Esempio n. 1
    def run(self):
        self.bus.CMD <= 0

        res = 0
        while res == 0:
            # Wait for RESET signal
            yield RisingEdge(self.clock)
            yield ReadOnly()
            res = self.bus.RESET_TB.value.integer

        while res == 1:
            # Wait for falling edge of RESET signal
            yield RisingEdge(self.clock)
            yield ReadOnly()
            res = self.bus.RESET_TB.value.integer

        for _ in range(5):
            # Delay hit w.r.t. RESET. Minimum 3 clk cycles
            yield RisingEdge(self.clock)

#         bv = BitLogic(len(self.cmd) // 2)
#         bv[:] = 240  # sync
#         self.cmd.assign(2 * str(bv))
#         self.bus.CMD <= self.cmd
#         yield RisingEdge(self.clock)
#         bv = BitLogic(len(self.cmd) // 2)
#         bv[:] = 0  # NOP
#         self.cmd.assign(2 * str(bv))
#         self.bus.CMD <= self.cmd
#         yield RisingEdge(self.clock)
#         bv = BitLogic(len(self.cmd) // 2)
#         bv[:] = 2  # read register
#         self.cmd.assign(2 * str(bv))
#         self.bus.CMD <= self.cmd
#         yield RisingEdge(self.clock)
#         dat = BitLogic(len(self.cmd))
#         dat[:] = 0b0110101001101010  # data = 0b0000100001 = 33
#         self.cmd.assign(str(dat))
#         self.bus.CMD <= self.cmd
#         yield RisingEdge(self.clock)
#         bv = BitLogic(len(self.cmd) // 2)
#         bv.setall(False)
#         self.cmd.assign(2 * str(bv))
#         self.bus.CMD <= self.cmd

        bv = BitLogic(len(self.cmd) // 2)
        bv[:] = 240  # sync
        self.cmd.assign(2 * str(bv))
        self.bus.CMD <= self.cmd

        yield RisingEdge(self.clock)
        bv = BitLogic(len(self.cmd) // 2)
        bv[:] = 0  # NOP
        self.cmd.assign(2 * str(bv))
        self.bus.CMD <= self.cmd

        yield RisingEdge(self.clock)
        bv = BitLogic(len(self.cmd) // 2)
        bv[:] = 3  # write register
        self.cmd.assign(2 * str(bv))
        self.bus.CMD <= self.cmd

        yield RisingEdge(self.clock)
        dat = BitLogic(len(self.cmd))
        dat[:] = 0b0110101001101010  # data = 0b0000100001 = 33
        self.bus.CMD <= self.cmd

        yield RisingEdge(self.clock)
        dat = BitLogic(len(self.cmd))
        dat[:] = 0b0111000101110001  # data = 0b0000100001 = 33
        self.bus.CMD <= self.cmd

        yield RisingEdge(self.clock)
        bv = BitLogic(len(self.cmd) // 2)
        self.cmd.assign(2 * str(bv))
        self.bus.CMD <= self.cmd
Esempio n. 2
    def run(self):
        self.bus.HIT <= self.hit
        self.bus.TRIG_EXT <= 0

        res = 0
        while res == 0:
            # Wait for RESET signal
            yield FallingEdge(self.clock)
            yield ReadOnly()
            res = self.bus.RESET_TB.value.integer

        while res == 1:
            # Wait for falling edge of RESET signal
            yield FallingEdge(self.clock)
            yield ReadOnly()
            res = self.bus.RESET_TB.value.integer

        for _ in range(5):
            # Delay hit w.r.t. RESET. Minimum 3 clk cycles
            yield FallingEdge(self.clock)

        bv = BitLogic(len(self.hit))
        bv[10] = 1
        bv[15] = 1
        self.bus.HIT <= self.hit
        self.bus.TRIG_EXT <= 0

        for _ in range(14):
            # Stop HIT after 10 CLK_BX
            yield FallingEdge(self.clock)

        bv = BitLogic(len(self.hit))
        self.bus.HIT <= self.hit
        self.bus.TRIG_EXT <= 1

