Esempio n. 1
def get_point_of_infinity(field,
    pts = bc.Points()
    points_of_cross = collections.deque(maxlen=ransac_number)
    dist = collections.deque(maxlen=ransac_number)
    for i in range(len(points)):
            points[i][0], points[i][0] +
            np.array([field.x[i], field.y[i]], dtype=np.float32))
    for cycle in range(ransac_number):
        subset = pts.get_subset_of_rnd_lines(num_rnd_lines)
        pt = pts.point_of_crossing(subset)
        if not np.isnan(pt[0]):
            dist.append(pts.get_sum_dist(pt, subset))
        if pts.get_number_of_inliers() <= num_rnd_lines:
    if len(dist) == 0:
        return [np.NaN, np.NaN], False
    id_temp_point = list(dist).index(min(dist))
    temp_point = points_of_cross[id_temp_point]
    # Marking outliers
    pts.check_for_lines_in_interesting_area(temp_point, delta)
    inliers = pts.get_indexes_of_inliers()
    pt = pts.point_of_crossing(inliers)
    # if wasn't found point of infinity (some error in numpy.linalg.lstsq)
    if np.isnan(pt[0]):
        return pt, False
    return pt, True
Esempio n. 2
            cv2.imwrite(pic_name, out)
        mod_pts = mn.modification_points(interesting_points)
        pts1, pts2 = pai_module.find_opt_flow_lk_with_points(img1, img2, mod_pts)
        if len(pts1) == 0:
            cv2.imwrite(pic_name, out)
        #5 CLEANING
#        pts1_clean = collections.deque() # actual points (1 point in optical flaw)
#        pts2_clean = collections.deque() # actual points (2 point in optical flaw)
        points_for_pai = bc_module.Points()
        r_summ = []
        last_value = -1
        t0 = time.time()
        blob = cv2.dnn.blobFromImage(img1, scale, (416,416), (0,0,0), True, crop=False)
        outs = net.forward(get_output_layers(net))
        class_ids = []
        confidences = []
        boxes = []
        conf_threshold = 0.5
        nms_threshold = 0.4
        for out_data in outs:
            for detection in out_data:
                scores = detection[5:]
                class_id = np.argmax(scores)
Esempio n. 3
    cos_t = ((x - x_0) * v_x +
             (y - y_0) * v_y) / (np.linalg.norm([x - x_0, y - y_0]) *
                                 np.linalg.norm([v_x, v_y]))
    return np.arccos(cos_t)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    video = 'input/calibration_video.mp4'
    #video = 'input/test1.mp4'
    cam = cv2.VideoCapture(video)
    img1 =[1]
    img2 =[1]
    max_corners = 5000
    N_FRAMES = 700
    times = collections.deque(maxlen=N_FRAMES)
    t_points = bc.Points()  # for finding point of infinity
    y, x, z = img1.shape
    img_dim = (y, x, z)
    cap = bc.Capture(video)
    x1, y1, x2, y2 = x // 5, 0.45 * y // 1, 4 * x // 5, 0.85 * y // 1
    p1_rec = np.array([x1, y1])
    p2_rec = np.array([x2, y2])
    mask = [p1_rec, p2_rec]
    rows = 10
    cols = 20
    max_cos = np.cos(20 * np.pi / 180)
    LINES = 20
    grid = get_grid(p1_rec, p2_rec, rows, cols)
    deepness = 10
    intensity_threshould = 20
    arrow_size_factor = 10
Esempio n. 4
def find_OF_crossing_pt(img1, img2, num_cycles = 30, num_rnd_lines = 20,
                 delta = 15, method = 'lk', trace = False, path = 'output/'):
    Ransac algorithm gets 2 frames and returns a point of infinity.

    :param img1: source first image, array of coordinates of points.
    :param img2: source second image, array of coordinates of points.
    :param num_cycles: number of cycles in ransac.
    :param num_rnd_lines: size of subset in ransac.
    :param delta: max distance for inliers in ransac.
    :param method: optical flow finding method.
    :param trace: boolean value trace, saving points in file.
    :param path: folder for tracing points.
    :return: point of infinity coordinates and algorithm status: 
     np.array([[], []]), True\False

    frame1 = img1.copy()
    frame2 = img2.copy()
    cycle = 0  # iterator
    min_points = 50
    #max length of deque below ???????????????????????????????????????????????????
    dist = deque()  # vector characteristic for all points 
    points_of_cross = deque()

    pts1, pts2 = np.array([]), np.array([]) # Temporary arrays of points, that containing optical flow

    qL = 0.15
    N = 500
    itt = 0

    points = bc.Points()
    # Trying to generate points and build optical flow
    while len(pts1) < min_points:
        if itt > 5:  # limit of iteration
            return [np.NaN, np.NaN], False
        pts1, pts2 = find_opt_flow(frame1, frame2, np.power(0.5, itt) * qL, 
                                       N * np.power(2, itt), method=method)
        itt += 1
    points.add_points(pts1, pts2)

