def add_youtube_doc(req, ensemble_id): import base.models as M from apiclient.discovery import build from urlparse import urlparse, parse_qs import re re_iso8601 = re.compile("PT(?:(?P<hours>\d+)H)?(?:(?P<minutes>\d+)M)?(?:(?P<seconds>\d+)S)?") youtube = build("youtube", "v3", developerKey=settings.GOOGLE_DEVELOPER_KEY) user = UR.getUserInfo(req, False) if user is None: redirect_url = "/login?next=%s" % (req.META.get("PATH_INFO","/"),) return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_url) if not auth.canEditEnsemble(, ensemble_id): return HttpResponseRedirect("/notallowed") addform = forms.YoutubeForm() if req.method == 'POST': addform = forms.YoutubeForm(req.POST) if addform.is_valid(): source = M.Source() source.numpages = 1 source.w = 0 source.h = 0 source.rotation = 0 source.version = 0 source.type = 2 source.submittedby=user ownership = M.Ownership() ownership.source = source ownership.ensemble_id = ensemble_id info = M.YoutubeInfo() info.source = source url = addform.cleaned_data['url'] result = urlparse(url) key = None try: # old format ,e.g. key = parse_qs(result.query)["v"][0] except KeyError: # new format, e.g. key = result.path[1:] key = key.strip() info.key = key; ginfo = youtube.videos().list(part="id,contentDetails,snippet", id=key).execute() source.title = ginfo["items"][0]["snippet"]["title"] matches_dict = re_iso8601.match(ginfo["items"][0]["contentDetails"]["duration"]).groupdict() numsecs = 0 if matches_dict["hours"] is not None: numsecs += int(matches_dict["hours"])*3600 if matches_dict["minutes"] is not None: numsecs += int(matches_dict["minutes"])*60 if matches_dict["seconds"] is not None: numsecs += int(matches_dict["seconds"]) source.numpages = numsecs #we use 1/100 sec precision.; #addform.cleaned_data['title'] return HttpResponseRedirect("/") return render_to_response("web/add_youtube_doc.html", {"form": addform})
def add_html5video_doc(req, ensemble_id): import base.models as M user = UR.getUserInfo(req, False) if user is None: redirect_url = "/login?next=%s" % (req.META.get("PATH_INFO","/"),) return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_url) if not auth.canEditEnsemble(, ensemble_id): return HttpResponseRedirect("/notallowed") addform = forms.Html5Form() if req.method == 'POST': addform = forms.Html5Form(req.POST) if addform.is_valid(): source = M.Source() source.numpages = 1 source.w = 0 source.h = 0 source.rotation = 0 source.version = 0 source.type = 3 source.submittedby=user source.title = addform.cleaned_data['title'] ownership = M.Ownership() ownership.source = source ownership.ensemble_id = ensemble_id info = M.HTML5Info() info.source = source # trailing slash is sometimes added by server redirects # but person specifying upload url may not realize this # so remove trailing slash as well as hash part of the URL info.url = addform.cleaned_data['url'].partition("#")[0].rstrip("/"); return HttpResponseRedirect("/") return render_to_response("web/add_html5video_doc.html", {"form": addform})
def add_html_doc(req, ensemble_id): import base.models as M user = UR.getUserInfo(req, False) if user is None: redirect_url = "/login?next=%s" % (req.META.get("PATH_INFO","/"),) return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_url) if not auth.canEditEnsemble(, ensemble_id): return HttpResponseRedirect("/notallowed") addform = forms.Html5Form() if req.method == 'POST': addform = forms.Html5Form(req.POST) if addform.is_valid(): source = M.Source() source.numpages = 1 source.w = 0 source.h = 0 source.rotation = 0 source.version = 0 source.type = 4 source.submittedby=user source.title = addform.cleaned_data['title'] ownership = M.Ownership() ownership.source = source ownership.ensemble_id = ensemble_id info = M.HTML5Info() info.source = source info.url = addform.cleaned_data['url']; return HttpResponseRedirect("/") return render_to_response("web/add_html_doc.html", {"form": addform})
