Esempio n. 1
def cf_cubic_d(ten_dq):
    Given 10Dq, return cubic crystal field matrix for d orbitals
    in the complex harmonics basis.

    ten_dq: float scalar
        The splitting between :math:`eg` and :math:`t2g` orbitals.

    cf: 2d complex array, shape=(10, 10)
        The matrix form of crystal field Hamiltonian in complex harmonics basis.

    tmp = np.zeros((5, 5), dtype=np.complex)
    tmp[0, 0] = 0.6 * ten_dq  # dz2
    tmp[1, 1] = -0.4 * ten_dq  # dzx
    tmp[2, 2] = -0.4 * ten_dq  # dzy
    tmp[3, 3] = 0.6 * ten_dq  # dx2-y2
    tmp[4, 4] = -0.4 * ten_dq  # dxy
    cf = np.zeros((10, 10), dtype=np.complex)
    cf[0:10:2, 0:10:2] = tmp
    cf[1:10:2, 1:10:2] = tmp

    cf[:, :] = cb_op(cf, tmat_r2c('d', True))

    return cf
Esempio n. 2
def cf_tetragonal_d(ten_dq, d1, d3):
    Given 10Dq, d1, d3, return tetragonal crystal field matrix for d orbitals
    in the complex harmonics basis.

    ten_dq: float scalar
        Parameter used to label cubic crystal splitting.
    d1: float scalar
        Paramter used to label tetragonal splitting.
    d3: float scalar
        Paramter used to label tetragonal splitting.

    cf: 2d complex array, shape=(10, 10)
        The matrix form of crystal field Hamiltonian in complex harmonics basis.

    dt = (3.0 * d3 - 4.0 * d1) / 35
    ds = (d3 + d1) / 7.0
    dq = ten_dq / 10.0

    tmp = np.zeros((5, 5), dtype=np.complex)
    tmp[0, 0] = 6 * dq - 2 * ds - 6 * dt  # d3z2-r2
    tmp[1, 1] = -4 * dq - 1 * ds + 4 * dt  # dzx
    tmp[2, 2] = -4 * dq - 1 * ds + 4 * dt  # dzy
    tmp[3, 3] = 6 * dq + 2 * ds - 1 * dt  # dx2-y2
    tmp[4, 4] = -4 * dq + 2 * ds - 1 * dt  # dxy

    cf = np.zeros((10, 10), dtype=np.complex)
    cf[0:10:2, 0:10:2] = tmp
    cf[1:10:2, 1:10:2] = tmp

    cf[:, :] = cb_op(cf, tmat_r2c('d', True))

    return cf
Esempio n. 3
def cf_trigonal_t2g(delta):
    Given delta, return trigonal crystal field matrix for t2g orbitals
    in the complex harmonics basis.

    delta: float scalar
        Parameter used to label trigonal crystal splitting.

    cf: 2d complex array, shape=(6, 6)
        The matrix form of crystal field Hamiltonian in complex harmonics basis.

    tmp = np.array([[0, delta, delta], [delta, 0, delta], [delta, delta, 0]])
    cf = np.zeros((6, 6), dtype=np.complex)
    cf[0:6:2, 0:6:2] += tmp
    cf[1:6:2, 1:6:2] += tmp
    cf[:, :] = cb_op(cf, tmat_r2c('t2g', True))

    return cf
Esempio n. 4
def get_trans_oper(case):
    Get the matrix of transition operators between two atomic shell in the complex
    spherical harmonics basis.

    case: string
        A string indicating the two atomic shells, possible transitions are:

        -   'ss':     :math:`s \\rightarrow s`
        -   'ps':     :math:`s \\rightarrow p`
        -   't2gs':   :math:`s \\rightarrow t2g`
        -   'ds':     :math:`s \\rightarrow d`
        -   'fs':     :math:`s \\rightarrow f`
        -   'sp':     :math:`p \\rightarrow s`
        -   'sp12':   :math:`p_{1/2} \\rightarrow s`
        -   'sp32':   :math:`p_{3/2} \\rightarrow s`
        -   'pp':     :math:`p \\rightarrow p`
        -   'pp12':   :math:`p_{1/2} \\rightarrow p`
        -   'pp32':   :math:`p_{3/2} \\rightarrow p`
        -   't2gp':   :math:`p \\rightarrow t_{2g}`
        -   't2gp12': :math:`p_{1/2} \\rightarrow t_{2g}`
        -   't2gp32': :math:`p_{3/2} \\rightarrow t_{2g}`
        -   'dp':     :math:`p \\rightarrow d`
        -   'dp12':   :math:`p_{1/2} \\rightarrow d`
        -   'dp32':   :math:`p_{3/2} \\rightarrow d`
        -   'fp':     :math:`p \\rightarrow f`
        -   'fp12':   :math:`p_{1/2} \\rightarrow f`
        -   'fp32':   :math:`p_{3/2} \\rightarrow f`
        -   'sd':     :math:`d \\rightarrow s`
        -   'sd32':   :math:`d_{3/2} \\rightarrow s`
        -   'sd52':   :math:`d_{5/2} \\rightarrow s`
        -   'pd':     :math:`d \\rightarrow p`
        -   'pd32':   :math:`d_{3/2} \\rightarrow p`
        -   'pd52':   :math:`d_{5/2} \\rightarrow p`
        -   't2gd':   :math:`d \\rightarrow t_{2g}`
        -   't2gd32': :math:`d_{3/2} \\rightarrow t_{2g}`
        -   't2gd52': :math:`d_{5/2} \\rightarrow t_{2g}`
        -   'dd':     :math:`d \\rightarrow d`
        -   'dd32':   :math:`d_{3/2} \\rightarrow d`
        -   'dd52':   :math:`d_{5/2} \\rightarrow d`
        -   'fd':     :math:`d \\rightarrow f`
        -   'fd32':   :math:`d_{3/2} \\rightarrow f`
        -   'fd52':   :math:`d_{5/2} \\rightarrow f`
        -   'sf':     :math:`f \\rightarrow s`
        -   'sf52':   :math:`f_{5/2} \\rightarrow s`
        -   'sf72':   :math:`f_{7/2} \\rightarrow s`
        -   'pf':     :math:`f \\rightarrow p`
        -   'pf52':   :math:`f_{5/2} \\rightarrow p`
        -   'pf72':   :math:`f_{7/2} \\rightarrow p`
        -   't2gf':   :math:`f \\rightarrow t_{2g}`
        -   't2gf52': :math:`f_{5/2} \\rightarrow t_{2g}`
        -   't2gf72': :math:`f_{7/2} \\rightarrow t_{2g}`
        -   'df':     :math:`f \\rightarrow d`
        -   'df52':   :math:`f_{5/2} \\rightarrow d`
        -   'df72':   :math:`f_{7/2} \\rightarrow d`
        -   'ff':     :math:`f \\rightarrow f`
        -   'ff52':   :math:`f_{5/2} \\rightarrow f`
        -   'ff72':   :math:`f_{7/2} \\rightarrow f`

