def dist2WTP_branch5(self, Ttimes): """ calculate the distance to the WTP gate for branch 5 """ ## branch 5 WB = W2_Bathymetry(self.Bthfile) pat = WB.VisBranch2(branchID=5) dist_tem5 = WB.X[1:-1][::-1] * 3.28084 ## unit: ft ind5 = next((i for i, x in enumerate(Ttimes[1]) if x), None) dist_tem5[:ind5] = 0 ## branch 1 WB = W2_Bathymetry(self.Bthfile) pat = WB.VisBranch2(branchID=1) dist_tem1 = WB.X[1:-1][::-1] * 3.28084 ## unit: ft dx = dist_tem1[-3] - dist_tem1[-2] ind1 = next((i for i, x in enumerate(Ttimes[0]) if x), None) dist_tem1[:ind1] = 0 dist_tem5[ind5:] += dx + dist_tem1[ind1] return [dist_tem1, dist_tem5]
def Percentage_branch5(self, Np, Nt, starttime, location_x, x_combined, Ttimes_avg): """ At branch 5 calculate the particle percentage for each transect at the corresponding travel time """ Ttime_avg1 = Ttimes_avg[0] Ttime_avg5 = Ttimes_avg[1] #### read segment information for branch 5 WB = W2_Bathymetry(self.Bthfile) pat = WB.VisBranch2(branchID=5) x_branch5 = WB.X #### segment x coordinates for branch 5 #### read segment information for branch 1 WB = W2_Bathymetry(self.Bthfile) pat = WB.VisBranch2(branchID=1) x_branch1 = WB.X percentage5 = np.zeros_like(x_branch5) percentage1 = np.zeros_like(x_branch1) percentage_combined = np.zeros_like(x_combined) Ttime_avg_combined = Ttime_avg5.tolist() + Ttime_avg1.tolist( )[self.DHS5 - 1:] for ii, tt in enumerate(Ttime_avg_combined): tt = int(tt) if tt != 0: tt += starttime seg_id = ii + 2 #print ('Calculate particle percentage for time step = %s, segment = %d\n'%(str(tt), seg_id)) icount = 0 for i in range(location_x.shape[0]): if location_x[i, tt - starttime] >= x_combined[seg_id - 1]: icount += 1 percentage_combined[seg_id - 1] = float(icount) / Np percentage5[1:-1] = percentage_combined[1:len(x_branch5) - 1] percentage1[self.DHS5:] = percentage_combined[len(x_branch5) - 1:] #pdb.set_trace() return [percentage1, percentage5]
def Percentage_branch1(self, Np, Nt, starttime, location_x, Ttime_avg): """ At branch 1 calculate the particle percentage for each transect at the corresponding travel time """ #### read bathymetry information WB = W2_Bathymetry(self.Bthfile) pat = WB.VisBranch2(branchID=1) x_branch1 = WB.X ## from Ttime, find the segment index and travel time (time step) info for each percentage = np.zeros_like( x_branch1) ## seg ID from 1 to 46 for branch 1 for ii, tt in enumerate(Ttime_avg): tt = int(tt) if tt != 0: tt += starttime seg_id = ii + 2 #print ('Calculate particle percentage for time step = %s, segment = %d\n'%(str(tt), seg_id)) icount = 0 for i in range(location_x.shape[0]): if location_x[i, tt - starttime] >= x_branch1[seg_id - 1]: icount += 1 percentage[seg_id - 1] = float(icount) / Np #pdb.set_trace() return percentage
def dist2WTP_branch1(self, Ttime): """ calculate the distance to the WTP gate for branch 1 """ WB = W2_Bathymetry(self.Bthfile) pat = WB.VisBranch2(branchID=1) dist_tem = WB.X[1:-1][::-1] * 3.28084 ## unit: ft ind = next((i for i, x in enumerate(Ttime) if x), None) dist_tem[:ind] = 0 return dist_tem
def readBathymetry(self): """ read segment and layer info from the bathymetry file """ WB = W2_Bathymetry(self.bathfile) WB.readVar() WB.readLyr() self.seg_length = WB.seg_length #segment length self.seg_ori = WB.seg_ori # segment orientation self.lyr_height = WB.lyr_height # layer height or each segment self.lyrs_branchID = np.asarray( [int(float(ID)) for ID in WB.lyrs_branchID]) self.lyrs_segID = np.asarray([int(float(ID)) for ID in WB.lyrs_segID]) self.lyrs = WB.lyrs
def AnimateContour(self, varname='Tracer', timestep=0, branchID=1, days=100, PlotGrid=False): """ create animation """ import matplotlib.animation as animation from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable Writer = animation.writers['ffmpeg'] writer = Writer(fps=5, metadata=dict(artist='Me'), bitrate=1800) self.Readcpl() plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 18}) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12.5, 8)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if PlotGrid == True: from bathymetry import W2_Bathymetry filename = '%s\\%s' % (self.workdir, 'Bth_WB1.npt') WB = W2_Bathymetry(filename) pat = WB.VisBranch2(branchID) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="3%", pad=0.05) def animate(ii): ii += timestep ax.clear() ## search for index for each branch ## algorithm find the distance between two elements in self.X_flow that are large, ## this is where the two branches separate dist = np.diff(self.X_flow[ii]) inds = np.where(dist > 1200)[0] ## this way is not necessary but clear if branchID == 1: ind0 = 0 ind1 = inds[0] elif branchID == 2: ind0 = inds[0] + 1 ind1 = inds[1] elif branchID == 3: ind0 = inds[1] + 1 ind1 = inds[2] elif branchID == 4: ind0 = inds[2] + 1 ind1 = inds[3] elif branchID == 5: ind0 = inds[3] + 1 ind1 = len(self.X_flow[ii]) X_flow = self.X_flow[ii][ind0:ind1 + 1] Z_flow = self.Z_flow[ii][ind0:ind1 + 1] X_flow = np.asarray(X_flow) Z_flow = np.asarray(Z_flow) if PlotGrid == True: for sq in pat: ax.add_patch(sq) ax.autoscale_view() ## align each branch with grid dx = WB.X.max() - X_flow.max() X_flow += dx U = self.U[ii][ind0:ind1 + 1] W = self.W[ii][ind0:ind1 + 1] U = np.asarray(U) W = np.asarray(W) mask = np.logical_or(U != self.mask_value, W != self.mask_value) scale = 1. scale = 100. / scale Q = ax.quiver(X_flow[mask], Z_flow[mask], np.asarray(U[mask]) * 100., np.asarray(W[mask]) * 100., zorder=5, width=0.001, headwidth=4, headlength=4.5, scale=scale, color='r') qk = ax.quiverkey(Q, 0.15, 0.15, 1, r'$1 \frac{cm}{s}$', labelpos='W', fontproperties={ 'weight': 'bold', 'size': 20 }) var = self.var_output[varname]['value'][ii][ind0:ind1 + 1] var = np.asarray(var) #### quality control remove some very small values (spikes) #### var[(var == self.mask_value) & (var < 1e-15)] = 0 #var =,mask=var==self.mask_value) triang = tri.Triangulation(X_flow, Z_flow) isbad = np.equal(var, self.mask_value) mask = np.any(np.where(isbad[triang.triangles], True, False), axis=1) triang.set_mask(mask) levels = np.linspace(var.min(), var.max(), 100) cmap = plt.set_cmap('bone_r') #cs = ax.tricontourf(X_flow, Z_flow, var, cmap=cmap, levels=levels) cs = ax.tricontourf(triang, var, cmap=cmap, levels=levels) cb = fig.colorbar(cs, cax=cax, orientation='vertical') #cb.set_label('%s'%self.var_output[varname]['long_name'], fontsize=14) cb.set_label('Concentration (mg/L)', fontsize=14) timestr = datetime.strftime(self.runtimes[ii], '%Y-%m-%d') ax.title.set_text('Time: %s' % timestr) ax.set_ylim([135, 160]) ax.set_xlabel('Distance from upstream (m)') ax.set_ylabel('Water Depth (m)') return cs, cax anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=days, interval=600, blit=False)'%s\\tracer.mp4' % self.workdir, writer=writer)
def VisContour(self, varname='Tracer', timestep=-1, branchID=1, Plotuv=False, PlotGrid=False): """ Create the contour plot of a variable given the variable name variable names are provided in cpl.opt e.g. 'U', 'W', 'Tracer' The python dictionary for variables can be found in """ self.Readcpl() ## search for index for each branch ## algorithm find the distance between two elements in self.X_flow that are large, ## this is where the two branches separate #dist = np.diff(self.X_flow[0]) dist = np.diff(self.X_flow[timestep]) inds = np.where(dist > 1200)[0] ## this way is not necessary but clear if branchID == 1: ind0 = 0 ind1 = inds[0] elif branchID == 2: ind0 = inds[0] + 1 ind1 = inds[1] elif branchID == 3: ind0 = inds[1] + 1 ind1 = inds[2] elif branchID == 4: ind0 = inds[2] + 1 ind1 = inds[3] elif branchID == 5: ind0 = inds[3] + 1 #ind1 = len(self.X_flow[0]) ind1 = len(self.X_flow[timestep]) - 1 X_flow = self.X_flow[timestep][ind0:ind1 + 1] Z_flow = self.Z_flow[timestep][ind0:ind1 + 1] var = self.var_output[varname]['value'][timestep][ind0:ind1 + 1] pdb.set_trace() ############### nested list ############### def has_list(inlist): return any(isinstance(el, list) for el in inlist) import collections def list_flatten(x): if isinstance(x, return [a for i in x for a in list_flatten(i)] else: return [x] if has_list(X_flow): X_flow = list_flatten(X_flow) if has_list(Z_flow): Z_flow = list_flatten(Z_flow) if has_list(var): var = list_flatten(var) ############################################## pdb.set_trace() X_flow = np.asarray(X_flow) Z_flow = np.asarray(Z_flow) var = np.asarray(var) #### quality control remove some very small values (spikes) #### #var[(var.mask==False)&(var<1e-15)]=0 var[(var == self.mask_value) & (var < 1e-15)] = 0 plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 18}) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(11.5, 8)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if PlotGrid == True: from bathymetry import W2_Bathymetry filename = '%s\\%s' % (self.workdir, 'Bth_WB1.npt') WB = W2_Bathymetry(filename) pat = WB.VisBranch2(branchID) for sq in pat: ax.add_patch(sq) ax.autoscale_view() ## align each branch with grid ## not sure how X is defined in the model ## algorithm starting from the end of the branch dx = WB.X.max() - X_flow.max() X_flow += dx if Plotuv: #X_flow = np.asarray(X_flow) #Z_flow = np.asarray(Z_flow) U = self.U[timestep][ind0:ind1 + 1] W = self.W[timestep][ind0:ind1 + 1] U = np.asarray(U) W = np.asarray(W) mask = np.logical_or(U != self.mask_value, W != self.mask_value) #U =,mask=U==self.mask_value) #W =,mask=W==self.mask_value) scale = 1. scale = 100. / scale Q = ax.quiver(X_flow[mask], Z_flow[mask], np.asarray(U[mask]) * 100., np.asarray(W[mask]) * 100., zorder=5, width=0.001, headwidth=4, headlength=4.5, scale=scale, color='r') qk = ax.quiverkey(Q, 0.15, 0.15, 1, r'$1 \frac{cm}{s}$', labelpos='W', fontproperties={ 'weight': 'bold', 'size': 20 }) #var =,mask=var==self.mask_value) #### python3 does not allow for masked z values in tricontourf, a way to work around: triang = tri.Triangulation(X_flow, Z_flow) isbad = np.equal(var, self.mask_value) mask = np.any(np.where(isbad[triang.triangles], True, False), axis=1) triang.set_mask(mask) #pdb.set_trace() if var.min() == 0 and var.max() == 0: levels = np.linspace(self.var_output[varname]['limits'][0], self.var_output[varname]['limits'][1], 100) elif varname == 'T': #levels = np.linspace(23, 27, 100) ## low WSE #levels = np.linspace(16, 21, 100) ## high WSE levels = np.linspace(12, 17, 100) ## medium WSE else: levels = np.linspace(var.min(), var.max(), 100) cmap = plt.set_cmap('bone_r') #cs = ax.tricontourf(X_flow, Z_flow, var, cmap=cmap, levels=levels) cs = ax.tricontourf(triang, var, cmap=cmap, levels=levels) from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="3%", pad=0.05) cb = fig.colorbar(cs, cax=cax, orientation='vertical') #cb.set_label('%s'%self.var_output[varname]['long_name'], fontsize=14) cb.set_label('Concentration (mg/L)', fontsize=14) timestr = datetime.strftime(self.runtimes[timestep], '%Y-%m-%d') ax.title.set_text('Time: %s' % timestr) #ax.set_xlim([0, 60000]) ax.set_ylim([135, 160]) ax.set_xlabel('Distance from upstream (m)') ax.set_ylabel('Water Depth (m)') #ax.yaxis.grid(True) #ax.xaxis.grid(True)
def particle_animation(self, Nt, particle_location, branchID=1, verbose='surface'): """ create animation for 1D particle tracking verbose: 'surface' or 'bottom' """ import matplotlib.animation as animation Writer = animation.writers['ffmpeg'] writer = Writer(fps=5, metadata=dict(artist='Me'), bitrate=1800) xx = np.arange(particle_location.shape[0]) + 1 if branchID == 1: WB = W2_Bathymetry(self.Bthfile) pat = WB.VisBranch2(branchID) x_branch = WB.X elif branchID == 5: WB = W2_Bathymetry(self.Bthfile) pat = WB.VisBranch2(branchID) x_branch5 = WB.X #### segment x coordinates for branch 5 #### read segment information for branch 1 WB = W2_Bathymetry(self.Bthfile) pat = WB.VisBranch2(branchID=1) x_branch1 = WB.X #### combine the two branch cells x_branch = x_branch5.tolist()[0:] + \ (x_branch1[self.DHS5-1:] - x_branch1[self.DHS5-1] + x_branch5[-2]).tolist() x_branch = np.asarray(x_branch) plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 18}) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 12.5)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) def animate(ii): ax.clear() ### grid segments for yc in x_branch: ax.axhline(y=yc, color='gray', linestyle='-', linewidth=1) #### particle positions #for i in range(particle_location.shape[0]): cs = ax.plot(xx, particle_location[:, ii], 'ok', markersize=3.5) ## at 3rd time step ax.title.set_text('%s \n Time step = %d' % (verbose, ii)) ax.set_ylim([-1500, 28500]) ax.set_ylim(ax.get_ylim()[::-1]) ax.set_xlabel('Particle ID') ax.set_ylabel('Distance from upstream (m)') return cs anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=Nt, interval=600, blit=False)'videos\particle\%s.mp4' % verbose, writer=writer)
def read_velocity(self, Nt, branchID=1): """ read surface and bottom velocities, specific for each branch """ #### read bathymetry information WB = W2_Bathymetry(self.Bthfile) pat = WB.VisBranch2(branchID) X_surface = [] ## [time period, x grid points] Z_surface = [] U_surface = [] X_bottom = [] Z_bottom = [] U_bottom = [] for tstep in range(self.starttime, self.starttime + Nt): print('Time step = %s \n' % str(tstep)) ## search for index for each branch ## algorithm find the distance between two elements in self.X_flow that are large, ## this is where the two branches separate dist = np.diff(self.X_flow[tstep]) inds = np.where(dist > 1200)[0] if branchID == 1: ind0 = 0 ind1 = inds[0] elif branchID == 2: ind0 = inds[0] + 1 ind1 = inds[1] elif branchID == 3: ind0 = inds[1] + 1 ind1 = inds[2] elif branchID == 4: ind0 = inds[2] + 1 ind1 = inds[3] elif branchID == 5: ind0 = inds[3] + 1 ind1 = len(self.X_flow[tstep] ) - 1 ## -1 remove the array size mismatch issue ## tracer locations X_flow = self.X_flow[tstep][ind0:ind1 + 1] Z_flow = self.Z_flow[tstep][ind0:ind1 + 1] X_flow = np.asarray(X_flow) Z_flow = np.asarray(Z_flow) ## align coordinates with the grid dx = WB.X.max() - X_flow.max() X_flow += dx ## read velocity U = self.U[tstep][ind0:ind1 + 1] W = self.W[tstep][ind0:ind1 + 1] U = np.asarray(U) W = np.asarray(W) #### find surface and bottom velocity at tstep X_surface_tem, Z_surface_tem, U_surface_tem, \ X_bottom_tem, Z_bottom_tem, U_bottom_tem = \ self.surface_bottom_velocity(X_flow, Z_flow, U, W) X_surface.append(X_surface_tem) Z_surface.append(Z_surface_tem) U_surface.append(U_surface_tem) X_bottom.append(X_bottom_tem) Z_bottom.append(Z_bottom_tem) U_bottom.append(U_bottom_tem) #pdb.set_trace() return X_surface, Z_surface, U_surface, X_bottom, Z_bottom, U_bottom