def add_html_doc(req, ensemble_id): import base.models as M user = UR.getUserInfo(req, False) if user is None: redirect_url = "/login?next=%s" % (req.META.get("PATH_INFO", "/"), ) return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_url) if not auth.canEditEnsemble(, ensemble_id): return HttpResponseRedirect("/notallowed") addform = forms.Html5Form() if req.method == 'POST': addform = forms.Html5Form(req.POST) if addform.is_valid(): source = M.Source() source.numpages = 1 source.w = 0 source.h = 0 source.rotation = 0 source.version = 0 source.type = 4 source.submittedby = user source.title = addform.cleaned_data['title'] ownership = M.Ownership() ownership.source = source ownership.ensemble_id = ensemble_id info = M.HTML5Info() info.source = source info.url = addform.cleaned_data['url'] return HttpResponseRedirect("/") return render_to_response("web/add_html_doc.html", {"form": addform})
def properties_ensemble_users(req, id): user = UR.getUserInfo(req) if user is None: return HttpResponseRedirect("/login?next=%s" % (req.META.get("PATH_INFO", "/"), )) if not auth.canEditEnsemble(, id): return HttpResponseRedirect("/notallowed") ensemble = M.Ensemble.objects.get(pk=id) memberships = M.Membership.objects.filter(ensemble=ensemble) real_memberships = memberships.filter( user__in=M.User.objects.filter(valid=True), deleted=False) if "action" in req.GET and "membership_id" in req.GET: if req.GET["action"] == "delete": m = real_memberships.filter(id=req.GET["membership_id"]) if len(m): m = m[0] m.deleted = True return HttpResponseRedirect(req.path) elif req.GET["action"] == "undelete": deleted_memberships = memberships.filter( user__in=M.User.objects.filter(valid=True), deleted=True) m = deleted_memberships.filter(id=req.GET["membership_id"]) if len(m): m = m[0] m.deleted = False return HttpResponseRedirect(req.path) elif req.GET["action"] == "admin": m = real_memberships.filter(id=req.GET["membership_id"]) if len(m): m = m[0] m.admin = True return HttpResponseRedirect(req.path) elif req.GET["action"] == "unadmin": m = real_memberships.filter(id=req.GET["membership_id"]) if len(m): m = m[0] m.admin = False return HttpResponseRedirect(req.path) elif req.GET["action"] == "setsection": m = real_memberships.filter(id=req.GET["membership_id"]) if req.POST["section_id"] == "None": s = None else: sections = M.Section.objects.filter(ensemble=ensemble) s = sections.filter(id=req.POST["section_id"])[0] if len(m): m = m[0] m.section = s return HttpResponseRedirect(req.path) return render_to_response("web/properties_ensemble_users.html")
def properties_ensemble_users(req, id): user = UR.getUserInfo(req) if user is None: return HttpResponseRedirect("/login?next=%s" % (req.META.get("PATH_INFO","/"),)) if not auth.canEditEnsemble(, id): return HttpResponseRedirect("/notallowed") ensemble = M.Ensemble.objects.get(pk=id) sections = M.Section.objects.filter(ensemble=ensemble) memberships = M.Membership.objects.filter(ensemble=ensemble) pendingconfirmations = memberships.filter(user__in=M.User.objects.filter(valid=False), deleted=False) real_memberships = memberships.filter(user__in=M.User.objects.filter(valid=True), deleted=False) deleted_memberships = memberships.filter(user__in=M.User.objects.filter(valid=True), deleted=True) pendinginvites = M.Invite.objects.filter(ensemble=ensemble).exclude(user__id__in=real_memberships.values("user_id")) if "action" in req.GET and "membership_id" in req.GET: if req.GET["action"] == "delete": m = real_memberships.filter(id=req.GET["membership_id"]) if len(m): m = m[0] m.deleted = True return HttpResponseRedirect(req.path) elif req.GET["action"] == "undelete": m = deleted_memberships.filter(id=req.GET["membership_id"]) if len(m): m = m[0] m.deleted = False return HttpResponseRedirect(req.path) elif req.GET["action"] == "admin": m = real_memberships.filter(id=req.GET["membership_id"]) if len(m): m = m[0] m.admin = True return HttpResponseRedirect(req.path) elif req.GET["action"] == "unadmin": m = real_memberships.filter(id=req.GET["membership_id"]) if len(m): m = m[0] m.admin = False return HttpResponseRedirect(req.path) elif req.GET["action"] == "setsection": m = real_memberships.filter(id=req.GET["membership_id"]) if req.POST["section_id"] == "None": s = None else: s = sections.filter(id=req.POST["section_id"])[0] if len(m): m = m[0] m.section = s return HttpResponseRedirect(req.path) return render_to_response("web/properties_ensemble_users.html", {"ensemble": ensemble, "memberships": real_memberships, "pendinginvites": pendinginvites, "pendingconfirmations": pendingconfirmations, "deleted_memberships": deleted_memberships, "sections": sections})
