Esempio n. 1
def correct_bchsgb(testhex):

    pdf = decodefunctions.hextobin(testhex)[:204]
    bchsgb = (decodefunctions.hextobin(testhex))[204:]
    binary_data_pdf = newdata = pdf.zfill(204)
    correctedbch = bchsgb

    BCH_BITS = 6
    bitflips = 0

    bch = bchlibcaronoff.BCH(BCH_BITS, m=8, prim_poly=BCH_POLYNOMIAL)
    max_data_len = bch.n // 8 - (bch.ecc_bits + 7) // 8 + 1
    data = bytearray(bch1correct.bitstring_to_bytes(binary_data_pdf))
    rebuildpdf = ''

    for e in range(len(data)):
        segment = decodefunctions.dec2bin(data[e]).zfill(8)
        rebuildpdf = rebuildpdf + segment

    rebuildpdf = rebuildpdf.zfill(204)
    ecc = bch.encode(data)
    bchstring = ''

    for e in ecc:
        binchar = decodefunctions.dec2bin(e).zfill(8)
        bchstring = bchstring + binchar

    ecc_provided = bytearray(bch1correct.bitstring_to_bytes(bchsgb))

    packet = data + ecc_provided

    if ecc != ecc_provided:

        data, ecc = packet[:-bch.ecc_bytes], packet[-bch.ecc_bytes:]
        bch.data_len = max_data_len
        nerr = bch.decode(data, ecc)

        bitflips = nerr
        bch.correct(data, ecc)

        newdata = decodefunctions.dec2bin(data[0])
        for e in data[1:]:
            binchar = decodefunctions.dec2bin(e).zfill(8)
            newdata = newdata + binchar

        newdata = newdata.zfill(204)
        correctedbch = ''
        for e in ecc:
            binchar = decodefunctions.dec2bin(e).zfill(8)
            correctedbch = correctedbch + binchar
        newhex = decodefunctions.bin2hex(newdata + correctedbch)
        bitflips = 0
        newdata = pdf
        correctedbch = bchsgb
        newhex = decodefunctions.bin2hex(pdf + bchsgb)

    return (bitflips, newdata, correctedbch, newhex)
def make_full(hexinput):
    pdf1 = decodefunctions.hextobin(hexinput)
    b = pdf1[:204] + '0' * 48
    print(b, len(b))
    ecc = calcBCH(b, 0, 202, 250)
    newhex = decodefunctions.bin2hex(pdf1[:204] + ecc)
    print(ecc, decodefunctions.bin2hex(ecc))
    BCH_POLYNOMIAL = 285  # 285
    BCH_BITS = 6
    bitflips = 0
    bch = bchlib.BCH(BCH_POLYNOMIAL, BCH_BITS)

    max_data_len = bch.n // 8 - (bch.ecc_bits + 7) // 8

    data = bytearray(bch1correct.bitstring_to_bytes(pdf1[:204]))
    necc = bch.encode(data)
    bchstring = ''

    for e in necc:
        binchar = decodefunctions.dec2bin(e).zfill(8)
        bchstring = bchstring + binchar
    print(bchstring, decodefunctions.bin2hex(bchstring))

    newhex = decodefunctions.bin2hex(pdf1[:204] + bchstring)

    return newhex
Esempio n. 3
def samplepdf2(f, r):
    for n in range(r):
        pdf2 = randombinary(26).zfill(26)
        bch2 = Fcn.calcbch('0' * 107 + pdf2, '1010100111001', 107, 133,
                           145) + '0000'
        bch = bchlib.BCH(67, 2)
        data = bytearray(bch1correct.bitstring_to_bytes(pdf2))
        ecc = bch.encode(data)
        bchstring = (Fcn.dec2bin(ecc[0]).zfill(8) +
                     Fcn.dec2bin(ecc[1]).zfill(8))[:12] + '0000'

        e = random.sample(range(0, 38), 3)

        scramble = list(pdf2 + bch2)
        for i in e:
            scramble[i] = str(int(not int(scramble[i])))
        corrupt = ''.join(scramble)

