class ezIsoch(Isochrone): """ Trying to make something that is easy to manipulate This class is basically a proxy to a table (whatever format works best) and tries to keep things coherent. """ def __init__(self, source, interp=False): super().__init__() = "<auto>" self.source = source self._load_table_(self.source) # round because of precision noise self.logages = np.unique(np.round(["logA"], 6)) self.ages = np.round(10**self.logages) self.Z = np.unique(np.round(["Z"], 6)) self.interpolation(interp) def selectWhere(self, *args, **kwargs): return*args, **kwargs) def interpolation(self, b=None): if b is not None: if hasattr(self, "interp"): print("Do not use interpolation yet, at your own risks!!") self.interp = bool(b) else: return self.interp def _load_table_(self, source): = Table(self.source).selectWhere("*", "isfinite(logA)") def __getitem__(self, key): return[key] def _get_t_isochrone(self, age, metal=None, FeH=None, masses=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Retrieve isochrone from the original source internal use to adapt any library """ # make sure unit is in years and then only give the value (no units) _age = int(units.Quantity(age, units.year).value) # if hasUnit(age): # _age = int('yr').magnitude) # else: # _age = int(age *'yr').magnitude) _logA = np.log10(_age) assert (metal is not None) | (FeH is not None), "Need a chemical par. value." if (metal is not None) & (FeH is not None): print("Warning: both Z & [Fe/H] provided, ignoring [Fe/H].") if metal is None: metal = self.FeHtometal(FeH) if self.interpolation(): # Do the actual nd interpolation # Maybe already exists? if (metal in self.Z) & (_age in self.ages): t = self.selectWhere( "*", "(round(Z, 6) == {0}) & (round(logA, 6) == {1})".format( metal, _logA), ) if t.nrows > 0: return t # apparently not # find 2 closest metal values ca1 = self.ages <= _age ca2 = self.ages > _age cz1 = self.Z <= metal cz2 = self.Z > metal if metal in self.Z: # perfect match in metal, need to find ages if _age in self.ages: return self.selectWhere( "*", "(round(Z, 6) == {0}) & (round(logA, 6) == {1})". format(metal, _logA), ) elif (True in ca1) & (True in ca2): # bracket on _age: closest values a1, a2 = ( np.log10(max(self.ages[ca1])), np.log10(min(self.ages[ca2])), ) iso = self.selectWhere( "*", "(Z == 0.02) & ( (abs(logA - {0}) < 1e-4) | (abs(logA - {1}) < 1e-4 ) )" .format(a1, a2), ) if masses is None: _logM = np.unique(iso["logM"]) else: _logM = masses # define interpolator points = np.array([self[k] for k in "logA logM Z".split()]).T values = np.array( [self[k] for k in list(]).T _ifunc = interpolate.LinearNDInterpolator(points, values) pts = np.array([(_logA, logMk, metal) for logMk in _logM]) r = _ifunc(pts) return Table(r) else: raise Exception("Age not covered by the isochrones") elif (True in cz1) & (True in cz2): # need to find closest Z pass return else: # find the closest match _Z = self.Z[((metal - self.Z)**2).argmin()] # _logA = np.log10(self.ages[((_age - self.ages) ** 2).argmin()]) _logA = self.logages[((np.log10(_age) - self.logages)**2).argmin()] tab = "*", "(round(Z, 6) == {0}) & (round(logA,6) == {1})".format( _Z, _logA)) # mass selection if masses is not None: # masses are expected in logM for interpolation # if masses.max() > 2.3: # _m = np.log10(masses) # else: _m = masses data_logM = tab["logM"][:] # refuse extrapolation! # ind = np.where(_m <= max(data_logM)) data = {} for kn in list(tab.keys()): data[kn] = interp(_m, data_logM, tab[kn], left=np.nan, right=np.nan) return Table(data)
class padova2010(Isochrone): def __init__(self): super().__init__() = "Padova 2010 (Marigo 2008 + Girardi 2010)" self.source = __ROOT__ + "/padova2010.iso.fits" self._load_table_(self.source) self.ages = 10**np.unique(["logA"]) self.Z = np.unique(["Z"]) def _load_table_(self, source): t = Table(self.source) data = {} for k in list(t.keys()): data[k] = t[k] # Alias columns data["logM"] = log10(np.asarray(data["M_ini"])) data["logg"] = np.asarray(data["logG"]) data["logT"] = np.asarray(data["logTe"]) data["logL"] = np.asarray(data["logL/Lo"]) data["logA"] = np.asarray(data["log(age/yr)"]) # clean columns data.pop("log(age/yr)") data.pop("M_ini") data.pop("logG") data.pop("logTe") data.pop("logL/Lo") = Table(data, name="Isochrone from %s" % def _get_isochrone(self, age, metal=None, FeH=None, masses=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Retrieve isochrone from the original source internal use to adapt any library """ # make sure unit is in years and then only give the value (no units) _age = int(units.Quantity(age, units.year).value) # if hasUnit(age): # _age = int('yr').magnitude) # else: # _age = int(age *'yr').magnitude) assert (metal is not None) | (FeH is not None), "Need a chemical par. value." if (metal is not None) & (FeH is not None): print("Warning: both Z & [Fe/H] provided, ignoring [Fe/H].") if metal is None: metal = self.FeHtometal(FeH) assert metal in self.Z, "Metal %f not find in %s" % (metal, self.Z) data = {} t ="*", "(Z == _z)", condvars={"_z": metal}) if _age in self.ages: # no interpolation, isochrone already in the file t = t.selectWhere("*", "(logA == _age)", condvars={"_age": log10(_age)}) for kn in list(t.keys()): data[kn] = np.asarray(t[kn]) else: # interpolate between isochrones d = (self.ages - float(_age))**2 a1, a2 = self.ages[np.argsort(d)[:2]] # print "Warning: Interpolation between %d and %d Myr" % (a1, a2) r = np.log10(_age / a1) / np.log10(a2 / a1) t1 = t.selectWhere("*", "logA == _age", condvars={"_age": log10(a1)}) t2 = t.selectWhere("*", "logA == _age", condvars={"_age": log10(a2)}) stop = min(t1.nrows, t2.nrows) for kn in list(t1.keys()): y2 = t2[kn][:stop] y1 = t1[kn][:stop] data[kn] = y2 * r + y1 * (1.0 - r) del y1, y2 # mass selection if masses is not None: # masses are expected in logM for interpolation if masses.max() > 2.3: _m = np.log10(masses) else: _m = masses data_logM = data["logM"][:] for kn in data: data[kn] = interp(_m, data_logM, data[kn]) del t table = Table(data, name="Isochrone from %s" % table.header["metal"] = metal table.header["time"] = _age return table