def properties_ensemble_sections(req, id): user = UR.getUserInfo(req) if user is None: return HttpResponseRedirect("/login?next=%s" % (req.META.get("PATH_INFO", "/"), )) if not auth.canEditEnsemble(, id): return HttpResponseRedirect("/notallowed") ensemble = M.Ensemble.objects.get(pk=id) sections = M.Section.objects.filter(ensemble=ensemble) err = "" if "action" in req.GET: if req.GET["action"] == "create" and "name" in req.POST: if M.Section.objects.filter(ensemble=ensemble, name=req.POST["name"]).exists(): err = "Could not create section: a section with the same name already exists." else: s = M.Section(name=req.POST["name"], ensemble=ensemble) return HttpResponseRedirect(req.path) elif req.GET["action"] == "delete" and "section_id" in req.GET: s = sections.filter(id=req.GET["section_id"]) if len(s): s = s[0] if (len(M.Membership.objects.filter(section=s)) > 0): err = "The section you are trying to delete is not empty." else: s.delete() return HttpResponseRedirect(req.path) else: err = "Cannot find section" elif req.GET[ "action"] == "reassign" and "membership_id" in req.POST and "section_id" in req.POST: if req.POST["section_id"] == "None": s = [None] else: s = sections.filter(id=req.POST["section_id"]) if len(s): s = s[0] m = M.Membership.objects.filter(id=req.POST["membership_id"]) if len(m): m = m[0] m.section = s else: err = "Cannot find member" else: err = "Cannot find section" else: err = "Unrecognized Command" if err or "json" in req.GET: return HttpResponse(json.dumps({"error_message": err}), content_type="application/json") else: return render_to_response("web/properties_ensemble_sections.html")
def add_youtube_doc(req, ensemble_id): import base.models as M from apiclient.discovery import build from urlparse import urlparse, parse_qs import re re_iso8601 = re.compile("PT(?:(?P<hours>\d+)H)?(?:(?P<minutes>\d+)M)?(?:(?P<seconds>\d+)S)?") youtube = build("youtube", "v3", developerKey=settings.GOOGLE_DEVELOPER_KEY) user = UR.getUserInfo(req, False) if user is None: redirect_url = "/login?next=%s" % (req.META.get("PATH_INFO","/"),) return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_url) if not auth.canEditEnsemble(, ensemble_id): return HttpResponseRedirect("/notallowed") addform = forms.YoutubeForm() if req.method == 'POST': addform = forms.YoutubeForm(req.POST) if addform.is_valid(): source = M.Source() source.numpages = 1 source.w = 0 source.h = 0 source.rotation = 0 source.version = 0 source.type = 2 source.submittedby=user ownership = M.Ownership() ownership.source = source ownership.ensemble_id = ensemble_id info = M.YoutubeInfo() info.source = source url = addform.cleaned_data['url'] result = urlparse(url) key = parse_qs(result.query)["v"][0] info.key = key; ginfo = youtube.videos().list(part="id,contentDetails,snippet", id=key).execute() source.title = ginfo["items"][0]["snippet"]["title"] matches_dict = re_iso8601.match(ginfo["items"][0]["contentDetails"]["duration"]).groupdict() numsecs = 0 if matches_dict["hours"] is not None: numsecs += int(matches_dict["hours"])*3600 if matches_dict["minutes"] is not None: numsecs += int(matches_dict["minutes"])*60 if matches_dict["seconds"] is not None: numsecs += int(matches_dict["seconds"]) source.numpages = numsecs #we use 1/100 sec precision.; #addform.cleaned_data['title'] return HttpResponseRedirect("/") return render_to_response("web/add_youtube_doc.html", {"form": addform})
def properties_ensemble_users(req, id): user = UR.getUserInfo(req) if user is None: return HttpResponseRedirect("/login?next=%s" % (req.META.get("PATH_INFO","/"),)) if not auth.canEditEnsemble(, id): return HttpResponseRedirect("/notallowed") ensemble = M.Ensemble.objects.get(pk=id) memberships = M.Membership.objects.filter(ensemble=ensemble) pendingconfirmations = memberships.filter(user__in=M.User.objects.filter(valid=False), deleted=False) real_memberships = memberships.filter(user__in=M.User.objects.filter(valid=True), deleted=False) pendinginvites = M.Invite.objects.filter(ensemble=ensemble).exclude(user__id__in=real_memberships.values("user_id")) return render_to_response("web/properties_ensemble_users.html", {"ensemble": ensemble, "memberships": real_memberships, "pendinginvites": pendinginvites, "pendingconfirmations": pendingconfirmations})
