def getshopid(): ''' 获取门店编码 :return list: ''' conn = mtu.getMysqlConn() cur = conn.cursor() sql = "select ShopID, ShopName from bas_shop_region" cur.execute(sql) res = cur.fetchall() # 释放 mtu.close(conn, cur) return res
def report(request): pageNum = mtu.getReqVal(request, "pageNum", "1") start = mtu.getReqVal(request, "start") end = mtu.getReqVal(request, "end") ucode = mtu.getReqVal(request, "ucode", "") pname = mtu.getReqVal(request, "pname", "") try: if not start: start = ("%Y-%m-%d") if not end: end ="%Y-%m-%d") conn = mtu.getMysqlConn() cur = conn.cursor() condition = " where 1=1 " condition += " and createtime BETWEEN '{start} 00:00:00' AND '{end} 23:59:59'"\ .format(start=start,end=end) if ucode: condition += " and ucode like '%{ucode}%'".format(ucode=ucode) if pname: condition += " and name like '%{pname}%'".format(pname=pname) sql = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(createtime,'%Y-%m-%d') createtime,`name`,url," \ "SUM(CASE WHEN qtype = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) views," \ "SUM(CASE WHEN qtype = 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) downs " \ "FROM bas_pur_log {condition} GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(createtime,'%Y-%m-%d'),`name` "\ "order by DATE_FORMAT(createtime,'%Y-%m-%d') DESC "\ .format(condition=condition) cur.execute(sql) rlist = cur.fetchall() mtu.close(conn, cur) except Exception as e: rlist = [] print(e) page = Paginator(rlist, __EACH_PAGE_SHOW_NUMBER, allow_empty_first_page=True).page(int(pageNum)) result = { "page": page, "pageNum": str(pageNum), "start": start, "end": end, "ucode": ucode, "pname": pname, } return render(request, "admin/sysConf_retail_purlog_report.html", result)
def report(request): pageNum = mtu.getReqVal(request, "pageNum", "1") start = mtu.getReqVal(request, "start") end = mtu.getReqVal(request, "end") ucode = mtu.getReqVal(request, "ucode", "") pname = mtu.getReqVal(request, "pname", "") try: if not start: start = ("%Y-%m-%d") if not end: end ="%Y-%m-%d") conn = mtu.getMysqlConn() cur = conn.cursor() condition = " where 1=1 " condition += " and createtime BETWEEN '{start} 00:00:00' AND '{end} 23:59:59'"\ .format(start=start,end=end) if ucode: condition += " and ucode like '%{ucode}%'".format(ucode=ucode) if pname: condition += " and name like '%{pname}%'".format(pname=pname) sql = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(createtime,'%Y-%m-%d') createtime,`name`,url," \ "SUM(CASE WHEN qtype = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) views," \ "SUM(CASE WHEN qtype = 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) downs " \ "FROM bas_pur_log {condition} GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(createtime,'%Y-%m-%d'),`name` "\ "order by DATE_FORMAT(createtime,'%Y-%m-%d') DESC "\ .format(condition=condition) cur.execute(sql) rlist = cur.fetchall() mtu.close(conn,cur) except Exception as e: rlist = [] print(e) page = Paginator(rlist, __EACH_PAGE_SHOW_NUMBER, allow_empty_first_page=True).page(int(pageNum)) result = {"page": page, "pageNum": str(pageNum),"start": start,"end":end,"ucode":ucode,"pname":pname,} return render(request, "admin/sysConf_retail_purlog_report.html", result)
def query(yesterday): yearandmon = DateUtil.getyearandmonth() # 当前月份第一天 monfirstday = DateUtil.get_firstday_of_month(yearandmon[0], yearandmon[1]) # 当前月份最后一天 monlastday = DateUtil.get_lastday_month() # 今天 today = DateUtil.todaystr() # 获取门店信息 getshopname = getshopid() conn = mtu.getMysqlConn() sqltop = "select shopid, sum(shopsale) as shopsalesum, sum(ret) as retsum, (sum(ret) / sum(shopsale)) as retrate " \ "from `KGshopretsale` " \ "where ShopID!