Esempio n. 1
def variantcall_sample(data, region=None, align_bams=None, out_file=None):
    """Parallel entry point for doing genotyping of a region of a sample.
    if out_file is None or not os.path.exists(out_file) or not os.path.lexists(out_file):
        sam_ref = data["sam_ref"]
        config = data["config"]
        caller_fns = get_variantcallers()
        caller_fn = caller_fns[config["algorithm"].get("variantcaller", "gatk")]
        if len(align_bams) == 1:
            items = [data]
            items = multi.get_orig_items(data)
            assert len(items) == len(align_bams)
        assoc_files = tz.get_in(("genome_resources", "variation"), data, {})
        if not assoc_files: assoc_files = {}
        for bam_file in align_bams:
            bam.index(bam_file, data["config"], check_timestamp=False)
        do_phasing = data["config"]["algorithm"].get("phasing", False)
        call_file = "%s-raw%s" % utils.splitext_plus(out_file) if do_phasing else out_file
        call_file = caller_fn(align_bams, items, sam_ref, assoc_files, region, call_file)
        if do_phasing == "gatk":
            call_file = phasing.read_backed_phasing(call_file, align_bams, sam_ref, region, config)
            utils.symlink_plus(call_file, out_file)
    if region:
        data["region"] = region
    data["vrn_file"] = out_file
    return [data]
Esempio n. 2
def _piped_realign_gatk(data, region, cl, out_base_file, tmp_dir, prep_params):
    """Perform realignment with GATK, using input commandline.
    GATK requires writing to disk and indexing before realignment.
    broad_runner = broad.runner_from_config(data["config"])
    pa_bam = "%s-prealign%s" % os.path.splitext(out_base_file)
    if not utils.file_exists(pa_bam):
        with file_transaction(data, pa_bam) as tx_out_file:
            cmd = "{cl} -o {tx_out_file}".format(**locals())
  , "GATK re-alignment {0}".format(region), data)
    bam.index(pa_bam, data["config"])
    recal_file = realign.gatk_realigner_targets(
    recal_cl = realign.gatk_indel_realignment_cl(
    return pa_bam, recal_cl
Esempio n. 3
def run(align_bams, items, ref_file, assoc_files, region, out_file):
    """Run platypus variant calling, germline whole genome or exome.
    assert out_file.endswith(".vcf.gz")
    if not utils.file_exists(out_file):
        p_out_file = out_file.replace(".vcf.gz", ".vcf")
        with file_transaction(items[0], p_out_file) as tx_out_file:
            for align_bam in align_bams:
                bam.index(align_bam, items[0]["config"])
            cmd = ["platypus", "callVariants", "--regions=%s" % _bed_to_platypusin(region, out_file, items),
                   "--bamFiles=%s" % ",".join(align_bams),
                   "--refFile=%s" % dd.get_ref_file(items[0]), "--output=%s" % tx_out_file,
                   "--logFileName", "/dev/null", "--verbosity=1"]
            cmd += ["--assemble=1"]
            cmd += ["--hapScoreThreshold", "10", "--scThreshold", "0.99", "--filteredReadsFrac", "0.9"]
            # Avoid filtering duplicates on high depth targeted regions where we don't mark duplicates
            if any(not tz.get_in(["config", "algorithm", "mark_duplicates"], data, True)
                   for data in items):
                cmd += ["--filterDuplicates=0"]
  , "platypus variant calling")
        if p_out_file != out_file:
            post_process_cmd = "%s | vcfallelicprimitives | vcfstreamsort" % vcfutils.fix_ambiguous_cl()
            b_out_file = vcfutils.bgzip_and_index(p_out_file, items[0]["config"],
            assert b_out_file == out_file
    return out_file
Esempio n. 4
def gatk_splitreads(data):
    use GATK to split reads with Ns in the CIGAR string, hard clipping regions
    that end up in introns
    broad_runner = broad.runner_from_config(dd.get_config(data))
    ref_file = dd.get_ref_file(data)
    deduped_bam = dd.get_deduped_bam(data)
    base, ext = os.path.splitext(deduped_bam)
    split_bam = base + ".splitN" + ext
    if dd.get_quality_format(data) == "illumina":
        quality_flag = ["--fix_misencoded_quality_scores", "-fixMisencodedQuals"]
        quality_flag = []
    if file_exists(split_bam):
        data = dd.set_split_bam(data, split_bam)
        return data
    with file_transaction(split_bam) as tx_split_bam:
        params = ["-T", "SplitNCigarReads",
                  "-R", ref_file,
                  "-I", deduped_bam,
                  "-o", tx_split_bam,
                  "-rf", "ReassignOneMappingQuality",
                  "-RMQF", "255",
                  "-RMQT", "60",
                  "-rf", "UnmappedRead",
                  "-U", "ALLOW_N_CIGAR_READS"] + quality_flag
    bam.index(split_bam, dd.get_config(data))
    data = dd.set_split_bam(data, split_bam)
    return data
def _prep_inputs(align_bams, ref_file, items):
    """Ensure inputs to calling are indexed as expected.
    broad_runner = broad.runner_from_path("picard", items[0]["config"])
    broad_runner.run_fn("picard_index_ref", ref_file)
    for x in align_bams:
        bam.index(x, items[0]["config"])
Esempio n. 6
def variantcall_sample(data, region=None, align_bams=None, out_file=None):
    """Parallel entry point for doing genotyping of a region of a sample.
    if out_file is None or not os.path.exists(out_file) or not os.path.lexists(
        ref_file = dd.get_ref_file(data)
        config = data["config"]
        caller_fns = get_variantcallers()
        caller_fn = caller_fns[config["algorithm"].get("variantcaller")]
        if len(align_bams) == 1:
            items = [data]
            items = multi.get_orig_items(data)
            assert len(items) == len(align_bams)
        assoc_files = tz.get_in(("genome_resources", "variation"), data, {})
        if not assoc_files: assoc_files = {}
        for bam_file in align_bams:
            bam.index(bam_file, data["config"], check_timestamp=False)
        out_file = caller_fn(align_bams, items, ref_file, assoc_files, region,
    if region:
        data["region"] = region
    data["vrn_file"] = out_file
    return [data]
Esempio n. 7
def _run_freebayes_paired(align_bams, items, ref_file, assoc_files,
                          region=None, out_file=None):
    """Detect SNPs and indels with FreeBayes.

    This is used for paired tumor / normal samples.
    config = items[0]["config"]
    if out_file is None:
        out_file = "%s-paired-variants.vcf.gz" % os.path.splitext(align_bams[0])[0]
    if not utils.file_exists(out_file):
        with file_transaction(out_file) as tx_out_file:
            paired = get_paired_bams(align_bams, items)
            if not paired.normal_bam:
                raise ValueError("Require both tumor and normal BAM files for FreeBayes cancer calling")

            vcfsamplediff = config_utils.get_program("vcfsamplediff", config)
            freebayes = config_utils.get_program("freebayes", config)
            opts = " ".join(_freebayes_options_from_config(items, config, out_file, region))
            opts += " -f {}".format(ref_file)
            # NOTE: The first sample name in the vcfsamplediff call is
            # the one supposed to be the *germline* one
            compress_cmd = "| bgzip -c" if out_file.endswith("gz") else ""
            cl = ("{freebayes} --pooled-discrete --pvar 0.7"
                  " --genotype-qualities {opts} {paired.tumor_bam}"
                  " {paired.normal_bam} | {vcfsamplediff} -s VT"
                  " {paired.normal_name} {paired.tumor_name}"
                  " - {compress_cmd} >  {tx_out_file}")
            bam.index(paired.tumor_bam, config)
            bam.index(paired.normal_bam, config)
  **locals()), "Genotyping paired variants with FreeBayes", {})
    ann_file = annotation.annotate_nongatk_vcf(out_file, align_bams,
                                               assoc_files["dbsnp"], ref_file,
    return ann_file
Esempio n. 8
def _run_freebayes_caller(align_bams, items, ref_file, assoc_files,
                          region=None, out_file=None):
    """Detect SNPs and indels with FreeBayes.