        yield FallingEdge(self.clock)
        self.bus.TRIG_EXT <= 0

        #         for _ in range(5):
        #             # Delay hit
        #             yield FallingEdge(self.clock)
        #         bv = BitLogic(len(self.hit))
        #         bv[20] = 1
        #         self.hit.assign(str(bv))
        #         self.bus.HIT <= self.hit
        #         self.bus.TRIG_EXT <= 0
        #         for _ in range(10):
        #             # Stop HIT after 10 CLK_BX
        #             yield FallingEdge(self.clock)
        #         bv = BitLogic(len(self.hit))
        #         bv.setall(False)
        #         self.hit.assign(str(bv))
        #         self.bus.HIT <= self.hit
        #         self.bus.TRIG_EXT <= 1
        #         yield FallingEdge(self.clock)
        #         self.bus.TRIG_EXT <= 0

        #         for _ in range(5):
        #             # Delay hit
        #             yield FallingEdge(self.clock)
        # #
        #         bv = BitLogic(len(self.hit))
        #         bv[20] = 1
        #         self.hit.assign(str(bv))
        #         self.bus.HIT <= self.hit
        #         self.bus.TRIG_EXT <= 0
        #         for _ in range(10):
        #             # Stop HIT after 10 CLK_BX
        #             yield FallingEdge(self.clock)
        #         bv = BitLogic(len(self.hit))
        #         bv.setall(False)
        #         self.hit.assign(str(bv))
        #         self.bus.HIT <= self.hit
        #         self.bus.TRIG_EXT <= 1
        #         yield FallingEdge(self.clock)
        self.bus.TRIG_EXT <= 0
Esempio n. 3
    def run(self):
        self.bus.HIT <= self.hit
        self.bus.TRIG_EXT <= 0

        res = 0
        bx = 0

        while res == 0:
            # Wait for RESET signal
            yield FallingEdge(self.clock)
            yield ReadOnly()
            res = self.bus.RESET_TB.value.integer

        while res == 1:
            # Wait for falling edge of RESET signal
            yield FallingEdge(self.clock)
            yield ReadOnly()
            res = self.bus.RESET_TB.value.integer

        for _ in range(5):
            # Delay hit w.r.t. RESET. Minimum 3 clk cycles
            yield FallingEdge(self.clock)

        bv_size = len(self.bus.HIT)
        bv = BitLogic(bv_size)

        tot_hist = np.zeros([bv_size], dtype=np.uint8)
        trigger = 0

        with open(self.filename) as hit_file:
            csv_reader = csv.reader(hit_file, delimiter=',')

            for file_row in csv_reader:

                bcid = int(file_row[0])
                col = int(file_row[1])
                row = int(file_row[2])
                tot = int(file_row[3])
                trg = int(file_row[4])

                print('loading bcid=', bcid, ' mc=', col, ' row=', row, ' tot=', tot, ' trg=', trg, ' bx=', bx)

                while bx < bcid:
                    yield RisingEdge(self.clock)
                    # yield Timer(1000)

                    for pix in np.where(tot_hist > 0)[0]:
                        bv[int(pix)] = 1

                    self.bus.HIT <= self.hit
                    self.bus.TRIG_EXT <= trigger
                    tot_hist[tot_hist > 0] -= 1
                    trigger = 0
                    bx += 1

                if bx == bcid:
                    if trg:
                        print("+++++++++++++++++++I am going to send a trigger+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++")
                        trigger = 1

                    if col >= 0 and col < 224 and row >= 0 and row < 224:
                        pixn = row + col * 448
                        tot_hist[pixn] = tot_hist[pixn] + tot
#                     else:
#                         raise ValueError("Error")
            # Enters when csv file is completly read
                while np.any(tot_hist > 0):  # Process hits until tot_hist is empty
                    yield RisingEdge(self.clock)
                    # yield Timer(1000)
                    for pix in np.where(tot_hist > 0)[0]:
                        bv[int(pix)] = 1
                    self.bus.HIT <= self.hit
                    self.bus.TRIG_EXT <= trigger
                    tot_hist[tot_hist > 0] -= 1
                    trigger = 0
                    bx += 1

        yield RisingEdge(self.clock)
        #yield Timer(1000)
        self.bus.HIT <= 0
        self.bus.TRIG_EXT <= 0'End of self.filename')