def particle_tracking_model_1D(self, Np, Nt, InitialSeg, starttime, branchID, flow_condition='high', dt=1, transportSurface=True, transportBottom=True, travelTime=True): """ particle tracking with velocity Np -- number of particles Nt -- particle tracking period (unit: day) InitialSeg -- initial spill release segment ID dt -- time interval, default 1 day, unit: day """ dt *= 24 * 3600. #### conversion from day to seconds self.starttime = starttime self.flow_condition = flow_condition #### read surface and bottom velocities if branchID == 1: self.X_surface, self.Z_surface, self.U_surface, \ self.X_bottom, self.Z_bottom, self.U_bottom = self.read_velocity(Nt, branchID=1) ## contour plot of velocity self.plot_velocity( self.X_surface, self.U_surface, figname=r'figures\flow_rate\velocity\surface_branch%d_%s.png' % (branchID, flow_condition)) ## surface self.plot_velocity( self.X_bottom, self.U_bottom, figname=r'figures\flow_rate\velocity\bottom_branch%d_%s.png' % (branchID, flow_condition)) ## surface elif branchID == 5: X_surface1, Z_surface1, U_surface1, \ X_bottom1, Z_bottom1, U_bottom1 = self.read_velocity(Nt, branchID=1) X_surface5, Z_surface5, U_surface5, \ X_bottom5, Z_bottom5, U_bottom5 = self.read_velocity(Nt, branchID=5) ## contour plot of velocity self.plot_velocity( X_surface5, U_surface5, figname=r'figures\flow_rate\velocity\surface_branch%d_%s.png' % (branchID, flow_condition)) ## surface self.plot_velocity( X_bottom5, U_bottom5, figname=r'figures\flow_rate\velocity\bottom_branch%d_%s.png' % (branchID, flow_condition)) ## surface #### read bathymetry information WB = W2_Bathymetry(self.Bthfile) pat = WB.VisBranch2(branchID=1) #### adding branch 5 to main branch self.X_surface = [] self.Z_surface = [] self.U_surface = [] self.X_bottom = [] self.Z_bottom = [] self.U_bottom = [] for t in range(Nt): ## surface xind_surface = self.findNearest(WB.X[self.DHS5 - 1], X_surface1[t][:]) xtem_surface_branch1 = np.asarray(X_surface1[t][xind_surface:]) - X_surface1[t][xind_surface-1] \ + X_surface5[t][-1] self.X_surface.append(X_surface5[t] + xtem_surface_branch1.tolist()) self.Z_surface.append(Z_surface5[t] + Z_surface1[t][xind_surface:]) self.U_surface.append(U_surface5[t] + U_surface1[t][xind_surface:]) ## bottom xind_bottom = self.findNearest(WB.X[self.DHS5 - 1], X_bottom1[t][:]) xtem_bottom_branch1 = np.asarray(X_bottom1[t][xind_bottom:]) - X_bottom1[t][xind_bottom-1] \ + X_bottom5[t][-1] self.X_bottom.append(X_bottom5[t] + xtem_bottom_branch1.tolist()) self.Z_bottom.append(Z_bottom5[t] + Z_bottom1[t][xind_bottom:]) self.U_bottom.append(U_bottom5[t] + U_bottom1[t][xind_bottom:]) #### read bathymetry information WB = W2_Bathymetry(self.Bthfile) pat = WB.VisBranch2(branchID) #### particle tracking calculation if transportSurface: #### particle location array self.location_x_surface = np.zeros( [Np, Nt]) ####[Number of particles, time period] self.grid_x_surface = np.zeros( [Nt]) #### surface water level at each x grid #### initial particle location self.location_x_surface[:, 0] = WB.X[InitialSeg - 1] #### first order Euler algorithm: x(t+1) = x(t) + U*dt + R*sqrt(6 * Dx *dt) for i in range(Np): for t in range(Nt - 1): xtem = np.abs(self.X_surface[t] - self.location_x_surface[i, t]) #### check if if xtem.min() < 1000: #### query index ind = np.argwhere(xtem == xtem.min())[0][0] utem = self.U_surface[t][ind] R = random.uniform( 0, 2) - 1 ## random number between [-1,1] self.location_x_surface[ i, t + 1] = self.location_x_surface[ i, t] + utem * dt + R * np.sqrt(6 * self.Dx * dt) elif xtem.min( ) > 1000: ## there is no close grid point, water dries at this location utem = 0 self.location_x_surface[ i, t + 1] = self.location_x_surface[i, t] + utem * dt #if t in range(236, 238): ## at these steps, water at the first several cells dries, X_surface starts at 9659, while location_x_surface is 8440. ## so particles do not move at these time steps #pdb.set_trace() for t in range(Nt): self.grid_x_surface[t] = self.Z_surface[t][0] if transportBottom: #### particle location array self.location_x_bottom = np.zeros([Np, Nt]) self.grid_x_bottom = np.zeros( [Nt]) #### bottom water level at each x grid #### initial particle location self.location_x_bottom[:, 