Esempio n. 1
def exchange_from_config(app_config, prefix, **kwargs):
    """Make an Exchange from a configuration dictionary.

    The keys useful to :py:func:`exchange_from_config` should be prefixed,
    e.g. ``amqp.exchange_name`` etc. The ``prefix`` argument specifies the
    prefix used to filter keys.  Each key is mapped to a corresponding keyword
    argument on the :py:class:`~kombu.Exchange` constructor.  Any keyword
    arguments given to this function will be passed through to the
    :py:class:`~kombu.Exchange` constructor. Keyword arguments take precedence
    over the configuration file.

    Supported keys:

    * ``exchange_name``
    * ``exchange_type``

    assert prefix.endswith(".")
    parser = config.SpecParser({
        "exchange_name": config.Optional(config.String),
        "exchange_type": config.String
    options = parser.parse(prefix[:-1], app_config)
    return Exchange(name=options.exchange_name or "",
Esempio n. 2
def connection_from_config(app_config, prefix, **kwargs):
    """Make a Connection from a configuration dictionary.

    The keys useful to :py:func:`connection_from_config` should be prefixed,
    e.g. ``amqp.hostname`` etc. The ``prefix`` argument specifies the
    prefix used to filter keys.  Each key is mapped to a corresponding keyword
    argument on the :py:class:`~kombu.connection.Connection` constructor.  Any
    keyword arguments given to this function will be passed through to the
    :py:class:`~kombu.connection.Connection` constructor. Keyword arguments
    take precedence over the configuration file.

    Supported keys:

    * ``hostname``
    * ``virtual_host``

    assert prefix.endswith(".")
    parser = config.SpecParser({
        "hostname": config.String,
        "virtual_host": config.Optional(config.String)
    options = parser.parse(prefix[:-1], app_config)
    return Connection(hostname=options.hostname,
Esempio n. 3
def pool_from_config(app_config,
    """Make a PooledClient from a configuration dictionary.

    The keys useful to :py:func:`pool_from_config` should be prefixed, e.g.
    ``memcache.endpoint``, ``memcache.max_pool_size``, etc. The ``prefix``
    argument specifies the prefix used to filter keys. Each key is mapped to a
    corresponding keyword argument on the
    :py:class:`~pymemcache.client.base.PooledClient` constructor.

    Supported keys:

    * ``endpoint`` (required): a string representing a host and port to connect
        to memcached service, e.g. ``localhost:11211`` or ````.
    * ``max_pool_size``: an integer for the maximum pool size to use, by default
        this is ``2147483648``.
    * ``connect_timeout``: a float representing seconds to wait for a connection to
        memcached server. Defaults to the underlying socket default timeout.
    * ``timeout``: a float representing seconds to wait for calls on the
        socket connected to memcache. Defaults to the underlying socket default

    :param dict app_config: the config dictionary
    :param str prefix: prefix for config keys
    :param callable serializer: function to serialize values to strings suitable
        for being stored in memcached. An example is
    :param callable deserializer: function to convert strings returned from
        memcached to arbitrary objects, must be compatible with ``serializer``.
        An example is :py:func:`~baseplate.context.memcache.lib.decompress_and_load`.

    :returns: :py:class:`pymemcache.client.base.PooledClient`

    assert prefix.endswith(".")
    parser = config.SpecParser({
        config.Optional(config.Integer, default=None),
        config.Optional(config.Float, default=None),
        config.Optional(config.Float, default=None),
        config.Optional(config.Boolean, default=True),
    options = parser.parse(prefix[:-1], app_config)

    return PooledClient(
Esempio n. 4
def hvac_factory_from_config(app_config, secrets_store, prefix="vault."):
    """Make an HVAC client factory from a configuration dictionary.

    The keys useful to :py:func:`hvac_factory_from_config` should be prefixed,
    e.g.  ``vault.timeout``. The ``prefix`` argument specifies the prefix used
    to filter keys.

    Supported keys:

    * ``timeout``: How long to wait for calls to Vault.

    :param dict app_config: The raw application configuration.
    :param baseplate.secrets.SecretsStore secrets_store: A configured secrets
        store from which we can get a Vault authentication token.
    :param str prefix: The prefix for configuration keys.

    assert prefix.endswith(".")
    parser = config.SpecParser({
        config.Optional(config.Timespan, default=datetime.timedelta(seconds=1))
    options = parser.parse(prefix[:-1], app_config)

    return HvacContextFactory(secrets_store, options.timeout)
Esempio n. 5
def cluster_from_config(
    app_config: config.RawConfig,
    secrets: Optional[SecretsStore] = None,
    prefix: str = "cassandra.",
    execution_profiles: Optional[Dict[str, ExecutionProfile]] = None,
    **kwargs: Any,
    """Make a Cluster from a configuration dictionary.

    The keys useful to :py:func:`cluster_from_config` should be prefixed, e.g.
    ``cassandra.contact_points`` etc. The ``prefix`` argument specifies the
    prefix used to filter keys.  Each key is mapped to a corresponding keyword
    argument on the :py:class:`~cassandra.cluster.Cluster` constructor.  Any
    keyword arguments given to this function will be passed through to the
    :py:class:`~cassandra.cluster.Cluster` constructor. Keyword arguments take
    precedence over the configuration file.