    Performs post-filtering to remove very low quality variants which
    can cause issues feeding into GATK. Breaks variants into individual
    allelic primitives for analysis and evaluation.
    config = items[0]["config"]
    if out_file is None:
        out_file = "%s-variants.vcf" % os.path.splitext(align_bams[0])[0]
    if not file_exists(out_file):
        with file_transaction(out_file) as tx_out_file:
            for align_bam in align_bams:
                bam.index(align_bam, config)
            freebayes = config_utils.get_program("freebayes", config)
            vcffilter = config_utils.get_program("vcffilter", config)
            vcfallelicprimitives = config_utils.get_program("vcfallelicprimitives", config)
            vcfstreamsort = config_utils.get_program("vcfstreamsort", config)
            input_bams = " ".join("-b %s" % x for x in align_bams)
            opts = " ".join(_freebayes_options_from_config(items, config["algorithm"],
                                                           out_file, region))
            cmd = ("{freebayes} -f {ref_file} {input_bams} {opts} | "
                   "{vcffilter} -f 'QUAL > 5' -s | {vcfallelicprimitives} | {vcfstreamsort} > {tx_out_file}")
  **locals()), "Genotyping with FreeBayes", {})
        clean_vcf_output(out_file, _clean_freebayes_output, "nodups")
    ann_file = annotation.annotate_nongatk_vcf(out_file, align_bams,
                                               ref_file, config)
    return ann_file
Esempio n. 9
def correct_umis(data):
    """Correct umis against the whitelist in correct_umi_file
    input_bam = dd.get_work_bam(data)
    output_bam = os.path.join(
            os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "align",
                         dd.get_sample_name(data))), "%s-umis_corrected%s" %
    jvm_opts = _get_fgbio_jvm_opts(data, os.path.dirname(output_bam), 2)
    # Improve speeds by avoiding compression read/write bottlenecks
    io_opts = "--async-io=true --compression=0"
    umis_whitelist = tz.get_in(["config", "algorithm", "correct_umis"], data)

    fgbio = config_utils.get_program("fgbio", data["config"])
    samtools = config_utils.get_program("samtools", data["config"])

    if not utils.file_exists(output_bam):
        umi_method, umi_tag = _check_umi_type(input_bam)
        cmd = (
            "unset JAVA_HOME && "
            "{fgbio} {jvm_opts} {io_opts} CorrectUmis "
            "-t {umi_tag} -m 3 -d 1 -x "
            "-U {umis_whitelist} "
            "-i {input_bam} -o /dev/stdout | {samtools} view -bh > {output_bam}"
        )**locals()), "Correcting UMIs")
        bam.index(output_bam, data["config"])
    return output_bam
Esempio n. 10
def run_cortex(align_bams, items, ref_file, assoc_files, region=None,
    """Top level entry to regional de-novo based variant calling with cortex_var.
    raise NotImplementedError("Cortex currently out of date and needs reworking.")
    if len(align_bams) == 1:
        align_bam = align_bams[0]
        config = items[0]["config"]
        raise NotImplementedError("Need to add multisample calling for cortex_var")
    if out_file is None:
        out_file = "%s-cortex.vcf" % os.path.splitext(align_bam)[0]
    if region is not None:
        work_dir = safe_makedir(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(out_file),
                                             region.replace(".", "_")))
        work_dir = os.path.dirname(out_file)
    if not file_exists(out_file):
        bam.index(align_bam, config)
        variant_regions = config["algorithm"].get("variant_regions", None)
        if not variant_regions:
            raise ValueError("Only support regional variant calling with cortex_var: set variant_regions")
        target_regions = subset_variant_regions(variant_regions, region, out_file)
        if os.path.isfile(target_regions):
            with open(target_regions) as in_handle:
                regional_vcfs = [_run_cortex_on_region(x.strip().split("\t")[:3], align_bam,
                                                       ref_file, work_dir, out_file, config)
                                 for x in in_handle]

            combine_file = "{0}-raw{1}".format(*os.path.splitext(out_file))
            _combine_variants(regional_vcfs, combine_file, ref_file, config)
            _select_final_variants(combine_file, out_file, config)
    return out_file
Esempio n. 11
def gatk_realigner(align_bam,
    """Realign a BAM file around indels using GATK, returning sorted BAM.
    runner = broad.runner_from_config(config)
    bam.index(align_bam, config)
    runner.run_fn("picard_index_ref", ref_file)
    if not os.path.exists("%s.fai" % ref_file):
    if region:
        align_bam = subset_bam_by_region(align_bam, region, out_file)
        bam.index(align_bam, config)
    if has_aligned_reads(align_bam, region):
        variant_regions = config["algorithm"].get("variant_regions", None)
        realign_target_file = gatk_realigner_targets(runner, align_bam,
                                                     ref_file, dbsnp, region,
                                                     out_file, deep_coverage,
        realign_bam = gatk_indel_realignment(runner, align_bam, ref_file,
                                             realign_target_file, region,
                                             out_file, deep_coverage)
        # No longer required in recent GATK (> Feb 2011) -- now done on the fly
        # realign_sort_bam = runner.run_fn("picard_fixmate", realign_bam)
        return realign_bam
    elif out_file:
        shutil.copy(align_bam, out_file)
        return out_file
        return align_bam
Esempio n. 12
def _get_coverage_file(in_bam, ref_file, region, region_file, depth, base_file,
    """Retrieve summary of coverage in a region.
    Requires positive non-zero mapping quality at a position, matching GATK's
    CallableLoci defaults.
    out_file = "%s-genomecov.bed" % utils.splitext_plus(base_file)[0]
    if not utils.file_exists(out_file):
        with file_transaction(data, out_file) as tx_out_file:
            bam.index(in_bam, data["config"])
            fai_file = ref.fasta_idx(ref_file, data["config"])
            sambamba = config_utils.get_program("sambamba", data["config"])
            bedtools = config_utils.get_program("bedtools", data["config"])
            max_depth = depth["max"] + 1
            cmd = (
                "{sambamba} view -F 'mapping_quality > 0' -L {region_file} -f bam -l 1 {in_bam} | "
                "{bedtools} genomecov -split -ibam stdin -bga -g {fai_file} -max {max_depth} "
                "> {tx_out_file}")
                   "bedtools genomecov: %s" % (str(region)), data)
    # Empty output file, no coverage for the whole contig
    if not utils.file_exists(out_file):
        with file_transaction(data, out_file) as tx_out_file:
            with open(tx_out_file, "w") as out_handle:
                for feat in get_ref_bedtool(ref_file, data["config"], region):
                    out_handle.write("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" %
                                     (feat.chrom, feat.start, feat.end, 0))
    return out_file
Esempio n. 13
def _filter_bad_reads(in_bam, ref_file, data):
    """Use GATK filter to remove problem reads which choke GATK and Picard.
    bam.index(in_bam, data["config"])
    out_file = "%s-gatkfilter.bam" % os.path.splitext(in_bam)[0]
    if not utils.file_exists(out_file):
        with tx_tmpdir(data) as tmp_dir:
            with file_transaction(data, out_file) as tx_out_file:
                params = [
                if dd.get_quality_format(data, "").lower() == "illumina":
                jvm_opts = broad.get_gatk_framework_opts(data["config"], tmp_dir)
                cmd = [config_utils.get_program("gatk-framework", data["config"])] + jvm_opts + params
      , "Filter problem reads")
    bam.index(out_file, data["config"])
    return out_file
Esempio n. 14
def _piped_realign_gatk(data, region, cl, out_base_file, tmp_dir, prep_params):
    """Perform realignment with GATK, using input commandline.
    GATK requires writing to disk and indexing before realignment.
    broad_runner = broad.runner_from_config(data["config"])
    pa_bam = "%s-prealign%s" % os.path.splitext(out_base_file)
    if not utils.file_exists(pa_bam):
        with file_transaction(data, pa_bam) as tx_out_file:
            cmd = "{cl} -o {tx_out_file}".format(**locals())
  , "GATK pre-alignment {0}".format(region), data)
    bam.index(pa_bam, data["config"])
    recal_file = realign.gatk_realigner_targets(
    recal_cl = realign.gatk_indel_realignment_cl(
    return pa_bam, " ".join(recal_cl)
Esempio n. 15
def filter_multimappers(align_file, data):
    Filtering a BWA alignment file for uniquely mapped reads, from here:
    config = dd.get_config(data)
    type_flag = "" if bam.is_bam(align_file) else "S"
    base, ext = os.path.splitext(align_file)
    out_file = base + ".unique" + ext
    bed_file = dd.get_variant_regions(data) or dd.get_sample_callable(data)
    bed_cmd = '-L {0}'.format(bed_file) if bed_file else " "
    if utils.file_exists(out_file):
        return out_file
    base_filter = '-F "not unmapped {paired_filter} and not duplicate and [XA] == null and [SA] == null and not supplementary " '
    if bam.is_paired(align_file):
        paired_filter = "and paired and proper_pair"
        paired_filter = ""
    filter_string = base_filter.format(paired_filter=paired_filter)
    sambamba = config_utils.get_program("sambamba", config)
    num_cores = dd.get_num_cores(data)
    with file_transaction(out_file) as tx_out_file:
        cmd = ('{sambamba} view -h{type_flag} '
               '--nthreads {num_cores} '
               '-f bam {bed_cmd} '
               '{filter_string} '
               '{align_file} '
               '> {tx_out_file}')
        message = "Removing multimapped reads from %s." % align_file**locals()), message)
    bam.index(out_file, config)
    return out_file
Esempio n. 16
def _shared_gatk_call_prep(align_bams, items, ref_file, dbsnp, region, out_file):
    """Shared preparation work for GATK variant calling.
    config = items[0]["config"]
    broad_runner = broad.runner_from_config(config)
    broad_runner.run_fn("picard_index_ref", ref_file)
    for x in align_bams:
        bam.index(x, config)
    # GATK can only downsample to a minimum of 200
    coverage_depth_max = max(200, utils.get_in(config, ("algorithm", "coverage_depth_max"), 2000))
    coverage_depth_min = utils.get_in(config, ("algorithm", "coverage_depth_min"), 4)
    variant_regions = config["algorithm"].get("variant_regions", None)
    confidence = "4.0" if coverage_depth_min < 4 else "30.0"
    region = subset_variant_regions(variant_regions, region, out_file, items)

