Esempio n. 1
def rhs(spaces, funs):
    spaced, spacen = spaces
    triad, testd = spaced
    trian, testn = spacen

    fd, fn = funs

    gfd = bem.GridFunction(testd, fun=fd)
    gfn = bem.GridFunction(testn, fun=fn)

    pd, pn = gfd.projections(), gfn.projections()
    b = pd
    for p in [pn, pd, pn]:
        b = np.concatenate((b, -p))
    return b
Esempio n. 2
def perturbate(grid, t, kappa_pert=None):
    P1 = bem.function_space(grid, 'P', 1)
    grid_funz = bem.GridFunction(P1, fun=Phiz)
    elements = grid.leaf_view.elements
    vertices = grid.leaf_view.vertices
    normals = P1.global_dof_normals
    x, y, z = vertices

    vertices[2, :] = z + t * grid_funz.coefficients
    return bem.grid_from_element_data(vertices, elements)
Esempio n. 3
File: Progetto: zimoun/mtf
def rhs(m, l, space, rand=True):
    print('Computing rhs', m, l)
    if rand:
        VVhat = np.random.rand(m, l) + 1j * np.random.rand(m, l)
        VVhat = np.eye(m)
        VVhat = Vhat[:, 0:l]
    Vhat = np.zeros((m, 1), dtype=np.complex)
    for v in VVhat.T:
        if m % 2 == 0:
            half = int(m/2)
            raise ValueError('Odd shape: WEIRD !! is possible ?')
        v1, v2 = v[:half], v[half:]
        gfun1 = bem.GridFunction(space, coefficients=v1)
        gfun2 = bem.GridFunction(space, coefficients=v2)
        u = np.concatenate((gfun1.projections(), gfun2.projections()), axis=0)
        Vhat = np.concatenate((Vhat, u.reshape((m, 1))), axis=1)
    Vhat = Vhat[:, 1:]
    return Vhat
Esempio n. 4
def gamma_1_U_inc(x, n, domain_index, result):
    result[0] = 1j * kappa * np.exp(1j * kappa * x[0]) * n[0]

grid = bem.shapes.sphere(h=h)
space = bem.function_space(grid, "P",
                           1)  # Can be applied to any function space

# Assembly of the hypersingular

W = bem.operators.boundary.helmholtz.hypersingular(space, space, space, kappa)
Wop = W.weak_form()

# We work with the total field U

neumann_data = bem.GridFunction(space, fun=gamma_1_U_inc)
lhs = Wop
rhs_0 = neumann_data.projections()
dirichlet_coeff_U, info = scipy.sparse.linalg.gmres(lhs, rhs_0, tol=1E-5)

# Convert into bempp grid

dirichlet_U = bem.GridFunction(space, coefficients=dirichlet_coeff_U)


sol = Helmholtz_Exact_Solution(kappa)

dirichlet_U_exact_fun = sol.uExactDirichletTrace
dirichlet_U_exact = bem.GridFunction(space,
Esempio n. 5
x_stf = solve(stf, rhs_stf)
xd_stf, xn_stf = x_stf[0:shape], x_stf[shape:]

x_mtf = solve(mtf, rhs_mtf)
xd_mtf, xn_mtf = x_mtf[0:shape], x_mtf[shape:2 * shape]
yd_mtf, yn_mtf = x_mtf[2 * shape:3 * shape], x_mtf[3 * shape:4 * shape]

print('l2 norm (relative)')
print(la.norm(xd_mtf - xd_stf), la.norm(xn_mtf - xn_stf))
    la.norm(xd_mtf - yd_mtf - fd) / la.norm(xd_mtf),
    la.norm(-xn_mtf - yn_mtf - fn) / la.norm(xn_mtf))

gd_mtf = bem.GridFunction(space, coefficients=xd_mtf)
gn_mtf = bem.GridFunction(space, coefficients=xn_mtf)
ggd_mtf = bem.GridFunction(space, coefficients=yd_mtf)
ggn_mtf = bem.GridFunction(space, coefficients=yn_mtf)
gd_stf = bem.GridFunction(space, coefficients=xd_stf)
gn_stf = bem.GridFunction(space, coefficients=xn_stf)
print('L2 norm')
print((gd_mtf - gd_stf).l2_norm(), (gn_mtf - gn_stf).l2_norm())
print((gd_mtf - ggd_mtf - fdir).l2_norm(),
      (-gn_mtf - ggn_mtf - fneu).l2_norm())