        ecc_provided = bytearray(bch1correct.bitstring_to_bytes(corrupt[26:]))
        data_provided = bytearray(bch1correct.bitstring_to_bytes(corrupt[:26]))
        ecc_c = bch.encode(data_provided)
        print(ecc_c == ecc_provided, ecc, ecc_provided)

        packet = bytearray(bch1correct.bitstring_to_bytes(
            corrupt[:26])) + bytearray(
        data, ecc = packet[:-bch.ecc_bytes], packet[-bch.ecc_bytes:]
        bitflips = bch.decode_inplace(data, ecc)
        newdata = Fcn.dec2bin(data[0]).zfill(2)
        for e in data[1:]:
            binchar = Fcn.dec2bin(e).zfill(8)
            newdata = newdata + binchar

        correctedbch2 = ''  # decodefunctions.dec2bin(ecc[0])
        for e in ecc:
            binchar = Fcn.dec2bin(e).zfill(8)
            correctedbch2 = correctedbch2 + binchar
        correctedbch2 = correctedbch2[:-4]
        bch2 = bch2[:-4]
        bchstring = bchstring[:-4]

                pdf2 + bch2, bch2 == bchstring, corrupt, len(pdf2 + bch2),
                corrupt == pdf2 + bch2, newdata + correctedbch2,
                newdata + correctedbch2 == pdf2 + bch2, bitflips), '\n'
Esempio n. 4
def pdf2_to_bch2(pdf2, bch2):

    binary_data_pdf2 = newdata = pdf2.zfill(26)

    correctedbch2 = bch2
    bch2 = bch2 + '0000'

    BCH_BITS = 2
    bitflips = 0
    #bch = bchlib.BCH(BCH_POLYNOMIAL, BCH_BITS)
    bch = bchlibcaronoff.BCH(2, prim_poly=67)
    max_data_len = bch.n // 8 - (bch.ecc_bits + 7) // 8
    data = bytearray(bch1correct.bitstring_to_bytes(binary_data_pdf2))

    rebuildpdf2 = ''
    for e in range(len(data)):
        segment = decodefunctions.dec2bin(data[e]).zfill(8)
        rebuildpdf2 = rebuildpdf2 + segment

    ecc = bch.encode(data)

    # create array of ecc provide by bch
    ecc_provided = bytearray(bch1correct.bitstring_to_bytes(bch2))
    packet = data + ecc_provided
    if ecc != ecc_provided:

        data, ecc = packet[:-bch.ecc_bytes], packet[-bch.ecc_bytes:]
        #     #correct
        nerr = bch.decode(data, ecc)
        bitflips = nerr
        #bitflips = bch.decode_inplace(data,ecc)
        bch.correct(data, ecc)
        packet = data + ecc
        newdata = decodefunctions.dec2bin(data[0])  #.zfill(2)
        for e in data[1:]:
            binchar = decodefunctions.dec2bin(e).zfill(8)
            newdata = newdata + binchar
        correctedbch2 = ''  #decodefunctions.dec2bin(ecc[0])
        for e in ecc:
            binchar = decodefunctions.dec2bin(e).zfill(8)
            correctedbch2 = correctedbch2 + binchar

    return (bitflips, newdata.zfill(26), correctedbch2[:-4])
Esempio n. 5
def pdf2_to_bch2(pdf2, bch2):
    #valid pdf1
    binary_data_pdf2 = newdata = pdf2

    correctedbch2 = bch2
    bch2 = bch2 + '0000'
    #print('valid pdf1',len(binary_data_pdf1),binary_data_pdf1)

    BCH_POLYNOMIAL = 67  #137
    BCH_BITS = 2
    bitflips = 0
    bch = bchlib.BCH(BCH_POLYNOMIAL, BCH_BITS)
    data = bytearray(bch1correct.bitstring_to_bytes(binary_data_pdf2))

    rebuildpdf2 = ''
    for e in range(len(data)):
        segment = decodefunctions.dec2bin(data[e]).zfill(8)
        rebuildpdf2 = rebuildpdf2 + segment
        #print(e, data[e],segment)


    ecc = bch.encode(data)
    #print('computed ecc bytes:',len(ecc))
    bchstring = ''

    for e in ecc:
        binchar = decodefunctions.dec2bin(e).zfill(8)
        #print(e, binchar)
        bchstring = bchstring + binchar