    Supported keys:

    * ``contact_points`` (required): comma delimited list of contact points to
      try connecting for cluster discovery
    * ``port``: The server-side port to open connections to.
    * ``credentials_secret`` (optional): the key used to retrieve the database
        credentials from ``secrets`` as a :py:class:`~baseplate.secrets.CredentialSecret`.

    :param execution_profiles: Configured execution profiles to provide to the
        rest of the application.

    assert prefix.endswith(".")
    parser = config.SpecParser({
        config.Optional(config.Integer, default=None),
    options = parser.parse(prefix[:-1], app_config)

    if options.port:
        kwargs.setdefault("port", options.port)

    if options.credentials_secret:
        if not secrets:
            raise TypeError(
                "'secrets' is required if 'credentials_secret' is set")
        credentials = secrets.get_credentials(options.credentials_secret)

    return Cluster(options.contact_points,
Esempio n. 6
def thrift_pool_from_config(app_config, prefix, **kwargs):
    """Make a ThriftConnectionPool from a configuration dictionary.

    The keys useful to :py:func:`thrift_pool_from_config` should be prefixed,
    e.g.  ``example_service.endpoint`` etc. The ``prefix`` argument specifies
    the prefix used to filter keys.  Each key is mapped to a corresponding
    keyword argument on the :py:class:`ThriftConnectionPool` constructor.  Any
    keyword arguments given to this function will be also be passed through to
    the constructor. Keyword arguments take precedence over the configuration

    Supported keys:

    * ``endpoint`` (required): A ``host:port`` pair, e.g. ``localhost:2014``,
        where the Thrift server can be found.
    * ``size``: The size of the connection pool.
    * ``max_age``: The oldest a connection can be before it's recycled and
        replaced with a new one. Written as a time span e.g. ``1 minute``.
    * ``timeout``: The maximum amount of time a connection attempt or RPC call
        can take before a TimeoutError is raised.
    * ``max_retries``: The maximum number of times the pool will attempt to
        open a connection.

    assert prefix.endswith(".")
    parser = config.SpecParser({
        config.Optional(config.Integer, default=10),
        config.Optional(config.Timespan, default=config.Timespan("1 minute")),
        config.Optional(config.Timespan, default=config.Timespan("1 second")),
        config.Optional(config.Integer, default=3),
    options = parser.parse(prefix[:-1], app_config)

    if options.size is not None:
        kwargs.setdefault("size", options.size)
    if options.max_age is not None:
        kwargs.setdefault("max_age", options.max_age.total_seconds())
    if options.timeout is not None:
        kwargs.setdefault("timeout", options.timeout.total_seconds())
    if options.max_retries is not None:
        kwargs.setdefault("max_retries", options.max_retries)

    return ThriftConnectionPool(endpoint=options.endpoint, **kwargs)
Esempio n. 7
def pool_from_config(app_config, prefix="redis.", **kwargs):
    """Make a ConnectionPool from a configuration dictionary.

    The keys useful to :py:func:`pool_from_config` should be prefixed, e.g.
    ``redis.url``, ``redis.max_connections``, etc. The ``prefix`` argument
    specifies the prefix used to filter keys.  Each key is mapped to a
    corresponding keyword argument on the :py:class:`redis.ConnectionPool`

    Supported keys:

    * ``url`` (required): a URL like ``redis://localhost/0``.
    * ``max_connections``: an integer maximum number of connections in the pool
    * ``socket_connect_timeout``: a timespan of how long to wait for sockets
        to connect. e.g. ``200 milliseconds``.
    * ``socket_timeout``: a timespan of how long to wait for socket operations,
        e.g. ``200 milliseconds``.

    assert prefix.endswith(".")
    parser = config.SpecParser({
        config.Optional(config.Integer, default=None),
        config.Optional(config.Timespan, default=None),
        config.Optional(config.Timespan, default=None),
    options = parser.parse(prefix[:-1], app_config)

    if options.max_connections is not None:
        kwargs.setdefault("max_connections", options.max_connections)
    if options.socket_connect_timeout is not None:
    if options.socket_timeout is not None:

    return redis.BlockingConnectionPool.from_url(options.url, **kwargs)
Esempio n. 8
def engine_from_config(app_config, secrets=None, prefix="database.", **kwargs):
    """Make an :py:class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.Engine` from a configuration dictionary.

    The keys useful to :py:func:`engine_from_config` should be prefixed, e.g.
    ``database.url``, etc. The ``prefix`` argument specifies the prefix used to
    filter keys.

    Supported keys:

    * ``url``: the connection URL to the database, passed to
        :py:func:`~sqlalchemy.engine.url.make_url` to create the
        :py:class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.url.URL` used to connect to the database.
    * ``credentials_secret`` (optional): the key used to retrieve the database
        credentials from ``secrets`` as a :py:class:`~baseplate.secrets.CredentialSecret`.
        If this is supplied, any credentials given in ``url`` we be replaced by

    assert prefix.endswith(".")
    parser = config.SpecParser({
    options = parser.parse(prefix[:-1], app_config)
    url = make_url(options.url)

    if options.credentials_secret:
        if not secrets:
            raise TypeError(
                "'secrets' is required if 'credentials_secret' is set")
        credentials = secrets.get_credentials(options.credentials_secret)
        url.username = credentials.username
        url.password = credentials.password

    return create_engine(url, **kwargs)