def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self.webSubParser = WebSubParser()
def __init__(self) -> None: """百度搜索解析器""" super().__init__() self.webSubParser = WebSubParser()
class Parser(BaseSpider): def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self.webSubParser = WebSubParser() def parse_web(self, content: str, exclude: list) -> dict: """解析百度网页搜索的页面源代码. Args: content (str): 已经转换为UTF-8编码的百度网页搜索HTML源码. exclude (list): 要屏蔽的控件. Returns: dict: 解析后的结果 """ soup = BeautifulSoup(content, "html.parser") if soup.find("div", id="content_left") is None: return {"results": [], "pages": 0} # 获取搜索结果总数 num = int( str(soup.find("span", class_="nums_text").text).strip( "百度为您找到相关结果约").strip("个").replace(",", "")) # 定义预结果(运算以及相关搜索) pre_results = [] # 预处理新闻 if "news" not in exclude: news = soup.find("div", class_="result-op", tpl="sp_realtime_bigpic5", srcid="19") news_detail = self.webSubParser.parse_news_block(news) # 预处理短视频 if "video" not in exclude: video = soup.find("div", class_="op-short-video-pc") video_results = self.webSubParser.parse_video_block(video) # 预处理运算 if "calc" not in exclude: calc = soup.find("div", class_="op_new_cal_screen") # 预处理相关搜索 if "related" not in exclude: try: _related = soup.find("div", id="rs").find("table").find_all("th") except AttributeError: _related = [] related = [] # 一个一个append相关搜索 for _ in _related: if _.text: related.append(_.text) # 预处理百科 if "baike" not in exclude: baike = soup.find("div", class_="c-container", tpl="bk_polysemy") baike = self.webSubParser.parse_baike_block(baike) # 预处理贴吧 if "tieba" not in exclude: tieba = BeautifulSoup(content, "html.parser").find("div", srcid="10") tieba = self.webSubParser.parse_tieba_block(tieba) # 预处理博客 article_tags = BeautifulSoup(content, "html.parser").findAll("article") if "blog" not in exclude: blog = None for tmp in article_tags: if tmp["class"][-1].startswith("open-source-software-blog"): blog = tmp break blog = self.webSubParser.parse_blog_block(blog) # 预处理码云 if "gitee" not in exclude: gitee = None for tmp in article_tags: if tmp["class"][-1].startswith("osc-gitee"): gitee = tmp break gitee = self.webSubParser.parse_gitee_block(gitee) # 加载贴吧 if "tieba" not in exclude and tieba: pre_results.append(dict(type="tieba", result=tieba)) # 加载博客 if "blog" not in exclude and blog: pre_results.append(dict(type="blog", result=blog)) # 加载码云 if "gitee" not in exclude and gitee: pre_results.append(dict(type="gitee", result=gitee)) # 加载搜索结果总数 if num != 0: pre_results.append(dict(type="total", result=num)) # 加载运算 if "calc" not in exclude and calc: pre_results.append( dict( type="calc", process=str( calc.find("p", class_="op_new_val_screen_process").find( "span").text), result=str( calc.find("p", class_="op_new_val_screen_result").find( "span").text), )) # 加载相关搜索 if "related" not in exclude and related: pre_results.append(dict(type="related", results=related)) # 加载资讯 if "news" not in exclude and news_detail: pre_results.append(dict(type="news", results=news_detail)) # 加载短视频 if "video" not in exclude and video_results: pre_results.append(dict(type="video", results=video_results)) # 加载百科 if "baike" not in exclude and baike: pre_results.append(dict(type="baike", result=baike)) # 预处理源码 soup = BeautifulSoup(content, "html.parser") results = soup.findAll("div", class_="result") res = [] for result in results: des = None try: result["tpl"] except: continue soup = BeautifulSoup(self._minify(str(result)), "html.parser") # 链接 href = soup.find("a").get("href").strip() # 标题 title = self._format(str(soup.find("a").text)) # 时间 try: time = self._format( soup.findAll("div", class_="c-abstract")[0].find( "span", class_="newTimeFactor_before_abs").text) except (AttributeError, IndexError): time = None try: # 简介 des = soup.find_all("div", class_="c-abstract")[0].text soup = BeautifulSoup(str(result), "html.parser") des = self._format(des).lstrip(str(time)).strip() except IndexError: try: des = des.replace("mn", "") except (UnboundLocalError, AttributeError): des = None if time: time = time.split("-")[0].strip() # 因为百度的链接是加密的了,所以需要一个一个去访问 # 由于性能原因,分析链接部分暂略 # if href is not None: # try: # # 由于性能原因,这里设置1秒超时 # r = requests.get(href, timeout=1) # href = r.url # except: # # 获取网页失败,默认换回原加密链接 # href = href # # 分析链接 # if href: # parse = urlparse(href) # domain = parse.netloc # prepath = parse.path.split('/') # path = [] # for loc in prepath: # if loc != '': # path.append(loc) # else: # domain = None # path = None try: result["tpl"] except: print(result.prettify()) is_not_special = (result["tpl"] not in [ "short_video_pc", "sp_realtime_bigpic5", "bk_polysemy", "tieba_general", ] and result.find("article") is None) domain = None if is_not_special: # 确保不是特殊类型的结果 # 获取可见的域名 try: domain = (result.find("div", class_="c-row").find( "div", class_="c-span-last").find( "div", class_="se_st_footer").find( "a", class_="c-showurl").text) except Exception: try: domain = (result.find("div", class_="c-row").find( "div", class_="c-span-last").find( "p", class_="op-bk-polysemy-move").find( "span", class_="c-showurl").text) except Exception: try: domain = (result.find("div", class_="se_st_footer").find( "a", class_="c-showurl").text) except: domain = None if domain: domain = domain.replace(" ", "") # 加入结果 if title and href and is_not_special: res.append({ "title": title, "des": des, "origin": domain, "url": href, "time": time, "type": "result", }) soup = BeautifulSoup(content, "html.parser") soup = BeautifulSoup(str(soup.findAll("div", id="page")[0]), "html.parser") # 分页 pages_ = soup.findAll("span", class_="pc") pages = [] for _ in pages_: pages.append(int(_.text)) # 如果搜索结果仅有一页时,百度不会显示底部导航栏 # 所以这里直接设置成1,如果不设会报错`TypeError` if not pages: pages = [1] # 设置最终结果 result = pre_results result.extend(res) return { "results": result, # 最大页数 "pages": max(pages), } @handle_err def parse_pic(self, content: str) -> dict: """解析百度图片搜索的页面源代码. Args: content (str): 已经转换为UTF-8编码的百度图片搜索HTML源码 Returns: dict: 解析后的结果 """ # 从JavaScript中加载数据 # 因为JavaScript很像JSON(JavaScript Object Notation),所以直接用json加载就行了 # 还有要预处理一下,把函数和无用的括号过滤掉 error = None try: data = json.loads( content.split("flip.setData('imgData', ") [1].split("flip.setData(")[0].split("]);")[0].replace( ");", "").replace("<\\/strong>", "</strong>").replace("\\'", "'").replace('\\"', "'"), strict=False, ) except Exception as err: error = err if type(err) in [IndexError, AttributeError]: raise ParseError("Invalid HTML content.") finally: if error: raise ParseError(str(error)) results = [] for _ in data["data"][:-1]: if _: # 标题 title = str(_["fromPageTitle"]).encode("utf-8").decode("utf-8") # 去除标题里的HTML title = unescape(self._remove_html(title)) # 链接 url = _["objURL"] # 来源域名 host = _["fromURLHost"] # 生成结果 result = {"title": title, "url": url, "host": host} results.append(result) # 加入结果 # 获取分页 bs = BeautifulSoup(content, "html.parser") pages_ = bs.find("div", id="page").findAll("span", class_="pc") pages = [] for _ in pages_: pages.append(int(_.text)) return { "results": results, # 取最大页码 "pages": max(pages), } def parse_zhidao(self, content: str) -> dict: """解析百度知道搜索的页面源代码. Args: content (str): 已经转换为UTF-8编码的百度知道搜索HTML源码 Returns: dict: 解析后的结果 """ bs = BeautifulSoup(self._minify(content), "html.parser") # 所有搜索结果 list_ = bs.find("div", class_="list").findAll("dl") results = [] for item in list_: # 屏蔽企业回答 if "ec-oad" in item["class"]: continue # 标题 title = item.find("dt").text.strip("\n") # 链接 try: url = item.find("dt").find("a")["href"] except KeyError: url = item.find("dt").find("a")["data-href"] # 简介 des = item.find("dd", class_="dd").text tmp = item.find("dd", class_="explain").findAll("span", class_="mr-8") # 发布日期 date = item.find("dd", class_="explain").find("span", class_="mr-7").text # 回答总数 count = int(str(tmp[-1].text).strip("\n").strip("个回答")) # 生成结果 result = { "title": title, "des": des, "date": date, "count": count, "url": url, } results.append(result) # 加入结果 # 获取分页 wrap = bs.find("div", class_="pager") pages_ = wrap.findAll("a")[:-2] if "下一页" in pages_[-1].text: total = pages_[-2].text else: total = pages_[-1].text return { "results": results, # 取最大页码 "pages": int(total), } def parse_video(self, content: str) -> dict: """解析百度视频搜索的页面源代码. Args: content (str): 已经转换为UTF-8编码的百度视频搜索HTML源码 Returns: dict: 解析后的结果 """ bs = BeautifulSoup(content, "html.parser") # 锁定结果div data = bs.findAll("li", class_="result") results = [] for res in data: # 标题 title = res.find("a")["title"] # 链接 url = "" + res.find("a")["href"] # 封面图片链接 img = res.find("img", class_="img-normal-layer")["src"] # 时长 time = res.find("span", class_="info").text # 生成结果 result = {"title": title, "url": url, "img": img, "time": time} results.append(result) # 加入结果 # 分页 wrap = bs.find("div", class_="page-wrap") pages_ = wrap.findAll("a", class_="filter-item")[:-1] try: pages = int(pages_[-1].text) except: pages = 0 return {"results": results, "pages": pages} def parse_news(self, content: str) -> dict: """解析百度资讯搜索的页面源代码. Args: content (str): 已经转换为UTF-8编码的百度资讯搜索HTML源码 Returns: dict: 解析后的结果 """ bs = BeautifulSoup(self._format(content), "html.parser") # 搜索结果容器 data = (bs.find("div", id="content_left").findAll("div")[1].findAll( "div", class_="result-op")) # print(len(data)) results = [] for res in data: # 标题 title = self._format(res.find("h3").find("a").text) # 链接 url = res.find("h3").find("a")["href"] # 简介 des = (res.find("div", class_="c-span-last").find( "span", class_="c-color-text").text) # 作者 author = (res.find("div", class_="c-span-last").find( "div", class_="news-source").find("span", class_="c-gap-right").text) # 发布日期 date = (res.find("div", class_="c-span-last").find( "div", class_="news-source").find("span", class_="c-color-gray2").text) # 生成结果 result = { "title": title, "author": author, "date": date, "des": des, "url": url, } results.append(result) # 加入结果 # 获取所有页数 pages_ = bs.find("div", id="page").findAll("a") # 过滤页码 if "< 上一页" in pages_[0].text: pages_ = pages_[1:] if "下一页 >" in pages_[-1].text: pages_ = pages_[:-1] return {"results": results, "pages": int(pages_[-1].text)} def parse_wenku(self, content: str) -> dict: # pragma: no cover """解析百度文库搜索的页面源代码,目前不可用。 Args: content (str): 已经转换为UTF-8编码的百度文库搜索HTML源码 Returns: dict: 解析后的结果 """ bs = BeautifulSoup(content, "html.parser") data = bs.findAll("dl") results = [] for res in data: dt = res.find("dt") type_ = self._format( dt.find("p", class_="fl").find("span", class_="ic")["title"]).upper() tmp = dt.find("p", class_="fl").find("a") title = self._format(tmp.text) url = tmp["href"] try: quality = float( self._format( res.find("p", class_="fr").findAll("span", class_="ib")[1].text)) except: quality = None dd = res.find("dd", class_="clearfix").find("div", class_="summary-box") des = self._format(dd.find("p", class_="summary").text) try: dd_tags = res.find("dd", class_="tag-tips") tags = [] for a in dd_tags.findAll("a"): tags.append(self._format(a.text)) except AttributeError: tags = [] detail = dd.find("div", class_="detail").find("div", class_="detail-info") date = self._format(detail.text.split("|")[0]) pages = int( self._format( detail.text.split("|")[1].replace("共", "").replace("页", ""))) downloads = int( self._format(detail.text.split("|")[2].strip("次下载"))) result = { "title": title, "type": type_, "url": url, "des": des, "date": date, "pages": pages, "downloads": downloads, } results.append(result) pages_ = bs.find("div", class_="page-content").findAll("a") if "尾页" in pages_[-1].text: total = int( int(pages_[-1]["href"].split("&")[-1].strip("pn=")) / 10 + 1) else: total = int( bs.find("div", class_="page-content").find("span", class_="cur").text) return {"results": results, "pages": total} def parse_jingyan(self, content: str) -> dict: """解析百度经验搜索的页面源代码. Args: content (str): 已经转换为UTF-8编码的百度经验搜索HTML源码 Returns: dict: 解析后的结果 """ # 最小化代码 code = self._minify(content) bs = BeautifulSoup(code, "html.parser") # 加载搜索结果 data = bs.find("div", class_="search-list").findAll("dl") results = [] for res in data: # 标题 title = self._format(res.find("dt").find("a").text) # 链接 url = "" + res.find("dt").find( "a")["href"] # 简介 des = self._format( res.find("dd").find("div", class_="summary").find( "span", class_="abstract").text) # 获取发布日期和分类,位于`<span class="cate"/>`中 tmp = self._format( res.find("dd").find("div", class_="summary").find( "span", class_="cate").text).split("-") # 发布日期 date = self._format(tmp[1]) # 分类 category = self._format(tmp[-1]).strip("分类:") # 支持票数 votes = int( self._format( res.find("dt").find("span", class_="succ-times").text).strip("得票")) # 生成结果 result = { "title": title, "url": url, "des": des, "date": date, "category": category, "votes": votes, } results.append(result) # 加入结果到集合中 # 获取分页 pages_ = bs.find("div", id="pg").findAll("a")[-1] # 既不是最后一页也没有超出最后一页 if "尾页" in pages_.text: # 获取尾页并加一 total = int( int(pages_["href"].split("&")[-1].strip("pn=")) / 10) + 1 # 是最后一页或者是超过了最后一页 else: # 重新获取分页 pages_ = bs.find("div", id="pg").findAll("a")[1] # 获取尾页并加一 total = int( int(pages_["href"].split("&")[-1].strip("pn=")) / 10) + 1 return {"results": results, "pages": total} def parse_baike(self, content: str) -> dict: """解析百度百科搜索的页面源代码. Args: content (str): 已经转换为UTF-8编码的百度百科搜索HTML源码 Returns: dict: 解析后的结果 """ code = self._minify(content) # 创建BeautifulSoup对象 soup = (BeautifulSoup(code, "html.parser").find( "div", class_="body-wrapper").find("div", class_="searchResult")) # 获取百科总数 total = int( soup.find( "div", class_="result-count").text.strip("百度百科为您找到相关词条约").strip("个")) # 获取所有结果 container = soup.findAll("dd") results = [] for res in container: # 链接 url = "" + self._format( res.find("a", class_="result-title")["href"]) # 标题 title = self._format(res.find("a", class_="result-title").text) # 简介 des = self._format(res.find("p", class_="result-summary").text) # 更新日期 date = self._format(res.find("span", class_="result-date").text) # 生成结果 results.append({ "title": title, "des": des, "date": date, "url": url }) return {"results": results, "pages": total}
class Parser(BaseSpider): def __init__(self) -> None: """百度搜索解析器""" super().__init__() self.webSubParser = WebSubParser() def parse_web(self, content: str, exclude: list) -> dict: """解析百度网页搜索的页面源代码. Args: content (str): 已经转换为UTF-8编码的百度网页搜索HTML源码. exclude (list): 要屏蔽的控件. Returns: dict: 解析后的结果 """ soup = BeautifulSoup(content, "html.parser") if soup.find("div", id="content_left") is None: return {"results": [], "pages": 0, "total": 0} # 获取搜索结果总数 tmp1 = soup.findAll("div", class_="result-molecule") idx_ = 0 ele = None while ele is None and idx_ < len(tmp1): tmp = tmp1[idx_].findAll("span") found = False for t in tmp: if "百度为您找到相关结果" in t.text: ele = t found = True break if found: break idx_ += 1 num = int( str(ele.text).strip("百度为您找到相关结果").strip("约").strip("个").replace( ",", "")) # 定义预结果(运算以及相关搜索) pre_results = [] # 预处理新闻 if "news" not in exclude: news = soup.find("div", class_="result-op", srcid="19") news_detail = self.webSubParser.parse_news_block(news) # 预处理短视频 if "video" not in exclude: video = soup.find("div", class_="op-short-video-pc") video_results = self.webSubParser.parse_video_block(video) # 预处理运算 if "calc" not in exclude: calc = soup.find("div", class_="op_new_cal_screen") # 预处理相关搜索 if "related" not in exclude: try: _related = soup.findAll("table")[-1].findAll("td") except AttributeError: _related = [] related = [] # 一个一个append相关搜索 for _ in _related: if _.text: related.append(self._format(_.text)) # 预处理百科 if "baike" not in exclude: baike = soup.find("div", class_="c-container", tpl="bk_polysemy") baike = self.webSubParser.parse_baike_block(baike) # 预处理贴吧 if "tieba" not in exclude: tieba = BeautifulSoup(content, "html.parser").find("div", srcid="10") tieba = self.webSubParser.parse_tieba_block(tieba) if "music" not in exclude: music = BeautifulSoup(content, "html.parser").find("div", class_="result-op", tpl="yl_music_song") music = self.webSubParser.parse_music_block(music) # 预处理博客 article_tags = BeautifulSoup(content, "html.parser").findAll("article") if "blog" not in exclude: blog = None for tmp in article_tags: if tmp["class"][-1].startswith("open-source-software-blog"): blog = tmp break blog = self.webSubParser.parse_blog_block(blog) # 预处理码云 if "gitee" not in exclude: gitee = None for tmp in article_tags: if tmp["class"][-1].startswith("osc-gitee"): gitee = tmp break gitee = self.webSubParser.parse_gitee_block(gitee) # 加载贴吧 if "tieba" not in exclude and tieba: pre_results.append(dict(type="tieba", result=tieba)) # 加载博客 if "blog" not in exclude and blog: pre_results.append(dict(type="blog", result=blog)) # 加载码云 if "gitee" not in exclude and gitee: pre_results.append(dict(type="gitee", result=gitee)) # 加载搜索结果总数 # 已经移动到根字典中 # if num != 0: # pre_results.append(dict(type="total", result=num)) # 加载运算 if "calc" not in exclude and calc: pre_results.append( dict( type="calc", process=str( calc.find("p", class_="op_new_val_screen_process").find( "span").text), result=str( calc.find("p", class_="op_new_val_screen_result").find( "span").text), )) # 加载相关搜索 if "related" not in exclude and related: pre_results.append(dict(type="related", results=related)) # 加载资讯 if "news" not in exclude and news_detail: pre_results.append(dict(type="news", results=news_detail)) # 加载短视频 if "video" not in exclude and video_results: pre_results.append(dict(type="video", results=video_results)) # 加载百科 if "baike" not in exclude and baike: pre_results.append(dict(type="baike", result=baike)) # 加载音乐 if "music" not in exclude and music: pre_results.append(dict(type="music", result=music)) # 预处理源码 soup = BeautifulSoup(content, "html.parser") results = soup.findAll("div", class_="result") res = [] for result in results: des = None try: result["tpl"] except: continue soup = BeautifulSoup(self._minify(str(result)), "html.parser") # 链接 href = soup.find("a").get("href").strip() # 标题 title = self._format(str(soup.find("a").text)) # 时间 try: time = self._format( soup.findAll("div", class_="c-abstract")[0].find( "span", class_="newTimeFactor_before_abs").text) except (AttributeError, IndexError): time = None try: # 简介 des = soup.find_all("div", class_="c-abstract")[0].text soup = BeautifulSoup(str(result), "html.parser") des = self._format(des).lstrip(str(time)).strip() except IndexError: try: des = des.replace("mn", "") except (UnboundLocalError, AttributeError): des = None if time: time = time.split("-")[0].strip() # 因为百度的链接是加密的了,所以需要一个一个去访问 # 由于性能原因,分析链接部分暂略 # if href is not None: # try: # # 由于性能原因,这里设置1秒超时 # r = requests.get(href, timeout=1) # href = r.url # except: # # 获取网页失败,默认换回原加密链接 # href = href # # 分析链接 # if href: # parse = urlparse(href) # domain = parse.netloc # prepath = parse.path.split('/') # path = [] # for loc in prepath: # if loc != '': # path.append(loc) # else: # domain = None # path = None try: result["tpl"] except: pass is_not_special = (result["tpl"] not in [ "short_video_pc", "sp_realtime_bigpic5", "bk_polysemy", "tieba_general", "yl_music_song", ] and result.find("article") is None) domain = None if is_not_special: # 确保不是特殊类型的结果 # 获取可见的域名 try: domain = (result.find("div", class_="c-row").find( "div", class_="c-span-last").find( "div", class_="se_st_footer").find( "a", class_="c-showurl").text) except Exception: try: domain = (result.find("div", class_="c-row").find( "div", class_="c-span-last").find( "p", class_="op-bk-polysemy-move").find( "span", class_="c-showurl").text) except Exception: try: domain = (result.find("div", class_="se_st_footer").find( "a", class_="c-showurl").text) except: domain = None if domain: domain = domain.replace(" ", "") # 加入结果 if title and href and is_not_special: res.append({ "title": title, "des": des, "origin": domain, "url": href, "time": time, "type": "result", }) soup = BeautifulSoup(content, "html.parser") soup = BeautifulSoup(str(soup.findAll("div", id="page")[0]), "html.parser") # 分页 # pages_ = soup.findAll("span", class_="pc") # pages = [] # for _ in pages_: # pages.append(int(_.text)) # # 如果搜索结果仅有一页时,百度不会显示底部导航栏 # # 所以这里直接设置成1,如果不设会报错`TypeError` # if not pages: # pages = [1] # 设置最终结果 result = pre_results result.extend(res) return { "results": result, # 最大页数 # "pages": max(pages), "total": num, } @handle_err def parse_pic(self, content: str) -> dict: """解析百度图片搜索的页面源代码. Args: content (str): 已经转换为UTF-8编码的百度图片搜索HTML源码 Returns: dict: 解析后的结果 """ # 从JavaScript中加载数据 # 因为JavaScript很像JSON(JavaScript Object Notation),所以直接用json加载就行了 # 还有要预处理一下,把函数和无用的括号过滤掉 error = None try: data = json.loads( content.split("flip.setData('imgData', ") [1].split("flip.setData(")[0].split("]);")[0].replace( ");", "").replace("<\\/strong>", "</strong>").replace("\\'", "'").replace('\\"', "'"), strict=False, ) except Exception as err: error = err if type(err) in [IndexError, AttributeError]: raise ParseError("Invalid HTML content.") finally: if error: raise ParseError(str(error)) soup = BeautifulSoup(content, "html.parser") total = int( soup.find( "div", id="resultInfo").text.split("约")[-1].split("张")[0].replace( ",", "")) results = [] for _ in data["data"][:-1]: if _: # 标题 title = str(_["fromPageTitle"]).encode("utf-8").decode("utf-8") # 去除标题里的HTML title = unescape(self._remove_html(title)) # 链接 url = _["objURL"] # 来源域名 host = _["fromURLHost"] # 生成结果 result = {"title": title, "url": url, "host": host} results.append(result) # 加入结果 # 获取分页 # bs = BeautifulSoup(content, "html.parser") # pages_ = bs.find("div", id="page").findAll("span", class_="pc") # pages = [] # for _ in pages_: # pages.append(int(_.text)) return { "results": results, # 取最大页码 # "pages": max(pages), "total": total, } def parse_zhidao(self, content: str) -> dict: """解析百度知道搜索的页面源代码. Args: content (str): 已经转换为UTF-8编码的百度知道搜索HTML源码 Returns: dict: 解析后的结果 """ bs = BeautifulSoup(self._minify(content), "html.parser") # 搜索结果总数 total = int( bs.find("div", class_="wgt-picker").find( "span", class_="f-lighter").text.split("共", 1)[-1].split( "条结果", 1)[0].replace(",", "")) # 所有搜索结果 list_ = bs.find("div", class_="list").findAll("dl") results = [] for item in list_: # 屏蔽企业回答 if "ec-oad" in item["class"]: continue # print(item.prettify() + '\n\n\n\n\n\n\n') # 标题 title = item.find("dt").text.strip("\n") # 链接 try: url = item.find("dt").find("a")["href"] except KeyError: url = item.find("dt").find("a")["data-href"] if item.find("dd", class_="video-content") is not None: # 问题 __ = item.find("dd", class_="summary") question = __.text.strip("问:") if __ is not None else None item = item.find("div", class_="right") tmp = item.findAll("div", class_="video-text") # # 简介 # des = self._format(tmp[2].text) answer = None # 回答者 answerer = tmp[0].text.strip("\n").strip("回答:\u2002") # 发布日期 date = self._format(tmp[1].text.strip("时间:")) # 回答总数 count = None # 赞同数 try: agree = int(tmp[2].text.strip("获赞:\u2002").strip("次")) except ValueError: agree = 0 answer = tmp[2].text.strip() type_ = "video" else: # 回答 __ = item.find("dd", class_="answer") answer = __.text.strip("答:") if __ is not None else None # 问题 __ = item.find("dd", class_="summary") question = __.text.strip("问:") if __ is not None else None tmp = item.find("dd", class_="explain").findAll("span", class_="mr-8") # 发布日期 date = (item.find("dd", class_="explain").find("span", class_="mr-7").text) # 回答总数 try: count = int(str(tmp[-1].text).strip("\n").strip("个回答")) except: count = None # 回答者 answerer = tmp[-2].text.strip("\n").strip("回答者:\xa0") # 赞同数 __ = item.find("dd", class_="explain").find("span", class_="ml-10") agree = int(__.text.strip()) if __ is not None else 0 type_ = "normal" # 生成结果 result = { "title": title, "question": question, "answer": answer, "date": date, "count": count, "url": url, "agree": agree, "answerer": answerer, # "type": type_ } results.append(result) # 加入结果 # 获取分页 # wrap = bs.find("div", class_="pager") # pages_ = wrap.findAll("a")[:-2] # if "下一页" in pages_[-1].text: # pages = pages_[-2].text # else: # pages = pages_[-1].text return { "results": results, # 取最大页码 # "pages": int(pages), "total": total, } def parse_video(self, content: str) -> dict: """解析百度视频搜索的页面源代码. Args: content (str): 已经转换为UTF-8编码的百度视频搜索HTML源码 Returns: dict: 解析后的结果 """ bs = BeautifulSoup(content, "html.parser") # 锁定结果div data = bs.findAll("div", class_="video_short") if len(data) == 0: return {"results": None} results = [] for res in data: __ = res.find("div", class_="video_small_intro") _ = __.find("a") # 标题 title = self._format(_.text) # 链接 url = _["href"] # 封面图片链接 img = res.find("img", class_="border-radius")["src"].rsplit("?", 1)[0] # 时长 length_ = res.find("span", class_="video_play_timer").text _ = [int(i) for i in length_.split(":")] if len(_) < 3: length_ = time(minute=_[0], second=_[1]) else: length_ = time(_[0], _[1], _[2]) # 简介 try: des = __.find("div", class_="c-color-text").text except AttributeError: des = None # 来源 try: origin = self._format( __.find("span", class_="wetSource").text).strip("来源:") except AttributeError: origin = None # 发布时间 pub_time: str = __.findAll( "span", class_="c-font-normal")[-1].text.strip("发布时间:") try: __ = [int(i) for i in pub_time.split("-")] except ValueError: __ = self._convert_time(pub_time, True) pub_time = datetime(__[0], __[1], __[2]) # 生成结果 result = { "title": title, "url": url, "img": img, "length": length_, "des": des, "origin": origin, "pub_time": pub_time, } results.append(result) # 加入结果 return {"results": results} def parse_news(self, content: str) -> dict: """解析百度资讯搜索的页面源代码. Args: content (str): 已经转换为UTF-8编码的百度资讯搜索HTML源码 Returns: dict: 解析后的结果 """ bs = BeautifulSoup(self._format(content), "html.parser") # 搜索结果总数 total = int( bs.find("div", id="wrapper_wrapper").find( "span", class_="nums").text.split("资讯", 1)[-1].split("篇", 1)[0].replace(",", "")) # 搜索结果容器 data = (bs.find("div", id="content_left").findAll("div")[1].findAll( "div", class_="result-op")) results = [] for res in data: # 标题 title = self._format(res.find("h3").find("a").text) # 链接 url = res.find("h3").find("a")["href"] # 简介 des = (res.find("div", class_="c-span-last").find( "span", class_="c-color-text").text) _ = res.find("div", class_="c-span-last") # 作者 author = _.find("span", class_="c-gap-right").text # 发布日期 try: date = _.find("span", class_="c-color-gray2").text except AttributeError: date = None # 封面图片 try: cover = res.find( "div", class_="c-img-radius-large").find("img")["src"] except: cover = None # 生成结果 result = { "title": title, "author": author, "date": date, "des": des, "url": url, "cover": cover, } results.append(result) # 加入结果 # 获取所有页数 # pages_ = bs.find("div", id="page").findAll("a") # # 过滤页码 # if "< 上一页" in pages_[0].text: # pages_ = pages_[1:] # if "下一页 >" in pages_[-1].text: # pages_ = pages_[:-1] return {"results": results, "total": total} def __get_wenku_doc_type(self, t: int) -> str: if t in [1, 4, 10, 11, 9]: return "DOC" if t in [3, 6, 14, 15]: return "PPT" if t in [2, 5]: return "XLS" if t in [12]: return "VSD" if t in [7]: return "PDF" if t in [8]: return "TXT" if t in [16]: return "EPUB" if t in [19]: return "CAD" if t in [13]: return "RTF" if t in [20]: return "XMIND" return "UNKNOWN" def parse_wenku(self, content: str) -> dict: """解析百度文库搜索的页面源代码。 