    params = ["-R", ref_file,
              "--standard_min_confidence_threshold_for_calling", confidence,
              "--standard_min_confidence_threshold_for_emitting", confidence,
              "--downsample_to_coverage", str(coverage_depth_max),
              "--downsampling_type", "BY_SAMPLE",
    for a in annotation.get_gatk_annotations(config):
        params += ["--annotation", a]
    for x in align_bams:
        params += ["-I", x]
    if dbsnp:
        params += ["--dbsnp", dbsnp]
    if region:
        params += ["-L", bamprep.region_to_gatk(region), "--interval_set_rule", "INTERSECTION"]
    return broad_runner, params
Esempio n. 17
def split_ATAC(data, bam_file=None):
    splits a BAM into nucleosome-free (NF) and mono/di/tri nucleosome BAMs based
    on the estimated insert sizes
    uses the current working BAM file if no BAM file is supplied
    sambamba = config_utils.get_program("sambamba", data)
    num_cores = dd.get_num_cores(data)
    base_cmd = f'{sambamba} view --format bam --nthreads {num_cores} '
    bam_file = bam_file if bam_file else dd.get_work_bam(data)
    out_stem = os.path.splitext(bam_file)[0]
    split_files = {}
    # we can only split these fractions from paired runs
    if not bam.is_paired(bam_file):
        split_files["full"] = bam_file
        data = tz.assoc_in(data, ['atac', 'align'], split_files)
        return data
    for arange in ATACRanges.values():
        out_file = f"{out_stem}-{arange.label}.bam"
        if not utils.file_exists(out_file):
            with file_transaction(out_file) as tx_out_file:
                cmd = base_cmd +\
                    f'-F "template_length > {arange.min} and template_length < {arange.max}" ' +\
                    f'{bam_file} > {tx_out_file}'
                message = f'Splitting {arange.label} regions from {bam_file}.'
      , message)
            bam.index(out_file, dd.get_config(data))
        split_files[arange.label] = out_file
    split_files["full"] = bam_file
    data = tz.assoc_in(data, ['atac', 'align'], split_files)
    return data
Esempio n. 18
def align_to_sort_bam(fastq1, fastq2, aligner, data):
    """Align to the named genome build, returning a sorted BAM file.
    names = data["rgnames"]
    align_dir_parts = [data["dirs"]["work"], "align", names["sample"]]
    if data.get("disambiguate"):
    align_dir = utils.safe_makedir(apply(os.path.join, align_dir_parts))
    aligner_indexes = os.path.commonprefix(
        tz.get_in(("reference", aligner, "indexes"), data))
    if aligner_indexes.endswith("."):
        aligner_indexes = aligner_indexes[:-1]
    ref_file = tz.get_in(("reference", "fasta", "base"), data)
    if fastq1.endswith(".bam"):
        data = _align_from_bam(fastq1, aligner, aligner_indexes, ref_file,
                               names, align_dir, data)
        data = _align_from_fastq(fastq1, fastq2, aligner, aligner_indexes,
                                 ref_file, names, align_dir, data)
    if data["work_bam"] and utils.file_exists(data["work_bam"]):
        if not data.get("align_split"):
            bam.index(data["work_bam"], data["config"])
        for extra in ["-sr", "-disc"]:
            extra_bam = utils.append_stem(data['work_bam'], extra)
            if utils.file_exists(extra_bam):
                bam.index(extra_bam, data["config"])
    return data
Esempio n. 19
def _SID_call_prep(align_bams, items, ref_file, assoc_files, region=None, out_file=None):
    """Preparation work for SomaticIndelDetector.
    base_config = items[0]["config"]
    for x in align_bams:
        bam.index(x, base_config)

    params = ["-R", ref_file, "-T", "SomaticIndelDetector", "-U", "ALLOW_N_CIGAR_READS"]
    # Limit per base read start count to between 200-10000, i.e. from any base
    # can no more 10000 new reads begin.
    # Further, limit maxNumberOfReads accordingly, otherwise SID discards
    # windows for high coverage panels.
    window_size = 200  # default SID value
    paired = vcfutils.get_paired_bams(align_bams, items)
    max_depth = min(max(200, get_in(paired.tumor_config,
                                    ("algorithm", "coverage_depth_max"), 10000)), 10000)
    params += ["--downsample_to_coverage", max_depth]
    params += ["--maxNumberOfReads", str(int(max_depth) * window_size)]
    params += ["--read_filter", "NotPrimaryAlignment"]
    params += ["-I:tumor", paired.tumor_bam]
    min_af = float(get_in(paired.tumor_config, ("algorithm", "min_allele_fraction"), 10)) / 100.0
    if paired.normal_bam is not None:
        params += ["-I:normal", paired.normal_bam]
        # notice there must be at least 4 reads of coverage in normal
        params += ["--filter_expressions", "T_COV<6||N_COV<4||T_INDEL_F<%s||T_INDEL_CF<0.7" % min_af]
        params += ["--unpaired"]
        params += ["--filter_expressions", "COV<6||INDEL_F<%s||INDEL_CF<0.7" % min_af]
    if region:
        params += ["-L", bamprep.region_to_gatk(region), "--interval_set_rule",
    return params
Esempio n. 20
def gatk_realigner(align_bam, ref_file, config, dbsnp=None, region=None,
                   out_file=None, deep_coverage=False):
    """Realign a BAM file around indels using GATK, returning sorted BAM.
    runner = broad.runner_from_config(config)
    bam.index(align_bam, config)
    runner.run_fn("picard_index_ref", ref_file)
    if region:
        align_bam = subset_bam_by_region(align_bam, region, out_file)
        bam.index(align_bam, config)
    if has_aligned_reads(align_bam, region):
        variant_regions = config["algorithm"].get("variant_regions", None)
        realign_target_file = gatk_realigner_targets(runner, align_bam,
                                                     ref_file, dbsnp, region,
                                                     out_file, deep_coverage,
        realign_bam = gatk_indel_realignment(runner, align_bam, ref_file,
                                             realign_target_file, region,
                                             out_file, deep_coverage)
        # No longer required in recent GATK (> Feb 2011) -- now done on the fly
        # realign_sort_bam = runner.run_fn("picard_fixmate", realign_bam)
        return realign_bam
    elif out_file:
        shutil.copy(align_bam, out_file)
        return out_file
        return align_bam
Esempio n. 21
def _shared_gatk_call_prep(align_bams, items, ref_file, dbsnp, region, out_file):
    """Shared preparation work for GATK variant calling.
    data = items[0]
    config = data["config"]
    broad_runner = broad.runner_from_path("picard", config)
    broad_runner.run_fn("picard_index_ref", ref_file)
    for x in align_bams:
        bam.index(x, config)
    params = ["-R", ref_file]
    coverage_depth_min = tz.get_in(["algorithm", "coverage_depth_min"], config)
    if coverage_depth_min and coverage_depth_min < 4:
        confidence = "4.0"
        params += ["--standard_min_confidence_threshold_for_calling", confidence,
                   "--standard_min_confidence_threshold_for_emitting", confidence]
    for a in annotation.get_gatk_annotations(config):
        params += ["--annotation", a]
    for x in align_bams:
        params += ["-I", x]
    if dbsnp:
        params += ["--dbsnp", dbsnp]
    variant_regions = tz.get_in(["algorithm", "variant_regions"], config)
    region = subset_variant_regions(variant_regions, region, out_file, items)
    if region:
        params += ["-L", bamprep.region_to_gatk(region), "--interval_set_rule", "INTERSECTION"]
    broad_runner = broad.runner_from_config(config)
    return broad_runner, params
Esempio n. 22
def shared_variantcall(call_fn, name, align_bams, ref_file, items,
                       assoc_files, region=None, out_file=None):
    """Provide base functionality for prepping and indexing for variant calling.
    config = items[0]["config"]
    if out_file is None:
        if vcfutils.is_paired_analysis(align_bams, items):
            out_file = "%s-paired-variants.vcf" % config["metdata"]["batch"]
            out_file = "%s-variants.vcf" % os.path.splitext(align_bams[0])[0]
    if not file_exists(out_file):"Genotyping with {name}: {region} {fname}".format(
            name=name, region=region, fname=os.path.basename(align_bams[0])))
        for x in align_bams:
            bam.index(x, config)
        variant_regions = config["algorithm"].get("variant_regions", None)
        target_regions = subset_variant_regions(variant_regions, region, out_file)
        if ((variant_regions is not None and isinstance(target_regions, basestring)
              and not os.path.isfile(target_regions))
              or not all(realign.has_aligned_reads(x, region) for x in align_bams)):
            with file_transaction(out_file) as tx_out_file:
                call_fn(align_bams, ref_file, items, target_regions,
    ann_file = annotation.annotate_nongatk_vcf(out_file, align_bams, assoc_files["dbsnp"],
                                               ref_file, config)
    return ann_file
Esempio n. 23
def _extract_split_and_discordants(in_bam, work_dir, data):
    """Retrieve split-read alignments from input BAM file.
    dedup_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "%s-dedup.bam" % os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(in_bam))[0])
    sr_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "%s-sr.bam" % os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(in_bam))[0])
    disc_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "%s-disc.bam" % os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(in_bam))[0])
    samtools = config_utils.get_program("samtools", data["config"])
    cores = utils.get_in(data, ("config", "algorithm", "num_cores"), 1)
    resources = config_utils.get_resources("sambamba", data["config"])
    mem = config_utils.adjust_memory(resources.get("memory", "2G"),
                                     3, "decrease")
    if not utils.file_exists(sr_file) or not utils.file_exists(disc_file) or utils.file_exists(dedup_file):
        with utils.curdir_tmpdir() as tmpdir:
            with file_transaction(sr_file) as tx_sr_file:
                with file_transaction(disc_file) as tx_disc_file:
                    with file_transaction(dedup_file) as tx_dedup_file:
                        samblaster_cl = postalign.samblaster_dedup_sort(data, tmpdir, tx_dedup_file,
                                                                        tx_sr_file, tx_disc_file)
                        out_base = os.path.join(tmpdir, "%s-namesort" % os.path.splitext(in_bam)[0])
                        cmd = ("{samtools} sort -n -o -@ {cores} -m {mem} {in_bam} {out_base} | "
                               "{samtools} view -h - | ")
                        cmd = cmd.format(**locals()) + samblaster_cl
              , "samblaster: split and discordant reads", data)
    for fname in [sr_file, disc_file, dedup_file]:
        bam.index(fname, data["config"])
    return dedup_file, sr_file, disc_file
Esempio n. 24
def _run_freebayes_caller(align_bams, items, ref_file, assoc_files,
                          region=None, out_file=None):
    """Detect SNPs and indels with FreeBayes.

