def step(self, cell_previous, hid_previous, train): ingate =, self.lstmpar.W_hid_to_ingate) + K.reshape(self.lstmpar.b_ingate,[1,self.num_lstm]) forgetgate =, self.lstmpar.W_hid_to_forgetgate) + K.reshape(self.lstmpar.b_forgetgate,[1,self.num_lstm]) cell_input =, self.lstmpar.W_hid_to_cell) + K.reshape(self.lstmpar.b_cell,[1,self.num_lstm]) outgate =, self.lstmpar.W_hid_to_outgate) + K.reshape(self.lstmpar.b_outgate,[1,self.num_lstm]) # Compute peephole connections ingate += cell_previous * K.reshape(self.lstmpar.W_cell_to_ingate,[1,self.num_lstm]) forgetgate += cell_previous * K.reshape(self.lstmpar.W_cell_to_forgetgate,[1,self.num_lstm]) # Apply nonlinearities ingate = K.sigmoid(ingate) forgetgate = K.sigmoid(forgetgate) cell_input = K.tanh(cell_input) # Compute new cell value cell = forgetgate * cell_previous + ingate * cell_input cell_bn =,train=train) outgate += cell_bn * K.reshape(self.lstmpar.W_cell_to_outgate,[1,self.num_lstm]) outgate = K.sigmoid(outgate) # Compute new hidden unit activation if self.use_th: hid = outgate * K.tanh(cell_bn) else: hid = outgate * cell_bn return [cell_bn, hid]
def step(self, input_n, cell_previous, hid_previous, train): input_to_in =, self.lstmpar.W_in_to_ingate) + K.reshape( self.lstmpar.b_ingate, [1, self.num_lstm]) input_to_forget = input_n, self.lstmpar.W_in_to_forgetgate) + K.reshape( self.lstmpar.b_forgetgate, [1, self.num_lstm]) input_to_cell =, self.lstmpar.W_in_to_cell) + K.reshape( self.lstmpar.b_cell, [1, self.num_lstm]) input_to_out =, self.lstmpar.W_in_to_outgate) + K.reshape( self.lstmpar.b_outgate, [1, self.num_lstm]) ingate = input_to_in +, self.lstmpar.W_hid_to_ingate) forgetgate = input_to_forget +, self.lstmpar.W_hid_to_forgetgate) cell_input = input_to_cell +, self.lstmpar.W_hid_to_cell) outgate = input_to_out +, self.lstmpar.W_hid_to_outgate) # Compute peephole connections ingate += cell_previous * K.reshape(self.lstmpar.W_cell_to_ingate, [1, self.num_lstm]) forgetgate += cell_previous * K.reshape( self.lstmpar.W_cell_to_forgetgate, [1, self.num_lstm]) # Apply nonlinearities ingate = K.sigmoid(ingate) forgetgate = K.sigmoid(forgetgate) cell_input = K.tanh(cell_input) # Compute new cell value cell = forgetgate * cell_previous + ingate * cell_input cell_bn =, train=train) outgate += cell_bn * K.reshape(self.lstmpar.W_cell_to_outgate, [1, self.num_lstm]) outgate = K.sigmoid(outgate) # Compute new hidden unit activation hid = outgate * cell_bn return [cell_bn, hid]
def CompileAndUpdate(self, Params): weight = self.options['weight'] fea = T.tensor4(name='input_features', dtype=theano.config.floatX) att = T.tensor4(name='input_att', dtype='float32') LSTM = lstm_simple(fea, att, self.options, Params) LSTMproj = LSTM.set_output() LSTMC = ComputeCode(fea, self.options, Params, LSTMproj) frame, featurepart = LSTMC.set_output() self.params = LSTM.get_Params() steps = self.options['steps'] # for i in range(self.options['batch_size']): AA = K.sigmoid(frame) Code = AA * featurepart #Code = Code / T.sqrt(T.sum(T.sqr(featurepart))) # for par_name, par_value in Params: # Params[par_name] += self.options['l2_decay'] * K.sum(K.mean(K.square(par_value.get_value()), axis=0)) # return Params # Params = Regularize(Params) # opt = optimizer.Adam(self.params, lr=self.options['lrate']) # updates = opt.get_updates(self.params, loss) # train_graph = theano.function([fea, att, pos_fea, pos_att, neg_fea, neg_att], loss, on_unused_input='warn', allow_input_downcast=True) # self.test_graph = theano.function([fea, att, pos_fea, pos_att, neg_fea, neg_att], loss, on_unused_input='warn') my_H_last = Code encoder = theano.function([fea, att], my_H_last, on_unused_input='ignore', allow_input_downcast=True) return fea, att, Code, encoder
