def parse_base(self, line): ''' tshark line parser ''' data = line.split() if len(data) >= 5: proto = data[4] # If we dont see the protocol yet in the protos dictionary, we need # to initialize it. After that, we can then increment regardless. if proto not in self.protos: self.protos[proto] = 0 self.protos[proto] += 1 # If the counter timer is set to 0, then this is the first packet # we have parsed. Set the counter to the current time so that we # dont send a single packet stat to the API. if self.counter == 0: self.counter = int(time.time()) # Once we reach 60 seconds, we need to purge out the protocol counts # that we have counted. Make an API call for each proto we have, # then reset the counter timer and the protos dictionary. if (int(time.time()) - self.counter) >= 60: for proto in self.protos: log.debug('TSHARK: sending %s=%s' % (proto, self.protos[proto])) self.api.stat(proto, self.protos[proto]) self.counter = int(time.time()) self.protos = {}
def parse_packet(self): ''' This function will parse the needed data from the packet PSML XML definition and send the data to the API. ''' # If the counter timer is set to 0, then this is the first packet # we have parsed. Set the counter to the current time so that we # dont send a single packet stat to the API. if self.counter == 0: self.counter = int(time.time()) # Next we instantiate a BeautifulSoup object to parse the packet and # pull out the protocol name. packet = soup(self.packet) proto = packet.findAll('section')[4].text # If we dont see the protocol yet in the protos dictionary, we need # to initialize it. After that, we can then increment regardless. if proto not in self.protos: self.protos[proto] = 0 self.protos[proto] += 1 # Once we reach 60 seconds, we need to purge out the protocol counts # that we have counted. Make an API call for each proto we have, # then reset the counter timer and the protos dictionary. if (int(time.time()) - self.counter) >= 60: for proto in self.protos: log.debug('TSHARK: sending %s=%s' % (proto, self.protos[proto])) self.api.stat(proto, self.protos[proto]) self.counter = int(time.time()) self.protos = {}
def when_available(fut): try: conn = fut.result() except (psycopg2.Error, psycopg2.OperationalError) as error: future.set_exc_info(sys.exc_info()) if retry and not keep: self.putconn(retry[0]) return log.debug("Obtained connection: %s", conn.fileno) try: future_or_result = method(conn, *args, **kwargs) except (psycopg2.Error, psycopg2.OperationalError) as error: log.debug("Method failed synchronously") return self._retry(retry, when_available, conn, keep, future) if not async: if not keep: self.putconn(conn) future.set_result(future_or_result) return def when_done(rfut): try: result = rfut.result() except (psycopg2.Error, psycopg2.OperationalError) as error: log.debug("Method failed Asynchronously") return self._retry(retry, when_available, conn, keep, future) if not keep: self.putconn(conn) future.set_result(result) self.ioloop.add_future(future_or_result, when_done)
def add_dead(self, conn): log.debug("Adding dead connection") self.pending.discard(conn) self.dead.add(conn) # If everything is dead, abort anything pending. if not self.pending: self.abort_waiting_queue(Pool.DatabaseNotAvailable("No database connection available"))
def _new_connection(self): log.debug("Spawning new connection") conn = Connection(self.dsn, connection_factory=self.connection_factory, cursor_factory=self.cursor_factory, ioloop=self.ioloop, setsession=self.setsession) return self._connect_one(conn)
def release(self, conn): log.debug("About to release connection %s", conn.fileno) assert conn in self.busy, "Tried to release non-busy connection" self.busy.remove(conn) if conn.closed: self.dead.add(conn) else: self.add_free(conn)
def show_(self): log.debug("Received show") for i in range(5): line = self.get_line(i) line.setText(self.translations[i]) self.set_color(line, "#FFFFFF") self.set_next()
def check_(self): log.debug("Received check") for i in range(5): line = self.get_line(i) ans, corr = line.text(), self.translations[i] self.set_color(line, "#00FF00" if ans == corr else "#FF0000") self.set_next()
def when_done(rfut): try: result = rfut.result() except (psycopg2.Error, psycopg2.OperationalError) as error: log.debug("Method failed Asynchronously") return self._retry(retry, when_available, conn, keep, future) if not keep: self.putconn(conn) future.set_result(result)
