Esempio n. 1
    def eliminate(factor, eliminationVariable):
        Question 4: Your eliminate implementation 

        Input factor is a single factor.
        Input eliminationVariable is the variable to eliminate from factor.
        eliminationVariable must be an unconditioned variable in factor.
        You should calculate the set of unconditioned variables and conditioned 
        variables for the factor obtained by eliminating the variable

        Return a new factor where all of the rows mentioning
        eliminationVariable are summed with rows that match
        assignments on the other variables.

        Useful functions:
        # autograder tracking -- don't remove
        if not (callTrackingList is None):
            callTrackingList.append(('eliminate', eliminationVariable))

        # typecheck portion
        if eliminationVariable not in factor.unconditionedVariables():
            print "Factor failed eliminate typecheck: ", factor
            raise ValueError, ("Elimination variable is not an unconditioned variable " \
                            + "in this factor\n" + 
                            "eliminationVariable: " + str(eliminationVariable) + \
                            "\nunconditionedVariables:" + str(factor.unconditionedVariables()))
        if len(factor.unconditionedVariables()) == 1:
            print "Factor failed eliminate typecheck: ", factor
            raise ValueError, ("Factor has only one unconditioned variable, so you " \
                    + "can't eliminate \nthat variable.\n" + \
                    "eliminationVariable:" + str(eliminationVariable) + "\n" +\
                    "unconditionedVariables: " + str(factor.unconditionedVariables()))

        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        unconditionedVariables = [x for x in factor.unconditionedVariables() if x != eliminationVariable]
        conditionedVariables = [x for x in factor.conditionedVariables()]
        domainDict = dict()

        for k,v in factor.variableDomainsDict().items():
            if not (k == eliminationVariable):
                domainDict[k] = v

        retFactor = Factor(unconditionedVariables, conditionedVariables, domainDict)
        for assignmentDict in factor.getAllPossibleAssignmentDicts():
            prob = factor.getProbability(assignmentDict)
            preProb = retFactor.getProbability(assignmentDict)
            retFactor.setProbability(assignmentDict, preProb+prob)

        retFactor = retFactor.specializeVariableDomains(factor.variableDomainsDict())
        return retFactor
Esempio n. 2
    def inferenceByLikelihoodWeightingSampling(bayesNet, queryVariables, evidenceDict, numSamples):
        Question 6: Inference by likelihood weighted sampling

        This function should perform a probabilistic inference query that
        returns the factor:

        P(queryVariables | evidenceDict)

        It should perform inference by performing likelihood weighting
        sampling.  It should sample numSamples times.

        In order for the autograder's solution to match yours, 
        your outer loop needs to iterate over the number of samples, 
        with the inner loop sampling from each variable's factor.
        Use the ordering of variables provided by BayesNet.linearizeVariables in 
        your inner loop so that the order of samples matches the autograder's.
        There are typically many linearization orders of a directed acyclic 
        graph (DAG), however we just use a particular one.

        The sum of the probabilities should sum to one (so that it is a true 
        conditional probability, conditioned on the evidence).

        bayesNet:       The Bayes Net on which we are making a query.
        queryVariables: A list of the variables which are unconditioned in
                        the inference query.
        evidenceDict:   An assignment dict {variable : value} for the
                        variables which are presented as evidence
                        (conditioned) in the inference query. 
        numSamples:     The number of samples that should be taken.

        Useful functions:

        sampleFromFactor = sampleFromFactorRandomSource(randomSource)

        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"

        #create return factor
        newFactor = Factor(queryVariables, evidenceDict, bayesNet.variableDomainsDict())
        reducedVariableDomains = bayesNet.getReducedVariableDomains(evidenceDict)
        newFactor = newFactor.specializeVariableDomains(reducedVariableDomains)
        for i in range(numSamples):
            weight = 1.0
            allAssignments = {}
            for var in bayesNet.linearizeVariables():

                tmpCPT = bayesNet.getCPT(var)
                if var in evidenceDict:
                    #accumulate weight
                    weight *= tmpCPT.getProbability(allAssignments)
                    newAssignment = sampleFromFactor(tmpCPT, allAssignments)

            #accumulate sample
            p = newFactor.getProbability(allAssignments)
            newFactor.setProbability(allAssignments, p + weight)

        return normalize(newFactor)

Esempio n. 3
    def inferenceByLikelihoodWeightingSampling(bayesNet, queryVariables, evidenceDict, numSamples):
        Question 6: Inference by likelihood weighted sampling

        This function should perform a probabilistic inference query that
        returns the factor:

        P(queryVariables | evidenceDict)

        It should perform inference by performing likelihood weighting
        sampling.  It should sample numSamples times.

        In order for the autograder's solution to match yours, 
        your outer loop needs to iterate over the number of samples, 
        with the inner loop sampling from each variable's factor.
        Use the ordering of variables provided by BayesNet.linearizeVariables in 
        your inner loop so that the order of samples matches the autograder's.
        There are typically many linearization orders of a directed acyclic 
        graph (DAG), however we just use a particular one.

        The sum of the probabilities should sum to one (so that it is a true 
        conditional probability, conditioned on the evidence).

        bayesNet:       The Bayes Net on which we are making a query.
        queryVariables: A list of the variables which are unconditioned in
                        the inference query.
        evidenceDict:   An assignment dict {variable : value} for the
                        variables which are presented as evidence
                        (conditioned) in the inference query. 
        numSamples:     The number of samples that should be taken.

        Useful functions:

        sampleFromFactor = sampleFromFactorRandomSource(randomSource)

        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"

        # create return factor
        newFactor = Factor(queryVariables, evidenceDict, bayesNet.variableDomainsDict())
        reducedVariableDomains = bayesNet.getReducedVariableDomains(evidenceDict)
        newFactor = newFactor.specializeVariableDomains(reducedVariableDomains)

        for i in range(numSamples):
            weight = 1.0
            allAssignments = {}
            for var in bayesNet.linearizeVariables():

                tmpCPT = bayesNet.getCPT(var)
                if var in evidenceDict:
                    # accumulate weight
                    weight *= tmpCPT.getProbability(allAssignments)
                    newAssignment = sampleFromFactor(tmpCPT, allAssignments)

            # accumulate sample
            p = newFactor.getProbability(allAssignments)
            newFactor.setProbability(allAssignments, p + weight)

        return normalize(newFactor)
