def body(self): s = self src_cont = s.src_container src_blob = s.src_blob dst_cont = s.dest_container dst_blob = s.dest_blob rg = s.rg _get_connection_string(self) s.cmd('storage container create --name {} --fail-on-exist'.format(src_cont)) s.cmd('storage container create -n {} --fail-on-exist'.format(dst_cont)) s.cmd('storage blob upload -n {} -c {} --type block --upload-from "{}"'.format(src_blob, src_cont, os.path.join(TEST_DIR, 'testfile.rst'))) s.cmd('storage blob exists -n {} -c {}'.format(src_blob, src_cont), checks=BooleanCheck(True)) # test that a blob can be successfully copied src_uri = s.cmd('storage blob url -n {} -c {}'.format(src_blob, src_cont)) copy_status = s.cmd('storage blob copy start -c {0} -n {1} -u {2}'.format( dst_cont, dst_blob, src_uri)) assert copy_status['status'] == 'success' copy_id = copy_status['id'] s.cmd('storage blob show -c {} -n {}'.format(dst_cont, dst_blob), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('name', dst_blob), JMESPathCheck('', copy_id), JMESPathCheck('properties.copy.status', 'success') ])
def body(self): if self.playback: subscription_id = MOCKED_SUBSCRIPTION_ID else: subscription_id = self.cmd( 'account list --query "[?isDefault].id" -o tsv') #use 'network security group' for testing as it is fast to create nsg1 = 'nsg1' nsg1_id = '/subscriptions/{}/resourceGroups/{}/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/{}'.format( subscription_id, self.source_group, nsg1) nsg2 = 'nsg2' nsg2_id = nsg1_id.replace(nsg1, nsg2) self.cmd('network nsg create -g {} --name {}'.format( self.source_group, nsg1)) self.cmd('network nsg create -g {} --name {}'.format( self.source_group, nsg2)) #move self.cmd('resource move --ids {} {} --destination-group {}'.format( nsg1_id, nsg2_id, self.destination_group)) #see they show up at destination self.cmd( 'network nsg show -g {} -n {}'.format(self.destination_group, nsg1), [JMESPathCheck('name', nsg1)]) self.cmd( 'network nsg show -g {} -n {}'.format(self.destination_group, nsg2), [JMESPathCheck('name', nsg2)])
def body(self): nsg_name = 'nsg1' self.cmd( 'network nsg create -n {} -g {}'.format(nsg_name, self.resource_group), None) result = self.cmd( 'network nsg show -n {} -g {}'.format(nsg_name, self.resource_group), None) resource_id = result['id'] #test role assignments on a resource group result = self.cmd( 'role assignment create --assignee {} --role contributor -g {}'. format(self.user, self.resource_group), None) scope = result['properties']['scope'] self.cmd('role assignment list-for-resource-group -g {}'.format( self.resource_group), checks=[ JMESPathCheck( "length([?properties.scope == '{}'])".format(scope), 1) ]) self.cmd( 'role assignment delete -n {} --scope {}'.format( result['name'], result['properties']['scope']), None) self.cmd('role assignment list-for-resource-group -g {}'.format( self.resource_group), checks=[ JMESPathCheck( "length([?properties.scope == '{}'])".format(scope), 0) ]) #test role assignments on a resource result2 = self.cmd( 'role assignment create --assignee {} --role contributor --resource-id {}' .format(self.user, resource_id), None) scope = result2['properties']['scope'] self.cmd('role assignment list-for-scope --scope {}'.format(scope), checks=[ JMESPathCheck( "length([?properties.scope == '{}'])".format(scope), 1) ]) self.cmd( 'role assignment delete -n {} --scope {}'.format( result2['name'], scope), None) self.cmd('role assignment list-for-scope --scope {}'.format(scope), checks=[ JMESPathCheck( "length([?properties.scope == '{}'])".format(scope), 0) ])
def body(self): account = self.account rg = RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME s = self s.cmd('storage account create --type Standard_LRS -l westus -n {} -g {}'.format(account, rg), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('location', 'westus'), JMESPathCheck('', 'Standard_LRS') ]) s.cmd('storage account check-name --name {}'.format(account), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('nameAvailable', False), JMESPathCheck('reason', 'AlreadyExists') ]) s.cmd('storage account delete -g {} -n {}'.format(RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, account)) s.cmd('storage account check-name --name {}'.format(account), checks=JMESPathCheck('nameAvailable', True))