='C009' AND sdate between '" + monfirstday + "' and '" + yesterday + "' " \ "group by shopid " \ "order by shopid" cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(sqltop) listtop = cur.fetchall() # 最后一行的合计 listtopTotal = {'sequenceNumber': '合计', 'shopid': '', 'shopname': '', 'shopsalesum': '', 'retsum': '', 'retrate': ''} # 汇总总计(每月1日到当日) tempshopsalesum = 0.00 tempretsum = 0.00 # 格式化数据 paiming = 1 for i in range(0, len(listtop)): for key in listtop[i].keys(): row = listtop[i][key] if row == None: listtop[i][key] = '' else: if isinstance(row, decimal.Decimal) and key == 'retrate': listtop[i][key] = str(abs(float("%0.2f" % float(listtop[i][key] * 100)))) + '%' elif isinstance(row, decimal.Decimal) and key == 'retsum': listtop[i][key] = abs(float("%0.2f" % float(listtop[i][key]))) elif isinstance(row, decimal.Decimal): listtop[i][key] = "%0.2f" % float(listtop[i][key]) else: listtop[i][key] = listtop[i][key] # 添加汇总合计 tempshopsalesum += float(listtop[i]['shopsalesum']) tempretsum += float(listtop[i]['retsum']) # 添加序号 listtop[i]['sequenceNumber'] = paiming paiming += 1 sql = "select sdate, shopid, shopsale, ret, ret / shopsale as retc " \ "from `KGshopretsale` " \ "where shopid='" + listtop[i]['shopid'] + "' " \ "and sdate between '" + monfirstday + "' and '" + yesterday + "'" cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(sql) listdetail = cur.fetchall() for item in listdetail: date = str(item['sdate'])[8:10] if (not item['ret']): listtop[i]['retsum_' + date] = 0 else: listtop[i]['retsum_' + date] = abs(float(item['ret'])) if 'retsum_' + date in listtopTotal: listtopTotal['retsum_' + date] += listtop[i]['retsum_' + date] else: listtopTotal['retsum_' + date] = listtop[i]['retsum_' + date] if (not item['shopsale']): listtop[i]['shopsalesum_' + date] = 0 else: listtop[i]['shopsalesum_' + date] = float(item['shopsale']) if 'shopsalesum_' + date in listtopTotal: listtopTotal['shopsalesum_' + date] += listtop[i]['shopsalesum_' + date] else: listtopTotal['shopsalesum_' + date] = listtop[i]['shopsalesum_' + date] if (not item['retc']): listtop[i]['retrate_' + date] = 0 else: listtop[i]['retrate_' + date] = str(abs(float("%0.2f" % (item['retc'] * 100)))) + '%' # 添加当日汇总 listtopTotal['retsum_' + date] = float("%0.2f" % (listtopTotal['retsum_' + date])) listtopTotal['shopsalesum_' + date] = float("%0.2f" % (listtopTotal['shopsalesum_' + date])) listtopTotal['retrate_' + date] = str( float("%0.2f" % (listtopTotal['retsum_' + date] / listtopTotal['shopsalesum_' + date] * 100))) + '%' # 添加门店名称 for i in range(0, len(listtop)): for j in range(0, len(getshopname)): if listtop[i]['shopid'] == getshopname[j]['ShopID']: listtop[i]['shopname'] = getshopname[j]['ShopName'].strip() # 合计转换数据格式 listtopTotal['shopsalesum'] = float("%0.2f" % tempshopsalesum) listtopTotal['retsum'] = float("%0.2f" % tempretsum) listtopTotal['retrate'] = str( "%0.2f" % float(float(listtopTotal['retsum'] / listtopTotal['shopsalesum']) * 100)) + '%' # 转换为dict,导出excel TotalDict = {'listtopTotal': listtopTotal} # 退货明细 sqldetail = "select shopid, shopname, sdate, stime, listno, posid, cashierid, goodsid, goodsname, deptid, amount, sale " \ "from `KGshopretsaleitem` " \ "where sdate='" + yesterday + "' order by shopid" cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(sqldetail) retdetail = cur.fetchall() # 格式化数据 for i in range(0, len(retdetail)): for key in retdetail[i].keys(): row = retdetail[i][key] if row == None: listtop[i][key] = '' else: if isinstance(row, decimal.Decimal): retdetail[i][key] = "%0.2f" % float(retdetail[i][key]) elif isinstance(row, datetime.datetime): retdetail[i][key] = retdetail[i][key].strftime("%Y-%m-%d") else: retdetail[i][key] = retdetail[i][key] mtu.close(conn, cur) return locals()