    Performs post-filtering to remove very low quality variants which
    can cause issues feeding into GATK. Breaks variants into individual
    allelic primitives for analysis and evaluation.
    config = items[0]["config"]
    if out_file is None:
        out_file = "%s-variants.vcf.gz" % os.path.splitext(align_bams[0])[0]
    if not utils.file_exists(out_file):
        with file_transaction(items[0], out_file) as tx_out_file:
            for align_bam in align_bams:
                bam.index(align_bam, config)
            freebayes = config_utils.get_program("freebayes", config)
            vcffilter = config_utils.get_program("vcffilter", config)
            vcfallelicprimitives = config_utils.get_program("vcfallelicprimitives", config)
            vcfstreamsort = config_utils.get_program("vcfstreamsort", config)
            input_bams = " ".join("-b %s" % x for x in align_bams)
            opts = " ".join(_freebayes_options_from_config(items, config, out_file, region))
            # Recommended options from 1000 genomes low-complexity evaluation
            opts += " --min-repeat-entropy 1 --experimental-gls"
            compress_cmd = "| bgzip -c" if out_file.endswith("gz") else ""
            fix_ambig = vcfutils.fix_ambiguous_cl()
            cmd = ("{freebayes} -f {ref_file} {input_bams} {opts} | "
                   "{vcffilter} -f 'QUAL > 5' -s | {fix_ambig} | {vcfallelicprimitives} | {vcfstreamsort} "
                   "{compress_cmd} > {tx_out_file}")
  **locals()), "Genotyping with FreeBayes", {})
    ann_file = annotation.annotate_nongatk_vcf(out_file, align_bams,
                                               ref_file, config)
    return ann_file
Esempio n. 25
def dedup_bam(in_bam, data):
    """Perform non-stream based deduplication of BAM input files using biobambam.
    if _check_dedup(data):
        out_file = os.path.join(
                os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "align", dd.get_sample_name(data))),
            "%s-dedup%s" % utils.splitext_plus(os.path.basename(in_bam)))
        if not utils.file_exists(out_file):
            with tx_tmpdir(data) as tmpdir:
                with file_transaction(data, out_file) as tx_out_file:
                    bammarkduplicates = config_utils.get_program(
                        "bammarkduplicates", data["config"])
                    base_tmp = os.path.join(
                    cores, mem = _get_cores_memory(data, downscale=2)
                    cmd = ("{bammarkduplicates} tmpfile={base_tmp}-markdup "
                           "markthreads={cores} I={in_bam} O={tx_out_file}")
                           "De-duplication with biobambam")
        bam.index(out_file, data["config"])
        return out_file
        return in_bam
Esempio n. 26
def clean_chipseq_alignment(data):
    aligner = dd.get_aligner(data)
    data["align_bam"] = dd.get_work_bam(data)
    if dd.get_mark_duplicates(data):
        if aligner:
            if aligner == "bowtie2":
                filterer = bowtie2.filter_multimappers
            elif aligner == "bwa":
                filterer = bwa.filter_multimappers
                logger.error("ChIP-seq only supported for bowtie2 and bwa.")
            unique_bam = filterer(dd.get_work_bam(data), data)
            data["work_bam"] = unique_bam
                "Warning: When BAM file is given as input, bcbio skips multimappers removal."
                "If BAM is not cleaned for peak calling, can result in downstream errors."
    # lcr_bed = utils.get_in(data, ("genome_resources", "variation", "lcr"))
    data["work_bam"] = _keep_assembled_chrom(dd.get_work_bam(data),
    encode_bed = tz.get_in(
        ["genome_resources", "variation", "encode_blacklist"], data)
    if encode_bed:
        data["work_bam"] = _prepare_bam(dd.get_work_bam(data), encode_bed,
        bam.index(data["work_bam"], data['config'])
    data["bigwig"] = _bam_coverage(dd.get_sample_name(data),
                                   dd.get_work_bam(data), data)
    return [[data]]
Esempio n. 27
def align_to_sort_bam(fastq1, fastq2, aligner, data):
    """Align to the named genome build, returning a sorted BAM file.
    names = data["rgnames"]
    align_dir_parts = [data["dirs"]["work"], "align", names["sample"]]
    if data.get("disambiguate"):
    aligner_index = _get_aligner_index(aligner, data)
    align_dir = utils.safe_makedir(apply(os.path.join, align_dir_parts))
    ref_file = tz.get_in(("reference", "fasta", "base"), data)
    if fastq1.endswith(".bam"):
        data = _align_from_bam(fastq1, aligner, aligner_index, ref_file,
                               names, align_dir, data)
        data = _align_from_fastq(fastq1, fastq2, aligner, aligner_index, ref_file,
                                 names, align_dir, data)
    if data["work_bam"] and utils.file_exists(data["work_bam"]):
        if data.get("align_split") and dd.get_mark_duplicates(data):
            # If merging later with with bamsormadup need query sorted inputs
            # but CWL requires a bai file. Create a fake one to make it happy.
            bam.fake_index(data["work_bam"], data)
            bam.index(data["work_bam"], data["config"])
        for extra in ["-sr", "-disc"]:
            extra_bam = utils.append_stem(data['work_bam'], extra)
            if utils.file_exists(extra_bam):
                bam.index(extra_bam, data["config"])
    return data
Esempio n. 28
def _gatk_apply_bqsr(data):
    """Parallel BQSR support for GATK4.
    in_file = dd.get_align_bam(data) or dd.get_work_bam(data)
    out_file = os.path.join(
        dd.get_work_dir(data), "align", dd.get_sample_name(data),
        "%s-recal.bam" % utils.splitext_plus(os.path.basename(in_file))[0])
    if not utils.file_uptodate(out_file, in_file):
        with file_transaction(data, out_file) as tx_out_file:
            broad_runner = broad.runner_from_config(data["config"])
            gatk_type = broad_runner.gatk_type()
            if gatk_type == "gatk4":
                params = [
                    "-T", "ApplyBQSRSpark", "--sparkMaster",
                    "local[%s]" % dd.get_num_cores(data), "--input", in_file,
                    "--output", tx_out_file, "--bqsr_recal_file",
                params = [
                    "-T", "PrintReads", "-R",
                    dd.get_ref_file(data), "-I", in_file, "-BQSR",
                    data["prep_recal"], "-o", tx_out_file
            broad_runner.run_gatk(params, os.path.dirname(tx_out_file))
    bam.index(out_file, data["config"])
    return out_file
Esempio n. 29
def postprocess_alignment(data):
    """Perform post-processing steps required on full BAM files.
    Prepares list of callable genome regions allowing subsequent parallelization.
    data = cwlutils.normalize_missing(utils.to_single_data(data))
    bam_file = data.get("align_bam") or data.get("work_bam")
    if vmulti.bam_needs_processing(data) and bam_file and bam_file.endswith(
        ref_file = dd.get_ref_file(data)
        out_dir = utils.safe_makedir(
            os.path.join(dd.get_work_dir(data), "align",
        bam_file_ready = os.path.join(out_dir, os.path.basename(bam_file))
        if not utils.file_exists(bam_file_ready):
            utils.symlink_plus(bam_file, bam_file_ready)
        bam.index(bam_file_ready, data["config"])
        covinfo = callable.sample_callable_bed(bam_file_ready, ref_file, data)
        callable_region_bed, nblock_bed, callable_bed = \
            callable.block_regions(covinfo.raw_callable, bam_file_ready, ref_file, data)
        data["regions"] = {
            "nblock": nblock_bed,
            "callable": callable_bed,
            "highdepth": covinfo.highdepth,
            "sample_callable": covinfo.callable,
            "coverage_depth_bed": covinfo.depth,
            "avg_coverage": covinfo.avg_coverage