def body(self): s = self scope = '/subscriptions/0b1f6471-1bf0-4dda-aec3-cb9272f09590' role_def_id = 'de139f84-1756-47ae-9be6-808fbbe84772' full_role_def_id = '{}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/{}'.format( scope, role_def_id) s.cmd('role list --scope {}'.format(scope), checks=JMESPathCheck( "length([].contains(id, '{}')) == length(@)".format(scope), True)) s.cmd('role show --scope {} --role-definition-id {}'.format( scope, role_def_id), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('name', role_def_id), JMESPathCheck('properties.roleName', 'Website Contributor'), JMESPathCheck('properties.type', 'BuiltInRole') ]) s.cmd( 'role show-by-id --role-definition-id {}'.format(full_role_def_id), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('name', role_def_id), JMESPathCheck('properties.roleName', 'Website Contributor'), JMESPathCheck('properties.type', 'BuiltInRole') ])
def _acl_body(test): container = test.container service = test.service container_param = test.container_param s = test _get_connection_string(s) s.cmd('storage {} policy list {}'.format(service, container_param), checks=NoneCheck()) s.cmd('storage {} policy create {} --policy test1 --permission l'.format(service, container_param)) s.cmd('storage {} policy create {} --policy test2 --start 2016-01-01T00:00Z'.format(service, container_param)) s.cmd('storage {} policy create {} --policy test3 --expiry 2018-01-01T00:00Z'.format(service, container_param)) s.cmd('storage {} policy create {} --policy test4 --permission rwdl --start 2016-01-01T00:00Z --expiry 2016-05-01T00:00Z'.format(service, container_param)) acl = sorted(ast.literal_eval(json.dumps(s.cmd('storage {} policy list {}'.format(service, container_param))))) assert acl == ['test1', 'test2', 'test3', 'test4'] s.cmd('storage {} policy show {} --policy test1'.format(service, container_param), checks=JMESPathCheck('permission', 'l')) s.cmd('storage {} policy show {} --policy test2'.format(service, container_param), checks=JMESPathCheck('start', '2016-01-01T00:00:00+00:00')) s.cmd('storage {} policy show {} --policy test3'.format(service, container_param), checks=JMESPathCheck('expiry', '2018-01-01T00:00:00+00:00')) s.cmd('storage {} policy show {} --policy test4'.format(service, container_param), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('start', '2016-01-01T00:00:00+00:00'), JMESPathCheck('expiry', '2016-05-01T00:00:00+00:00'), JMESPathCheck('permission', 'rwdl') ]) s.cmd('storage {} policy update {} --policy test1 --permission r'.format(service, container_param)) s.cmd('storage {} policy show {} --policy test1'.format(service, container_param), checks=JMESPathCheck('permission', 'r')) s.cmd('storage {} policy delete {} --policy test1'.format(service, container_param)) acl = sorted(ast.literal_eval(json.dumps(s.cmd('storage {} policy list {}'.format(service, container_param))))) assert acl == ['test2', 'test3', 'test4']
def _storage_file_scenario(self, share): source_file = os.path.join(TEST_DIR, 'testfile.rst') dest_file = os.path.join(TEST_DIR, 'download_test.rst') filename = 'testfile.rst' s = self s.cmd('storage file upload --share-name {} --local-file-name "{}" --name "{}"'.format(share, source_file, filename)) s.cmd('storage file exists --share-name {} -n {}'.format(share, filename), checks=BooleanCheck(True)) if os.path.isfile(dest_file): os.remove(dest_file) s.cmd('storage file download --share-name {} -n {} --local-file-name "{}"'.format(share, filename, dest_file)) if os.path.isfile(dest_file): os.remove(dest_file) else: raise CLIError('\nDownload failed. Test failed!') # test resize command s.cmd('storage file resize --share-name {} --name {} --content-length 1234'.format(share, filename)) s.cmd('storage file show --share-name {} --name {}'.format(share, filename), checks=JMESPathCheck('properties.contentLength', 1234)) # test ability to set and reset metadata s.cmd('storage file metadata update --share-name {} --name {} --metadata a=b;c=d'.format(share, filename)) s.cmd('storage file metadata show --share-name {} -n {}'.format(share, filename), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('a', 'b'), JMESPathCheck('c', 'd') ]) s.cmd('storage