    # create array of ecc provide by bch
    ecc_provided = bytearray(bch1correct.bitstring_to_bytes(bch2))
    packet = data + ecc_provided
    bchstr2 = ''
    #print('ecc included:',ecc_provided,len(ecc_provided),type(ecc_provided))
    #print('ecc calc:', ecc,len(ecc),type(ecc))

    if ecc != ecc_provided:

        data, ecc = packet[:-bch.ecc_bytes], packet[-bch.ecc_bytes:]
        #     #correct
        bitflips = bch.decode_inplace(data, ecc)
        #print('bitflips: %d' % (bitflips))
        newdata = decodefunctions.dec2bin(data[0])
        for e in data[1:]:
            binchar = decodefunctions.dec2bin(e).zfill(8)
            #         #print(e, binchar)
            newdata = newdata + binchar
        correctedbch2 = ''  #decodefunctions.dec2bin(ecc[0])
        for e in ecc:
            binchar = decodefunctions.dec2bin(e).zfill(8)
            #         #print(e, binchar)
            correctedbch2 = correctedbch2 + binchar
        if (len(correctedbch2)) > 12:
            correctedbch2 = correctedbch2[:12]
    return (bitflips, newdata.zfill(26), correctedbch2)
Esempio n. 6
def msgbits_to_bch(msgbits,bchsgb):
    binary_data_msgbits = newdata =  msgbits.zfill(207)    #.zfill(204) #Msg size is 202

    BCH_BITS = 6
#109,113,127,131,137,139,149,151,157,163,167,173,179,   181,    191,    193,    197,    199,    211,    223,    227,    229
    #233,    239 ,   241,    251,    257,    263,    269,    271,    277,    281
    for p in [229,233,307,311,313,317,331,337,347,349,353,359,367,373,379,383,389, 397,401, 409, 419, 421, 431,433,439,443,449,457, 461,463, 467,    479,    487,    491,    499,    503,    509,    521,    523, 541,547,557,563,569,571,577,587,594,599,601,607]:
            #   233,    239 ,   241,    251,    257,    263,    269,    271,    277,    281,
            #   283,    293,    307,    311,    313,    317,    331,    337,    347,    349,
            #   353,    359,    367,    373 ,   379,    383 ,   389,    397 ,   401,    409,
            #   419,    421,    431,    433,    439,    443,    449,    457,    461,    463,
            # 467,    479,    487,    491,    499,    503,    509,    521,    523,    541,
            # 547,    557,    563,    569,    571,    577,    587,    593,    599,    601,
            # 607,    613,    617,    619,    631,    641,    643,    647,    653,    659,
            # 661,    673,    677,    683,    691,    701,    709,    719,    727,    733,
            # 739,    743,    751,    757,    761,    769,    773,    787,    797,    809]:
            bch = bchlib.BCH(p, BCH_BITS)
            data = bytearray(bch1correct.bitstring_to_bytes(binary_data_msgbits))
            #data = data[1:]
            for e in range(len(data)):
                #print(e, data[e],segment)


            ecc = bch.encode(data)
            print('computed ecc bytes:',len(ecc))
            ecc_provided = bytearray(bch1correct.bitstring_to_bytes(bchsgb))
            bchstring = ecc_provided[0]
            for e in ecc_provided:
                binchar = Fcn.dec2bin(e).zfill(8)
                print(e, int(e), binchar)
                #bchstring = bchstring + binchar
            for e in ecc:
                #binchar = Fcn.dec2bin(e).zfill(8)
                print(e, int(e) , binchar)
                #bchstring = bchstring + binchar
        except RuntimeError:
    # create array of ecc provide by bch
    ecc_provided = bytearray(bch1correct.bitstring_to_bytes(bchsgb))
    packet=data + ecc_provided

    print('ecc included:',ecc_provided,len(ecc_provided),type(ecc_provided))
    print('ecc calc:', ecc,len(ecc),type(ecc))