def on_connect(fut): if pending[0]: pending[0] -= 1 return # all connection attempts are complete if self.conns.dead and self.raise_connect_errors: ecp = PartiallyConnectedError("%s connection(s) failed to connect" % len(self.conns.dead)) future.set_exception(ecp) else: future.set_result(self) log.debug("All initial connection requests complete")
def parse(self, line): '''Ettercap line output parser.''' if 'USER' in line: usernames = self.ruser.findall(line) passwords = self.rpass.findall(line) infos = self.rinfo.findall(line) protos = self.rproto.findall(line) if len(usernames) > 0 and len(passwords) > 0: username = usernames[0] password = passwords[0] info = infos[0] proto = protos[0] log.debug('ETTERCAP: sending Account <%s>' % username) self.api.account(username, password, info, proto, 'ettercap')
def acquire(self, pool_need_log=False): """Occupy free connection""" future = Future() while True: if conn = if conn.valid: self.busy.add(conn) else: self.dead.add(conn) continue future.set_result(conn) conn.connection_need_log = pool_need_log log.debug("Acquired free connection %s", conn.fileno) return future elif self.busy: log.debug("No free connections, and some are busy - put in waiting queue") self.waiting_queue.appendleft(future) return future elif self.pending: log.debug("No free connections, but some are pending - put in waiting queue") self.waiting_queue.appendleft(future) return future else: log.debug("All connections are dead") return None
def parse(self, line): ''' Driftnet output line parser. ''' # This parser is about as simple as they come. Every line is simply a # filename of the image that driftnet carved out. All we need to do is # open it up, send the data to the API, then remove the file. filename = line.strip('\r\n ') log.debug('DRIFTNET: sending image %s' % filename) self.api.image(filename) try: os.remove(filename) except: log.warn('DRIFTNET: could not remove %s' % filename)
def parse(self, line): '''Ettercap line output parser.''' log.debug('ETTERCAP: DEBUG0: %s' % line) if 'USER' in line: usernames = self.ruser.findall(line) passwords = self.rpass.findall(line) infos = self.rinfo.findall(line) protos = self.rproto.findall(line) hosts = self.rhost.findall(line) log.debug('ETTERCAP: DEBUG1: %s, %s, %s,%s' % (usernames,passwords,infos,protos)) if len(usernames) > 0 and len(passwords) > 0: username = usernames[0] password = passwords[0] host = hosts[0] proto = protos[0] try: info = infos[0] except: info = '' if proto == 'FTP': info = host log.debug('ETTERCAP: sending Account <%s>' % username) self.api.account(username, password, info, proto, 'ettercap') if 'COMMUNITY' in line: communities = self.rcommunity.findall(line) hosts = self.rhost.findall(line) host = (hosts[0].split(':'))[0] port = (hosts[0].split(':'))[1] protos = self.rproto.findall(line) if len(communities) > 0 and port == '161': community = communities[0] proto = protos[0] log.debug('ETTERCAP: sending SNMP community: <%s>' % community) self.api.account('n/a', community, host, proto, 'ettercap')
def _reanimate_and_stretch_if_needed(self): if self.conns.dead: self._reanimate() return if == self.max_size: return # max size reached if return # no point to stretch if there are free connections if self.conns.pending: if len(self.conns.pending) >= len(self.conns.waiting_queue): return # there are enough outstanding connection requests log.debug("Stretching pool") self._new_connection()
def cacheService(fileName, url, params): '''Before call service, get data from cache first, if not data from cache, then call service and cache it. Args: fileName: cache file name. url: service api url. params: request params. Dict Returns: Response content: Json String if not any data from cache and service, then return ''. ''' respContent = cache.getWithParams(fileName, params) if respContent != '' and config.enable_cache: log.debug('Return cache data, from :' + cache.spliceFileName(fileName, params)) return respContent respContent = callService(url, params) if respContent != '': cache.setWithParams(fileName, params, respContent) return respContent
def _reanimate(self): assert self.conns.dead, "BUG: don't call reanimate when there is no one to reanimate" future = Future() if self.ioloop.time() - self._last_connect_time < self.reconnect_interval: log.debug("Not reconnecting - too soon") future.set_result(None) return future pending = [len(self.conns.dead)-1] def on_connect(fut): if pending[0]: pending[0] -= 1 return future.set_result(None) while self.conns.dead: conn = self.conns.dead.pop() self.ioloop.add_future(self._connect_one(conn), on_connect) return future
