Esempio n. 1
    def test_collide(self):
        class Test:
            def __init__(self, rect, hitmask):
                self.rect = rect
                self.hitmask = hitmask

        rect2 = Rectangle(2, 2, (1, 2))
        rect1 = Rectangle(2, 2, (1, 1))
        sprite_a = Test(rect1, [[True, True], [True, True]])
        sprite_b = Test(rect2, [[True, True], [True, True]])
        rect2 = Rectangle(2, 2, (1, 15))
        self.assertEqual(collide(sprite_b, sprite_a), True)
        sprite_b = Test(rect2, [[True, True], [True, True]])
        self.assertEqual(collide(sprite_b, sprite_a), False)
Esempio n. 2
    def recompute_angle(self):
        self.time += 1
        # modulates gravity
        scaling = 2000 / (self.swing_length**2)

        first_d_d_theta = -sin(radians(self.theta)) * scaling
        mid_d_theta = self.d_theta + first_d_d_theta
        mid_theta = self.theta + (self.d_theta + mid_d_theta) / 2.0

        mid_d_d_theta = -sin(radians(mid_theta)) * scaling
        mid_d_theta = self.d_theta + (first_d_d_theta + mid_d_d_theta) / 2
        mid_theta = self.theta + (self.d_theta + mid_d_theta) / 2

        mid_d_d_theta = -sin(radians(mid_theta)) * scaling
        last_d_theta = mid_d_theta + mid_d_d_theta
        last_theta = mid_theta + (mid_d_theta + last_d_theta) / 2.0

        last_d_d_theta = -sin(radians(last_theta)) * scaling
        last_d_theta = mid_d_theta + (mid_d_d_theta + last_d_d_theta) / 2.0
        last_theta = mid_theta + (mid_d_theta + last_d_theta) / 2.0

        self.d_theta = last_d_theta
        self.theta = last_theta
        self.rect = Rectangle(
            1, 1,
            (int(self.pivot[0] - self.swing_length * sin(radians(self.theta))),
             int(self.pivot[1] +
                 self.swing_length * cos(radians(self.theta)))))
Esempio n. 3
 def __init__(self, colour, width, height, x, y, tag=TAG_GROUND):
     self.width, self.height = width, height
     self.x, self.y = x, y
     self.tag = tag
     self.colour = colour
     self.rect = Rectangle(width, height,
                           Vector(x + width / 2, y + height / 2))
Esempio n. 4
 def __init__(self, width, height, window_width, window_height):
     self.state = Rectangle(width, height,
                            Vector(0 + width // 2, 0 + height // 2))
     self.half_width = window_width // 2
     self.half_height = window_height // 2
     self.window_width = window_width
     self.window_height = window_height
Esempio n. 5
 def setup_menu_camera(self):
     # this is the menu bar = Rectangle(WIDTH // 4, HEIGHT,
                           (WIDTH - WIDTH // 4 +
                            (WIDTH // 4) // 2, HEIGHT // 2)) = Camera(LevelDesign.GAME_MEASURES[0],
                          LevelDesign.GAME_MEASURES[1], WIDTH - WIDTH // 4,
Esempio n. 6
 def __init__(self, angle, swing_length, pivot):
     self.theta = angle
     self.d_theta = 0
     self.swing_length = swing_length
     self.pivot = pivot
     self.time = 0
     self.rect = Rectangle(
         1, 1,
         (int(self.pivot[0] - self.swing_length * cos(radians(self.theta))),
          int(self.pivot[1] +
              self.swing_length * sin(radians(self.theta)))))
Esempio n. 7
    def functionality(self, target):
        """defines how the camera will move,
        also makes sure it doesn't go outside level space
        left, top = target[0], target[1]
        left = self.half_width - left
        top = self.half_height - top

        left = min(0, left)
        left = max((self.window_width - self.state.width), left)
        top = max((self.window_height - self.state.height), top)
        top = min(0, top)
        return Rectangle(
            self.state.width, self.state.height,
            Vector(left + self.state.width // 2, top + self.state.height // 2))
Esempio n. 8
 def __init__(self, **options):
     """ Options: x, y, font, color, restricted, maxlength, prompt """
     self.options = Config(
         options, ['x', '0'], ['y', '0'],
         ['font', 'pygame.font.Font(None, 32)'], ['color', '(0,0,0)'], [
             'restricted', '\'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLM'
         ], ['maxlength', '-1'], ['prompt', '\'\''])
     self.x = self.options.x
     self.y = self.options.y
     self.font = self.options.font
     self.color = self.options.color
     self.restricted = self.options.restricted
     self.maxlength = self.options.maxlength
     self.prompt = self.options.prompt
     self.value = ''
     self.shifted = False
     self.is_focused = False
     self.rect = Rectangle(150, 32, Vector(self.x + 75, self.y + 16))
Esempio n. 9
 def get_containing_rectangle(self):
     width = self.width + self.text_box.width
     height = max(self.height, self.text_box.height)
     return Rectangle(width, height, self.position +
                      Vector(self.text_box.width / 2, 0))
Esempio n. 10
 def get_containing_rectangle(self):
     width = max(self.width, self.text_box.width)
     height = max(self.height, self.puck.radius * 2) + \
     return Rectangle(width, height, self.position +
                      Vector(0, -self.text_box.height / 2))
Esempio n. 11
from pygame.math import Vector2 as Vector
from motions import Motion
from ragdoll import HumanRagdoll
from basicshapes import Rectangle


screen = pygame.display.set_mode((1000, 1000))

clock = pygame.time.Clock()

ragdoll = HumanRagdoll("Batman")
ragdoll.move(Vector((500, 500)))
motion = Motion(ragdoll)

ground = Rectangle(1000, 70, Vector(500, 1000))

# for body_part in list(ragdoll.body_parts.values())[::-1]:
#    control.left_button_selectable.append(body_part)
anchor = Vector(0, 0)
# def cursor_controll(body, anchor):
#     body.pull_on_anchor(anchor, cursor_location - anchor)
#     anchor = cursor_location

ragdoll_velosity = Vector(0, 0)
cursor_left_button_is_down = False
cursor_selected_body = None

current_frame = 0
current_part = None
Esempio n. 12
 def test_get_hitmask(self):
     rect = Rectangle(2, 2, (1, 1))
     image = pygame.Surface((2, 2))
     self.assertEqual(get_hitmask(rect, image, 0),
                      [[True, True], [True, True]])