class Document(object): def __init__(self): self._words_and_freq = BagOfWords() #self._vocabulary = BagOfWords() def read_document(self,filename): try: text = open(filename,"r", encoding='utf-8').read() except UnicodeDecodeError: text = open(filename,"r", encoding='latin-1').read() text = text.lower() words = re.split("[^\wäöüÄÖÜß]*",text) # what re module? #self._number_of_words = 0 #take word into bag for word in words: if word != '': self._words_and_freq.add_word(word) def __str__(self): return str(self._words_and_freq) def wordAndFreq(self): return self._words_and_freq.bagofwords()
def __init__(self): self._words_and_freq = BagOfWords()
class Document(object): """ Used both for learning (training) documents and for testing documents. The optional parameter lear has to be set to True, if a classificator should be trained. If it is a test document learn has to be set to False. """ _vocabulary = BagOfWords() def __init__(self, vocabulary): self.__name = "" self.__document_class = None self._words_and_freq = BagOfWords() #dictionaries of word Document._vocabulary = vocabulary def read_document(self,filename, learn=False): """ A document is read. It is assumed that the document is either encoded in utf-8 or in iso-8859... (latin-1). The words of the document are stored in a Bag of Words, i.e. self._words_and_freq = BagOfWords() """ try: text = open(filename,"r", encoding='utf-8').read() except UnicodeDecodeError: text = open(filename,"r", encoding='latin-1').read() text = text.lower() words = re.split("[^\wäöüÄÖÜß]*",text) # what re module? self._number_of_words = 0 #take word into bag for word in words: self._words_and_freq.add_word(word) if learn: Document._vocabulary.add_word(word) def __add__(self,other): """ Overloading the "+" operator. Adding two documents consists in adding the BagOfWords of the Documents """ res = Document(Document._vocabulary) res._words_and_freq = self._words_and_freq + other._words_and_freq # add 2 Bag when learn return res def vocabulary_length(self): """ Returning the length of the vocabulary """ return len(Document._vocabulary) def WordsAndFreq(self): """ Returning the dictionary, containing the words (keys) with their frequency (values) as contained in the BagOfWords attribute of the document""" return self._words_and_freq.BagOfWords() def Words(self): """ Returning the words of the Document object """ d = self._words_and_freq.BagOfWords() return d.keys() def WordFreq(self,word): """ Returning the number of times the word "word" appeared in the document """ bow = self._words_and_freq.BagOfWords() if word in bow: return bow[word] else: return 0 def __and__(self, other): """ Intersection of two documents. A list of words occuring in both documents is returned """ intersection = [] words1 = self.Words() for word in other.Words(): if word in words1: intersection += [word] return intersection
def __init__(self, vocabulary): self.__name = "" self.__document_class = None self._words_and_freq = BagOfWords() #dictionaries of word Document._vocabulary = vocabulary