def query(yesterday): yearandmon = DateUtil.getyearandmonth() # 当前月份第一天 monfirstday = DateUtil.get_firstday_of_month(yearandmon[0], yearandmon[1]) # 当前月份最后一天 monlastday = DateUtil.get_lastday_month() # 今天 today = DateUtil.todaystr() # 获取门店信息 getshopname = getshopid() conn = mtu.getMysqlConn() sqltop = "select shopid, sum(costvalue) as costvaluesum, sum(reth) as rethsum, (sum(reth) / sum(costvalue)) as retrate " \ "from KGretshop " \ "where ShopID!='C009' AND sdate between '" + monfirstday + "' and '" + yesterday + "' " \ "group by shopid " \ "order by shopid" cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(sqltop) listtop = cur.fetchall() # 最后一行的合计 listtopTotal = {'sequenceNumber': '合计', 'shopid': '', 'shopname': '', 'costvaluesum': '', 'rethsum': '', 'retrate': ''} # 汇总总计(每月1日到当日) tempcostvaluesum = 0.00 temprethsum = 0.00 # 格式化数据 paiming = 1 for i in range(0, len(listtop)): for key in listtop[i].keys(): row = listtop[i][key] if row == None: listtop[i][key] = '' else: if isinstance(row, decimal.Decimal) and key == 'retrate': listtop[i][key] = str(float("%0.2f" % float(listtop[i][key] * 100))) + '%' elif isinstance(row, decimal.Decimal): listtop[i][key] = "%0.2f" % float(listtop[i][key]) else: listtop[i][key] = listtop[i][key] # 添加序号 listtop[i]['sequenceNumber'] = paiming paiming += 1 # 添加汇总合计 tempcostvaluesum += float(listtop[i]['costvaluesum']) temprethsum += float(listtop[i]['rethsum']) sql = "select sdate, shopid, costvalue, reth, reth / costvalue as ret " \ "from `KGretshop` " \ "where shopid='" + listtop[i]['shopid'] + "' " \ "and sdate between '" + monfirstday + "' and '" + yesterday + "'" cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(sql) listdetail = cur.fetchall() for item in listdetail: date = str(item['sdate'])[8:10] if (not item['reth']): listtop[i]['rethsum_' + date] = 0 else: listtop[i]['rethsum_' + date] = float(item['reth']) if 'rethsum_' + date in listtopTotal: listtopTotal['rethsum_' + date] += listtop[i]['rethsum_' + date] else: listtopTotal['rethsum_' + date] = listtop[i]['rethsum_' + date] if (not item['costvalue']): listtop[i]['costvaluesum_' + date] = 0 else: listtop[i]['costvaluesum_' + date] = float(item['costvalue']) if 'costvaluesum_' + date in listtopTotal: listtopTotal['costvaluesum_' + date] += listtop[i]['costvaluesum_' + date] else: listtopTotal['costvaluesum_' + date] = listtop[i]['costvaluesum_' + date] if (not item['ret']): listtop[i]['retrate_' + date] = 0 else: listtop[i]['retrate_' + date] = str(float("%0.2f" % (item['ret'] * 100))) + '%' # 添加当日汇总 listtopTotal['rethsum_' + date] = float("%0.2f" % (listtopTotal['rethsum_' + date])) listtopTotal['costvaluesum_' + date] = float("%0.2f" % (listtopTotal['costvaluesum_' + date])) listtopTotal['retrate_' + date] = str( float("%0.2f" % (listtopTotal['rethsum_' + date] / listtopTotal['costvaluesum_' + date] * 100))) + '%' # 添加门店名称 for i in range(0, len(listtop)): for j in range(0, len(getshopname)): if listtop[i]['shopid'] == getshopname[j]['ShopID']: listtop[i]['shopname'] = getshopname[j]['ShopName'].strip() # 合计转换数据格式 listtopTotal['costvaluesum'] = "%0.2f" % tempcostvaluesum listtopTotal['rethsum'] = "%0.2f" % temprethsum tempcandr = "%0.2f" % (temprethsum / tempcostvaluesum) listtopTotal['retrate'] = str("%0.2f" % float(float(tempcandr) * 100)) + '%' mtu.close(conn, cur) # 转换为dict,导出excel TotalDict = {'listtopTotal': listtopTotal} return locals()
def query(yesterday): rbacDepartList, rbacDepart = reportMth.getRbacDepart(11) rbacClassList, rbacClass = reportMth.getRbacClass() yearandmon = DateUtil.getyearandmonth() # 当前月份第一天 monfirstday = DateUtil.get_firstday_of_month(yearandmon[0], yearandmon[1]) # 当前月份最后一天 monlastday = DateUtil.get_lastday_month() # 今天 today = DateUtil.todaystr() # 获取门店信息 getshopname = getshopid() conn = mtu.getMysqlConn() sqltop = "select shopid, sum(shopsale) as shopsalesum, sum(ret) as retsum, (sum(ret) / sum(shopsale)) as retrate " \ "from `KGshopretsale` " \ "where sdate between '{monfirstday}' and '{yesterday}' and shopid in ({rbacDepart})" \ "group by shopid order by shopid"\ .format(monfirstday=monfirstday,yesterday=yesterday,rbacDepart=rbacDepart) cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(sqltop) listtop = cur.fetchall() # 最后一行的合计 listtopTotal = { 'sequenceNumber': '合计', 'shopid': '', 'shopname': '', 'shopsalesum': '', 'retsum': '', 'retrate': '' } # 汇总总计(每月1日到当日) tempshopsalesum = 0.00 tempretsum = 0.00 # 格式化数据 paiming = 1 for i in range(0, len(listtop)): for key in listtop[i].keys(): row = listtop[i][key] if row == None: listtop[i][key] = '' else: if isinstance(row, decimal.Decimal) and key == 'retrate': listtop[i][key] = str( abs(float( "%0.2f" % float(listtop[i][key] * 100)))) + '%' elif isinstance(row, decimal.Decimal) and key == 'retsum': listtop[i][key] = abs( float("%0.2f" % float(listtop[i][key]))) elif isinstance(row, decimal.Decimal): listtop[i][key] = "%0.2f" % float(listtop[i][key]) else: listtop[i][key] = listtop[i][key] # 添加汇总合计 tempshopsalesum += float(listtop[i]['shopsalesum']) tempretsum += float(listtop[i]['retsum']) # 添加序号 listtop[i]['sequenceNumber'] = paiming paiming += 1 sql = "select sdate, shopid, shopsale, ret, ret / shopsale as retc " \ "from `KGshopretsale` " \ "where shopid='{shopID}' and sdate between '{monfirstday}' and '{yesterday}'"\ .format(shopID=listtop[i]['shopid'],monfirstday=monfirstday,yesterday=yesterday) cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(sql) listdetail = cur.fetchall() for item in listdetail: date = str(item['sdate'])[8:10] if (not item['ret']): listtop[i]['retsum_' + date] = 0 else: listtop[i]['retsum_' + date] = abs(float(item['ret'])) if 'retsum_' + date in listtopTotal: listtopTotal['retsum_' + date] += listtop[i]['retsum_' + date] else: listtopTotal['retsum_' + date] = listtop[i]['retsum_' + date] if (not item['shopsale']): listtop[i]['shopsalesum_' + date] = 0 else: listtop[i]['shopsalesum_' + date] = float(item['shopsale']) if 'shopsalesum_' + date in listtopTotal: listtopTotal['shopsalesum_' + date] += listtop[i]['shopsalesum_' + date] else: listtopTotal['shopsalesum_' + date] = listtop[i]['shopsalesum_' + date] if (not item['retc']): listtop[i]['retrate_' + date] = 0 else: listtop[i]['retrate_' + date] = str( abs(float("%0.2f" % (item['retc'] * 100)))) + '%' # 添加当日汇总 listtopTotal['retsum_' + date] = float( "%0.2f" % (listtopTotal['retsum_' + date])) listtopTotal['shopsalesum_' + date] = float( "%0.2f" % (listtopTotal['shopsalesum_' + date])) listtopTotal['retrate_' + date] = str( float("%0.2f" % (listtopTotal['retsum_' + date] / listtopTotal['shopsalesum_' + date] * 100))) + '%' # 添加门店名称 for i in range(0, len(listtop)): for j in range(0, len(getshopname)): if listtop[i]['shopid'] == getshopname[j]['ShopID']: listtop[i]['shopname'] = getshopname[j]['ShopName'].strip() # 合计转换数据格式 listtopTotal['shopsalesum'] = float("%0.2f" % tempshopsalesum) listtopTotal['retsum'] = float("%0.2f" % tempretsum) listtopTotal['retrate'] = str("%0.2f" % float( float(listtopTotal['retsum'] / listtopTotal['shopsalesum']) * 100)) + '%' # 转换为dict,导出excel TotalDict = {'listtopTotal': listtopTotal} # 退货明细 sqldetail = "select shopid, shopname, sdate, stime, listno, posid, cashierid, goodsid, goodsname, deptid, amount, sale " \ "from `KGshopretsaleitem` " \ "where sdate='{yesterday}' and shopid in ({rbacDepart}) and LEFT(deptid,2) in ({rbacClass})" \ "order by shopid"\ .format(yesterday=yesterday,rbacDepart=rbacDepart,rbacClass=rbacClass) cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(sqldetail) retdetail = cur.fetchall() # 格式化数据 for i in range(0, len(retdetail)): for key in retdetail[i].keys(): row = retdetail[i][key] if row == None: listtop[i][key] = '' else: if isinstance(row, decimal.Decimal): retdetail[i][key] = "%0.2f" % float(retdetail[i][key]) elif isinstance(row, datetime.datetime): retdetail[i][key] = retdetail[i][key].strftime("%Y-%m-%d") else: retdetail[i][key] = retdetail[i][key] mtu.close(conn, cur) return locals()