0] = WB.X[InitialSeg - 1] #### first order Euler algorithm for i in range(Np): for t in range(Nt - 1): xtem = np.abs(self.X_bottom[t] - self.location_x_bottom[i, t]) #### check if if xtem.min() < 1000: #### query index ind = np.argwhere(xtem == xtem.min())[0][0] utem = self.U_bottom[t][ind] R = random.uniform( 0, 2) - 1 ## random number between [-1,1] self.location_x_bottom[ i, t + 1] = self.location_x_bottom[ i, t] + utem * dt + R * np.sqrt(6 * self.Dx * dt) elif xtem.min( ) > 1000: ## there is no close grid point, water dries at this location utem = 0 self.location_x_bottom[ i, t + 1] = self.location_x_bottom[i, t] + utem * dt for t in range(Nt): self.grid_x_bottom[t] = self.Z_bottom[t][0] ## first entry: Nt or self.period or self-defined depending on how long we need the video to be self.particle_animation(self.period, self.location_x_surface, branchID=branchID, verbose='surface_branch%d_%s' % (branchID, flow_condition)) self.particle_animation(self.period, self.location_x_bottom, branchID=branchID, verbose='bottom_branch%d_%s' % (branchID, flow_condition)) # #### For testing only: visualize particle locations # iy = 0 # plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 16}) # fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14,10)) # ax = fig.add_subplot(211) # for i in range(Np): # ax.plot(self.location_x_surface[i], self.grid_x_surface+iy, 'o') # iy+=5 # # ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212) # for i in range(Np): # ax2.plot(self.location_x_bottom[i], self.grid_x_bottom-iy, 'o') # iy-=5 # if travelTime and transportSurface: self.travel_time( Np, Nt, InitialSeg, starttime, branchID, self.location_x_surface, write2shp=False, density=0, excelfile=r'excel\particle_surface_branch%s_%s.xlsx' % (str(branchID), flow_condition)) if travelTime and transportBottom: self.travel_time( Np, Nt, InitialSeg, starttime, branchID, self.location_x_bottom, write2shp=False, density=1, excelfile=r'excel\particle_bottom_branch%s_%s.xlsx' % (str(branchID), flow_condition))
def Concentrate(self, starttime, endtime, Ttime, branchID, water_level=True): """ calculate the concentrate at each segment if water_level is True, save the water level data too """ #### read bathymetry information WB = W2_Bathymetry(self.Bthfile) pat = WB.VisBranch2(branchID) ## from Ttime, find the segment index and travel time (time step) info for each concentrate = np.zeros_like(WB.X) ## seg ID from 1 to 46 for branch 1 elevation = np.zeros_like(WB.X) for ii, tt in enumerate(Ttime): tt = int(tt) if tt != 0: tt += starttime seg_id = ii + 2 print( 'Calculate concentration for time step = %s, segment = %d\n' % (str(tt), seg_id)) ## read grid info dist = np.diff(self.X_flow[tt]) inds = np.where(dist > 1200)[0] if branchID == 1: ind0 = 0 ind1 = inds[0] elif branchID == 5: ind0 = inds[3] + 1 ind1 = len( self.X_flow[tt] ) - 1 ## -1 remove the array size mismatch issue X_flow = self.X_flow[tt][ind0:ind1 + 1] Z_flow = self.Z_flow[tt][ind0:ind1 + 1] X_flow = np.asarray(X_flow) Z_flow = np.asarray(Z_flow) ## align coordinates with the grid dx = WB.X.max() - X_flow.max() X_flow += dx ## no concentrate data for particle tracking, concentration is zero instead # ## read tracer data # vartem = np.asarray( self.var_output['Tracer']['value'][tt][ind0:ind1+1] ) # # #### quality control if X_flow, vartem not in the same shape, resize # if X_flow.shape != vartem.shape: # #pdb.set_trace() # Lmin = np.min([X_flow.shape[0], vartem.shape[0]]) # if X_flow.shape[0] > vartem.shape[0]: # X_flow = np.delete(X_flow, np.arange(Lmin, X_flow.shape[0])) # elif X_flow.shape[0] < vartem.shape[0]: # vartem = np.delete(vartem, np.arange(Lmin, vartem.shape[0])) # # ## segment location : WB.X[seg_id-1] # # ## find index # ## There are two options # ## Option 1: the concentrate at the exact segment # inds = self.find_seg_index_exact(WB.X[seg_id-1], X_flow, vartem) # ## Option 2: the concentrate beyond the segment # #inds_beyond = self.find_seg_index_beyond(WB.X[seg_id-1], X_flow, vartem) # # concentrate[seg_id-1] = vartem[inds[0]] if water_level: eta = np.asarray( self.var_output['Elevation']['value'][tt][ind0:ind1 + 1]) if X_flow.shape != eta.shape: Lmin = np.min([X_flow.shape[0], eta.shape[0]]) if X_flow.shape[0] > eta.shape[0]: X_flow = np.delete( X_flow, np.arange(Lmin, X_flow.shape[0])) elif X_flow.shape[0] < eta.shape[0]: eta = np.delete(eta, np.arange(Lmin, eta.shape[0])) inds_eta = self.find_seg_index_exact( WB.X[seg_id - 1], X_flow, eta) elevation[seg_id - 1] = eta[inds_eta[0]] if water_level: return concentrate[1:-1], elevation[1:-1] / 0.3048
