Esempio n. 1
    def UpdateFactory(self, data):
        length = len(data)
        # withdrawn
        lw, withdrawn, data = defix(data)
        if len(withdrawn) != lw:
            raise Notify(3, 1)
        la, attribute, announced = defix(data)
        if len(attribute) != la:
            raise Notify(3, 1)
        # The RFC check ...
        #if lw + la + 23 > length:
        if 2 + lw + 2 + la + len(announced) != length:
            raise Notify(3, 1)

        routes = []
        while withdrawn:
            nlri = BGPPrefix(AFI.ipv4, withdrawn)
            route = ReceivedRoute(nlri, 'withdraw')
            withdrawn = withdrawn[len(nlri):]

        self.mp_routes = []
        attributes = self.AttributesFactory(attribute)

        while announced:
            nlri = BGPPrefix(AFI.ipv4, announced)
            route = ReceivedRoute(nlri, 'announce')
            # XXX: Should this be a deep copy
            route.attributes = attributes
            announced = announced[len(nlri):]
  'Received route %s' % nlri))

        #print "routes", routes
        #print "attributes", attributes

        if routes:
            return Update(routes)
        return NOP('')
Esempio n. 2
    def _AttributesFactory(self, data):
        if not data:
            return self

        # We do not care if the attribute are transitive or not as we do not redistribute
        flag = Flag(ord(data[0]))
        code = AttributeID(ord(data[1]))

        if flag & Flag.EXTENDED_LENGTH:
            length = unpack('!H', data[2:4])[0]
            offset = 4
            length = ord(data[2])
            offset = 3

        data = data[offset:]

        #		if not length:
        #			return self._AttributesFactory(data[length:])

        # XXX: This code does not make sure that attributes are unique - or does it ?

        if code == AttributeID.ORIGIN:
            logger.parser('parsing origin')
            return self._AttributesFactory(data[length:])

        if code == AttributeID.AS_PATH:
            logger.parser('parsing as_path')
            self.attributes.add(self.__new_ASPath(data[:length], self._asn4))
            if not self._asn4 and self.attributes.has(AttributeID.AS4_PATH):
            return self._AttributesFactory(data[length:])

        if code == AttributeID.AS4_PATH:
            logger.parser('parsing as_path')
            if not self._asn4 and self.attributes.has(AttributeID.AS_PATH):
            return self._AttributesFactory(data[length:])

        if code == AttributeID.NEXT_HOP:
            logger.parser('parsing next-hop')
            self.attributes.add(NextHop(Inet(AFI.ipv4, data[:4])))
            return self._AttributesFactory(data[length:])

        if code == AttributeID.MED:
            logger.parser('parsing med')
            self.attributes.add(MED(unpack('!L', data[:4])[0]))
            return self._AttributesFactory(data[length:])

        if code == AttributeID.LOCAL_PREF:
            logger.parser('parsing local-preference')
            self.attributes.add(LocalPreference(unpack('!L', data[:4])[0]))
            return self._AttributesFactory(data[length:])

        if code == AttributeID.ORIGINATOR_ID:
            logger.parser('parsing originator-id')
            return self._AttributesFactory(data[length:])

        if code == AttributeID.PMSI_TUNNEL:
            logger.parser('parsing pmsi-tunnel')
            return self._AttributesFactory(data[length:])

        if code == AttributeID.ATOMIC_AGGREGATE:
            logger.parser('ignoring atomic-aggregate')
            return self._AttributesFactory(data[length:])

        if code == AttributeID.AGGREGATOR:
            logger.parser('ignoring aggregator')
            return self._AttributesFactory(data[length:])

        if code == AttributeID.AS4_AGGREGATOR:
            logger.parser('ignoring as4_aggregator')
            return self._AttributesFactory(data[length:])

        if code == AttributeID.COMMUNITY:
            logger.parser('parsing communities')
            return self._AttributesFactory(data[length:])

        if code == AttributeID.EXTENDED_COMMUNITY:
            logger.parser('parsing communities')
            return self._AttributesFactory(data[length:])

        if code == AttributeID.MP_UNREACH_NLRI:
            logger.parser('parsing multi-protocol nlri unreacheable')
            next_attributes = data[length:]
            data = data[:length]
            afi, safi = unpack('!HB', data[:3])
            offset = 3
            # See RFC 5549 for better support
            if not afi in (AFI.ipv4, AFI.ipv6, AFI.l2vpn) or (not safi in (
                    SAFI.unicast, SAFI.mpls_vpn, SAFI.rtc, SAFI.evpn)):
                #self.log.out('we only understand IPv4/IPv6 and should never have received this MP_UNREACH_NLRI (%s %s)' % (afi,safi))
                raise Exception(
                    "Unsupported AFI/SAFI received !! not supposed to happen here..."
                return self._AttributesFactory(next_attributes)
            data = data[offset:]
            while data:

                if safi == SAFI.unicast:
                    route = ReceivedRoute(BGPPrefix(afi, data), 'withdraw')
                elif (afi == AFI.ipv4 and safi == SAFI.mpls_vpn):
                    route = ReceivedRoute(
                        VPNLabelledPrefix.unpack(afi, safi, data), 'withdraw')
                elif (afi == AFI.ipv4 and safi == SAFI.rtc):
                    route = ReceivedRoute(
                        RouteTargetConstraint.unpack(afi, safi, data),
                elif (afi == AFI.l2vpn and safi == SAFI.evpn):
                    route = ReceivedRoute(EVPNNLRI.unpack(data), 'withdraw')
                    raise Exception("Unsupported AFI/SAFI combination !!")
                    return self._AttributesFactory(next_attributes)

                data = data[len(route.nlri):]
            return self._AttributesFactory(next_attributes)

        if code == AttributeID.MP_REACH_NLRI:
            logger.parser('parsing multi-protocol nlri reacheable')
            next_attributes = data[length:]
            data = data[:length]
            afi, safi = unpack('!HB', data[:3])
            offset = 3

            if not afi in (AFI.ipv4, AFI.ipv6, AFI.l2vpn) or (not safi in (
                    SAFI.unicast, SAFI.mpls_vpn, SAFI.rtc, SAFI.evpn)):
                #self.log.out('we only understand IPv4/IPv6 and should never have received this MP_REACH_NLRI (%s %s)' % (afi,safi))
                raise Exception(
                    "Unsupported AFI/SAFI received !! not supposed to happen here..."
                return self._AttributesFactory(next_attributes)
            len_nh = ord(data[offset])
            offset += 1
            if afi == AFI.ipv4 and safi in (
                    SAFI.unicast, ) and not len_nh == 4:
                # We are not following RFC 4760 Section 7 (deleting route and possibly tearing down the session)
                #self.log.out('bad IPv4 next-hop length (%d)' % len_nh)
                return self._AttributesFactory(next_attributes)
            if afi == AFI.ipv6 and safi in (
                    SAFI.unicast, ) and not len_nh in (16, 32):
                # We are not following RFC 4760 Section 7 (deleting route and possibly tearing down the session)
                #self.log.out('bad IPv6 next-hop length (%d)' % len_nh)
                return self._AttributesFactory(next_attributes)
            nh = data[offset:offset + len_nh]
            offset += len_nh
            if len_nh == 32:
                # we have a link-local address in the next-hop we ideally need to ignore
                if nh[0] == chr(0xfe): nh = nh[16:]
                elif nh[16] == chr(0xfe):
                    nh = nh[:16]
                    # We are not following RFC 4760 Section 7 (deleting route and possibly tearing down the session)
                    return self._AttributesFactory(next_attributes)
            if len_nh >= 16: nh = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, nh)

                if (safi in (SAFI.mpls_vpn, )):
                    # the next-hop is preceded by an rdtype and a 6-byte RD, we don't care about the RD yet
                    nh = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, nh[8:])
                    nh = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, nh)

            nb_snpa = ord(data[offset])
            offset += 1
            snpas = []
            for _ in range(nb_snpa):
                len_snpa = ord(offset)
                offset += 1
                snpas.append(data[offset:offset + len_snpa])
                offset += len_snpa
            data = data[offset:]
            while data:
                if safi == SAFI.unicast:
                    route = ReceivedRoute(BGPPrefix(afi, data), 'announce')
                elif (afi == AFI.ipv4 and safi == SAFI.mpls_vpn):
                    route = ReceivedRoute(
                        VPNLabelledPrefix.unpack(afi, safi, data), 'announce')
                elif (afi == AFI.ipv4 and safi == SAFI.rtc):
                    route = ReceivedRoute(
                        RouteTargetConstraint.unpack(afi, safi, data),
                elif (afi == AFI.l2vpn and safi == SAFI.evpn):
                    route = ReceivedRoute(EVPNNLRI.unpack(data), 'announce')
                    raise Exception("Unsupported AFI/SAFI combination !!")
                    return self._AttributesFactory(next_attributes)

                data = data[len(route.nlri):]
                route.attributes = self.attributes
            return self._AttributesFactory(next_attributes)

            "ignoring attributes of type %s %s" %
            (str(code), [hex(ord(_)) for _ in data]), 'parsing')
        return self._AttributesFactory(data[length:])