Esempio n. 1
    def _GetFirmwareRWBuild(self, mv, board, build_type):
        """Get the firmware rw build name to test with ChromeOS build.

        The firmware rw build to be used is determined by
        `self.firmware_rw_build_spec`. Its value can be `firmware`, `cros` or
        firmware: use the ToT build in firmware branch.
        cros: use the ToT build in release (ChromeOS) branch.

        @param mv: an instance of manifest_versions.ManifestVersions.
        @param board: the board against which to run self._suite.
        @param build_type: Build type of the firmware build, e.g., factory,
                           firmware or release.

        @return: The firmware rw build name to test with ChromeOS build.

        if not self.firmware_rw_build_spec:
            return None
        latest_milestone, latest_manifest = mv.GetLatestManifest(
            board, build_type)
        latest_build = base_event.BuildName(board, build_type,
                                            latest_milestone, latest_manifest)
        logging.debug('Found latest firmware build of %s for spec %s: %s',
                      board, self.firmware_rw_build_spec, latest_build)
        return latest_build
Esempio n. 2
    def _GetCrOSBuild(self, mv, board):
        """Get the ChromeOS build name to test with firmware build.

        The ChromeOS build to be used is determined by `self.cros_build_spec`.
        Its value can be:
        tot: use the latest ToT build.
        tot-x: use the latest build in x milestone before ToT.
        Rxx: use the latest build on xx milestone.

        @param board: the board against which to run self._suite.
        @param mv: an instance of manifest_versions.ManifestVersions.

        @return: The ChromeOS build name to test with firmware build.

        if not self.cros_build_spec:
            return None
        if self.cros_build_spec.startswith('tot'):
            milestone = TotMilestoneManager().ConvertTotSpec(
        elif self.cros_build_spec.startswith('R'):
            milestone = self.cros_build_spec[1:]
        milestone, latest_manifest = mv.GetLatestManifest(board,
        latest_build = base_event.BuildName(board, 'release', milestone,
        logging.debug('Found latest build of %s for spec %s: %s', board,
                      self.cros_build_spec, latest_build)
        return latest_build
Esempio n. 3
    def _AllPerBranchBuildsSince(self, board, revision):
        """Get all per-branch, per-board builds since git |revision|.

        @param board: the board whose builds we want.
        @param revision: the revision to look back until.
        @return {branch: [build-name1, build-name2]}
        all_branch_manifests = self._mv.ManifestsSinceRev(revision, board)
        all_branch_builds = {}
        for (type, milestone), manifests in all_branch_manifests.iteritems():
            branch_name = task.PickBranchName(type, milestone)
            for manifest in manifests:
                build = base_event.BuildName(board, type, milestone, manifest)
                all_branch_builds.setdefault(branch_name, []).append(build)
        return all_branch_builds
    def _LatestPerBranchBuildsSince(self, board, days_ago):
        """Get latest per-branch, per-board builds from last |days_ago| days.

        @param board: the board whose builds we want.
        @param days_ago: how many days back to look for manifests.
        @return {branch: [build-name]}
        since_date = self._deadline - datetime.timedelta(days=days_ago)
        all_branch_manifests = self._mv.ManifestsSinceDate(since_date, board)
        latest_branch_builds = {}
        for (type, milestone), manifests in all_branch_manifests.iteritems():
            build = base_event.BuildName(board, type, milestone, manifests[-1])
            latest_branch_builds[task.PickBranchName(type, milestone)] = [build]'%s event found candidate builds: %r',
                     self.keyword, latest_branch_builds)
        return latest_branch_builds
Esempio n. 5
    def testForceOnceForBuild(self):
        """Test that one event being forced is handled correctly."""
        events = self._ExpectSetup()

        board = 'board'
        type = 'release'
        milestone = '00'
        manifest = '200.0.02'
        build = base_event.BuildName(board, type, milestone, manifest)

        events[0].Handle(mox.IgnoreArg(), {milestone: [build]},

        self.driver.ForceEventsOnceForBuild([events[0].keyword], build)
Esempio n. 6
    def _GetFirmwareBuild(self, spec, mv, board):
        """Get the firmware build name to test with ChromeOS build.

        @param spec: build spec for RO or RW firmware, e.g., firmware, cros.
                For RO firmware, the value can also be in the format of
                released_ro_X, where X is the index of the list or RO builds
                defined in global config RELEASED_RO_BUILDS_[board].
                For example, for spec `released_ro_2`, and global config
                CROS/RELEASED_RO_BUILDS_veyron_jerry: build1,build2
                the return firmare RO build should be build2.
        @param mv: an instance of manifest_versions.ManifestVersions.
        @param board: the board against which to run self._suite.

        @return: The firmware build name to test with ChromeOS build.
        if spec == 'stable':
            # TODO( Query stable RO firmware.
            raise NotImplementedError('`stable` RO firmware build is not '
                                      'supported yet.')
        if not spec:
            return None

        if spec.startswith('released_ro_'):
            index = int(spec[12:])
            released_ro_builds = CONFIG.get_config_value(
                'CROS', 'RELEASED_RO_BUILDS_%s' % board, type=str,
            if not released_ro_builds or len(released_ro_builds) < index:
                return None
                return released_ro_builds[index - 1]

        # build_type is the build type of the firmware build, e.g., factory,
        # firmware or release. If spec is set to cros, build type should be
        # mapped to release.
        build_type = 'release' if spec == 'cros' else spec
        latest_milestone, latest_manifest = mv.GetLatestManifest(
            board, build_type)
        latest_build = base_event.BuildName(board, build_type,
                                            latest_milestone, latest_manifest)
        logging.debug('Found latest firmware build of %s for spec %s: %s',
                      board, spec, latest_build)
        return latest_build