        data = coverage.assign_interval(data)
        if (os.path.exists(callable_region_bed)
                and not data["config"]["algorithm"].get("variant_regions")):
                "variant_regions"] = callable_region_bed
            data = clean_inputs(data)
        data = _recal_no_markduplicates(data)
    return [[data]]
Esempio n. 30
def postprocess_alignment(data):
    """Perform post-processing steps required on full BAM files.
    Prepares list of callable genome regions allowing subsequent parallelization.
    data = cwlutils.normalize_missing(utils.to_single_data(data))
    data = cwlutils.unpack_tarballs(data, data)
    bam_file = data.get("align_bam") or data.get("work_bam")
    if vmulti.bam_needs_processing(data) and bam_file and bam_file.endswith(
        ref_file = dd.get_ref_file(data)
        out_dir = utils.safe_makedir(
            os.path.join(dd.get_work_dir(data), "align",
        bam_file_ready = os.path.join(out_dir, os.path.basename(bam_file))
        if not utils.file_exists(bam_file_ready):
            utils.symlink_plus(bam_file, bam_file_ready)
        bam.index(bam_file_ready, data["config"])
        covinfo = callable.sample_callable_bed(bam_file_ready, ref_file, data)
        callable_region_bed, nblock_bed = \
            callable.block_regions(covinfo.raw_callable, bam_file_ready, ref_file, data)
        data["regions"] = {
            "nblock": nblock_bed,
            "callable": covinfo.raw_callable,
            "sample_callable": covinfo.callable,
            "mapped_stats": readstats.get_cache_file(data)
        data["depth"] = covinfo.depth_files
        data = coverage.assign_interval(data)
        data = samtools.run_and_save(data)
        data = recalibrate.prep_recal(data)
        data = recalibrate.apply_recal(data)
    return [[data]]
Esempio n. 31
def postprocess_alignment(data):
    """Perform post-processing steps required on full BAM files.
    Prepares list of callable genome regions allowing subsequent parallelization.
    if vmulti.bam_needs_processing(data) and data["work_bam"].endswith(".bam"):
        ref_file = dd.get_ref_file(data)
        callable_region_bed, nblock_bed, callable_bed = \
            callable.block_regions(data["work_bam"], ref_file, data)
        highdepth_bed = highdepth.identify(data)
        bam.index(data["work_bam"], data["config"])
        sample_callable = callable.sample_callable_bed(data["work_bam"],
                                                       ref_file, data)
        offtarget_stats = callable.calculate_offtarget(data["work_bam"],
                                                       ref_file, data)
        data["regions"] = {
            "nblock": nblock_bed,
            "callable": callable_bed,
            "highdepth": highdepth_bed,
            "sample_callable": sample_callable,
            "offtarget_stats": offtarget_stats
        data = coverage.assign_interval(data)
        if (os.path.exists(callable_region_bed)
                and not data["config"]["algorithm"].get("variant_regions")):
                "variant_regions"] = callable_region_bed
            data = bedutils.clean_inputs(data)
        data = _recal_no_markduplicates(data)
    return [[data]]
Esempio n. 32
def postprocess_alignment(data):
    """Perform post-processing steps required on full BAM files.
    Prepares list of callable genome regions allowing subsequent parallelization.
    data = cwlutils.normalize_missing(utils.to_single_data(data))
    data = cwlutils.unpack_tarballs(data, data)
    bam_file = data.get("align_bam") or data.get("work_bam")
    if vmulti.bam_needs_processing(data) and bam_file and bam_file.endswith(".bam"):
        ref_file = dd.get_ref_file(data)
        out_dir = utils.safe_makedir(os.path.join(dd.get_work_dir(data), "align",
        bam_file_ready = os.path.join(out_dir, os.path.basename(bam_file))
        if not utils.file_exists(bam_file_ready):
            utils.symlink_plus(bam_file, bam_file_ready)
        bam.index(bam_file_ready, data["config"])
        covinfo = callable.sample_callable_bed(bam_file_ready, ref_file, data)
        callable_region_bed, nblock_bed, callable_bed = \
            callable.block_regions(covinfo.raw_callable, bam_file_ready, ref_file, data)
        data["regions"] = {"nblock": nblock_bed,
                           "callable": callable_bed,
                           "sample_callable": covinfo.callable,
                           "mapped_stats": readstats.get_cache_file(data)}
        data["depth"] = covinfo.depth_files
        data = coverage.assign_interval(data)
        if (os.path.exists(callable_region_bed) and
                not data["config"]["algorithm"].get("variant_regions")):
            data["config"]["algorithm"]["variant_regions"] = callable_region_bed
            data = clean_inputs(data)
        data = recalibrate.prep_recal(data)
        data = recalibrate.apply_recal(data)
    return [[data]]
Esempio n. 33
def variantcall_sample(data, region=None, align_bams=None, out_file=None):
    """Parallel entry point for doing genotyping of a region of a sample.
    if out_file is None or not os.path.exists(out_file) or not os.path.lexists(
        sam_ref = data["sam_ref"]
        config = data["config"]
        caller_fns = get_variantcallers()
        caller_fn = caller_fns[config["algorithm"].get("variantcaller",
        if len(align_bams) == 1:
            items = [data]
            items = multi.get_orig_items(data)
            assert len(items) == len(align_bams)
        call_file = "%s-raw%s" % utils.splitext_plus(out_file)
        assoc_files = tz.get_in(("genome_resources", "variation"), data, {})
        if not assoc_files: assoc_files = {}
        for bam_file in align_bams:
            bam.index(bam_file, data["config"], check_timestamp=False)
        call_file = caller_fn(align_bams, items, sam_ref, assoc_files, region,
        if data["config"]["algorithm"].get("phasing", False) == "gatk":
            call_file = phasing.read_backed_phasing(call_file, align_bams,
                                                    sam_ref, region, config)
        utils.symlink_plus(call_file, out_file)
    if region:
        data["region"] = region
    data["vrn_file"] = out_file
    return [data]
Esempio n. 34
def filter_multimappers(align_file, data):
    Filtering a BWA alignment file for uniquely mapped reads, from here:
    config = dd.get_config(data)
    type_flag = "" if bam.is_bam(align_file) else "S"
    base, ext = os.path.splitext(align_file)
    out_file = base + ".unique" + ext
    bed_file = dd.get_variant_regions(data) or dd.get_sample_callable(data)
    bed_cmd = '-L {0}'.format(bed_file) if bed_file else " "
    if utils.file_exists(out_file):
        return out_file
    base_filter = '-F "not unmapped {paired_filter} and [XA] == null and [SA] == null and not supplementary " '
    if bam.is_paired(align_file):
        paired_filter = "and paired and proper_pair"
        paired_filter = ""
    filter_string = base_filter.format(paired_filter=paired_filter)
    sambamba = config_utils.get_program("sambamba", config)
    num_cores = dd.get_num_cores(data)
    with file_transaction(out_file) as tx_out_file:
        cmd = ('{sambamba} view -h{type_flag} '
               '--nthreads {num_cores} '
               '-f bam {bed_cmd} '
               '{filter_string} '
               '{align_file} '
               '> {tx_out_file}')
        message = "Removing multimapped reads from %s." % align_file**locals()), message)
    bam.index(out_file, config)
    return out_file
Esempio n. 35
def _mutect_call_prep(align_bams, items, ref_file, assoc_files,
                       region=None, out_file=None):
    """Preparation work for MuTect.
    base_config = items[0]["config"]
    broad_runner = broad.runner_from_config(base_config, "mutect")