def sigmoid(x): """x can be tensor """ return K.sigmoid(x)
def sigmoid(x): return K.sigmoid(x)
def sigmoid( x ): """x can be tensor """ return K.sigmoid( x )
def CompileAndUpdate(self, Params): self.regularizerS = [] # for par_name, par_value in Params: # regularizer = regularizers.WeightRegularizer(l1=0., l2=self.options['l2_decay']) # regularizer.set_param(par_value.get_value()) # self.regularizerS.append(regularizer) weight = self.options['weight'] fea = T.tensor4(name='input_features', dtype=theano.config.floatX) att = T.tensor4(name='input_att', dtype='float32') pos_fea = T.tensor4(name='pos_fea', dtype='float32') pos_att = T.tensor4(name='pos_att', dtype='float32') neg_fea = T.tensor4(name='pos_fea', dtype='float32') neg_att = T.tensor4(name='neg_att', dtype='float32') TT = [fea, att, pos_fea, pos_att, neg_fea, neg_att] LSTM = lstm_simple(fea, att, self.options, Params) LSTMproj = LSTM.set_output() LSTMC = ComputeCode(fea, self.options, Params, LSTMproj) frame, featurepart = LSTMC.set_output() LSTM_pos = lstm_simple(pos_fea, pos_att, self.options, Params) LSTMproj_pos = LSTM_pos.set_output() LSTMC_pos = ComputeCode(pos_fea, self.options, Params, LSTMproj_pos) frame_pos, featurepart_pos = LSTMC_pos.set_output() LSTM_neg = lstm_simple(neg_fea, neg_att, self.options, Params) LSTMproj_neg = LSTM_neg.set_output() LSTMC_neg = ComputeCode(neg_fea, self.options, Params, LSTMproj_neg) frame_neg, featurepart_neg = LSTMC_neg.set_output() self.params = LSTM.get_Params() steps = self.options['steps'] self.loss_1 = self.loss2 = self.loss_3 = 0. loss = 0. # for i in range(self.options['batch_size']): AA = K.sigmoid(frame) BB = K.sigmoid(frame_pos) CC = K.sigmoid(frame_neg) Code = AA * featurepart Code_pos = BB * featurepart_pos Code_neg = CC * featurepart_neg Code_ = (Code >= 0).astype('float32') Code_pos_ = (Code_pos >= 0).astype('float32') Code_neg_ = (Code_neg >= 0).astype('float32') # Code = Code / T.sqrt(T.sum(T.sqr(featurepart))) # Code_pos = Code_pos / T.sqrt(T.sum(T.sqr(Code_pos))) # Code_neg = Code_neg / T.sqrt(T.sum(T.sqr(Code_neg))) self.loss2 = T.max( (0, 2. - T.sqrt(T.sum(T.sqr(Code - Code_neg))) / 32. + T.sqrt(T.sum(T.sqr(Code - Code_pos))) / 32.)) for i in range(32): self.loss_3 += T.max( (0, 2. - T.sqrt(T.sum(T.sqr(Code_[0][i] - Code_neg_[0][i]))) + T.sqrt(T.sum(T.sqr(Code_[0][i] - Code_pos_[0][i]))))) loss = self.loss2 + 0.1 * self.loss_3 for par in Params.values(): loss += K.sum(K.square(par)) * self.options['l2_decay'] / 2. # def Regularize(Params): # for par_name, par_value in Params: # Params[par_name] += self.options['l2_decay'] * K.sum(K.mean(K.square(par_value.get_value()), axis=0)) # return Params # Params = Regularize(Params) # opt = optimizer.Adam(self.params, lr=self.options['lrate']) # updates = opt.get_updates(self.params, loss) # train_graph = theano.function([fea, att, pos_fea, pos_att, neg_fea, neg_att], loss, on_unused_input='warn', allow_input_downcast=True) # self.test_graph = theano.function([fea, att, pos_fea, pos_att, neg_fea, neg_att], loss, on_unused_input='warn') my_H_last = Code encoder = theano.function( [fea, att, pos_fea, pos_att, neg_fea, neg_att], my_H_last, on_unused_input='ignore', allow_input_downcast=True) return loss, fea, att, pos_fea, pos_att, neg_fea, neg_att, Code, encoder