def getAndDumpHeurPredictions(inputFilePath, outputFilePath=None):
    dictCount = {u"total": 0, u"zeros": 0, u"ones": 0, u"silences": 0}
    with open(inputFilePath) as scFile:
        # delete the previous files if need to dump
        if outputFilePath is not None:
            outputFilePath = u"./test"
        maxScore, maxScoreForFalse = b003heuristics.getMaxScores()
        with open(outputFilePath, "w") as predFile:
        with open(outputFilePath, "a") as predFile:
            # open the score line
            scLn = scFile.readline()
            while scLn:
                # transform string line into score list
                scList = [float(sc) if sc != u"na" else float("-inf") for sc in scLn.replace(u"\n", u"").split(u'\t')]
                # apply the 3-level-voting system score mix
                nbOfbestScTrues, nbOfHighScTrues = getHeurScCount4True(scList, maxScore)
                nbOfbestScFalses, nbOfHighScFalses, nbOfLowScFalses = getHeurScCount4False(scList,
                # make sure there is no high score indicating a problematic SP
                prediction = binaryPredThreeLevelVoting(
                    scoresNonProblmList=[nbOfbestScTrues, nbOfHighScTrues],
                    scoresProblmList=[nbOfbestScFalses, nbOfHighScFalses, nbOfLowScFalses])
                # dump to external file
                writablePred = u'{0}\n'.format(prediction) if prediction is not None else u"na\n"
                if outputFilePath is not None:
                # count everything
                dictCount[u"total"] += 1
                if prediction is None:
                    dictCount[u"silences"] += 1
                elif prediction == 0:
                    dictCount[u"zeros"] += 1
                elif prediction == 1:
                    dictCount[u"ones"] += 1
                # next line
                scLn = scFile.readline()
def getHeurScCount4True(scoreDict, maxScore=None):
    if maxScore is None:
        maxScore, trash = b003heuristics.getMaxScores()
    # if score dict is a list instead of a dict
    if type(scoreDict) is list:
        aDict = {}
        heuristicsList = [u'nb', u'cog', u'len', u'fa', u'ion', u'sw', u'spell', u'url', u'mono', u'tabl',
                          u'punct', u'gibb']
        for heurName, sc in zip(heuristicsList, scoreDict):
            aDict[heurName] = float(sc)
        scoreDict = aDict
    # make sure the silence scores were replaced by -inf not +inf
    for k, v in scoreDict.items():
        if v == float('inf') or v == u'na':
            scoreDict[k] = float('-inf')
    # get nb of scores
    bestHeurSc = [u'nb', u'strBcks']
    highHeurSc = [u'ion', u'punct']
    nbOfbestScTrues = sum([1 for hn in bestHeurSc if scoreDict[hn] >= maxScore[hn]])
    nbOfHighScTrues = sum([1 for hn in highHeurSc if scoreDict[hn] >= maxScore[hn]])
    return nbOfbestScTrues, nbOfHighScTrues
def getHeurScCount4False(scoreDict, maxScoreForFalse=None):
    if maxScoreForFalse is None:
        trash, maxScoreForFalse = b003heuristics.getMaxScores()
    # if score dict is a list instead of a dict
    if type(scoreDict) is list:
        aDict = {}
        heuristicsList = [u'nb', u'cog', u'len', u'fa', u'ion', u'sw', u'spell', u'url', u'mono', u'tabl', u'strBcks',
                          u'punct', u'gibb']
        for heurName, sc in zip(heuristicsList, scoreDict):
            aDict[heurName] = float(sc)
        scoreDict = aDict
    # make sure the silence scores were replaced by +inf not -inf
    for k, v in scoreDict.items():
        if v == float('-inf') or v == u'na':
            scoreDict[k] = float('inf')
    # get best, high, and low score count
    bestHeurSc = [u'len', u'fa', u'mono', u'gibb']
    highHeurSc = [u'nb', u'ion', u'sw', u'spell', u'url', u'mono', u'strBcks', u'punct', u'tabl']
    lowHeurSc = [u'cog']
    # get nb of scores
    nbOfbestScFalses = sum([1 for hn in bestHeurSc if scoreDict[hn] < maxScoreForFalse[hn]])
    nbOfHighScFalses = sum([1 for hn in highHeurSc if scoreDict[hn] < maxScoreForFalse[hn]])
    nbOfLowScFalses = sum([1 for hn in lowHeurSc if scoreDict[hn] < maxScoreForFalse[hn]])
    return nbOfbestScFalses, nbOfHighScFalses, nbOfLowScFalses
def extractVeryNonProblematic(folderPaths=None, maxScore=None, appendToExisting=True):
    """ extracts the SPs that our heuristics show as having no problem in alignement or quality
    Not to be confused with the "flagged" or "not flagged" corpus   """
    if folderPaths is None:
    if maxScore is None:
        maxScore, trash = b003heuristics.getMaxScores()
    trash, maxScoreForFalse = b003heuristics.getMaxScores()
    fileDict = {}
    heurDetectDict = {u'nb': 0, u'len': 0, u'cog': 0, u'fa': 0, u'ion': 0, u'sw': 0, u'spell': 0,