    broad_runner.run_fn("picard_index_ref", ref_file)
    for x in align_bams:
        bam.index(x, base_config)

    paired = vcfutils.get_paired_bams(align_bams, items)
    if not paired:
        raise ValueError("Specified MuTect calling but 'tumor' phenotype not present in batch\n"
                         "for samples: %s" % ", " .join([dd.get_sample_name(x) for x in items]))
    params = ["-R", ref_file, "-T", "MuTect", "-U", "ALLOW_N_CIGAR_READS"]
    params += ["--read_filter", "NotPrimaryAlignment"]
    params += ["-I:tumor", paired.tumor_bam]
    params += ["--tumor_sample_name", paired.tumor_name]
    if paired.normal_bam is not None:
        params += ["-I:normal", paired.normal_bam]
        params += ["--normal_sample_name", paired.normal_name]
    if paired.normal_panel is not None:
        params += ["--normal_panel", paired.normal_panel]
    params += _config_params(base_config, assoc_files, region, out_file)
    return broad_runner, params
Esempio n. 36
def postprocess_alignment(data):
    """Perform post-processing steps required on full BAM files.
    Prepares list of callable genome regions allowing subsequent parallelization.
    data = utils.to_single_data(data)
    bam_file = data.get("align_bam") or data.get("work_bam")
    if vmulti.bam_needs_processing(data) and bam_file and bam_file.endswith(".bam"):
        ref_file = dd.get_ref_file(data)
        out_dir = utils.safe_makedir(os.path.join(dd.get_work_dir(data), "align",
        bam_file_ready = os.path.join(out_dir, os.path.basename(bam_file))
        if not utils.file_exists(bam_file_ready):
            utils.symlink_plus(bam_file, bam_file_ready)
        bam.index(bam_file_ready, data["config"])
        callable_region_bed, nblock_bed, callable_bed = \
            callable.block_regions(bam_file_ready, ref_file, data)
        sample_callable = callable.sample_callable_bed(bam_file_ready, ref_file, data)
        offtarget_stats = callable.calculate_offtarget(bam_file_ready, ref_file, data)
        data["regions"] = {"nblock": nblock_bed, "callable": callable_bed,
                           "sample_callable": sample_callable,
                           "offtarget_stats": offtarget_stats}
        data = coverage.assign_interval(data)
        highdepth_bed = highdepth.identify(data)
        data["regions"]["highdepth"] = highdepth_bed
        if (os.path.exists(callable_region_bed) and
                not data["config"]["algorithm"].get("variant_regions")):
            data["config"]["algorithm"]["variant_regions"] = callable_region_bed
            data = bedutils.clean_inputs(data)
        data = _recal_no_markduplicates(data)
    return [[data]]
Esempio n. 37
def _shared_gatk_call_prep(align_bams, ref_file, config, dbsnp, region, out_file):
    """Shared preparation work for GATK variant calling.
    broad_runner = broad.runner_from_config(config)
    broad_runner.run_fn("picard_index_ref", ref_file)
    for x in align_bams:
        bam.index(x, config)
    coverage_depth = config["algorithm"].get("coverage_depth", "high").lower()
    variant_regions = config["algorithm"].get("variant_regions", None)
    confidence = "4.0" if coverage_depth in ["low"] else "30.0"
    region = subset_variant_regions(variant_regions, region, out_file)

    params = ["-R", ref_file,
              "--standard_min_confidence_threshold_for_calling", confidence,
              "--standard_min_confidence_threshold_for_emitting", confidence,
              "--downsample_to_coverage", "250",
              "--downsampling_type", "BY_SAMPLE",
    for a in annotation.get_gatk_annotations(config):
        params += ["--annotation", a]
    for x in align_bams:
        params += ["-I", x]
    if dbsnp:
        params += ["--dbsnp", dbsnp]
    if region:
        params += ["-L", bamprep.region_to_gatk(region), "--interval_set_rule", "INTERSECTION"]
    return broad_runner, params
Esempio n. 38
def filter_multimappers(align_file, data):
    It does not seem like bowtie2 has a corollary to the -m 1 flag in bowtie,
    there are some options that are close but don't do the same thing. Bowtie2
    sets the XS flag for reads mapping in more than one place, so we can just
    filter on that. This will not work for other aligners.
    config = dd.get_config(data)
    type_flag = "" if bam.is_bam(align_file) else "S"
    base, ext = os.path.splitext(align_file)
    out_file = base + ".unique" + ext
    bed_file = dd.get_variant_regions(data)
    bed_cmd = '-L {0}'.format(bed_file) if bed_file else " "
    if utils.file_exists(out_file):
        return out_file
    base_filter = '-F "[XS] == null and not unmapped {paired_filter} and not duplicate" '
    if bam.is_paired(align_file):
        paired_filter = "and paired and proper_pair"
        paired_filter = ""
    filter_string = base_filter.format(paired_filter=paired_filter)
    sambamba = config_utils.get_program("sambamba", config)
    num_cores = dd.get_num_cores(data)
    with file_transaction(out_file) as tx_out_file:
        cmd = ('{sambamba} view -h{type_flag} '
               '--nthreads {num_cores} '
               '-f bam {bed_cmd} '
               '{filter_string} '
               '{align_file} '
               '> {tx_out_file}')
        message = "Removing multimapped reads from %s." % align_file**locals()), message)
    bam.index(out_file, config)
    return out_file
Esempio n. 39
def _mutect_call_prep(align_bams, items, ref_file, assoc_files,
                       region=None, out_file=None):
    """Preparation work for MuTect.
    base_config = items[0]["config"]
    broad_runner = broad.runner_from_config(base_config, "mutect")

    broad_runner.run_fn("picard_index_ref", ref_file)
    for x in align_bams:
        bam.index(x, base_config)

    paired = vcfutils.get_paired_bams(align_bams, items)
    params = ["-R", ref_file, "-T", "MuTect", "-U", "ALLOW_N_CIGAR_READS"]
    params += ["--downsample_to_coverage", max(200, get_in(paired.tumor_config,
                                                           ("algorithm", "coverage_depth_max"), 10000))]
    params += ["--read_filter", "NotPrimaryAlignment"]
    params += ["-I:tumor", paired.tumor_bam]
    params += ["--tumor_sample_name", paired.tumor_name]
    if paired.normal_bam is not None:
        params += ["-I:normal", paired.normal_bam]
        params += ["--normal_sample_name", paired.normal_name]
    if paired.normal_panel is not None:
        params += ["--normal_panel", paired.normal_panel]
    params += _config_params(base_config, assoc_files, region, out_file)
    return broad_runner, params
Esempio n. 40
def prep_recal(data):
    """Perform a GATK recalibration of the sorted aligned BAM, producing recalibrated BAM.
    if data["config"]["algorithm"].get("recalibrate", True) in [True, "gatk"]:"Recalibrating %s with GATK" % str(data["name"]))
        ref_file = data["sam_ref"]
        config = data["config"]
        dbsnp_file = tz.get_in(("genome_resources", "variation", "dbsnp"),
        if not dbsnp_file:
                "Skipping GATK BaseRecalibrator because no VCF file of known variants was found."
            return [[data]]
        platform = config["algorithm"].get("platform", "illumina")
        broad_runner = broad.runner_from_path("picard", config)
        broad_runner.run_fn("picard_index_ref", ref_file)
        if config["algorithm"].get("mark_duplicates", True):
            (dup_align_bam, _) = broad_runner.run_fn("picard_mark_duplicates",
            dup_align_bam = data["work_bam"]
        bam.index(dup_align_bam, config)
        intervals = config["algorithm"].get("variant_regions", None)
        data["work_bam"] = dup_align_bam
        broad_runner = broad.runner_from_config(config)
        data["prep_recal"] = _gatk_base_recalibrator(broad_runner,
                                                     dup_align_bam, ref_file,
                                                     platform, dbsnp_file,
                                                     intervals, data)
    return [[data]]
Esempio n. 41
def _prep_inputs(align_bams, ref_file, items):
    """Ensure inputs to calling are indexed as expected.
    broad_runner = broad.runner_from_path("picard", items[0]["config"])
    broad_runner.run_fn("picard_index_ref", ref_file)
    for x in align_bams:
        bam.index(x, items[0]["config"])
Esempio n. 42
def _piped_input_cl(data, region, tmp_dir, out_base_file, prep_params):
    """Retrieve the commandline for streaming input into preparation step.
    If marking duplicates, this requires writing an intermediate file since
    MarkDuplicates uses multiple passed on an input.
    broad_runner = broad.runner_from_config(data["config"])
    cl = _gatk_extract_reads_cl(data, region, prep_params, tmp_dir)
    if prep_params["dup"] == "picard":
        sel_file = "%s-select%s" % os.path.splitext(out_base_file)
        if not utils.file_exists(sel_file):
            with file_transaction(sel_file) as tx_out_file:
                cl += ["-o", tx_out_file]
      , "GATK: PrintReads {0}".format(region), data)
        dup_metrics = "%s-dup.dup_metrics" % os.path.splitext(out_base_file)[0]
        compression = "5" if prep_params["realign"] == "gatk" else "0"
        cl = broad_runner.cl_picard("MarkDuplicates",
                                    [("INPUT", sel_file),
                                     ("OUTPUT", "/dev/stdout"),
                                     ("METRICS_FILE", dup_metrics),
                                     ("PROGRAM_RECORD_ID", "null"),
                                     ("COMPRESSION_LEVEL", compression),
                                     ("TMP_DIR", tmp_dir)])
    elif not prep_params["dup"]:
        sel_file = data["work_bam"]
        raise ValueError("Duplication approach not supported with GATK: %s" % prep_params["dup"])
    bam.index(sel_file, data["config"])
    return sel_file, " ".join(cl)
Esempio n. 43
def _piped_input_cl(data, region, tmp_dir, out_base_file, prep_params):
    """Retrieve the commandline for streaming input into preparation step.
    cl = _gatk_extract_reads_cl(data, region, prep_params, tmp_dir)
    sel_file = data["work_bam"]
    bam.index(sel_file, data["config"])
    return sel_file, " ".join(cl)
Esempio n. 44
def run_cortex(align_bams, items, ref_file, assoc_files, region=None, out_file=None):
    """Top level entry to regional de-novo based variant calling with cortex_var.
    if len(align_bams) == 1:
        align_bam = align_bams[0]
        config = items[0]["config"]
        raise NotImplementedError("Need to add multisample calling for cortex_var")
    if out_file is None:
        out_file = "%s-cortex.vcf" % os.path.splitext(align_bam)[0]
    if region is not None:
        work_dir = safe_makedir(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(out_file), region.replace(".", "_")))
        work_dir = os.path.dirname(out_file)
    if not file_exists(out_file):
        bam.index(align_bam, config)
        variant_regions = config["algorithm"].get("variant_regions", None)
        if not variant_regions:
            raise ValueError("Only support regional variant calling with cortex_var: set variant_regions")
        target_regions = subset_variant_regions(variant_regions, region, out_file)
        if os.path.isfile(target_regions):
            with open(target_regions) as in_handle:
                regional_vcfs = [
                    _run_cortex_on_region(x.strip().split("\t")[:3], align_bam, ref_file, work_dir, out_file, config)
                    for x in in_handle