    res: 2d complex array
        The calculated transition matrix.

    >>> import edrixs
    p to d transition
    >>> trans_dp = get_trans_oper('dp')
    p to t2g transition
    >>> trans_t2gp = get_trans_oper('t2gp')
    p_{3/2} to d transition
    >>> trans_dp32 = get_trans_oper('dp32')
    info = info_atomic_shell()
    v_name, c_name = case_to_shell_name(case.strip())
    v_orbl, c_orbl = info[v_name][0], info[c_name][0]
    v_norb, c_norb = 2 * (2 * v_orbl + 1), 2 * (2 * c_orbl + 1)

    if (v_orbl + c_orbl) % 2 == 0:
        op = quadrupole_trans_oper(v_orbl, c_orbl)
        op = dipole_trans_oper(v_orbl, c_orbl)

    # truncate to a sub-shell if necessary
    special_shell = ['t2g', 'p12', 'p32', 'd32', 'd52', 'f52', 'f72']
    orb_indx = {
        special_shell[0]: [2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9],
        special_shell[1]: [0, 1],
        special_shell[2]: [2, 3, 4, 5],
        special_shell[3]: [0, 1, 2, 3],
        special_shell[4]: [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
        special_shell[5]: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
        special_shell[6]: [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]
    left_tmat = np.eye(v_norb, dtype=np.complex)
    right_tmat = np.eye(c_norb, dtype=np.complex)
    indx1 = list(range(0, v_norb))
    indx2 = list(range(0, c_norb))
    if v_name in special_shell:
        if v_name == 't2g':
            left_tmat[0:v_norb, 0:v_norb] = tmat_c2r('d', True)
            left_tmat[0:v_norb, 0:v_norb] = tmat_c2j(v_orbl)
        indx1 = orb_indx[v_name]
    if c_name in special_shell[1:]:
        right_tmat[0:c_norb, 0:c_norb] = tmat_c2j(c_orbl)
        indx2 = orb_indx[c_name]

    if (v_orbl + c_orbl) % 2 == 0:
        npol = 5
        npol = 3

    op_tmp = np.zeros((npol, len(indx1), len(indx2)), dtype=np.complex)
    for i in range(npol):
        op[i] = cb_op2(op[i], left_tmat, right_tmat)
        op_tmp[i] = op[i, indx1][:, indx2]
        if v_name == 't2g':
            op_tmp[i] ='t2g', True))),
    res = op_tmp
    return res
Esempio n. 5
     umat = umat_slater(l_list, fk)
     # truncate to a sub-shell if necessary
     if shells[0] in special_shell:
         if shells[0] == 't2g':
             tmat = tmat_c2r('d', True)
             tmat = tmat_c2j(orbl)
         umat = transform_utensor(umat, tmat)
         indx = orb_indx[shells[0]]
         umat_tmp = np.zeros((len(indx), len(indx), len(indx), len(indx)),
         umat_tmp[:, :, :, :] = umat[indx][:, indx][:, :, indx][:, :, :,
         if shells[0] == 't2g':
             umat_tmp[:, :, :, :] = transform_utensor(
                 umat_tmp, tmat_r2c('t2g', True))
         umat = umat_tmp
 # two shells
 elif len(shells) == 2:
     name1, name2 = shells
     l1, l2 = info[name1][0], info[name2][0]
     n1, n2 = 2 * (2 * l1 + 1), 2 * (2 * l2 + 1)
     ntot = n1 + n2
     l_list = [l1, l2]
     fk = {}
     it = 0
     for rank in range(0, 2 * l1 + 1, 2):
         fk[(rank, 1, 1, 1, 1)] = args[it]
         it += 1
     for rank in range(0, min(2 * l1, 2 * l2) + 1, 2):
         fk[(rank, 1, 2, 1, 2)] = args[it]