file metadata update --share-name {} --name {}'.format(share, filename)) s.cmd('storage file metadata show --share-name {} -n {}'.format(share, filename), checks=NoneCheck()) file_url = 'https://{}{}/{}'.format(STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME, share, filename) s.cmd('storage file url --share-name {} --name {}'.format(share, filename), checks=StringCheck(file_url)) res = [x['name'] for x in s.cmd('storage share contents -n {}'.format(share))['items']] assert filename in res s.cmd('storage file delete --share-name {} --name {}'.format(share, filename)) s.cmd('storage file exists --share-name {} -n {}'.format(share, filename), checks=BooleanCheck(False))
def body(self): s = self rg = self.resource_group s.cmd('resource group create -n {} -l westus --tag a=b;c'.format(rg), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('name', rg), JMESPathCheck('tags', { 'a': 'b', 'c': '' }) ]) s.cmd('resource group exists -n {}'.format(rg), checks=BooleanCheck(True)) s.cmd('resource group show -n {}'.format(rg), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('name', rg), JMESPathCheck('tags', { 'a': 'b', 'c': '' }) ]) s.cmd('resource group list --tag a=b', checks=[ JMESPathCheck('[0].name', rg), JMESPathCheck('[0].tags', { 'a': 'b', 'c': '' }) ]) s.cmd('resource group delete -n {}'.format(rg)) s.cmd('resource group exists -n {}'.format(rg), checks=NoneCheck())
def body(self): s = self tn = s.tag_name s.cmd('tag list --query "[?tagName == \'{}\']"'.format(tn), checks=NoneCheck()) s.cmd('tag create -n {}'.format(tn), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('tagName', tn), JMESPathCheck('values', []), JMESPathCheck('count.value', '0') ]) s.cmd('tag add-value -n {} --value test'.format(tn)) s.cmd('tag add-value -n {} --value test2'.format(tn)) s.cmd('tag list --query "[?tagName == \'{}\']"'.format(tn), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('[].values[].tagValue', [u'test', u'test2']) ]) s.cmd('tag remove-value -n {} --value test'.format(tn)) s.cmd('tag list --query "[?tagName == \'{}\']"'.format(tn), checks=[JMESPathCheck('[].values[].tagValue', [u'test2'])]) s.cmd('tag remove-value -n {} --value test2'.format(tn)) s.cmd('tag list --query "[?tagName == \'{}\']"'.format(tn), checks=[JMESPathCheck('[].values[].tagValue', [])]) s.cmd('tag delete -n {}'.format(tn)) s.cmd('tag list --query "[?tagName == \'{}\']"'.format(self.tag_name), checks=NoneCheck())
def _storage_directory_scenario(self, share): s = self dir = 'testdir01' s.cmd('storage directory create --share-name {} --name {} --fail-on-exist'.format(share, dir), checks=BooleanCheck(True)) s.cmd('storage directory exists --share-name {} -n {}'.format(share, dir), checks=BooleanCheck(True)) s.cmd('storage directory metadata update --share-name {} -n {} --metadata a=b;c=d'.format(share, dir)) s.cmd('storage directory metadata show --share-name {} -n {}'.format(share, dir), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('a', 'b'), JMESPathCheck('c', 'd') ]) s.cmd('storage directory show --share-name {} -n {}'.format(share, dir), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('metadata', {'a': 'b', 'c': 'd'}), JMESPathCheck('name', dir) ]) s.cmd('storage directory metadata update --share-name {} --name {}'.format(share, dir)) s.cmd('storage directory metadata show --share-name {} --name {}'.format(share, dir), checks=NoneCheck()) s._storage_file_in_subdir_scenario(share, dir) s.cmd('storage directory delete --share-name {} --name {} --fail-not-exist'.format(share, dir), checks=BooleanCheck(True)) s.cmd('storage directory exists --share-name {} --name {}'.format(share, dir), checks=BooleanCheck(False)) # verify a directory can be created with metadata and then delete dir = 'testdir02' s.cmd('storage directory create --share-name {} --name {} --fail-on-exist --metadata foo=bar;cat=hat'.format(share, dir), checks=BooleanCheck(True)) s.cmd('storage directory metadata show --share-name {} -n {}'.format(share, dir), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('cat', 'hat'), JMESPathCheck('foo', 'bar') ]) s.cmd('storage directory delete --share-name {} --name {} --fail-not-exist'.format(share, dir), checks=BooleanCheck(True))