            combine_file = apply("{0}-raw{1}".format, os.path.splitext(out_file))
            _combine_variants(regional_vcfs, combine_file, ref_file, config)
            _select_final_variants(combine_file, out_file, config)
    return out_file
Esempio n. 45
def _shared_gatk_call_prep(align_bams, items, ref_file, dbsnp, region,
    """Shared preparation work for GATK variant calling.
    data = items[0]
    config = data["config"]
    broad_runner = broad.runner_from_path("picard", config)
    broad_runner.run_fn("picard_index_ref", ref_file)
    for x in align_bams:
        bam.index(x, config)
    params = ["-R", ref_file]
    coverage_depth_min = tz.get_in(["algorithm", "coverage_depth_min"], config)
    if coverage_depth_min and coverage_depth_min < 4:
        confidence = "4.0"
        params += [
            "--standard_min_confidence_threshold_for_calling", confidence
    for a in annotation.get_gatk_annotations(config):
        params += ["--annotation", a]
    for x in align_bams:
        params += ["-I", x]
    if dbsnp:
        params += ["--dbsnp", dbsnp]
    variant_regions = bedutils.population_variant_regions(items)
    region = subset_variant_regions(variant_regions, region, out_file, items)
    if region:
        params += [
            bamprep.region_to_gatk(region), "--interval_set_rule",
    params += standard_cl_params(items)
    broad_runner = broad.runner_from_config(config)
    return broad_runner, params
Esempio n. 46
def _prep_subsampled_bams(data, work_dir):
    """Prepare a subsampled BAM file with discordants from samblaster and minimal correct pairs.

    This attempts to minimize run times by pre-extracting useful reads mixed
    with subsampled normal pairs to estimate paired end distributions:

    Subsamples correctly aligned reads to 100 million based on speedseq defaults and
    evaluations on NA12878 whole genome data:

    XXX Currently does not downsample as new versions do not get good sensitivity with
    downsampled BAMs.
    full_bam, sr_bam, disc_bam = sshared.get_split_discordants(data, work_dir)
    return [full_bam]

    ds_bam = bam.downsample(full_bam, data, 1e8, read_filter="-F 'not secondary_alignment and proper_pair'",
                            always_run=True, work_dir=work_dir)
    out_bam = "%s-final%s" % utils.splitext_plus(ds_bam)
    if not utils.file_exists(out_bam):
        bam.merge([ds_bam, sr_bam, disc_bam], out_bam, data["config"])
    bam.index(out_bam, data["config"])
    return [out_bam]
Esempio n. 47
def run(align_bams, items, ref_file, assoc_files, region, out_file):
    """Run platypus variant calling, germline whole genome or exome.
    assert out_file.endswith(".vcf.gz")
    if not utils.file_exists(out_file):
        with file_transaction(items[0], out_file) as tx_out_file:
            for align_bam in align_bams:
                bam.index(align_bam, items[0]["config"])
            cmd = ["platypus", "callVariants", "--regions=%s" % _bed_to_platypusin(region, out_file, items),
                   "--bamFiles=%s" % ",".join(align_bams),
                   "--refFile=%s" % dd.get_ref_file(items[0]), "--output=-",
                   "--logFileName", "/dev/null", "--verbosity=1"]
            cmd += ["--assemble=1"]
            # Adjust default filter thresholds to achieve similar sensitivity/specificity to other callers
            cmd += ["--hapScoreThreshold", "10", "--scThreshold", "0.99", "--filteredReadsFrac", "0.9",
                    "--rmsmqThreshold", "20", "--qdThreshold", "0", "--abThreshold", "0.0001",
                    "--minVarFreq", "0.0"]
            # Avoid filtering duplicates on high depth targeted regions where we don't mark duplicates
            if any(not tz.get_in(["config", "algorithm", "mark_duplicates"], data, True)
                   for data in items):
                cmd += ["--filterDuplicates=0"]
            post_process_cmd = " | %s | vcfallelicprimitives | vcfstreamsort | bgzip -c > %s" % (
                vcfutils.fix_ambiguous_cl(), tx_out_file)
  " ".join(cmd) + post_process_cmd, "platypus variant calling")
        out_file = vcfutils.bgzip_and_index(out_file, items[0]["config"])
    return out_file
Esempio n. 48
def _extract_split_and_discordants(in_bam, work_dir, data):
    """Retrieve split-read alignments from input BAM file.
    dedup_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "%s-dedup.bam" % os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(in_bam))[0])
    sr_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "%s-sr.bam" % os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(in_bam))[0])
    disc_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "%s-disc.bam" % os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(in_bam))[0])
    samtools = config_utils.get_program("samtools", data["config"])
    cores = utils.get_in(data, ("config", "algorithm", "num_cores"), 1)
    resources = config_utils.get_resources("samtools", data["config"])
    mem = config_utils.adjust_memory(resources.get("memory", "2G"),
                                     3, "decrease").upper()
    if not utils.file_exists(sr_file) or not utils.file_exists(disc_file) or utils.file_exists(dedup_file):
        with tx_tmpdir(data) as tmpdir:
            with file_transaction(data, sr_file) as tx_sr_file:
                with file_transaction(data, disc_file) as tx_disc_file:
                    with file_transaction(data, dedup_file) as tx_dedup_file:
                        samblaster_cl = postalign.samblaster_dedup_sort(data, tx_dedup_file,
                                                                        tx_sr_file, tx_disc_file)
                        out_base = os.path.join(tmpdir,
                                                "%s-namesort" % os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(in_bam))[0])
                        cmd = ("{samtools} sort -n -@ {cores} -m {mem} -O sam -T {out_base} {in_bam} | ")
                        cmd = cmd.format(**locals()) + samblaster_cl
              , "samblaster: split and discordant reads", data)
    for fname in [sr_file, disc_file, dedup_file]:
        bam.index(fname, data["config"])
    return dedup_file, sr_file, disc_file
Esempio n. 49
def _run_freebayes_caller(align_bams, items, ref_file, assoc_files,
                          region=None, out_file=None):
    """Detect SNPs and indels with FreeBayes.