def query(yesterday): rbacDepartList, rbacDepart = reportMth.getRbacDepart(11) yearandmon = DateUtil.getyearandmonth() # 当前月份第一天 monfirstday = DateUtil.get_firstday_of_month(yearandmon[0], yearandmon[1]) # 当前月份最后一天 monlastday = DateUtil.get_lastday_month() # 今天 today = DateUtil.todaystr() # 获取门店信息 getshopname = getshopid() conn = mtu.getMysqlConn() sqltop = "select shopid, sum(costvalue) as costvaluesum, sum(reth) as rethsum, (sum(reth) / sum(costvalue)) as retrate " \ "from KGretshop " \ "where sdate between '{monfirstday}' and '{yesterday}' and shopid in ({rbacDepart})" \ "group by shopid order by shopid"\ .format(monfirstday=monfirstday,yesterday=yesterday,rbacDepart=rbacDepart) cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(sqltop) listtop = cur.fetchall() # 最后一行的合计 listtopTotal = { 'sequenceNumber': '合计', 'shopid': '', 'shopname': '', 'costvaluesum': '', 'rethsum': '', 'retrate': '' } # 汇总总计(每月1日到当日) tempcostvaluesum = 0.00 temprethsum = 0.00 # 格式化数据 paiming = 1 for i in range(0, len(listtop)): for key in listtop[i].keys(): row = listtop[i][key] if row == None: listtop[i][key] = '' else: if isinstance(row, decimal.Decimal) and key == 'retrate': listtop[i][key] = str( float("%0.2f" % float(listtop[i][key] * 100))) + '%' elif isinstance(row, decimal.Decimal): listtop[i][key] = "%0.2f" % float(listtop[i][key]) else: listtop[i][key] = listtop[i][key] # 添加序号 listtop[i]['sequenceNumber'] = paiming paiming += 1 # 添加汇总合计 tempcostvaluesum += float(listtop[i]['costvaluesum']) temprethsum += float(listtop[i]['rethsum']) sql = "select sdate, shopid, costvalue, reth, reth / costvalue as ret " \ "from `KGretshop` " \ "where shopid='{shopID}' and sdate between '{monfirstday}' and '{yesterday}'"\ .format(monfirstday=monfirstday,yesterday=yesterday,shopID = listtop[i]['shopid']) cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(sql) listdetail = cur.fetchall() for item in listdetail: date = str(item['sdate'])[8:10] if (not item['reth']): listtop[i]['rethsum_' + date] = 0 else: listtop[i]['rethsum_' + date] = float(item['reth']) if 'rethsum_' + date in listtopTotal: listtopTotal['rethsum_' + date] += listtop[i]['rethsum_' + date] else: listtopTotal['rethsum_' + date] = listtop[i]['rethsum_' + date] if (not item['costvalue']): listtop[i]['costvaluesum_' + date] = 0 else: listtop[i]['costvaluesum_' + date] = float(item['costvalue']) if 'costvaluesum_' + date in listtopTotal: listtopTotal['costvaluesum_' + date] += listtop[i]['costvaluesum_' + date] else: listtopTotal['costvaluesum_' + date] = listtop[i]['costvaluesum_' + date] if (not item['ret']): listtop[i]['retrate_' + date] = 0 else: listtop[i]['retrate_' + date] = str(float("%0.2f" % (item['ret'] * 100))) + '%' # 添加当日汇总 listtopTotal['rethsum_' + date] = float( "%0.2f" % (listtopTotal['rethsum_' + date])) listtopTotal['costvaluesum_' + date] = float( "%0.2f" % (listtopTotal['costvaluesum_' + date])) listtopTotal['retrate_' + date] = str( float("%0.2f" % (listtopTotal['rethsum_' + date] / listtopTotal['costvaluesum_' + date] * 100))) + '%' # 添加门店名称 for i in range(0, len(listtop)): for j in range(0, len(getshopname)): if listtop[i]['shopid'] == getshopname[j]['ShopID']: listtop[i]['shopname'] = getshopname[j]['ShopName'].strip() # 合计转换数据格式 listtopTotal['costvaluesum'] = "%0.2f" % tempcostvaluesum listtopTotal['rethsum'] = "%0.2f" % temprethsum tempcandr = "%0.2f" % (temprethsum / tempcostvaluesum) listtopTotal['retrate'] = str( "%0.2f" % float(float(tempcandr) * 100)) + '%' mtu.close(conn, cur) # 转换为dict,导出excel TotalDict = {'listtopTotal': listtopTotal} return locals()
