Esempio n. 1
    def test_add_get_constraint(self):
        Add- and get constraints.
        # Define the constraints.
        p2p = getP2P(rb_a='1', rb_b='2', pivot_a=(0, 1, 2), pivot_b=(3, 4, 5))
        dof = get6DofSpring2(rb_a='1', rb_b='2')

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Client --> Clerk.
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        for con in (p2p, dof):
            payload = {'constraints': [con._asdict()]}
            # Convert to JSON and back (simulates the wire transmission).
            enc = json.loads(json.dumps(payload))

            # Decode the data.
            dec_con = protocol.ToClerk_AddConstraints_Decode(enc)
            dec_con = dec_con['constraints']
            assert len(dec_con) == 1
            assert dec_con[0] == con

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Clerk --> Client
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        for con in (p2p, dof):
            # Encode source data and simulate wire transmission.
            enc = protocol.FromClerk_GetConstraints_Encode([con])
            enc = json.loads(json.dumps(enc))

            # Decode the data.
            assert len(enc) == 1
            assert aztypes.ConstraintMeta(**enc[0]) == con
Esempio n. 2
    def test_add_get_remove_constraints(self, client_type):
        Create some bodies. Then add/query/remove constraints.

        This test only verifies that the Igor interface works. It does *not*
        verify that the objects are really linked in the actual simulation.
        # Reset the constraint database.
        igor = azrael.igor.Igor()
        assert igor.reset().ok

        # Get the client for this test.
        client = self.clients[client_type]

        # Spawn the two bodies.
        pos_1, pos_2, pos_3 = [-2, 0, 0], [2, 0, 0], [6, 0, 0]
        new_objs = [
            {'templateID': '_templateSphere', 'rbs': {'position': pos_1}},
            {'templateID': '_templateSphere', 'rbs': {'position': pos_2}},
            {'templateID': '_templateSphere', 'rbs': {'position': pos_3}}
        id_1, id_2, id_3 = 1, 2, 3
        assert client.spawn(new_objs) == (True, None, [id_1, id_2, id_3])

        # Define the constraints.
        con_1 = getP2P(rb_a=id_1, rb_b=id_2, pivot_a=pos_2, pivot_b=pos_1)
        con_2 = get6DofSpring2(rb_a=id_2, rb_b=id_3)

        # Verify that no constraints are currently active.
        assert client.getConstraints(None) == (True, None, [])
        assert client.getConstraints([id_1]) == (True, None, [])

        # Add both constraints and verify they are returned correctly.
        assert client.addConstraints([con_1, con_2]) == (True, None, 2)
        ret = client.getConstraints(None)
        assert ret.ok and (sorted( == sorted([con_1, con_2]))

        ret = client.getConstraints([id_2])
        assert ret.ok and (sorted( == sorted([con_1, con_2]))

        assert client.getConstraints([id_1]) == (True, None, [con_1])
        assert client.getConstraints([id_3]) == (True, None, [con_2])

        # Remove the second constraint and verify the remaining constraint is
        # returned correctly.
        assert client.deleteConstraints([con_2]) == (True, None, 1)
        assert client.getConstraints(None) == (True, None, [con_1])
        assert client.getConstraints([id_1]) == (True, None, [con_1])
        assert client.getConstraints([id_2]) == (True, None, [con_1])
        assert client.getConstraints([id_3]) == (True, None, [])
    def test_specify_6DofSpring2_constraint(self):
        Create two objects and linke them with a 6DOF constraint. The
        constraint mimicks a spring-loaded slider that will pull the objects
        # Create physics simulation.
        sim = azrael.bullet_api.PyBulletDynamicsWorld(1)

        # Create identical unit spheres 10 meters apart.
        id_a, id_b = '10', '20'
        pos_a = (-5, 0, 0)
        pos_b = (5, 0, 0)
        obj_a = getRigidBody(position=pos_a,
                             cshapes={'cssphere': getCSSphere()})
        obj_b = getRigidBody(position=pos_b,
                             cshapes={'cssphere': getCSSphere()})

        # Load the objects into the physics engine.
        sim.setRigidBodyData(id_a, obj_a)
        sim.setRigidBodyData(id_b, obj_b)

        # Compile the 6DOF constraint.
        constraints = [get6DofSpring2(rb_a=id_a, rb_b=id_b)]

        # Step the simulation. Nothing must happen because no forces or
        # constraints act upon the objects.
        sim.compute([id_a, id_b], 1.0, 60)
        ret_a = sim.getRigidBodyData(id_a)
        ret_b = sim.getRigidBodyData(id_b)
        assert ret_a.ok and ret_b.ok
        assert np.allclose(, pos_a)
        assert np.allclose(, pos_b)

        # Load the constraints into the physics engine and step the simulation
        # again. This time the objects must move closer together.
        assert sim.setConstraints(constraints).ok

        # Step the simulation --> the objects must move closer together.
        sim.compute([id_a, id_b], 1.0, 60)
        ret_a = sim.getRigidBodyData(id_a)
        ret_b = sim.getRigidBodyData(id_b)
        assert ret_a.ok and ret_b.ok
        assert[0] > pos_a[0]
        assert[0] < pos_b[0]
Esempio n. 4
    def test_specify_6DofSpring2_constraint(self):
        Create two objects and linke them with a 6DOF constraint. The
        constraint mimicks a spring-loaded slider that will pull the objects
        # Create physics simulation.
        sim = azrael.bullet_api.PyBulletDynamicsWorld(1)

        # Create identical unit spheres 10 meters apart.
        id_a, id_b = 10, 20
        pos_a = (-5, 0, 0)
        pos_b = (5, 0, 0)
        obj_a = getRigidBody(position=pos_a, cshapes={'cssphere': getCSSphere()})
        obj_b = getRigidBody(position=pos_b, cshapes={'cssphere': getCSSphere()})

        # Load the objects into the physics engine.
        sim.setRigidBodyData(id_a, obj_a)
        sim.setRigidBodyData(id_b, obj_b)

        # Compile the 6DOF constraint.
        constraints = [get6DofSpring2(rb_a=id_a, rb_b=id_b)]

        # Step the simulation. Nothing must happen because no forces or
        # constraints act upon the objects.
        sim.compute([id_a, id_b], 1.0, 60)
        ret_a = sim.getRigidBodyData(id_a)
        ret_b = sim.getRigidBodyData(id_b)
        assert ret_a.ok and ret_b.ok
        assert np.allclose(, pos_a)
        assert np.allclose(, pos_b)

        # Load the constraints into the physics engine and step the simulation
        # again. This time the objects must move closer together.
        assert sim.setConstraints(constraints).ok

        # Step the simulation --> the objects must move closer together.
        sim.compute([id_a, id_b], 1.0, 60)
        ret_a = sim.getRigidBodyData(id_a)
        ret_b = sim.getRigidBodyData(id_b)
        assert ret_a.ok and ret_b.ok
        assert[0] > pos_a[0]
        assert[0] < pos_b[0]