    Performs post-filtering to remove very low quality variants which
    can cause issues feeding into GATK. Breaks variants into individual
    allelic primitives for analysis and evaluation.
    config = items[0]["config"]
    if out_file is None:
        out_file = "%s-variants.vcf.gz" % os.path.splitext(align_bams[0])[0]
    if not utils.file_exists(out_file):
        with file_transaction(out_file) as tx_out_file:
            for align_bam in align_bams:
                bam.index(align_bam, config)
            freebayes = config_utils.get_program("freebayes", config)
            vcffilter = config_utils.get_program("vcffilter", config)
            vcfallelicprimitives = config_utils.get_program("vcfallelicprimitives", config)
            vcfstreamsort = config_utils.get_program("vcfstreamsort", config)
            input_bams = " ".join("-b %s" % x for x in align_bams)
            opts = " ".join(_freebayes_options_from_config(items, config, out_file, region))
            compress_cmd = "| bgzip -c" if out_file.endswith("gz") else ""
            cmd = ("{freebayes} -f {ref_file} {input_bams} {opts} | "
                   "{vcffilter} -f 'QUAL > 5' -s | {vcfallelicprimitives} | {vcfstreamsort} "
                   "{compress_cmd} > {tx_out_file}")
  **locals()), "Genotyping with FreeBayes", {})
    ann_file = annotation.annotate_nongatk_vcf(out_file, align_bams,
                                               ref_file, config)
    return ann_file
Esempio n. 50
def prep_recal(data):
    """Perform a GATK recalibration of the sorted aligned BAM, producing recalibrated BAM.
    if dd.get_recalibrate(data) in [True, "gatk"]:"Recalibrating %s with GATK" % str(dd.get_sample_name(data)))
        ref_file = data["sam_ref"]
        config = data["config"]
        dbsnp_file = tz.get_in(("genome_resources", "variation", "dbsnp"), data)
        if not dbsnp_file:
  "Skipping GATK BaseRecalibrator because no VCF file of known variants was found.")
            return [[data]]
        platform = config["algorithm"].get("platform", "illumina")
        broad_runner = broad.runner_from_path("picard", config)
        broad_runner.run_fn("picard_index_ref", ref_file)
        if config["algorithm"].get("mark_duplicates", True):
            (dup_align_bam, _) = broad_runner.run_fn("picard_mark_duplicates", data["work_bam"])
            dup_align_bam = data["work_bam"]
        bam.index(dup_align_bam, config)
        intervals = config["algorithm"].get("variant_regions", None)
        data["work_bam"] = dup_align_bam
        broad_runner = broad.runner_from_config(config)
        data["prep_recal"] = _gatk_base_recalibrator(broad_runner, dup_align_bam, ref_file,
                                                     platform, dbsnp_file, intervals, data)
    return [[data]]
Esempio n. 51
def piped_bamprep(data, region=None, out_file=None):
    """Perform full BAM preparation using pipes to avoid intermediate disk IO.

    Handles recalibration and realignment of original BAMs.
    data["region"] = region
    if not _need_prep(data):
        return [data]
        if region[0] == "nochrom":
            prep_bam = shared.write_nochr_reads(data["work_bam"], out_file,
        elif region[0] == "noanalysis":
            prep_bam = shared.write_noanalysis_reads(data["work_bam"],
                                                     region[1], out_file,
            if not utils.file_exists(out_file):
                with tx_tmpdir(data) as tmp_dir:
                    _piped_bamprep_region(data, region, out_file, tmp_dir)
            prep_bam = out_file
        bam.index(prep_bam, data["config"])
        data["work_bam"] = prep_bam
        return [data]
Esempio n. 52
def shared_variantcall(call_fn, name, align_bams, ref_file, items,
                       assoc_files, region=None, out_file=None):
    """Provide base functionality for prepping and indexing for variant calling.
    config = items[0]["config"]
    if out_file is None:
        if vcfutils.is_paired_analysis(align_bams, items):
            out_file = "%s-paired-variants.vcf.gz" % config["metdata"]["batch"]
            out_file = "%s-variants.vcf.gz" % os.path.splitext(align_bams[0])[0]
    if not file_exists(out_file):
        logger.debug("Genotyping with {name}: {region} {fname}".format(
              name=name, region=region, fname=os.path.basename(align_bams[0])))
        for x in align_bams:
            bam.index(x, config)
        variant_regions = config["algorithm"].get("variant_regions", None)
        target_regions = subset_variant_regions(variant_regions, region, out_file)
        if (variant_regions is not None and isinstance(target_regions, basestring)
              and not os.path.isfile(target_regions)):
            vcfutils.write_empty_vcf(out_file, config)
            with file_transaction(out_file) as tx_out_file:
                call_fn(align_bams, ref_file, items, target_regions,
    ann_file = annotation.annotate_nongatk_vcf(out_file, align_bams, assoc_files.get("dbsnp"),
                                               ref_file, config)
    return ann_file
Esempio n. 53
def _prep_subsampled_bams(data, work_dir):
    """Prepare a subsampled BAM file with discordants from samblaster and minimal correct pairs.

    This attempts to minimize run times by pre-extracting useful reads mixed
    with subsampled normal pairs to estimate paired end distributions:

    Subsamples correctly aligned reads to 100 million based on speedseq defaults and
    evaluations on NA12878 whole genome data:

    XXX Currently not used as new versions of delly do not get good sensitivity
    with downsampled BAMs.
    sr_bam, disc_bam = sshared.get_split_discordants(data, work_dir)
    ds_bam = bam.downsample(
        read_filter="-F 'not secondary_alignment and proper_pair'",
    out_bam = "%s-final%s" % utils.splitext_plus(ds_bam)
    if not utils.file_exists(out_bam):
        bam.merge([ds_bam, sr_bam, disc_bam], out_bam, data["config"])
    bam.index(out_bam, data["config"])
    return [out_bam]
Esempio n. 54
def align_to_sort_bam(fastq1, fastq2, aligner, data):
    """Align to the named genome build, returning a sorted BAM file.
    names = data["rgnames"]
    align_dir_parts = [data["dirs"]["work"], "align", names["sample"]]
    if data.get("disambiguate"):
    aligner_index = _get_aligner_index(aligner, data)
    align_dir = utils.safe_makedir(apply(os.path.join, align_dir_parts))
    ref_file = tz.get_in(("reference", "fasta", "base"), data)
    if fastq1.endswith(".bam"):
        data = _align_from_bam(fastq1, aligner, aligner_index, ref_file, names,
                               align_dir, data)
        data = _align_from_fastq(fastq1, fastq2, aligner, aligner_index,
                                 ref_file, names, align_dir, data)
    if data["work_bam"] and utils.file_exists(data["work_bam"]):
        if data.get("align_split") and dd.get_mark_duplicates(data):
            # If merging later with with bamsormadup need query sorted inputs
            # but CWL requires a bai file. Create a fake one to make it happy.
            bam.fake_index(data["work_bam"], data)
            bam.index(data["work_bam"], data["config"])
        for extra in ["-sr", "-disc"]:
            extra_bam = utils.append_stem(data['work_bam'], extra)
            if utils.file_exists(extra_bam):
                bam.index(extra_bam, data["config"])
    return data
Esempio n. 55
def _shared_gatk_call_prep(align_bams, items, ref_file, region, out_file, num_cores=1):
    """Shared preparation work for GATK variant calling.
    data = items[0]
    config = data["config"]
    broad_runner = broad.runner_from_config(config)
    gatk_type = broad_runner.gatk_type()
    for x in align_bams:
        bam.index(x, config)
    picard_runner = broad.runner_from_path("picard", config)
    picard_runner.run_fn("picard_index_ref", ref_file)
    params = ["-R", ref_file]
    coverage_depth_min = tz.get_in(["algorithm", "coverage_depth_min"], config)
    if coverage_depth_min and coverage_depth_min < 4:
        confidence = "4.0"
        params += ["--standard_min_confidence_threshold_for_calling", confidence]
    for a in annotation.get_gatk_annotations(config):
        params += ["--annotation", a]
    for x in align_bams:
        params += ["-I", x]
    variant_regions = bedutils.population_variant_regions(items)
    region = subset_variant_regions(variant_regions, region, out_file, items)
    if region:
        if gatk_type == "gatk4":
            params += ["-L", bamprep.region_to_gatk(region), "--interval-set-rule", "INTERSECTION"]
            params += ["-L", bamprep.region_to_gatk(region), "--interval_set_rule", "INTERSECTION"]
    params += standard_cl_params(items)
    return broad_runner, params
Esempio n. 56
def rapmap_align(fq1, fq2, rapmap_dir, gtf_file, ref_file, algorithm, data):
    valid_algorithms = ["pseudo", "quasi"]
    assert algorithm in valid_algorithms, \
        "RapMap algorithm needs to be one of %s." % valid_algorithms
    samplename = dd.get_sample_name(data)
    out_file = os.path.join(rapmap_dir, samplename + ".bam")
    if file_exists(out_file):
        bam.index(out_file, dd.get_config(data))
        return out_file
    rapmap_index_loc = rapmap_index(gtf_file, ref_file, algorithm, data,
    num_cores = dd.get_num_cores(data)
    algorithm_subcommand = algorithm + "map"
    rapmap = config_utils.get_program("rapmap", dd.get_config(data))
    cmd = "{rapmap} {algorithm_subcommand} -t {num_cores} -i {rapmap_index_loc} "
    fq1_cmd = "{fq1} " if not is_gzipped(fq1) else "<(gzip -cd {fq1}) "
    fq1_cmd = fq1_cmd.format(fq1=fq1)
    if not fq2:
        cmd += "-r {fq1_cmd} "
        fq2_cmd = "{fq2} " if not is_gzipped(fq2) else "<(gzip -cd {fq2}) "
        fq2_cmd = fq2_cmd.format(fq2=fq2)
        cmd += "-1 {fq2_cmd} -2 {fq2_cmd} "
    with file_transaction(out_file) as tx_out_file:
        cmd += "| " + postalign.sam_to_sortbam_cl(data, tx_out_file)
        run_message = ("%smapping %s and %s to %s with Rapmap. "
                       % (algorithm, fq1, fq2, rapmap_index))**locals()), run_message, None)
    bam.index(out_file, dd.get_config(data))
    return out_file