def query(yesterday): yearandmon = DateUtil.getyearandmonth() # 当前月份第一天 monfirstday = DateUtil.get_firstday_of_month(yearandmon[0], yearandmon[1]) # 当前月份最后一天 monlastday = DateUtil.get_lastday_month() # 今天 today = DateUtil.todaystr() # 昨天 # 获取部类编码 classcode = getclasscode() # 获取所有商品的类别编码 allcode = getallcode() # 获取门店编码 shopsid = getshopid() # 查询某个部类下的子类编码 subcate = {} # 将部类编码与子类编码组成dict for x in classcode: l = [] for y in allcode: y = str(y) if len(x) == 1 and y[:1] == x: l.append(y) if len(x) == 2 and y[:2] == x: l.append(y) subcate.setdefault(x, l) subcate10 = subcate.get('10') subcate11 = subcate.get('11') subcate12 = subcate.get('12') subcate13 = subcate.get('13') subcate14 = subcate.get('14') subcate15 = subcate.get('15') subcate16 = subcate.get('16') subcate17 = subcate.get('17') subcate2 = subcate.get('2') subcate3 = subcate.get('3') subcate4 = subcate.get('4') sqlsubcate10 = ','.join(subcate10) sqlsubcate11 = ','.join(subcate11) sqlsubcate12 = ','.join(subcate12) sqlsubcate13 = ','.join(subcate13) sqlsubcate14 = ','.join(subcate14) sqlsubcate15 = ','.join(subcate15) sqlsubcate16 = ','.join(subcate16) sqlsubcate17 = ','.join(subcate17) sqlsubcate2 = ','.join(subcate2) sqlsubcate3 = ','.join(subcate3) sqlsubcate4 = ','.join(subcate4) sql10 = "select shopid, goodsid, goodsname, SaleQty, SaleValue, SaleCost, gpvalue, gprate, qty, costvalue, cprice, price " \ "from `kwsaletop10` " \ "where deptid in (" + sqlsubcate10 + ") " \ "and sdate='" + str(yesterday) + "' order by shopid, SaleValue desc" sql11 = "select shopid, goodsid, goodsname, SaleQty, SaleValue, SaleCost, gpvalue, gprate, qty, costvalue, cprice, price " \ "from `kwsaletop10` " \ "where deptid in (" + sqlsubcate11 + ") " \ "and sdate='" + str(yesterday) + "' order by shopid, SaleValue desc" sql12 = "select shopid, goodsid, goodsname, SaleQty, SaleValue, SaleCost, gpvalue, gprate, qty, costvalue, cprice, price " \ "from `kwsaletop10` " \ "where deptid in (" + sqlsubcate12 + ") " \ "and sdate='" + str(yesterday) + "' order by shopid, SaleValue desc" sql13 = "select shopid, goodsid, goodsname, SaleQty, SaleValue, SaleCost, gpvalue, gprate, qty, costvalue, cprice, price " \ "from `kwsaletop10` " \ "where deptid in (" + sqlsubcate13 + ") " \ "and sdate='" + str(yesterday) + "' order by shopid, SaleValue desc" sql14 = "select shopid, goodsid, goodsname, SaleQty, SaleValue, SaleCost, gpvalue, gprate, qty, costvalue, cprice, price " \ "from `kwsaletop10` " \ "where deptid in (" + sqlsubcate14 + ") " \ "and sdate='" + str(yesterday) + "' order by shopid, SaleValue desc" sql15 = "select shopid, goodsid, goodsname, SaleQty, SaleValue, SaleCost, gpvalue, gprate, qty, costvalue, cprice, price " \ "from `kwsaletop10` " \ "where deptid in (" + sqlsubcate15 + ") " \ "and sdate='" + str(yesterday) + "' order by shopid, SaleValue desc" sql16 = "select shopid, goodsid, goodsname, SaleQty, SaleValue, SaleCost, gpvalue, gprate, qty, costvalue, cprice, price " \ "from `kwsaletop10` " \ "where deptid in (" + sqlsubcate16 + ") " \ "and sdate='" + str(yesterday) + "' order by shopid, SaleValue desc" sql17 = "select shopid, goodsid, goodsname, SaleQty, SaleValue, SaleCost, gpvalue, gprate, qty, costvalue, cprice, price " \ "from `kwsaletop10` " \ "where deptid in (" + sqlsubcate17 + ") " \ "and sdate='" + str(yesterday) + "' order by shopid, SaleValue desc" sql2 = "select shopid, goodsid, goodsname, SaleQty, SaleValue, SaleCost, gpvalue, gprate, qty, costvalue, cprice, price " \ "from `kwsaletop10` " \ "where deptid in (" + sqlsubcate2 + ") " \ "and sdate='" + str(yesterday) + "' order by shopid, SaleValue desc" sql3 = "select shopid, goodsid, goodsname, SaleQty, SaleValue, SaleCost, gpvalue, gprate, qty, costvalue, cprice, price " \ "from `kwsaletop10` " \ "where deptid in (" + sqlsubcate3 + ") " \ "and sdate='" + str(yesterday) + "' order by shopid, SaleValue desc" sql4 = "select shopid, goodsid, goodsname, SaleQty, SaleValue, SaleCost, gpvalue, gprate, qty, costvalue, cprice, price " \ "from `kwsaletop10` " \ "where deptid in (" + sqlsubcate4 + ") " \ "and