def callService(url, params): '''Main function to call cninfo services. Args: url: api url. String params: request params. Dict Returns: if service return code is not 200, then return ''. if call service success, then return response Json string. ''' params['access_token'] = getAccessToken() paramsbyte = bytes(urllib.parse.urlencode(params), 'utf8') response = urllib.request.urlopen(config.base_url + url, paramsbyte) respContentStr = respContent = json.loads(respContentStr) respCode = respContent['resultcode'] if respCode == 401 or respCode == 404 or respCode == 405: log.debug('Token invalid. Updating it from service') getAccessTokenFromService() return callService(url, params) elif respCode != 200: log.error('Api调用出错:' + respContent['resultmsg']) return '' else: return respContentStr
def acquire(self): """Occupy free connection""" future = Future() if conn = self.busy.add(conn) future.set_result(conn) log.debug("Acquired free connection %s", conn.fileno) return future elif self.busy: log.debug("No free connections, and some are busy - put in waiting queue") self.waiting_queue.appendleft(future) return future elif self.pending: log.debug("No free connections, but some are pending - put in waiting queue") self.waiting_queue.appendleft(future) return future else: log.debug("All connections are dead") return None
def add_free(self, conn): self.pending.discard(conn) log.debug("Handling free connection %s", conn.fileno) if not self.waiting_queue: log.debug("No outstanding requests - adding to free pool") conn.last_used_time = time.time() return log.debug("There are outstanding requests - resumed future from waiting queue") self.busy.add(conn) future = self.waiting_queue.pop() future.set_result(conn)
def parse(self, line): ''' Driftnet output line parser. ''' # This parser is about as simple as they come. Every line is simply a # filename of the image that driftnet carved out. All we need to do is # open it up, send the data to the API, then remove the file. filename = line.strip('\r\n ') # Check if the picture is "p**n" try: im = skinratio = self.checkporn( * 100 if skinratio > 30: log.debug('DRIFTNET: skipping image %s (detected as p**n - skin: %s%%)' % (filename, skinratio)) else: log.debug('DRIFTNET: sending image %s (skin: %s%%)' % (filename, skinratio)) self.api.image(filename) except: log.debug('DRIFTNET: skipping image %s (not readable)' % filename) try: os.remove(filename) except: log.warn('DRIFTNET: cannot remove %s' % filename)
def run(self, args): assert (len(args) == 0), "Unexpected launcher command-line arguments: {!r}".format(args) assert os.path.exists(self.flags.java_path), \ "JVM executable not found: {!r}".format(self.flags.java_path) self.extract() # Identify which profile to use: profiles = self.config["profiles"] if self.flags.profile is not None: # Profile explicitly specified by user must exist: assert (self.flags.profile in profiles), \ "Invalid profile {!r}, use one of {}." \ .format(self.flags.profile, sorted(profiles.keys())) profile_name = self.flags.profile else: # No explicit override, default is to use the program name if possible, # falling back to the configured default profile if needed. profile_name = base.get_program_name() if profile_name not in profiles: profile_name = self.config["default_profile"] profile = profiles[profile_name] # Compute the JVM arguments from explicit extension/overrides and from global map: jvm_args = list() if not self.flags.ignore_profile_jvm_args: jvm_args.extend(profile.get("jvm_args", tuple())) jvm_args.extend(arg_map[JVM_ARGS]) # Recover program arguments from global map: program_args = arg_map[PROGRAM_ARGS] # Compute concrete classpath and set environment CLASSPATH accordingly: cp_entries = tuple(self.make_classpath_entries(profile)) env = dict(os.environ) env["CLASSPATH"] = ":".join(cp_entries) # Handle --print-X launcher commands: should_exit = False # becomes true if a special command is invoked (eg. --print-foo) if self.flags.print_classpath: print(":".join(cp_entries)) should_exit = True if self.flags.print_config: print(base.json_encode(self.config)) should_exit = True if should_exit: return os.EX_OK # Determine which Java class to invoke: class_name = profile["main_class"] if self.flags.class_name is not None: class_name = self.flags.class_name"Using Java executable: {!r}", self.flags.java_path)"Using JVM arguments: {!r}", jvm_args)"Using Java main class: {!r}", class_name)"Using classpath: {}", base.json_encode(cp_entries))"Using Java program arguments: {!r}", program_args) log.debug("Using environment: {}", base.json_encode(env)) args = list() args.append(self.flags.java_path) args.extend(jvm_args) args.append(class_name) args.extend(program_args) os.execve(self.flags.java_path, args, env)