def travel_time(self, Np, Nt, InitialSeg, starttime, branchID, location_x, write2shp, density, excelfile): """ calculate travel time based on the particle tracking """ if branchID == 1: #### read segment information WB = W2_Bathymetry(self.Bthfile) pat = WB.VisBranch2(branchID) #### create empty array for travel time Ttime = np.zeros([Np, WB.X.shape[0]]) #### calculate travel time for i in range(Np): for tstep in range(Nt): location_x_tem = location_x[i, tstep] ind = self.Xsearch(location_x_tem, WB.X) if tstep == 0: Ttime[i, InitialSeg - 1:ind + 1] = tstep + 1 ind_tem = ind else: ind_nonzero = np.nonzero(Ttime[i, :])[0].max( ) ## only add travel time to zero elements if ind > max(ind_tem, ind_nonzero): Ttime[i, max(ind_tem + 1, ind_nonzero + 1):ind + 1] = tstep + 1 print(Ttime[i, :]) ind_tem = ind #### calculate the average among particles #### be careful about this average among particles #Ttime = np.mean(Ttime, axis=0, #### simply average may yield smaller travel time at the downstream end #### because some particle may not travel to the last segment, which has zero travel time there #### so only average among non-zero values. Ttime_avg = np.zeros([WB.X.shape[0]]) for i in range(WB.X.shape[0]): if i >= InitialSeg - 1: Ttime_avg[i] = np.median(Ttime[:, i][np.nonzero(Ttime[:, i])]) #pdb.set_trace() Ttime_avg = Ttime_avg[1:-1] ## calculate concentrate/water_level based on the travel time concentrate, water_level = self.Concentrate_branch1( Nt, starttime, Ttime_avg) ## calculate distance to WTP gate dist = self.dist2WTP_branch1(Ttime_avg) ## calculate particle percentage percentage = self.Percentage_branch1(Np, Nt, starttime, location_x, Ttime_avg) Ttime_avg[ Ttime_avg != 0] = Ttime_avg[-1] - Ttime_avg[Ttime_avg != 0] #### call segment class for segment information WS = W2_Segmentation(self.Bthfile) WS.VisSeg2() #### save travel time data to txt file #### #self.savetxt_Traveltime_branch1(WS, Ttime_avg, density, self.flows[self.flow_condition], txtfile) save_excel_Traveltime_branch1(WS, Ttime_avg, density, self.solubility, self.flows[self.flow_condition], \ concentrate, water_level, dist, excelfile) if write2shp: from myshapefile import writeShpLines_one_branch writeShpLines_one_branch( WS, Ttime_avg, shpname='particle_surface_traveltime_branch1') if branchID == 5: """ Under development """ #### read segment information for branch 5 WB = W2_Bathymetry(self.Bthfile) pat = WB.VisBranch2(branchID) x_branch5 = WB.X #### segment x coordinates for branch 5 #### read segment information for branch 1 WB = W2_Bathymetry(self.Bthfile) pat = WB.VisBranch2(branchID=1) x_branch1 = WB.X #### create empty array for travel time #### should not include the inactive cell at the end of branch5 when combining # x_combined = x_branch5.tolist()[0:-1] + \ # (x_branch1[self.DHS5-1:] - x_branch1[self.DHS5-1] + x_branch5[-2]).tolist() x_combined = x_branch5.tolist()[0:-1] + \ (x_branch1[self.DHS5-1:] - x_branch1[self.DHS5-1] + x_branch5[-2]).tolist()[1:] x_combined = np.asarray(x_combined) Ttime = np.zeros([Np, x_combined.shape[0]]) #### calculate travel time for i in range(Np): for tstep in range(Nt): location_x_tem = location_x[i, tstep] ind = self.Xsearch(location_x_tem, x_combined) if tstep == 0: Ttime[i, InitialSeg - 1:ind + 1] = tstep + 1 ind_tem = ind else: ind_nonzero = np.nonzero(Ttime[i, :])[0].max( ) ## only add travel time to zero elements if ind > max(ind_tem, ind_nonzero): Ttime[i, max(ind_tem + 1, ind_nonzero + 1):ind + 1] = tstep + 1 print(Ttime[i, :]) ind_tem = ind #### separate the travel time to branch 1 segments and branch 5 segments Ttime5 = Ttime[:, 0:len(x_branch5[0:-1]) + 1] Ttime1 = np.zeros([Np, len(x_branch1)]) #Ttime1[:, self.DHS5:] = Ttime[:, len(x_branch5[0:-1])+1:] Ttime1[:, self.DHS5:-1] = Ttime[:, len(x_branch5[0:-1]) + 1:] #pdb.set_trace() #### calculate the average among particles Ttime_avg1 = np.zeros([Ttime1.shape[1]]) for i in range(Ttime1.shape[1]): if i >= self.DHS5 and len(Ttime1[:, i].nonzero()[0]) != 0: Ttime_avg1[i] = np.median(Ttime1[:, i][np.nonzero(Ttime1[:, i])]) Ttime_avg5 = np.zeros([Ttime5.shape[1]]) for i in range(Ttime5.shape[1]): if i >= InitialSeg - 1: Ttime_avg5[i] = np.median(Ttime5[:, i][np.nonzero(Ttime5[:, i])]) Ttime_avg1 = Ttime_avg1[1:-1] Ttime_avg5 = Ttime_avg5[1:-1] Ttimes_avg = [Ttime_avg1, Ttime_avg5] ## calculate concentrate/water level based on the travel time concentrates, water_levels = self.Concentrate_branch5( Nt, starttime, Ttimes_avg) ## calculate distance to WTP gate dists = self.dist2WTP_branch5(Ttimes_avg) ## calculate particle percentage percentages = self.Percentage_branch5(Np, Nt, starttime, location_x, x_combined, Ttimes_avg) MaxTime = Ttimes_avg[0][-1] for Ttime in Ttimes_avg: Ttime[Ttime != 0] = MaxTime - Ttime[Ttime != 0] #### call segment class for segment information WS = W2_Segmentation(self.Bthfile) WS.VisSeg2() #### save travel time data to txt file #### #self.savetxt_Traveltime_branch5(WS, Ttimes_avg, density, self.flows[self.flow_condition], txtfile) save_excel_Traveltime_branch5(WS, Ttimes_avg, density, self.solubility, self.flows[self.flow_condition], \ concentrates, water_levels, dists, excelfile) if write2shp: from myshapefile import writeShpLines writeShpLines(WS, Ttimes_avg, shpname='particle_bottom_traveltime_branch5')