def body(self): provider = 'TrendMicro.DeepSecurity' result = self.cmd('resource provider show -n {}'.format(provider), checks=None) if result['registrationState'] == 'Unregistered': self.cmd('resource provider register -n {}'.format(provider), checks=None) self.cmd('resource provider show -n {}'.format(provider), checks=[JMESPathCheck('registrationState', 'Registered')]) self.cmd('resource provider unregister -n {}'.format(provider), checks=None) self.cmd( 'resource provider show -n {}'.format(provider), checks=[JMESPathCheck('registrationState', 'Unregistered')]) else: self.cmd('resource provider unregister -n {}'.format(provider), checks=None) self.cmd( 'resource provider show -n {}'.format(provider), checks=[JMESPathCheck('registrationState', 'Unregistered')]) self.cmd('resource provider register -n {}'.format(provider), checks=None) self.cmd('resource provider show -n {}'.format(provider), checks=[JMESPathCheck('registrationState', 'Registered')])
def body(self): s = self share1 = s.share1 share2 = s.share2 _get_connection_string(self) # TODO: Re-enable testing of SAS tokens after playback issues resolved #sas_token = self.cmd('storage account generate-sas --services f --resource-types sco --permission rwdl --expiry 2100-01-01t00:00z -o list') #self.set_env('AZURE_SAS_TOKEN', sas_token) #self.set_env('AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT', STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME) #self.pop_env('AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING') s.cmd('storage share create --name {} --fail-on-exist'.format(share1), checks=BooleanCheck(True)) s.cmd('storage share create -n {} --fail-on-exist --metadata foo=bar;cat=hat'.format(share2), checks=BooleanCheck(True)) s.cmd('storage share exists -n {}'.format(share1), checks=BooleanCheck(True)) s.cmd('storage share metadata show --name {}'.format(share2), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('cat', 'hat'), JMESPathCheck('foo', 'bar') ]) res = [x['name'] for x in s.cmd('storage share list')['items']] assert share1 in res assert share2 in res # verify metadata can be set, queried, and cleared s.cmd('storage share metadata update --name {} --metadata a=b;c=d'.format(share1)) s.cmd('storage share metadata show -n {}'.format(share1), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('a', 'b'), JMESPathCheck('c', 'd') ]) s.cmd('storage share metadata update -n {}'.format(share1)) s.cmd('storage share metadata show -n {}'.format(share1), checks=NoneCheck()) s.cmd('storage share update --name {} --quota 3'.format(share1)) s.cmd('storage share show --name {}'.format(share1), checks=JMESPathCheck('properties.quota', 3)) self._storage_file_scenario(share1) self._storage_directory_scenario(share1) s.cmd('storage file service-properties show', checks=[ JMESPathCheck('cors', []), JMESPathCheck('hourMetrics.enabled', True), JMESPathCheck('minuteMetrics.enabled', False) ])
def body(self): s = self src_share = s.src_share src_dir = s.src_dir src_file = s.src_file dst_share = s.dest_share dst_dir = s.dest_dir dst_file = s.dest_file rg = s.rg _get_connection_string(self) s.cmd('storage share create --name {} --fail-on-exist'.format(src_share)) s.cmd('storage share create --name {} --fail-on-exist'.format(dst_share)) s.cmd('storage directory create --share-name {} -n {}'.format(src_share, src_dir)) s.cmd('storage directory create --share-name {} -n {}'.format(dst_share, dst_dir)) s.cmd('storage file upload -n {} --share-name {} -d {} --local-file-name "{}"'.format(src_file, src_share, src_dir, os.path.join(TEST_DIR, 'testfile.rst'))) s.cmd('storage file exists -n {} --share-name {} -d {}'.format(src_file, src_share, src_dir), checks=BooleanCheck(True)) # test that a file can be successfully copied to root src_uri = s.cmd('storage file url -n {} -s {} -d {}'.format(src_file, src_share, src_dir)) copy_status = s.cmd('storage file copy start -s {0} -n {1} -u {2}'.format( dst_share, dst_file, src_uri)) assert copy_status['status'] == 'success' copy_id = copy_status['id'] s.cmd('storage file show --share-name {} -n {}'.format(dst_share, dst_file), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('name', dst_file), JMESPathCheck('', copy_id), JMESPathCheck('properties.copy.status', 'success') ]) # test that a file can be successfully copied to a directory copy_status = s.cmd('storage file copy start -s {0} -n {1} -d {3} -u {2}'.format( dst_share, dst_file, src_uri, dst_dir)) assert copy_status['status'] == 'success' copy_id = copy_status['id'] s.cmd('storage file show --share-name {} -n {} -d {}'.format(dst_share, dst_file, dst_dir), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('name', dst_file), JMESPathCheck('', copy_id), JMESPathCheck('properties.copy.status', 'success') ])
