def test_write_clobber(self):

        # Build and write instance to folder
        test_name = 'test'
        test_batch_grammar_classifier = BatchGrammarClassifier(name=test_name)

        test_new_model_name = 'model1'
        test_negative_examples = ['Horrible here grammar.', 'Nasty one', 'Does grammar work not', 'still work no']
        test_positive_examples = ['Great grammar here!', 'Another great one', 'Spectacular grammar here', 'Exellent']

        test_batch_grammar_classifier.train_new(test_new_model_name, test_negative_examples, test_positive_examples)

        test_new_model_name = 'model2'
        test_negative_examples = ['Horrible here grammar.', 'Nasty one', 'Does grammar work not', 'still work no']
        test_positive_examples = ['Great grammar here!', 'Another great one', 'Spectacular grammar here', 'Exellent']

        test_batch_grammar_classifier.train_new(test_new_model_name, test_negative_examples, test_positive_examples)



        # Delete created folder
    def test_train_new(self):
            Verify that a new model can be trained when valid data is supplied.
        test_batch_grammar_classifier = BatchGrammarClassifier(name='test')

        test_new_model_name = 'new_model'
        test_negative_examples = ['Horrible here grammar.', 'Nasty one', 'Does grammar work not', 'still work no']
        test_positive_examples = ['Great grammar here!', 'Another great one', 'Spectacular grammar here', 'Exellent']

        test_batch_grammar_classifier.train_new(test_new_model_name, test_negative_examples, test_positive_examples)

        self.assertIn('new_model', test_batch_grammar_classifier.model_dict.keys())
    def test_predictions_consistent_after_load(self):
            Verify that model output is unchanged after instance is read and
            written to file.
        test_name = 'test'
        test_batch_grammar_classifier = BatchGrammarClassifier(name=test_name)

        test_new_model_name = 'model1'
        test_negative_examples = ['Horrible here grammar.', 'Nasty one', 'Does grammar work not', 'still work no']
        test_positive_examples = ['Great grammar here!', 'Another great one', 'Spectacular grammar here', 'Exellent']

        test_batch_grammar_classifier.train_new(test_new_model_name, test_negative_examples, test_positive_examples)

        test_new_model_name = 'model2'
        test_negative_examples = ['Horrible here grammar.', 'Nasty one', 'Does grammar work not', 'still work no']
        test_positive_examples = ['Great grammar here!', 'Another great one', 'Spectacular grammar here', 'Exellent']

        test_batch_grammar_classifier.train_new(test_new_model_name, test_negative_examples, test_positive_examples)

        test_examples = ['Here are two new examples', 'How grammatically correct are they?']

        # Predictions before folder write
        test_pre_write_predictions = test_batch_grammar_classifier.predict(test_examples)

        # Write then retrive instance
        test_read_instance = BatchGrammarClassifier.load_from_folder(test_name)
        self.assertEqual(, test_name)

        # Predictions after folder write
        test_post_write_predictions = test_read_instance.predict(test_examples)
        pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(test_pre_write_predictions, test_post_write_predictions)

        # Delete created folder
    def test_format_examples(self):
            Verify that example formatting is performed correctly
        test_negative_examples = pd.DataFrame({
            'example': ['Horrible here grammar.', 'Nasty one', 'Does grammar work not', 'still work no']
        test_positive_examples = pd.DataFrame({
            'example': ['Great grammar here!', 'Another great one', 'Spectacular grammar here', 'Exellent']

        expected_formatted_examples = pd.DataFrame({
            'example': ['Horrible here grammar.', 'Nasty one', 'Great grammar here!', 'Another great one'],
            'label': [0, 0, 1, 1]
        actual_formatted_examples = BatchGrammarClassifier.format_examples(test_negative_examples, test_positive_examples)
    def test_train_new_unoriginal_model_name(self):
            Verify behavior when attempting to train a new model whose name
            already exists.
        test_batch_grammar_classifier = BatchGrammarClassifier(name='test')

        test_new_model_name = 'new_model'
        test_negative_examples = ['Horrible here grammar.', 'Nasty one', 'Does grammar work not', 'still work no']
        test_positive_examples = ['Great grammar here!', 'Another great one', 'Spectacular grammar here', 'Exellent']

        test_batch_grammar_classifier.train_new(test_new_model_name, test_negative_examples, test_positive_examples)

        self.assertIn('new_model', test_batch_grammar_classifier.model_dict.keys())