def properties_ensemble_sections(req, id): user = UR.getUserInfo(req) if user is None: return HttpResponseRedirect("/login?next=%s" % (req.META.get("PATH_INFO","/"),)) if not auth.canEditEnsemble(, id): return HttpResponseRedirect("/notallowed") ensemble = M.Ensemble.objects.get(pk=id) sections = M.Section.objects.filter(ensemble=ensemble) all_students = M.Membership.objects.filter(ensemble=ensemble).filter(guest=False) students = {} for s in sections: students[s] = all_students.filter(section=s) no_section = all_students.filter(section=None) err = "" if "action" in req.GET: if req.GET["action"] == "create" and "name" in req.POST: if M.Section.objects.filter(ensemble=ensemble, name=req.POST["name"]).exists(): err = "Could not create section: a section with the same name already exists." else: s = M.Section(name=req.POST["name"], ensemble=ensemble) elif req.GET["action"] == "delete" and "section_id" in req.GET: s = sections.filter(id=req.GET["section_id"]) if len(s): s = s[0] if ( len(M.Membership.objects.filter(section=s)) > 0): err = "The section you are trying to delete is not empty." else: s.delete() return HttpResponseRedirect(req.path) else: err = "Cannot find section" elif req.GET["action"] == "reassign" and "membership_id" in req.POST and "section_id" in req.POST: if req.POST["section_id"] == "None": s = [None] else: s = sections.filter(id=req.POST["section_id"]); if len(s): s = s[0]; m = M.Membership.objects.filter(id=req.POST["membership_id"]) if len(m): m = m[0] m.section = s else: err = "Cannot find member" else: err = "Cannot find section" else: err = "Unrecognized Command" if "json" in req.GET: return HttpResponse(json.dumps({"error_message": err}), content_type="application/json") return render_to_response("web/properties_ensemble_sections.html", {"ensemble": ensemble, "sections": sections, "students": students, "no_section": no_section, "error_message": err })
def properties_ensemble(req, id): user = UR.getUserInfo(req) if user is None: return HttpResponseRedirect("/login?next=%s" % (req.META.get("PATH_INFO","/"),)) if not auth.canEditEnsemble(, id): return HttpResponseRedirect("/notallowed") ensemble = M.Ensemble.objects.get(pk=id) ensemble_form = None if req.method=="POST": ensemble_form = forms.EnsembleForm(req.POST, instance=ensemble) if ensemble_form.is_valid(): return HttpResponseRedirect('/') else: return render_to_response("web/properties_ensemble.html")
def properties_ensemble(req, id): user = UR.getUserInfo(req) if user is None: return HttpResponseRedirect("/login?next=%s" % (req.META.get("PATH_INFO","/"),)) if not auth.canEditEnsemble(, id): return HttpResponseRedirect("/notallowed") ensemble = M.Ensemble.objects.get(pk=id) ensemble_form = None if req.method=="POST": ensemble_form = forms.EnsembleForm(req.POST, instance=ensemble) if ensemble_form.is_valid(): return HttpResponseRedirect('/') else: ensemble_form = forms.EnsembleForm(instance=ensemble) return render_to_response("web/properties_ensemble.html", {"form": ensemble_form, "conf_url": "%s://%s/subscribe?key=%s" %(settings.PROTOCOL, settings.NB_SERVERNAME, ensemble.invitekey)})
def properties_ensemble(req, id): user = UR.getUserInfo(req) if user is None: return HttpResponseRedirect("/login?next=%s" % (req.META.get("PATH_INFO", "/"), )) if not auth.canEditEnsemble(, id): return HttpResponseRedirect("/notallowed") ensemble = M.Ensemble.objects.get(pk=id) ensemble_form = None if req.method == "POST": ensemble_form = forms.EnsembleForm(req.POST, instance=ensemble) if ensemble_form.is_valid(): return HttpResponseRedirect('/') else: return render_to_response("web/properties_ensemble.html")
def properties_ensemble(req, id): user = UR.getUserInfo(req) if user is None: return HttpResponseRedirect("/login?next=%s" % (req.META.get("PATH_INFO","/"),)) if not auth.canEditEnsemble(, id): return HttpResponseRedirect("/notallowed") ensemble = M.Ensemble.objects.get(pk=id) ensemble_form = None if req.method=="POST": ensemble_form = forms.EnsembleForm(req.POST, instance=ensemble) if ensemble_form.is_valid(): return HttpResponseRedirect('/admin') else: ensemble_form = forms.EnsembleForm(instance=ensemble) return render_to_response("web/properties_ensemble.html", {"form": ensemble_form, "conf_url": "%s://%s/subscribe?key=%s" %(settings.PROTOCOL, settings.NB_SERVERNAME, ensemble.invitekey)})
