Esempio n. 1
def dif(a, b, rus_output=False):
    Return the difference between a-arg and b-arg 2s-complement
    binary strings.
    a, b = _align(a, b)
    nb = basic.neg(b)

    if rus_output:
        print(('Считаем разность следующих чисел в дополнительном коде:\n'
               '{0}(2) = {1}(10)\n'
               '{2}(2) = {3}(10)\n').format(
                   a, bsio.twos_comp_binary_string_to_int(a), b,
        print('Она соответствует сумме первого '
              'и отрицания второго, поэтому...')
        print(('Отрицание второго числа:\n{0}, ошибка {1}.\n').format(
            nb[0], 'есть' if nb[1] else 'отсутствует'))

    c = sum(a, nb[0], rus_output)

    if rus_output:
        print('Результат разности соответствует '
              'результату суммы в дополнительном коде.')

    return c
def int_to_twos_comp_binary_string(n, bits=constants.DEF_BIT_NUM):
    Return 2s-complement binary string of the n-arg's value and 
    bits-arg bits.
    # accounting for '-128'-like numbers:
    if n == -(2**(bits - 1)):
        return '1' + '0'*(bits - 1)

    s = ''

    # accounting for possible negative numbers:
    pos = True
    if n < 0:
        pos = False
        n *= -1

    # writing bits:
    for _ in range(bits - 1):
        bit = n % 2
        n //= 2
        s = str(bit) + s

    s = '0' + s

    # pos / neg:
    if pos:
        return s
        return basic.neg(s)[0]
Esempio n. 3
def imul(m, r, rus_output=False):
    Return the product of m-arg and r-arg
    interpreting them as 2s-complement binary strings.

    Remark: the Booth's algorithm is used 
    if rus_output:
        print('Перемножим следующие числа в дополнительном коде '
              'по алгоритму Бута:')
        print('m = {0}(2) = {1}(10)'.format(
            m, bsio.twos_comp_binary_string_to_int(m)))
        print('r = {0}(2) = {1}(10)\n'.format(
            r, bsio.twos_comp_binary_string_to_int(r)))

    x = len(m)
    y = len(r)

    m = m[0] + m

    A = m + (y + 1) * '0'
    S = basic.neg(m)[0] + (y + 1) * '0'
    P = '0' + x * '0' + r + '0'

    if rus_output:
        print('Установим значения регистров A, S и P:\n' +
              'A = {0} {1} {2} {3}\n'.format(A[0], A[1:(x + 1)], A[
                  (x + 1):(x + y + 1)], A[-1]) +
              'S = {0} {1} {2} {3}\n'.format(S[0], S[1:(x + 1)], S[
                  (x + 1):(x + y + 1)], S[-1]) +
              'P = {0} {1} {2} {3}\n'.format(P[0], P[1:(x + 1)], P[
                  (x + 1):(x + y + 1)], P[-1]))
    if rus_output:
    for _ in range(y):
        two_last_bits_of_p = P[-2:]

        if two_last_bits_of_p == '01':
            P = basic.sum(A, P)[0]
        elif two_last_bits_of_p == '10':
            P = basic.sum(S, P)[0]

        P = basic.arithmetic_shift_right(P)
        if rus_output:
            print('{0} {1} {2} {3}'.format(P[0], P[1:(x + 1)],
                                           P[(x + 1):(x + y + 1)], P[-1]))

    if rus_output:
        print('\nОтбрасываем крайние биты. Результат умножения:\n' +
              'm * r = {0}(2) = {1}(10)'.format(
                  P[1:-1], bsio.twos_comp_binary_string_to_int(P[1:-1])))

    return P[1:-1]
def twos_comp_binary_string_to_int(s):
    Return the python integer-type value of the s-arg 2s-complement
    binary string.
    pos = True
    if s[0] == '1':
        pos = False
        s = basic.neg(s)[0]

    n = 0
    for bit in s:
        if bit != '0' and bit != '1':
        n = n*2 + (1 if bit == '1' else 0)

    return n if pos else -n
Esempio n. 5
def idiv(a, b, rus_output=False):
    Return tuple of quotient and remainder of a-arg / b-arg
    as well as boolean indicating whether an error has occured.

    Remark: a-arg and b-arg are 2s-complement binary strings.

    Another remark:
    (here I am using python int variables and binary string variables
    interchangeably since any one of the former type corresponds to
    the one of the latter)

    Let's say q, r = idiv(a, b).

    Well, while a is indeed equal to q*b + r,
    q is not necessary a // b and r is not necessary a % b.
    if rus_output:
        print('Поделим следующие числа в дополнительном коде:')
        print('a = {0}(2) = {1}(10)'.format(
            a, bsio.twos_comp_binary_string_to_int(a)))
        print('b = {0}(2) = {1}(10)\n'.format(
            b, bsio.twos_comp_binary_string_to_int(b)))

    if bsio.twos_comp_binary_string_to_int(b) == 0:
        print('Ошибка: деление на ноль.')
        raise ZeroDivisionError

    a, b = _align(a, b)
    M = b
    AQ = basic.expand_to_len(a, len(a) * 2)
    A, Q = AQ[:len(a)], AQ[-len(a):]

    if rus_output:
        print('Установим значения регистров A, Q и M:')
        print('A: {0}'.format(A))
        print('Q: {0}'.format(Q))
        print('M: {0}\n'.format(M))

        print('A:' + ' ' * (len(A) - 2) + ' Q:\n')

    for _ in range(len(a)):
        AQ = basic.shift_left(A + Q)
        A, Q = AQ[:len(a)], AQ[-len(a):]

        old_A = A
        if M[0] == A[0]:
            A = dif(A, M)[0]
            A = basic.sum(A, M)[0]

        if old_A[0] == A[0] or A == Q == basic.expand_to_len('0', len(A)):
            Q = Q[:-1] + '1'
            Q = Q[:-1] + '0'
            A = old_A

        if rus_output:
            print('{0} {1}'.format(A, Q))

    r = A
    q = Q if a[0] == b[0] else basic.neg(Q)[0]

    if rus_output:
    error_bool = False
    if basic.neg(Q)[1]:
        error_bool = True
        if rus_output:
            print('Произошло переполнение.')

    if rus_output:
        print('Результат деления:\n' + 'q = {0}(2) = {1}(10)\n'.format(
            q, bsio.twos_comp_binary_string_to_int(q)) +
              'r = {0}(2) = {1}(10)'.format(
                  r, bsio.twos_comp_binary_string_to_int(r)))

    return q, r, error_bool