sdate='" + str(yesterday) + "' order by shopid, SaleValue desc" # 连接数据库 conn = mtu.getMysqlConn() cur10 = conn.cursor() cur11 = conn.cursor() cur12 = conn.cursor() cur13 = conn.cursor() cur14 = conn.cursor() cur15 = conn.cursor() cur16 = conn.cursor() cur17 = conn.cursor() cur2 = conn.cursor() cur3 = conn.cursor() cur4 = conn.cursor() cur10.execute(sql10) cur11.execute(sql11) cur12.execute(sql12) cur13.execute(sql13) cur14.execute(sql14) cur15.execute(sql15) cur16.execute(sql16) cur17.execute(sql17) cur2.execute(sql2) cur3.execute(sql3) cur4.execute(sql4) # 获取各部类下的销售数据 rows10 = cur10.fetchall() rows11 = cur11.fetchall() rows12 = cur12.fetchall() rows13 = cur13.fetchall() rows14 = cur14.fetchall() rows15 = cur15.fetchall() rows16 = cur16.fetchall() rows17 = cur17.fetchall() rows2 = cur2.fetchall() rows3 = cur3.fetchall() rows4 = cur4.fetchall() # 判断当天是否有数据,同时转换数据类型 int 转 string, decimal 转 float for i in range(0, len(rows10)): for key in rows10[i].keys(): row = rows10[i][key] if row is None: rows10[i][key] = '' else: if isinstance(row, int): rows10[i][key] = str(rows10[i][key]) elif isinstance(row, decimal.Decimal): rows10[i][key] = "%0.2f" % float(rows10[i][key]) # 10 熟食部类 lis10 = [] unit10 = [] for sid in shopsid: i = 0 for row in rows10: if sid['ShopID'] == row['shopid'] and i < 10: row['shopid'] = sid['ShopName'].strip() + sid['ShopID'] row['paiming'] = i + 1 lis10.append(row) i += 1 else: continue unit10.append(i) # 判断当天是否有数据,同时转换数据类型 int 转 string, decimal 转 float for i in range(0, len(rows11)): for key in rows11[i].keys(): row = rows11[i][key] if row is None: rows11[i][key] = '' else: if isinstance(row, int): rows11[i][key] = str(rows11[i][key]) elif isinstance(row, decimal.Decimal): rows11[i][key] = "%0.2f" % float(rows11[i][key]) # 11 水产部类 lis11 = [] unit11 = [] for sid in shopsid: i = 0 for row in rows11: if sid['ShopID'] == row['shopid'] and i < 10: row['shopid'] = sid['ShopName'].strip() + sid['ShopID'] row['paiming'] = i + 1 lis11.append(row) i += 1 else: continue unit11.append(i) # 判断当天是否有数据,同时转换数据类型 int 转 string, decimal 转 float for i in range(0, len(rows12)): for key in rows12[i].keys(): row = rows12[i][key] if row is None: rows12[i][key] = '' else: if isinstance(row, int): rows12[i][key] = str(rows12[i][key]) elif isinstance(row, decimal.Decimal): rows12[i][key] = "%0.2f" % float(rows12[i][key]) # 12 蔬菜部类 lis12 = [] unit12 = [] for sid in shopsid: i = 0 for row in rows12: if sid['ShopID'] == row['shopid'] and i < 10: row['shopid'] = sid['ShopName'].strip() + sid['ShopID'] row['paiming'] = i + 1 lis12.append(row) i += 1 else: continue unit12.append(i) # 判断当天是否有数据,同时转换数据类型 int 转 string, decimal 转 float for i in range(0, len(rows13)): for key in rows13[i].keys(): row = rows13[i][key] if row is None: rows13[i][key] = '' else: if isinstance(row, int): rows13[i][key] = str(rows13[i][key]) elif isinstance(row, decimal.Decimal): rows13[i][key] = "%0.2f" % float(rows13[i][key]) # 13 烘烤部类 lis13 = [] unit13 = [] for sid in shopsid: i = 0 for row in rows13: if sid['ShopID'] == row['shopid'] and i < 10: row['shopid'] = sid['ShopName'].strip() + sid['ShopID'] row['paiming'] = i + 1 lis13.append(row) i += 1 else: continue unit13.append(i) # 判断当天是否有数据,同时转换数据类型 int 转 string, decimal 转 float for i in range(0, len(rows14)): for key in rows14[i].keys(): row = rows14[i][key] if row is None: rows14[i][key] = '' else: if isinstance(row, int): rows14[i][key] = str(rows14[i][key]) elif isinstance(row, decimal.Decimal): rows14[i][key] = "%0.2f" % float(rows14[i][key]) # 14 鲜肉部类 lis14 = [] unit14 = [] for sid in shopsid: i = 0 for row in rows14: if sid['ShopID'] == row['shopid'] and i < 10: row['shopid'] = sid['ShopName'].strip() + sid['ShopID'] row['paiming'] = i + 1 lis14.append(row) i += 1 else: continue unit14.append(i) # 判断当天是否有数据,同时转换数据类型 int 转 string, decimal 转 float for i in