def add_html_doc(req, ensemble_id): import base.models as M user = UR.getUserInfo(req, False) if user is None: redirect_url = "/login?next=%s" % (req.META.get("PATH_INFO", "/"), ) return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_url) if not auth.canEditEnsemble(, ensemble_id): return HttpResponseRedirect("/notallowed") addform = forms.Html5Form() if req.method == 'POST': addform = forms.Html5Form(req.POST) if addform.is_valid(): source = M.Source() source.numpages = 1 source.w = 0 source.h = 0 source.rotation = 0 source.version = 0 source.type = 4 source.submittedby = user source.title = addform.cleaned_data['title'] ownership = M.Ownership() ownership.source = source ownership.ensemble_id = ensemble_id info = M.HTML5Info() info.source = source # trailing slash is sometimes added by server redirects # but person specifying upload url may not realize this # so remove trailing slash as well as hash part of the URL info.url = addform.cleaned_data['url'].partition("#")[0].rstrip( "/") return HttpResponseRedirect("/") return render_to_response("web/add_html_doc.html", {"form": addform})
def properties_ensemble_sections(req, id): user = UR.getUserInfo(req) if user is None: return HttpResponseRedirect("/login?next=%s" % (req.META.get("PATH_INFO","/"),)) if not auth.canEditEnsemble(, id): return HttpResponseRedirect("/notallowed") ensemble = M.Ensemble.objects.get(pk=id) sections = M.Section.objects.filter(ensemble=ensemble) err = "" if "action" in req.GET: if req.GET["action"] == "create" and "name" in req.POST: if M.Section.objects.filter(ensemble=ensemble, name=req.POST["name"]).exists(): err = "Could not create section \"%s\" because it already exists." % req.POST["name"] else: s = M.Section(name=req.POST["name"], ensemble=ensemble) return HttpResponseRedirect(req.path) elif req.GET["action"] == "delete" and "section_id" in req.GET: s = sections.filter(id=req.GET["section_id"]) if len(s): s = s[0] if ( len(M.Membership.objects.filter(section=s)) > 0): err = "The section you are trying to delete is not empty." else: s.delete() return HttpResponseRedirect(req.path) else: err = "Cannot find section" elif req.GET["action"] == "reassign" and "membership_id" in req.POST and "section_id" in req.POST: if req.POST["section_id"] == "None": s = [None] else: s = sections.filter(id=req.POST["section_id"]); if len(s): s = s[0]; m = M.Membership.objects.filter(id=req.POST["membership_id"]) if len(m): m = m[0] m.section = s else: err = "Cannot find member" else: err = "Cannot find section" elif req.GET["action"] == "reassign_many": json_data = json.loads(req.body) new_sections = set(json_data["new_sections"]) # Check that none of the new_sections already exist old_sections = set([ for s in M.Section.objects.filter(ensemble=ensemble).all()]) sections_intersection = old_sections.intersection(new_sections) if sections_intersection: err = "Could not create the following sections because they already exists: " + \ ", ".join(sections_intersection) return HttpResponse(json.dumps({"error_message": err}), content_type="application/json") # Check that all section names in updated_sections are valid i.e. either an existing section # or one of the new_sections. all_sections = old_sections.union(new_sections) updated_sections = json_data["updated_sections"] updated_sections_names = set([r["section"] for r in updated_sections]) invalid_section_names = updated_sections_names.difference(all_sections) if invalid_section_names: # Under normal circumstances the code should not get here because the UI should have ensured that all # new sections are part of the new_sections field in the json data sent to the server. err = "Could not update records because students cannot be added to these sections which do not exist: " + \ ", ".join(invalid_section_names) return HttpResponse(json.dumps({"error_message": err}), content_type="application/json") # Check that all user IDs in updated_sections are valid invalid_user_id = [] for r in updated_sections: if not len(M.Membership.objects.filter(id=r["user_id"])): invalid_user_id.append(r["user_id"]) if invalid_user_id: err = "Could not update records because the following user IDs are invalid: " + \ ", ".join(invalid_user_id) return HttpResponse(json.dumps({"error_message": err}), content_type="application/json") # Create new sections for section_name in new_sections: section_object = M.Section(name=section_name, ensemble=ensemble) # Update students' sections for r in updated_sections: m = M.Membership.objects.filter(id=r["user_id"])[0] s = sections.filter(name=r["section"], ensemble=ensemble)[0]; m.section = s else: err = "Unrecognized Command" if err or "json" in req.GET: return HttpResponse(json.dumps({"error_message": err}), content_type="application/json") else: return render_to_response("web/properties_ensemble_sections.html")