def travel_time(self, starttime=0, endtime=1460, branchID=1): """ calculate the travel time (or median arrival time) for conservative tracers timestep - when to calculate the travel time branchID - the travel time of which branch """ print ("Calculate travel time for branch %s ... \n"%str(branchID)) #### read bathymetry information WB = W2_Bathymetry(self.Bthfile) pat = WB.VisBranch2(branchID) #### create empty array for travel time Ttime = np.zeros_like(WB.X) #### calculate travel time #### #### loop over all time steps #### #### starttime to endtime, during which period to search for tracer travel time for tstep in range(starttime, endtime): print ('Time step = %s \n'%str(tstep)) ## search for index for each branch ## algorithm find the distance between two elements in self.X_flow that are large, ## this is where the two branches separate dist = np.diff(self.X_flow[tstep]) inds = np.where(dist>1200)[0] if branchID == 1: ind0 = 0 ind1 = inds[0] elif branchID == 2: ind0 = inds[0]+1 ind1 = inds[1] elif branchID == 3: ind0 = inds[1]+1 ind1 = inds[2] elif branchID == 4: ind0 = inds[2]+1 ind1 = inds[3] elif branchID == 5: ind0 = inds[3]+1 ind1 = len(self.X_flow[tstep]) - 1 ## -1 remove the array size mismatch issue ## tracer locations X_flow = self.X_flow[tstep][ind0:ind1+1] Z_flow = self.Z_flow[tstep][ind0:ind1+1] X_flow = np.asarray(X_flow) Z_flow = np.asarray(Z_flow) ## align coordinates with the grid dx = WB.X.max() - X_flow.max() X_flow += dx vartem = np.asarray( self.var_output['Tracer']['value'][tstep][ind0:ind1+1] ) #### quality control if X_flow, vartem not in the same shape, resize if X_flow.shape != vartem.shape: #pdb.set_trace() Lmin = np.min([X_flow.shape[0], vartem.shape[0]]) if X_flow.shape[0] > vartem.shape[0]: X_flow = np.delete(X_flow, np.arange(Lmin, X_flow.shape[0])) elif X_flow.shape[0] < vartem.shape[0]: vartem = np.delete(vartem, np.arange(Lmin, vartem.shape[0])) ## search nonzero X coordinates X_nonzero = self.Xsearch(X_flow, Z_flow, vartem) ## search nonzero X index ind_nonzero = self.GridSearch(WB.X, X_nonzero, branchID) ## output is segID #### if tracer is released at day 385.9 at segment 18, the tracer would travel to segment 22 at day 386 #### so it is important to record the initial segment in the travel time array if tstep == starttime and starttime >= 1: #Ttime[np.min(ind_nonzero)-1] = tstep - 1 if self.initialBranch == 1 and branchID == 1: Ttime[self.initialSeg-1] = tstep - 1 elif self.initialBranch == 5 and branchID == 5: Ttime[self.initialSeg-85] = tstep - 1 if ind_nonzero.size != 0: #### there is nonzero tracer in the branch if branchID in [1,5]: ind_max = np.max(ind_nonzero) ## add the travel time to the pre-defined 1D array if Ttime[ind_max] == 0: if len(Ttime.nonzero()[0]) != 0: ind_tem = np.where(Ttime==Ttime.max())[0][-1] Ttime[ind_tem+1: ind_max] = tstep else: Ttime[ind_max] = tstep elif branchID in [2,3,4]: if len(Ttime.nonzero()[0])==0 and len(ind_nonzero) == 1: Ttime[ind_nonzero[0]] = tstep else: ind_min = np.min(ind_nonzero) ## add the travel time to the pre-defined 1D array if Ttime[ind_min] == 0: if len(Ttime.nonzero()[0]) != 0: ind_tem = np.where(Ttime==Ttime.max())[0][0] Ttime[ind_min:ind_tem] = tstep else: Ttime[ind_min] = tstep print (Ttime) #pdb.set_trace() if branchID in [1, 5]: Ttime[-2] = Ttime[-3] + 1 return Ttime
def travel_time(self, endtime=1460, branchID=1): """ calculate the travel time (or earliest arrival time) for conservative tracers timestep - when to calculate the travel time branchID - the travel time of which branch """ print "Calculate travel time for branch %s ... \n" % str(branchID) #### read bathymetry information Bthfile = '%s\\%s' % (self.workdir, 'Bth_WB1.npt') WB = W2_Bathymetry(Bthfile) pat = WB.VisBranch2(branchID) #### create empty array for travel time Ttime = np.zeros_like(WB.X) #### calculate travel time #### #### loop over all time steps #### for tstep in range(endtime): print 'Time step = %s \n' % str(tstep) ## search for index for each branch ## algorithm find the distance between two elements in self.X_flow that are large, ## this is where the two branches separate dist = np.diff(self.X_flow[tstep]) inds = np.where(dist > 1200)[0] if branchID == 