range(0, len(rows15)): for key in rows15[i].keys(): row = rows15[i][key] if row is None: rows15[i][key] = '' else: if isinstance(row, int): rows15[i][key] = str(rows15[i][key]) elif isinstance(row, decimal.Decimal): rows15[i][key] = "%0.2f" % float(rows15[i][key]) # 15 干鲜干果部类 lis15 = [] unit15 = [] for sid in shopsid: i = 0 for row in rows15: if sid['ShopID'] == row['shopid'] and i < 10: row['shopid'] = sid['ShopName'].strip() + sid['ShopID'] row['paiming'] = i + 1 lis15.append(row) i += 1 else: continue unit15.append(i) # 判断当天是否有数据,同时转换数据类型 int 转 string, decimal 转 float for i in range(0, len(rows16)): for key in rows16[i].keys(): row = rows16[i][key] if row is None: rows16[i][key] = '' else: if isinstance(row, int): rows16[i][key] = str(rows16[i][key]) elif isinstance(row, decimal.Decimal): rows16[i][key] = "%0.2f" % float(rows16[i][key]) # 16 主食厨房部类 lis16 = [] unit16 = [] for sid in shopsid: i = 0 for row in rows16: if sid['ShopID'] == row['shopid'] and i < 10: row['shopid'] = sid['ShopName'].strip() + sid['ShopID'] row['paiming'] = i + 1 lis16.append(row) i += 1 else: continue unit16.append(i) # 判断当天是否有数据,同时转换数据类型 int 转 string, decimal 转 float for i in range(0, len(rows17)): for key in rows17[i].keys(): row = rows17[i][key] if row is None: rows17[i][key] = '' else: if isinstance(row, int): rows17[i][key] = str(rows17[i][key]) elif isinstance(row, decimal.Decimal): rows17[i][key] = "%0.2f" % float(rows17[i][key]) # 17 水果部类 lis17 = [] unit17 = [] for sid in shopsid: i = 0 for row in rows17: if sid['ShopID'] == row['shopid'] and i < 10: row['shopid'] = sid['ShopName'].strip() + sid['ShopID'] row['paiming'] = i + 1 lis17.append(row) i += 1 else: continue unit17.append(i) # 判断当天是否有数据,同时转换数据类型 int 转 string, decimal 转 float for i in range(0, len(rows2)): for key in rows2[i].keys(): row = rows2[i][key] if row is None: rows2[i][key] = '' else: if isinstance(row, int): rows2[i][key] = str(rows2[i][key]) elif isinstance(row, decimal.Decimal): rows2[i][key] = "%0.2f" % float(rows2[i][key]) # 2 食品部类 lis2 = [] unit2 = [] for sid in shopsid: i = 0 for row in rows2: if sid['ShopID'] == row['shopid'] and i < 20: row['shopid'] = sid['ShopName'].strip() + sid['ShopID'] row['paiming'] = i + 1 lis2.append(row) i += 1 else: continue unit2.append(i) # 判断当天是否有数据,同时转换数据类型 int 转 string, decimal 转 float for i in range(0, len(rows3)): for key in rows3[i].keys(): row = rows3[i][key] if row is None: rows3[i][key] = '' else: if isinstance(row, int): rows3[i][key] = str(rows3[i][key]) elif isinstance(row, decimal.Decimal): rows3[i][key] = "%0.2f" % float(rows3[i][key]) # 3 用品部类 lis3 = [] unit3 = [] for sid in shopsid: i = 0 for row in rows3: if sid['ShopID'] == row['shopid'] and i < 20: row['shopid'] = sid['ShopName'].strip() + sid['ShopID'] row['paiming'] = i + 1 lis3.append(row) i += 1 else: continue unit3.append(i) # 判断当天是否有数据,同时转换数据类型 int 转 string, decimal 转 float for x in range(0, len(rows4)): for key in rows4[x].keys(): row = rows4[x][key] if row is None: rows4[x][key] = '' else: if isinstance(row, int): rows4[x][key] = str(rows4[x][key]) elif isinstance(row, decimal.Decimal): rows4[x][key] = "%0.2f" % float(rows4[x][key]) # 将退货数据过滤,值为负 rows4filter = [] for i in range(0, len(rows4)): if float(rows4[i]['SaleQty']) < 0: continue else: rows4filter.append(rows4[i]) # 4 家电部类 lis4 = [] templist = [] for sid in shopsid: i = 0 for row in rows4filter: if sid['ShopID'] == row['shopid'] and i < 20: row['shopid'] = sid['ShopName'].strip() + sid['ShopID'] row['paiming'] = i + 1 lis4.append(row) i += 1 else: continue templist.append(i) # 关闭数据库 mtu.close(conn, cur10) mtu.close(conn, cur11) mtu.close(conn, cur12) mtu.close(conn, cur13) mtu.close(conn, cur14) mtu.close(conn, cur15) mtu.close(conn, cur16) mtu.close(conn, cur17) mtu.close(conn, cur2) mtu.close(conn, cur3) mtu.close(conn, cur4) return locals()