    # Generating img with all lines and current trace folder.
    if trace:
        out = img2.copy()
        inliers = points.get_indexes_of_inliers()
        for id in inliers:
            point = points.get_point_by_id(id)
            k, b = point.get_line()
            x1, y1 = point.get_pt1()
            x2, y2 = point.get_pt2()
            out = draw.draw_line(out, k, b,
            out = draw.draw_point(out, np.array([x1, y1]),
            out = draw.draw_point(out, np.array([x2, y2]), 
            cv2.imwrite(path + " all_lines.jpg", out)
    # Cycles of ransac
    while cycle < num_cycles:
        # Generating subset of lines
        subset = points.get_subset_of_rnd_lines(num_rnd_lines)
        # Draw current subset, if need
        if trace:
            out = img2.copy()
            color =
            for s in subset:
                k, b = points.get_point_by_id(s).get_line()
                out = draw.draw_line(out, k, b, color=color)
        # Trying to find current point of cross
        pt = points.point_of_crossing(subset)
        if not np.isnan(pt[0]):
            dist.append(points.get_sum_dist(pt, subset))
            if trace:
                out = draw.draw_point(out, pt,, thickness=1, 
                cv2.imwrite(path + str(cycle) + ".jpg", out)
        # if there are not so much lines, is sufficient 1 subset(all lines)
        if points.get_number_of_inliers() <= num_rnd_lines:
        cycle = cycle + 1
    # if was a some error
    if len(dist) == 0:
        return [np.NaN, np.NaN], False
    # Main point of cross
    id_temp_point = list(dist).index(min(dist))
    temp_point = points_of_cross[id_temp_point]
    # Marking outliers
    points.check_for_lines_in_interesting_area(temp_point, delta)
    inliers = points.get_indexes_of_inliers()
    pt = points.point_of_crossing(inliers)
    # if wasn't found point of infinity (some error in numpy.linalg.lstsq)
    if np.isnan(pt[0]):
        return pt, False
    # Drawing inliers and point of infinity
    if trace:
        out = img2.copy()
        for id in inliers:
            k, b = points.get_point_by_id(id).get_line()
            out = draw.draw_line(out, k, b)
            out = draw.draw_point(out, pt, radius=10, thickness=1)
        cv2.imwrite(path + "result.jpg", out)
        out = img2.copy()
        for i in points.get_indexes_of_inliers():
            point = points.get_point_by_id(i)
        out = draw.draw_point(out, pt,, thickness=1, radius=2)
        cv2.imwrite(path + 'unit_vector.jpg', out)
    return pt, True
        Bm7_v = get_median(B_v)
        make_result(out, frame_itt, time_start_itt, tmp_map, times_g[frame_itt + delta_fr], (lon_g[frame_itt + delta_fr], lat_g[frame_itt + delta_fr]), speed_g[frame_itt + delta_fr], 
                    None, A_x, A_y, A_z, B, ofSpeed=B_v, medianSpeed=Bm7_v, err='All optical flow is outlier', debug=debug, debug_graph=debug_graph)
        t0 = time.time()
        A_x, A_y, A_z, B, F_x, F_y, F_z, F_f, F_o = mm_of_movement.build_model(pts1, pts2, pai_in_frame, L) # preliminary model
        residuals = mm_of_movement.get_residuals(A_x, A_y, A_z, B, F_x, F_y, F_z, F_f, F_o, pts1, pts2) # generation of residual array
        tt_model2.append(time_tressing(t0, '\t\tmodel2'))
        log(frame_itt, time_start_itt, times_g[frame_itt + delta_fr], (lon_g[frame_itt + delta_fr], lat_g[frame_itt + delta_fr]), speed_g[frame_itt + delta_fr], A_x, A_y, A_z, B, -27 * B, B_median7[len(B_median7) - 1], err='Mistake in matrix #2')
    t0 = time.time()
    pai_points = bc_module.Points()
    pai_points.add_points(pts1, pts2)
    PAI, check = pai_points.find_PAI()
    tt_pai.append(time_tressing(t0, '\t\tpai finding'))
    if debug and check:
        t0 = time.time()
        out = draw.draw_arrow(out, pai_in_frame, PAI, color=draw.purple)
        out = draw.draw_point(out, PAI, color=draw.purple, thickness=4)
        tt_draw_another[len(tt_draw_another) - 1] += time_tressing(t0, '\t\tdrawing pai')
#    res_avr = mm_of_movement.sum_of_residuals(residuals)
#    n_pts = len(residuals)
    B_v = B_factor * B
    while len(Ba) + 1 != len(Ta):
    Bm7_v = get_median(B_v)