def body(self): s = self rg = 'travistestresourcegroup' all_resources = s.cmd('resource list') some_resources = s.cmd('resource list -l centralus') assert len(all_resources) > len(some_resources) s.cmd('resource list -l centralus', checks=JMESPathCheck( "length([?location == 'centralus']) == length(@)", True)) s.cmd( 'resource list --tag displayName=PublicIPAddress', checks=JMESPathCheck( "length([?type == 'Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses']) == length(@)", True)) s.cmd( 'resource list --resource-type Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces', checks=JMESPathCheck( "length([?type == 'Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces']) == length(@)", True)) s.cmd('resource list --name TravisTestResourceGroup', checks=JMESPathCheck( "length([?name == 'TravisTestResourceGroup']) == length(@)", True)) s.cmd('resource list -g yugangw', checks=JMESPathCheck( "length([?resourceGroup == 'yugangw']) == length(@)", True)) all_tagged_displayname = s.cmd('resource list --tag displayName') storage_acc_tagged_displayname = \ s.cmd('resource list --tag displayName=StorageAccount') assert len(all_tagged_displayname) > len( storage_acc_tagged_displayname) s.cmd( 'resource tag -n testserver23456 -g {} --resource-type Microsoft.Sql/servers --tags test=pass' .format(rg)) # check for simple resource with tag s.cmd( 'resource show -n testserver23456 -g {} --resource-type Microsoft.Sql/servers' .format(rg), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('name', 'testserver23456'), JMESPathCheck('location', 'West US'), JMESPathCheck('resourceGroup', rg), JMESPathCheck('tags', {'test': 'pass'}) ]) # check for child resource s.cmd( 'resource show -n testsql23456 -g {} --parent servers/testserver23456 --resource-type Microsoft.Sql/databases' .format(rg), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('name', 'testsql23456'), JMESPathCheck('location', 'West US'), JMESPathCheck('resourceGroup', rg) ]) # Check that commands succeeds regardless of parameter order s.cmd( 'resource show -n testsql23456 -g {} --resource-type Microsoft.Sql/databases --parent servers/testserver23456 ' .format(rg), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('name', 'testsql23456'), JMESPathCheck('location', 'West US'), JMESPathCheck('resourceGroup', rg) ]) # clear tag and verify s.cmd( 'resource tag -n testserver23456 -g {} --resource-type Microsoft.Sql/servers --tags' .format(rg)) s.cmd( 'resource show -n testserver23456 -g {} --resource-type Microsoft.Sql/servers' .format(rg), checks=JMESPathCheck('tags', {}))
def _storage_blob_scenario(self): s = self container = s.container block_blob = 'testblockblob' page_blob = 'testpageblob' append_blob = 'testappendblob' blob = block_blob dest_file = os.path.join(TEST_DIR, 'download-blob.rst') proposed_lease_id = s.proposed_lease_id new_lease_id = s.new_lease_id date = s.cmd('storage blob service-properties show', checks=[ JMESPathCheck('cors', []), JMESPathCheck('hourMetrics.enabled', True), JMESPathCheck('logging.delete', False), JMESPathCheck('minuteMetrics.enabled', False) ]) # test block blob upload s.cmd('storage blob upload -n {} -c {} --type block --upload-from "{}"'.format(block_blob, container, os.path.join(TEST_DIR, 'testfile.rst'))) s.cmd('storage blob exists -n {} -c {}'.format(block_blob, container), checks=BooleanCheck(True)) # test page blob upload s.cmd('storage blob upload -n {} -c {} --type page --upload-from "{}"'.format(page_blob, container, os.path.join(TEST_DIR, 'testpage.rst'))) s.cmd('storage blob exists -n {} -c {}'.format(page_blob, container), checks=BooleanCheck(True)) # test append blob upload s.cmd('storage blob upload -n {} -c {} --type append --upload-from "{}"'.format(append_blob, container, os.path.join(TEST_DIR, 'testfile.rst'))) s.cmd('storage blob upload -n {} -c {} --type append --upload-from "{}"'.format(append_blob, container, os.path.join(TEST_DIR, 'testfile.rst'))) s.cmd('storage blob exists -n {} -c {}'.format(append_blob, container), checks=BooleanCheck(True)) blob_url = 'https://{}{}/{}'.format(STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME, container, blob) s.cmd('storage blob url -n {} -c {}'.format(blob, container), checks=StringCheck(blob_url)) s.cmd('storage blob metadata update -n {} -c {} --metadata a=b;c=d'.format(blob, container)) s.cmd('storage blob metadata show -n {} -c {}'.format(blob, container), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('a', 'b'), JMESPathCheck('c', 'd') ]) s.cmd('storage blob metadata update -n {} -c {}'.format(blob, container)) s.cmd('storage blob metadata show -n {} -c {}'.format(blob, container), checks=NoneCheck()) res = s.cmd('storage blob list --container-name {}'.format(container))['items'] blob_list = [block_blob, append_blob, page_blob] for item in res: assert item['name'] in blob_list s.cmd('storage blob show --container-name {} --name {}'.format(container, block_blob), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('name', block_blob), JMESPathCheck('properties.blobType', 'BlockBlob') ]) s.cmd('storage blob download -n {} -c {} --download-to "{}"'.format(blob, container, dest_file)) if os.path.isfile(dest_file): os.remove(dest_file) else: raise CLIError('Download failed. Test failed!') # test lease operations s.cmd('storage blob lease acquire --lease-duration 60 -n {} -c {} --if-modified-since {} --proposed-lease-id {}'.format(blob, container, date, proposed_lease_id)) s.cmd('storage blob show -n {} -c {}'.format(blob, container), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('', 'fixed'), JMESPathCheck('', 'leased'), JMESPathCheck('', 'locked') ]) s.cmd('storage blob lease change -n {} -c {} --id {} --proposed-lease-id {}'.format(blob, container, proposed_lease_id, new_lease_id)) s.cmd('storage blob lease renew -n {} -c {} --id {}'.format(blob, container, new_lease_id)) s.cmd('storage blob show -n {} -c {}'.format(blob, container), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('', 'fixed'), JMESPathCheck('', 'leased'), JMESPathCheck('', 'locked') ]) s.cmd('storage blob lease break -n {} -c {} --lease-break-period 30'.format(blob, container)) s.cmd('storage blob show -n {} -c {}'.format(blob, container), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('', None), JMESPathCheck('', 'breaking'), JMESPathCheck('', 'locked') ]) s.cmd('storage blob lease release -n {} -c {} --id {}'.format(blob, container, new_lease_id)) s.cmd('storage blob show -n {} -c {}'.format(blob, container), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('', None), JMESPathCheck('', 'available'), JMESPathCheck('', 'unlocked') ]) json_result = s.cmd('storage blob snapshot -c {} -n {}'.format(container, append_blob)) snapshot_dt = json_result['snapshot'] s.cmd('storage blob exists -n {} -c {} --snapshot {}'.format(append_blob, container, snapshot_dt), checks=BooleanCheck(True)) s.cmd('storage blob delete --container-name {} --name {}'.format(container, blob)) s.cmd('storage blob exists -n {} -c {}'.format(blob, container), checks=BooleanCheck(False))
def body(self): s = self rg = self.rg account = self.account s.cmd('storage account check-name --name teststorageomega', checks=JMESPathCheck('nameAvailable', True)) s.cmd('storage account check-name --name {}'.format(account), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('nameAvailable', False), JMESPathCheck('reason', 'AlreadyExists') ]) s.cmd('storage account list -g {} --query "[?name == \'{}\']"'.format(rg, account), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('[0].name', account), JMESPathCheck('[0].location', 'westus'), JMESPathCheck('[0]', 'Standard_LRS'), JMESPathCheck('[0].resourceGroup', rg) ]) s.cmd('storage account show --resource-group {} --name {}'.format(rg, account), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('name', account), JMESPathCheck('location', 'westus'), JMESPathCheck('', 'Standard_LRS'), JMESPathCheck('resourceGroup', rg) ]) s.cmd('storage