Esempio n. 1
    def getBarPath(self):
        # Valid path element should have at least 3 points otherwise, SVG path
        # cannot be generated.
        if len(self._points) < 3:
            raise TypeError,\
            "Invalid contour element provided. Contour should consist of 3 and more points."

        # The structure0 prefix is to adjust the path id to the general template
        # which is structure%numer%_%nazwalabelki%_%nazwastruktury%
        pathID = 'structure0_%s_%s' % (self._properties['GUID'], self._name)
        return barPath(pathID, self.pathDefinition, self._color)
Esempio n. 2
    def _parseSingleStructure(self, structureIDbyFill, structurePathList):
        @type  structureIDbyFill: string
        @param structureIDbyFill: color-encoded structure ID which will be

        @type  structurePathList: list
        @param structurePathList: list of path corresponding to given structure
                                  on given slide

        @return: None

        Function extracts all paths from given slide having filled with
        'structureIDbyFill' color. At the end of processing, path is appended to
        the slide.

        @todo: # TODO: Arrange code in each function to make it more reusable
        # Define and store fill color and name of the structure
        currentStructureData = {}
        currentStructureData['fillcolor'] = structureIDbyFill
        currentStructureData['name'] = self._getStructureName(

        # Process all polygons describing given structure in a loop.
        # (there may by more than one polygon describing given structure per
        # slide)
        retPaths = []
        for pathNumber in structurePathList:
            # Increase structure iterator value: to make ID's uniqe
            self.slideStructureIndexer += 1
            # Gater all requires path properties and create path object
            newPathDefinition = self._sbaImportData['svgpaths'][pathNumber]
            newPathColor = currentStructureData['fillcolor']
            newPathID = self._getPathID(currentStructureData['name'])
                pathToAppend = barPath(newPathID,\
                        newPathDefinition, newPathColor, clearPathDef = True)
            except ValueError:

        # Dumping diagnostic information
        if __debug__:
            print >> sys.stderr, "\t\tExtracting structure %s" % currentStructureData[
            print >> sys.stderr, "\t\tFill color of current structure %s" % currentStructureData[
            print >> sys.stderr, "\t\tNumber of polygons creating this structure %d" % len(
            print >> sys.stderr, "\t\t\t!FULLDUMP!Full structure dump: %s" % structurePathList
            print >> sys.stderr, "\t\tStarting processing paths."

        return retPaths
Esempio n. 3
    def getBarPath(self):
        # Valid path element should have at least 3 points otherwise, SVG path
        # cannot be generated.
        if len(self._points) < 3:
            raise TypeError,\
            "Invalid contour element provided. Contour should consist of 3 and more points."

        # The structure0 prefix is to adjust the path id to the general template
        # which is structure%numer%_%nazwalabelki%_%nazwastruktury%
        pathID = 'structure0_%s_%s' % (self._properties['GUID'], self._name)
        return barPath(pathID, self.pathDefinition, self._color)
Esempio n. 4
 def _parseSingleStructure(self, structureIDbyFill, structurePathList):
     @type  structureIDbyFill: string
     @param structureIDbyFill: color-encoded structure ID which will be
     @type  structurePathList: list
     @param structurePathList: list of path corresponding to given structure
                               on given slide
     @return: None
     Function extracts all paths from given slide having filled with
     'structureIDbyFill' color. At the end of processing, path is appended to
     the slide.
     @todo: # TODO: Arrange code in each function to make it more reusable
     # Define and store fill color and name of the structure
     currentStructureData = {}
     currentStructureData['fillcolor'] = structureIDbyFill
     currentStructureData['name'] = self._getStructureName(structureIDbyFill)
     # Process all polygons describing given structure in a loop.
     # (there may by more than one polygon describing given structure per
     # slide)
     retPaths = []
     for pathNumber in structurePathList:
         # Increase structure iterator value: to make ID's uniqe
         # Gater all requires path properties and create path object
         newPathDefinition = self._sbaImportData['svgpaths'][pathNumber]
         newPathColor      = currentStructureData['fillcolor']
         newPathID         = self._getPathID(currentStructureData['name'])
             pathToAppend = barPath(newPathID,\
                     newPathDefinition, newPathColor, clearPathDef = True)
         except ValueError:
     # Dumping diagnostic information        
     if __debug__:
         print >>sys.stderr, "\t\tExtracting structure %s" % currentStructureData['name']
         print >>sys.stderr, "\t\tFill color of current structure %s" % currentStructureData['fillcolor']
         print >>sys.stderr, "\t\tNumber of polygons creating this structure %d" % len(structurePathList)
         print >>sys.stderr, "\t\t\t!FULLDUMP!Full structure dump: %s" % structurePathList
         print >>sys.stderr, "\t\tStarting processing paths."
     return retPaths