Args: content (str): 已经转换为UTF-8编码的百度文库搜索API接口JSON数据 Returns: dict: 解析后的结果 """ results = [] pages = 0 _ = json.loads(content) if _["status"]["msg"] != "success": raise RuntimeError for res in _["data"]["normalResult"]: info = res["docInfo"] author = res["authorInfo"] title = (info["title"].replace("<em>", "").replace("</em>", "").replace( " - 百度文库", "")) des = info["content"].replace("<em>", "").replace("</em>", "") pub_date = strftime("%Y-%m-%d", localtime(int(info["createTime"]))) page_num = info["pageNum"] score = info["qualityScore"] downloads = info["downloadCount"] url = info["url"] is_vip = info["flag"] == 28 u_name = author["uname"] u_url = f"{u_name}?uid={author['uid']}" results.append({ "title": title, "des": des, "pub_date": pub_date, "pages": page_num, "quality": score, "downloads": downloads, "url": url, "is_vip": is_vip, "uploader": { "name": u_name, "url": u_url }, }) pages = math.ceil( (_["data"]["total"] - len(_["data"]["normalResult"])) / 10 + 1) return {"results": results, "pages": pages} def parse_jingyan(self, content: str) -> dict: """解析百度经验搜索的页面源代码. Args: content (str): 已经转换为UTF-8编码的百度经验搜索HTML源码 Returns: dict: 解析后的结果 """ # 最小化代码 code = self._minify(content) bs = BeautifulSoup(code, "html.parser") total = int( bs.find("div", class_="result-num").text.split("约", 1)[-1].split( "个", 1)[0].replace(",", "")) # 加载搜索结果 data = bs.find("div", class_="search-list").findAll("dl") results = [] for res in data: # 标题 title = self._format(res.find("dt").find("a").text) # 链接 url = "" + res.find("dt").find( "a")["href"] # 简介 des = self._format( res.find("dd").find("div", class_="summary").find( "span", class_="abstract").text) # 获取发布日期和分类,位于`<span class="cate"/>`中 _ = res.find("dd").find("div", class_="summary").find("span", class_="cate") tmp = self._format(_.text).split("-") # 发布日期 pub_date = self._format(tmp[1]).replace("/", "-") # 分类 category = self._format(tmp[-1]).strip("分类:").split(">") # 发布者 publisher = { "name": self._format(_.find("a").text), "url": "" + _.find("a")["href"], } # 支持票数 votes = int( self._format( res.find("dt").find("span", class_="succ-times").text).strip("得票")) # 是否为原创经验 try: res.find("span", class_="i-original").text original = True except: original = False # 是否为优秀经验 try: res.find("span", class_="i-good-exp").text outstanding = True except: outstanding = False # 生成结果 result = { "title": title, "url": url, "des": des, "pub_date": pub_date, "category": category, "votes": votes, "publisher": publisher, "is_original": original, "is_outstanding": outstanding, } results.append(result) # 加入结果到集合中 # 获取分页 # pages_ = bs.find("div", class_="pager-wrap").findAll("a", class_="pg-btn") # if not pages_: # return {"results": results, "pages": 1} # if "下一页" in pages_[-1].text: # pages_ = pages_[:-1] # pages = int(self._format(pages_[-1].text)) return {"results": results, "total": total} def parse_baike(self, content: str) -> dict: """解析百度百科搜索的页面源代码. Args: content (str): 已经转换为UTF-8编码的百度百科搜索HTML源码 Returns: dict: 解析后的结果 """ code = self._minify(content) # 创建BeautifulSoup对象 soup = (BeautifulSoup(code, "html.parser").find( "div", class_="body-wrapper").find("div", class_="searchResult")) # 获取百科总数 total = int( soup.find( "div", class_="result-count").text.strip("百度百科为您找到相关词条约").strip("个")) # 获取所有结果 container = soup.findAll("dd") results = [] for res in container: # 链接 url = "" + self._format( res.find("a", class_="result-title")["href"]) # 标题 title = self._format(res.find("a", class_="result-title").text) # 简介 des = self._format(res.find("p", class_="result-summary").text) # 更新日期 upd_date = self._format( res.find("span", class_="result-date").text) # 生成结果 results.append({ "title": title, "des": des, "upd_date": upd_date, "url": url }) return {"results": results, "total": total}