Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, arg, **args) :
          - `arg` - another ModelSelector or a Param object

          - `measure` - which measure of accuracy to use for selecting the
            best classifier (default = 'balancedSuccessRate')
            supported measures are: 'balancedSuccessRate', 'successRate',
            'roc', 'roc50' (you can substitute any number instead of 50)
          - `numFolds` - number of CV folds to use when performing model selection
          - `foldsToPerform` - the number of folds to actually perform
        Classifier.__init__(self, **args)

        if arg.__class__ == self.__class__ :
            self.param = arg.param.__class__(arg.param)
            self.measure = arg.measure
            self.numFolds = arg.numFolds
        elif arg.__class__.__name__.find('Param') >= 0 :
            self.param = arg.__class__(arg)
        else :
            raise ValueError, 'wrong type of input for ModelSelector'
        self.classifier = None
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, arg, **args):
          - `arg` - another ModelSelector or a Param object

          - `measure` - which measure of accuracy to use for selecting the
            best classifier (default = 'balancedSuccessRate')
            supported measures are: 'balancedSuccessRate', 'successRate',
            'roc', 'roc50' (you can substitute any number instead of 50)
          - `numFolds` - number of CV folds to use when performing model selection
          - `foldsToPerform` - the number of folds to actually perform

        Classifier.__init__(self, **args)

        if arg.__class__ == self.__class__:
            self.param = arg.param.__class__(arg.param)
            self.measure = arg.measure
            self.numFolds = arg.numFolds
        elif arg.__class__.__name__.find('Param') >= 0:
            self.param = arg.__class__(arg)
            raise ValueError, 'wrong type of input for ModelSelector'

        self.classifier = None
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__ (self, arg) :

        if arg.__class__ == self.__class__ :
            self.classifiers = [classifier.__class__(classifier)
                                for classifier in arg.classifiers]
        elif type(arg) == type([]) :
            self.classifiers = [classifier.__class__(classifier)
                                for classifier in arg]
Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self, classifier, **args) :

        Classifier.__init__(self, classifier, **args)
	if type(classifier) == type('') : return
        if (not hasattr(classifier, 'type')) or classifier.type != 'classifier' :
            raise ValueError, 'argument should be a classifier'
        if classifier.__class__ == self.__class__ :
            self.classifier = classifier.classifier.__class__(
        else :
            self.classifier = classifier.__class__(classifier)
Esempio n. 5
    def __init__(self, arg):

        if arg.__class__ == self.__class__:
            self.classifiers = [
                for classifier in arg.classifiers
        elif type(arg) == type([]):
            self.classifiers = [
                classifier.__class__(classifier) for classifier in arg
Esempio n. 6
    def __init__(self, classifier, **args):

        Classifier.__init__(self, classifier, **args)
        if type(classifier) == type(''): return
        if (not hasattr(classifier,
                        'type')) or classifier.type != 'classifier':
            raise ValueError, 'argument should be a classifier'
        if classifier.__class__ == self.__class__:
            self.classifier = classifier.classifier.__class__(
            self.classifier = classifier.__class__(classifier)
Esempio n. 7
    def __init__(self, arg1, arg2 = None) :


        if arg1.__class__ == self.__class__ :
            other = arg1
            self.classifier = other.classifier.__class__(other.classifier)
            self.featureSelector = other.featureSelector.__class__(
        else :
            for arg in (arg1, arg2) :
                if arg.type == 'classifier' :
                    self.classifier = arg.__class__(arg)
                elif arg.type == 'featureSelector' :
                    self.featureSelector = arg.__class__(arg)
                else :
                    raise ValueError, \
                          'argument should be either classifier or featureSelector'
Esempio n. 8
    def __init__(self, arg=None, **args):
          - `arg` - another ModelSelector object

          - `C` - a list of values to try for C
          - `gamma` - a list of value to try for gamma
          - `measure` - which measure of accuracy to use for selecting the
            best classifier (default = 'balancedSuccessRate')
            supported measures are: 'balancedSuccessRate', 'successRate',
            'roc', 'roc50' (you can substitute another number instead of 50)
          - `numFolds` - number of CV folds to use when performing model selection

        Classifier.__init__(self, arg, **args)

        self.classifier = None
Esempio n. 9
    def __init__(self, arg1, arg2=None):


        if arg1.__class__ == self.__class__:
            other = arg1
            self.classifier = other.classifier.__class__(other.classifier)
            self.featureSelector = other.featureSelector.__class__(
            for arg in (arg1, arg2):
                if arg.type == 'classifier':
                    self.classifier = arg.__class__(arg)
                elif arg.type == 'featureSelector':
                    self.featureSelector = arg.__class__(arg)
                    raise ValueError, \
                          'argument should be either classifier or featureSelector'
Esempio n. 10
    def __init__(self, arg = None, **args) :
          - `arg` - another ModelSelector object

          - `C` - a list of values to try for C
          - `gamma` - a list of value to try for gamma
          - `measure` - which measure of accuracy to use for selecting the
            best classifier (default = 'balancedSuccessRate')
            supported measures are: 'balancedSuccessRate', 'successRate',
            'roc', 'roc50' (you can substitute another number instead of 50)
          - `numFolds` - number of CV folds to use when performing model selection

        Classifier.__init__(self, arg, **args)

        self.classifier = None
Esempio n. 11
    def __init__(self, arg) :
          - `arg` - a Chain object of a list of objects, each of which implements
            a 'train', 'test' and has a copy constructor

        if arg.__class__ == self.__class__ :
            other = arg
            self.classifier = other.classifier.__class__(other.classifier)
            self.chain = [component.__class__(component)
                          for component in other.chain]
        elif type(arg) == type([]) :
            self.classifier = arg[-1].__class__(arg[-1])
            self.chain = [arg[i].__class__(arg[i])
                          for i in range(len(arg) - 1)]
Esempio n. 12
    def __init__(self, arg):
          - `arg` - a Chain object of a list of objects, each of which implements
            a 'train', 'test' and has a copy constructor

        if arg.__class__ == self.__class__:
            other = arg
            self.classifier = other.classifier.__class__(other.classifier)
            self.chain = [
                component.__class__(component) for component in other.chain

        elif type(arg) == type([]):
            self.classifier = arg[-1].__class__(arg[-1])
            self.chain = [
                arg[i].__class__(arg[i]) for i in range(len(arg) - 1)
Esempio n. 13
    def __init__(self, arg = None, **args) :

        Classifier.__init__(self, **args)