    if ecc!=ecc_provided:

         data, ecc = packet[:-bch.ecc_bytes], packet[-bch.ecc_bytes:]
    #     #correct
         bitflips = bch.decode_inplace(data,ecc)
         print('bitflips: %d' % (bitflips))
         for e in data[1:]:
             binchar = Fcn.dec2bin(e).zfill(8)
    #         #print(e, binchar)
             newdata = newdata + binchar
         correctedbch = '' #decodefunctions.dec2bin(ecc[0])
         for e in ecc:
             binchar = Fcn.dec2bin(e).zfill(8)
    #         #print(e, binchar)
             correctedbch = correctedbch + binchar

    return (bitflips,newdata,correctedbch)
def pdf_to_bchsgb(pdf, bchsgb):

    binary_data_pdf = newdata = pdf.zfill(204)
    correctedbch = bchsgb
    bchsgb = bchsgb

    BCH_POLYNOMIAL = 285  #285
    BCH_BITS = 6
    bitflips = 0
    bch = bchlib.BCH(BCH_POLYNOMIAL, BCH_BITS)

    max_data_len = bch.n // 8 - (bch.ecc_bits + 7) // 8

    data = bytearray(bch1correct.bitstring_to_bytes(binary_data_pdf))
    print('len in bytes of data', len(data))
    print('m------------:', bch.m)

    print('ecc_bits: {}  ecc_bytes:  {} '.format(bch.ecc_bits, bch.ecc_bytes))
    print('m:', bch.m)
    print('n: {}  bytes: {}'.format(bch.n, bch.n // 8))
    print('max data length:', max_data_len)
    print('t: {}'.format(bch.t))
    print('length of data in bytes:', len(data))
    rebuildpdf = ''
    print('---Per Byte' + '-' * 40)
    for e in range(len(data)):
        segment = decodefunctions.dec2bin(data[e]).zfill(8)
        rebuildpdf = rebuildpdf + segment
        print(e, data[e], segment)
    print('-' * 50)
    print('pdf as input', len(pdf), pdf)
    print('bch as input', len(bchsgb), bchsgb)
    print('-' * 50)
    rebuildpdf = rebuildpdf.zfill(202)
    print(rebuildpdf, len(rebuildpdf))

    print(binary_data_pdf == rebuildpdf)
    print('inputed data len to encode bch: ', len(data))

    ecc = bch.encode(data)

    print('computed ecc bytes:', len(ecc))
    bchstring = ''

    for e in ecc:
        binchar = decodefunctions.dec2bin(e).zfill(8)
        print(e, binchar)
        bchstring = bchstring + binchar

    print(bchsgb == bchstring)
    print(decodefunctions.bin2hex(rebuildpdf + bchstring))
    # create array of ecc provide by bch
    ecc_provided = bytearray(bch1correct.bitstring_to_bytes(bchsgb))
    print('ecc included:', ecc_provided, len(ecc_provided), type(ecc_provided))
    print('ecc calc:', ecc, len(ecc), type(ecc))
    print('provided', bchsgb, len(bchsgb), decodefunctions.bin2hex(bchsgb))
    print('calculated', bchstring, len(bchstring),
    packet = data + ecc_provided
    print('ecc equiv', ecc == ecc_provided)

    if ecc != ecc_provided:
        data, ecc = packet[1:-bch.ecc_bytes], packet[-bch.ecc_bytes:]
        print('cropped len data', len(data))
        #data, ecc = packet[:-6], packet[-6:]
        print(data, ecc)
        bitflips = bch.decode_inplace(data, ecc)
        print('bitflips: %d' % (bitflips))
        newdata = pdf[:4]  #decodefunctions.dec2bin(byte_one)
        for e in data:
            binchar = decodefunctions.dec2bin(e).zfill(8)
            newdata = newdata + binchar  #
        correctedbch = ''
        for e in ecc:
            binchar = decodefunctions.dec2bin(e).zfill(8)
            correctedbch = correctedbch + binchar
    return (bitflips, newdata.zfill(204), correctedbch[:48])