                    u'url': 0, u'mono': 0, u'strBcks': 0, u'punct': 0, u'gibb': 0, u'tabl': 0, u'all': 0, u'total': 0}
    appendToExisting = u'a' if appendToExisting is True else 'w'
    inp = u'/data/rali5/Tmp/alfonsda/workRali/004tradBureau/006appliedHeuristics/'
    # save to "NO PROBLEMATIC" because we are extracting the non-problematic sentence pairs, no matter the flag
    out = u'/data/rali5/Tmp/alfonsda/workRali/004tradBureau/007corpusExtraction/D1/noProblematic/'
    for folder in folderPaths:
        # get the reference path
        refPath = u'{0}{1}/reference.tsv'.format(inp, folder)
        # open the score files
        for heurName in maxScore:
            fileDict[heurName] = open(u'{0}{1}/{2}/score.tsv'.format(inp, folder, heurName))
        with open(refPath) as refFile:
            # open the output files
            with open(u'{0}reference.tsv'.format(out), appendToExisting) as refOutputFile:
                with open(u'{0}extracted.en'.format(out), appendToExisting) as enOutputFile:
                    with open(u'{0}'.format(out), appendToExisting) as frOutputFile:
                        with open(u'{0}scores.tsv'.format(out), appendToExisting) as scOutputFile:
                            # get the lines
                            refLn = refFile.readline()
                            while refLn:
                                allSilence = True
                                refList = refLn.replace(u'\n', u'').split(u'\t')
                                # count total nb of lines
                                heurDetectDict[u'total'] += 1
                                # make a dict to save all the different scores
                                scoreDict = {}
                                # open the score files
                                for heurName, dictFile in fileDict.items():
                                    heurLn = (dictFile.readline()).split(u'\t')
                                    # get the scores
                                    scHeur = float(heurLn[0]) if heurLn[0] != u'na' else float('-inf')
                                    scoreDict[heurName] = float(scHeur)
                                    # count nb of lines each heur detected as not-problematic
                                    if float(scHeur) >= maxScore[heurName]:
                                        heurDetectDict[heurName] += 1
                                # apply the 3-level-voting system score mix
                                nbOfbestScTrues, nbOfHighScTrues = getHeurScCount4True(scoreDict, maxScore)
                                nbOfbestScFalses, nbOfHighScFalses, nbOfLowScFalses = getHeurScCount4False(scoreDict,
                                # make sure there is no high score indicating a problematic SP
                                prediction = binaryPredThreeLevelVoting(
                                    scoresNonProblmList=[nbOfbestScTrues, nbOfHighScTrues],
                                    scoresProblmList=[nbOfbestScFalses, nbOfHighScFalses, nbOfLowScFalses])
                                # if the line scores indicate a not-problematic SP
                                if prediction == 1:
                                    # get the actual sentences
                                    enLn, frLn = getEnAndFrLines(refList[1], refList[0])
                                    # dump to files
                                    # change back the infinity values to NA
                                    for heurName in fileDict.keys():
                                        if scoreDict[heurName] in [float('inf'), float('-inf')]:
                                            scoreDict[heurName] = u'na'
                                    # get the score line
                                    scLine = u'{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\t{4}\t{5}\t{6}\t{7}\t{8}\t{9}\t{10}\t{11}\t{12}\n'.format(
                                        scoreDict[u'nb'], scoreDict[u'len'], scoreDict[u'cog'], scoreDict[u'fa'],
                                        scoreDict[u'ion'], scoreDict[u'sw'], scoreDict[u'spell'], scoreDict[u'url'],
                                        scoreDict[u'mono'], scoreDict[u'strBcks'], scoreDict[u'punct'],
                                        scoreDict[u'gibb'], scoreDict[u'tabl'])
                                    # count nb of lines the mix of heur detected as problematic
                                    heurDetectDict[u'all'] += 1
                                # get the next ref line
                                refLn = refFile.readline()
        # close the score files
        for heurName, heurDict in fileDict.items():
    return None