def run(self, args): action = if (action is None) and (len(args) > 0): action, args = args[0], args[1:] if action is None: action = "classpath" assert (action is not None), ("Must specify an action to perform, eg. 'classpath'.") local_repo = self.flags.maven_local if local_repo == ":wkspc:": wkspc = workspace.find_workspace_root(path=os.getcwd()) if wkspc is not None: local_repo = os.path.join(wkspc, "output", "maven_repository")"Using workspace local repo {!r}", local_repo) else: local_repo = os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], ".m2", "repository")"No workspace found, using global repo {!r}", local_repo) assert os.path.exists(local_repo), \ "Maven local repository not found: {!r}".format(local_repo) self._repo = maven_repo.MavenRepository( local = local_repo, remotes = self.flags.maven_remotes.split(","), exclusions = frozenset(self.flags.maven_remote_exclusions.split(",")), ) self._scanner = maven_loader.ArtifactScanner( repo=self.repo, fetch_content=self.flags.fetch, force_unresolved=True, ) targets = list(self.flags.targets.split(",")) + list(args) targets = list(filter(None, targets)) target_artifacts = map(artifact.parse_artifact, targets) exclusions = self.flags.exclusions.split(",") exclusions = filter(None, exclusions) exclusion_artifacts = frozenset(map(artifact.parse_artifact_name, exclusions)) deps = list() for target_artifact in target_artifacts: dep = maven_wrapper.Dependency( artifact=target_artifact, scope=self.flags.scope, exclusions=exclusion_artifacts, ) deps.append(dep) log.debug("Scanning dependencies: {!r}", deps) classpath = self._scanner.scan(deps) list_file_path = self.flags.list_file if list_file_path is None: list_file_path = '/dev/null' with open(list_file_path, "wt") as ofile: self._scanner.write_dep_list(output=ofile) if action == "classpath": print(":".join(sorted(classpath))) elif action == "resolve": for artf, dep_chains in sorted(self._scanner.versions.items()): chain = dep_chains[0] selected = chain[0] print(selected.artifact) elif action == "explain": self._scanner.explain(artifact.parse_artifact_name(self.flags.explain)) else: raise Error("Invalid action: {!r}".format(action))
def run(self, args): action = if (action is None) and (len(args) > 0): action, args = args[0], args[1:] if action is None: action = "classpath" assert (action is not None), ( "Must specify an action to perform, eg. 'classpath'.") local_repo = self.flags.maven_local if local_repo == ":wkspc:": wkspc = workspace.find_workspace_root(path=os.getcwd()) if wkspc is not None: local_repo = os.path.join(wkspc, "output", "maven_repository")"Using workspace local repo {!r}", local_repo) else: local_repo = os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], ".m2", "repository")"No workspace found, using global repo {!r}", local_repo) assert os.path.exists(local_repo), \ "Maven local repository not found: {!r}".format(local_repo) self._repo = maven_repo.MavenRepository( local=local_repo, remotes=self.flags.maven_remotes.split(","), exclusions=frozenset( self.flags.maven_remote_exclusions.split(",")), ) self._scanner = maven_loader.ArtifactScanner( repo=self.repo, fetch_content=self.flags.fetch, force_unresolved=True, ) targets = list(self.flags.targets.split(",")) + list(args) targets = list(filter(None, targets)) target_artifacts = map(artifact.parse_artifact, targets) exclusions = self.flags.exclusions.split(",") exclusions = filter(None, exclusions) exclusion_artifacts = frozenset( map(artifact.parse_artifact_name, exclusions)) deps = list() for target_artifact in target_artifacts: dep = maven_wrapper.Dependency( artifact=target_artifact, scope=self.flags.scope, exclusions=exclusion_artifacts, ) deps.append(dep) log.debug("Scanning dependencies: {!r}", deps) classpath = self._scanner.scan(deps) list_file_path = self.flags.list_file if list_file_path is None: list_file_path = '/dev/null' with open(list_file_path, "wt") as ofile: self._scanner.write_dep_list(output=ofile) if action == "classpath": print(":".join(sorted(classpath))) elif action == "resolve": for artf, dep_chains in sorted(self._scanner.versions.items()): chain = dep_chains[0] selected = chain[0] print(selected.artifact) elif action == "explain": self._scanner.explain( artifact.parse_artifact_name(self.flags.explain)) else: raise Error("Invalid action: {!r}".format(action))