text = as_unicode(text)
    fd = StringReader(text)

    loader = Loader(fd, mode, errto, json)
    return loader.load()
Esempio n. 4
def loads(text, mode="safe", errto=None, json=0):
    Load values from unicode text.

    :param text:
        Unicode text.

    :param mode:
        Specifies the method of building python objects for complex values
        (see .. py:func:`load`)

    :param errto:
        Name of file for reporting errors

    :param json:
        If true then allow JSON encoded parts.

        List of values.
    text = as_unicode(text)
    fd = StringReader(text)

    loader = Loader(fd, mode, errto, json)
    return loader.load()