account show-usage', checks=JMESPathCheck('name.value', 'StorageAccounts')) s.cmd('storage account connection-string -g {} -n {} --use-http'.format(rg, account), checks=[ JMESPathCheck("contains(ConnectionString, 'https')", False), JMESPathCheck("contains(ConnectionString, '{}')".format(account), True) ]) keys_result = s.cmd('storage account keys list -g {} -n {}'.format(rg, account)) key1 = keys_result['keys'][0] key2 = keys_result['keys'][1] assert key1 and key2 keys_result = s.cmd('storage account keys renew -g {} -n {}'.format(rg, account)) renewed_key1 = keys_result['keys'][0] renewed_key2 = keys_result['keys'][1] assert key1 != renewed_key1 assert key2 != renewed_key2 key1 = renewed_key1 keys_result = s.cmd('storage account keys renew -g {} -n {} --key secondary'.format(rg, account)) assert key1 == keys_result['keys'][0] assert key2 != keys_result['keys'][1] s.cmd('storage account update -g {} -n {} --tags foo=bar;cat'.format(rg, account), checks=JMESPathCheck('tags', {'cat':'', 'foo':'bar'})) s.cmd('storage account update -g {} -n {} --tags'.format(rg, account), checks=JMESPathCheck('tags', {})) s.cmd('storage account update -g {} -n {} --type Standard_GRS'.format(rg, account), checks=JMESPathCheck('', 'Standard_GRS'))
def body(self): s = self container = s.container rg = s.rg proposed_lease_id = s.proposed_lease_id new_lease_id = s.new_lease_id date = _get_connection_string(self) # TODO: Re-enable testing of SAS tokens after playback issues resolved #sas_token = self.cmd('storage account generate-sas --services b --resource-types sco --permission rwdl --expiry 2100-01-01t00:00z -o list') #self.set_env('AZURE_SAS_TOKEN', sas_token) #self.set_env('AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT', STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME) #self.pop_env('AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING') s.cmd('storage container create --name {} --fail-on-exist'.format(container), checks=BooleanCheck(True)) s.cmd('storage container exists -n {}'.format(container), checks=BooleanCheck(True)) s.cmd('storage container show -n {}'.format(container), checks=JMESPathCheck('name', container)) res = s.cmd('storage container list')['items'] assert container in [x['name'] for x in res] s.cmd('storage container metadata update -n {} --metadata foo=bar;moo=bak;'.format(container)) s.cmd('storage container metadata show -n {}'.format(container), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('foo', 'bar'), JMESPathCheck('moo', 'bak') ]) s.cmd('storage container metadata update -n {}'.format(container)) # reset metadata s.cmd('storage container metadata show -n {}'.format(container), checks=NoneCheck()) s._storage_blob_scenario() # test lease operations s.cmd('storage container lease acquire --lease-duration 60 -n {} --if-modified-since {} --proposed-lease-id {}'.format(container, date, proposed_lease_id)) s.cmd('storage container show --name {}'.format(container), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('', 'fixed'), JMESPathCheck('', 'leased'), JMESPathCheck('', 'locked') ]) s.cmd('storage container lease change --name {} --id {} --proposed-lease-id {}'.format(container, proposed_lease_id, new_lease_id)) s.cmd('storage container lease renew --name {} --id {}'.format(container, new_lease_id)) s.cmd('storage container show -n {}'.format(container), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('', 'fixed'), JMESPathCheck('', 'leased'), JMESPathCheck('', 'locked') ]) s.cmd('storage container lease break --name {} --lease-break-period 30'.format(container)) s.cmd('storage container show --name {}'.format(container), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('', None), JMESPathCheck('', 'breaking'), JMESPathCheck('', 'locked') ]) s.cmd('storage container lease release -n {} --id {}'.format(container, new_lease_id)) s.cmd('storage container show --name {}'.format(container), checks=[ JMESPathCheck('', None), JMESPathCheck('', 'available'), JMESPathCheck('', 'unlocked') ]) # verify delete operation s.cmd('storage container delete --name {} --fail-not-exist'.format(container), checks=BooleanCheck(True)) s.cmd('storage container exists -n {}'.format(container), checks=BooleanCheck(False))