def properties_ensemble_sections(req, id): user = UR.getUserInfo(req) if user is None: return HttpResponseRedirect("/login?next=%s" % (req.META.get("PATH_INFO", "/"), )) if not auth.canEditEnsemble(, id): return HttpResponseRedirect("/notallowed") ensemble = M.Ensemble.objects.get(pk=id) sections = M.Section.objects.filter(ensemble=ensemble) err = "" if "action" in req.GET: if req.GET["action"] == "create" and "name" in req.POST: if M.Section.objects.filter(ensemble=ensemble, name=req.POST["name"]).exists(): err = "Could not create section \"%s\" because it already exists." % req.POST[ "name"] else: s = M.Section(name=req.POST["name"], ensemble=ensemble) return HttpResponseRedirect(req.path) elif req.GET["action"] == "delete" and "section_id" in req.GET: s = sections.filter(id=req.GET["section_id"]) if len(s): s = s[0] if (len(M.Membership.objects.filter(section=s)) > 0): err = "The section you are trying to delete is not empty." else: s.delete() return HttpResponseRedirect(req.path) else: err = "Cannot find section" elif req.GET[ "action"] == "reassign" and "membership_id" in req.POST and "section_id" in req.POST: if req.POST["section_id"] == "None": s = [None] else: s = sections.filter(id=req.POST["section_id"]) if len(s): s = s[0] m = M.Membership.objects.filter(id=req.POST["membership_id"]) if len(m): m = m[0] m.section = s else: err = "Cannot find member" else: err = "Cannot find section" elif req.GET["action"] == "reassign_many": json_data = json.loads(req.body) new_sections = set(json_data["new_sections"]) # Check that none of the new_sections already exist old_sections = set([ for s in M.Section.objects.filter(ensemble=ensemble).all() ]) sections_intersection = old_sections.intersection(new_sections) if sections_intersection: err = "Could not create the following sections because they already exists: " + \ ", ".join(sections_intersection) return HttpResponse(json.dumps({"error_message": err}), content_type="application/json") # Check that all section names in updated_sections are valid i.e. either an existing section # or one of the new_sections. all_sections = old_sections.union(new_sections) updated_sections = json_data["updated_sections"] updated_sections_names = set( [r["section"] for r in updated_sections]) invalid_section_names = updated_sections_names.difference( all_sections) if invalid_section_names: # Under normal circumstances the code should not get here because the UI should have ensured that all # new sections are part of the new_sections field in the json data sent to the server. err = "Could not update records because students cannot be added to these sections which do not exist: " + \ ", ".join(invalid_section_names) return HttpResponse(json.dumps({"error_message": err}), content_type="application/json") # Check that all user IDs in updated_sections are valid invalid_user_id = [] for r in updated_sections: if not len(M.Membership.objects.filter(id=r["user_id"])): invalid_user_id.append(r["user_id"]) if invalid_user_id: err = "Could not update records because the following user IDs are invalid: " + \ ", ".join(invalid_user_id) return HttpResponse(json.dumps({"error_message": err}), content_type="application/json") # Create new sections for section_name in new_sections: section_object = M.Section(name=section_name, ensemble=ensemble) # Update students' sections for r in updated_sections: m = M.Membership.objects.filter(id=r["user_id"])[0] s = sections.filter(name=r["section"], ensemble=ensemble)[0] m.section = s else: err = "Unrecognized Command" if err or "json" in req.GET: return HttpResponse(json.dumps({"error_message": err}), content_type="application/json") else: return render_to_response("web/properties_ensemble_sections.html")