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            test_batch_grammar_classifier.train_new(test_new_model_name, test_negative_examples, test_positive_examples)
    def test_label_apply(self):

        def test_func_1(arg):
            return 1 * arg

        def test_func_2(arg):
            return 2 * arg

        def test_func_3(arg):
            return 3 * arg

        test_functions = [test_func_1, test_func_2, test_func_3]
        test_data = [1, 2, 3, 4]

        expected_output = pd.DataFrame({
            'data': test_data,
            'test_func_1': [1, 2, 3, 4],
            'test_func_2': [2, 4, 6, 8],
            'test_func_3': [3, 6, 9, 12],

        actual_output = BatchGrammarClassifier.label_apply(test_data, test_functions)

        pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(expected_output, actual_output)
    def test_train_new_models_independent(self):
            Verify that when training a new model, the model is different than
            any existing ones.
        test_batch_grammar_classifier = BatchGrammarClassifier(name='test')

        test_new_model_name = 'model1'
        test_negative_examples = ['Horrible here grammar.', 'Nasty one', 'Does grammar work not', 'still work no']
        test_positive_examples = ['Great grammar here!', 'Another great one', 'Spectacular grammar here', 'Exellent']

        test_batch_grammar_classifier.train_new(test_new_model_name, test_negative_examples, test_positive_examples)

        test_new_model_name = 'model2'
        test_negative_examples = ['Horrible here grammar.', 'Nasty one', 'Does grammar work not', 'still work no']
        test_positive_examples = ['Great grammar here!', 'Another great one', 'Spectacular grammar here', 'Exellent']

        test_batch_grammar_classifier.train_new(test_new_model_name, test_negative_examples, test_positive_examples)

        model1 = test_batch_grammar_classifier.model_dict['model1']
        model2 = test_batch_grammar_classifier.model_dict['model2']

        self.assertNotEqual(model1, model2)
Esempio n. 8
from label_tools import *
from tweet_tool import *
import time
from random import shuffle
import pandas as pd
from parse_tools import ParseTools
from tweet_generation import *
from textgenrnn import textgenrnn
from batch_grammar_classifier import BatchGrammarClassifier

# Generate tweets
model = textgenrnn('textgenrnn_FET_model')
generated_tweets = generate(model, gen_count=1000, temperature=.6)

# Apply simple fixes to tweets (@ correction, apostrophe insertion, etc.)
cleaned_tweets = ParseTools.clean_tweets(generated_tweets)

# Sort tweets by calculated grammar score
bgc = BatchGrammarClassifier.load_from_folder('grammar_models')
ranked_tweets = bgc.rank(cleaned_tweets)

# Obtain hand labels
labelled_tweets = label_data(ranked_tweets, shuffle=False)
good_tweets = list(labelled_tweets.loc[labelled_tweets['response'] == '1']['data'])

# Schedule tweets
t = TweetTool()
times = t.get_times(len(good_tweets), 100, 100)
t.schedule_tweets(good_tweets, times)
 def test_load_from_folder_non_existant_folder(self):
         Verify that a non-existant folder can be caught.
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
 def test_constructor(self):
     test_batch_grammar_classifier = BatchGrammarClassifier('test')
 def test_power_set(self):
     test_set = [1, 2, 3]
     expected_power_set = [None, [1], [2], [3], [1, 2], [1, 3], [2, 3], [1, 2, 3]]
     actual_power_set = BatchGrammarClassifier.power_set(test_set)
     self.assertEqual(expected_power_set, actual_power_set)