Esempio n. 1
def sqrtm(A,disp=1):
    """Matrix square root

    If disp is non-zero display warning if singular matrix.
    If disp is zero then return residual ||A-X*X||_F / ||A||_F

    Uses algorithm by Nicholas J. Higham
    A = asarray(A)
    if len(A.shape)!=2:
        raise ValueError, "Non-matrix input to matrix function."
    T, Z = schur(A)
    T, Z = rsf2csf(T,Z)
    n,n = T.shape

    R = sb.zeros((n,n),T.dtype.char)
    for j in range(n):
        R[j,j] = sqrt(T[j,j])
        for i in range(j-1,-1,-1):
            s = 0
            for k in range(i+1,j):
                s = s + R[i,k]*R[k,j]
            R[i,j] = (T[i,j] - s)/(R[i,i] + R[j,j])

    R, Z = all_mat(R,Z)
    X = (Z * R * Z.H)

    if disp:
        nzeig = sb.any(sb.diag(T)==0)
        if nzeig:
            print "Matrix is singular and may not have a square root."
        return X.A
        arg2 = norm(X*X - A,'fro')**2 / norm(A,'fro')
        return X.A, arg2
Esempio n. 2
def sqrtm(A,disp=1):
    """Matrix square root.

    A : array, shape(M,M)
        Matrix whose square root to evaluate
    disp : boolean
        Print warning if error in the result is estimated large
        instead of returning estimated error. (Default: True)

    sgnA : array, shape(M,M)
        Value of the sign function at A

    (if disp == False)
    errest : float
        Frobenius norm of the estimated error, ||err||_F / ||A||_F

    Uses algorithm by Nicholas J. Higham

    A = asarray(A)
    if len(A.shape)!=2:
        raise ValueError, "Non-matrix input to matrix function."
    T, Z = schur(A)
    T, Z = rsf2csf(T,Z)
    n,n = T.shape

    R = np.zeros((n,n),T.dtype.char)
    for j in range(n):
        R[j,j] = sqrt(T[j,j])
        for i in range(j-1,-1,-1):
            s = 0
            for k in range(i+1,j):
                s = s + R[i,k]*R[k,j]
            R[i,j] = (T[i,j] - s)/(R[i,i] + R[j,j])

    R, Z = all_mat(R,Z)
    X = (Z * R * Z.H)

    if disp:
        nzeig = np.any(diag(T)==0)
        if nzeig:
            print "Matrix is singular and may not have a square root."
        return X.A
        arg2 = norm(X*X - A,'fro')**2 / norm(A,'fro')
        return X.A, arg2