1: ind0 = 0 ind1 = inds[0] elif branchID == 2: ind0 = inds[0] + 1 ind1 = inds[1] elif branchID == 3: ind0 = inds[1] + 1 ind1 = inds[2] elif branchID == 4: ind0 = inds[2] + 1 ind1 = inds[3] elif branchID == 5: ind0 = inds[3] + 1 ind1 = len(self.X_flow[tstep] ) - 1 ## -1 remove the array size mismatch issue ## tracer locations X_flow = self.X_flow[tstep][ind0:ind1 + 1] Z_flow = self.Z_flow[tstep][ind0:ind1 + 1] X_flow = np.asarray(X_flow) Z_flow = np.asarray(Z_flow) ## align coordinates with the grid dx = WB.X.max() - X_flow.max() X_flow += dx vartem = np.asarray( self.var_output['Tracer']['value'][tstep][ind0:ind1 + 1]) #### quality control if X_flow, vartem not in the same shape, resize if X_flow.shape != vartem.shape: #pdb.set_trace() Lmin = np.min([X_flow.shape[0], vartem.shape[0]]) if X_flow.shape[0] > vartem.shape[0]: X_flow = np.delete(X_flow, np.arange(Lmin, X_flow.shape[0])) elif X_flow.shape[0] < vartem.shape[0]: vartem = np.delete(vartem, np.arange(Lmin, vartem.shape[0])) ## search nonzero X coordinates X_nonzero = self.Xsearch(X_flow, Z_flow, vartem) ## search nonzero X index ind_nonzero = self.GridSearch(WB.X, X_nonzero, branchID) if ind_nonzero.size != 0: #### there is nonzero tracer in the branch if branchID == 1: ind_max = np.max(ind_nonzero) ## add the travel time to the pre-defined 1D array if Ttime[ind_max] == 0: if len(Ttime.nonzero()[0]) != 0: ind_tem = np.where(Ttime == Ttime.max())[0][-1] Ttime[ind_tem + 1:ind_max] = tstep else: Ttime[ind_max] = tstep elif branchID in [2, 3, 4, 5]: if len(Ttime.nonzero()[0]) == 0 and len(ind_nonzero) == 1: Ttime[ind_nonzero[0]] = tstep else: ind_min = np.min(ind_nonzero) ## add the travel time to the pre-defined 1D array if Ttime[ind_min] == 0: if len(Ttime.nonzero()[0]) != 0: ind_tem = np.where(Ttime == Ttime.max())[0][0] Ttime[ind_min:ind_tem] = tstep else: Ttime[ind_min] = tstep print Ttime #pdb.set_trace() if branchID == 1: Ttime[-2] = Ttime[-3] + 1 return Ttime
def VisParticles(self, timestep=-1, branchID=1, PlotFlow=True, PlotTemp=True, PlotGrid=True): """ visualize the particle trajectories at a given time step set PlotTemp == False for now, need to figure out how to contour plot 1D array """ self.ReadParticles(branchID) X = self.X[timestep] Z = self.Z[timestep] if PlotFlow == True or PlotTemp == True: self.ReadBackground(branchID) X_flow = self.X_flow[timestep] Z_flow = self.Z_flow[timestep] plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 18}) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(11.5, 8)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(X, Z, '.', color='r') if PlotFlow == True: U = self.U[timestep] W = self.W[timestep] ## mask data X_flow = np.asarray(X_flow) Z_flow = np.asarray(Z_flow) U = np.asarray(U) W = np.asarray(W) maskuv = np.logical_or(U != 0, W != 0) scale = 1. scale = 100. / scale Q = ax.quiver(X_flow[maskuv], Z_flow[maskuv], U[maskuv] * 100., W[maskuv] * 100., zorder=5, width=0.001, headwidth=4, headlength=4.5, scale=scale, color='b') qk = ax.quiverkey(Q, 0.15, 0.15, 1, r'$1 \frac{cm}{s}$', labelpos='W', fontproperties={ 'weight': 'bold', 'size': 20 }) if PlotTemp == True: import matplotlib.tri as tri #from scipy.interpolate import griddata T = self.T[timestep] U = np.asarray(self.U[timestep]) W = np.asarray(self.W[timestep]) ## mask data X_flow = np.asarray(X_flow) Z_flow = np.asarray(Z_flow) T = np.asarray(T) triang = tri.Triangulation(X_flow, Z_flow) isbad = np.less_equal(np.asarray(self.T[0]), 0) #isbad = np.equal(U, 0) & np.equal(W, 0) mask = np.any(np.where(isbad[triang.triangles], True, False), axis=1) triang.set_mask(mask) #T[T==0] = self.mask_value #T =,mask=T==self.mask_value) #T_limits = [0,35] T_limits = [T.min(), T.max()] levels = np.linspace(T_limits[0], T_limits[1], 100) cs = ax.tricontourf(triang, T,, levels=levels) #cs = ax.tricontourf(X_flow, Z_flow, T,, levels=levels) from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="3%", pad=0.05) cb = fig.colorbar(cs, cax=cax, orientation='vertical') cb.set_label('Temperature', fontsize=14) if PlotGrid == True: from bathymetry import W2_Bathymetry filename = '%s\\%s' % (self.workdir, 'Bth_WB1.npt') WB = W2_Bathymetry(filename) pat = WB.VisBranch2(branchID) for sq in pat: ax.add_patch(sq) ax.autoscale_view() timestr = datetime.strftime(self.runtimes[timestep], '%Y-%m-%d') ax.title.set_text('Time: %s' % timestr) #ax.set_xlim([4000, 12000]) #ax.set_ylim([135, 150]) ax.set_ylim([135, 160]) ax.set_xlabel('Distance from upstream (m)') ax.set_ylabel('Water Depth (m)') #ax.yaxis.grid(True) #ax.xaxis.grid(True) #plt.savefig('particle_tracks_%s.png'%str(timestep)) #plt.savefig('%s\\particle_tracks_%s.png'%(self.workdir, str(timestep))) #plt.close()