# plt.figure(1)
# plt.plot(Psi.real, Psi.imag, 'b.-', label='contour')

# plt.xlabel('real')
# plt.ylabel('imag')
Esempio n. 6

corr = np.zeros((N, N), dtype=np.complex128)

for ii in range(5):
    for jj in range(5):

        def fun(point, n, domain_index, result):
            x, y, z = point

            res = 0j
            if z == 0.5 and (x <= 0.5) and (y <= 0.5):
                res += function(x, y, ii, jj)
            result[0] = res

        Cx = np.array([bem.GridFunction(space, fun=fun).coefficients])
        corr += 1. / 3 * np.kron(Cx, Cx.T)

refvar = corr.diagonal()


from login import assemble_singular_part
from ilu import InverseSparseDiscreteBoundaryOperator

V = bem.operators.boundary.helmholtz.single_layer(space, space, space, k0)
V_sing_wf = assemble_singular_part(V, distance=4)
A = InverseSparseDiscreteBoundaryOperator(V_sing_wf, mu=0.01)

df = bem.GridFunction(space, fun=dirichlet_fun)
Esempio n. 7
checker('Transmission Prec', J, X, xx, b)


slices = mtf.getSlices()
s = slices['0']

sol = xx[s[0]:s[1]]
d ='0')
(space, _), (_, _) = mtf.spaces[d]

n, = sol.shape
n = int(n / 2)
sold, soln = sol[:n], sol[n:]

gsold = bem.GridFunction(space, coefficients=sold)
gsoln = bem.GridFunction(space, coefficients=soln)

bem.export(grid_function=gsold, file_name="soldR.msh", transformation=np.real)
bem.export(grid_function=gsold, file_name="soldI.msh", transformation=np.imag)

print('solution saved.')

# Nx = 200
# Ny = 200
# xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = [-0.5, 4.5, -0.5, 1.5]
# plot_grid = np.mgrid[xmin:xmax:Nx * 1j, ymin:ymax:Ny * 1j]
# points = np.vstack((plot_grid[0].ravel(),
#                     plot_grid[1].ravel(),
#                     np.zeros(plot_grid[0].size)))
# u = np.zeros(points.shape[1], dtype=np.complex)
Esempio n. 8
File: Progetto: zimoun/mtf
    result[0] = val

def dnuinc(point, normal, dom_ind, result):
    result[0] = 1j * kRef * normal[1] * np.exp(1j * kRef * point[1])

# grid = bem.import_grid(meshname)
# space = bem.function_space(grid, "P", 1)
d ='0')
(space, _), (_, _) = mtf.spaces[d]

n, = sol.shape
n = int(n / 2)
sold, soln = sol[:n], sol[n:]
gsold = bem.GridFunction(space, coefficients=sold)

gmie = bem.GridFunction(space, fun=mieD)
miecoeffs = gmie.coefficients

errd = sold - miecoeffs
aerrd = np.abs(errd)
gerrd = bem.GridFunction(space, coefficients=errd)
gaerrd = bem.GridFunction(space, coefficients=aerrd)
print(la.norm(errd), la.norm(aerrd), la.norm(errd) / la.norm(miecoeffs))
print(gerrd.l2_norm(), gaerrd.l2_norm(), gerrd.l2_norm() / gmie.l2_norm())

print(' ')

fmie = bem.GridFunction(space, fun=mieN)
dnmiecoeffs = fmie.coefficients
Esempio n. 9
    name = domains.getName(ii)
    dom = domains.getEntry(name)
    jj = domains.getIndexDom(dom['name'])
    print('==Domain: {0} #{1}'.format(dom['name'], ii))

    space_d = bem.function_space(grid,
    space_n = bem.function_space(grid,

    if dom['name'] == inf:
        IncDirichletTrace = bem.GridFunction(space_d,
        IncNeumannTrace = bem.GridFunction(space_n, fun=evalIncNeumannTrace)
        idir, ineu = IncDirichletTrace, -IncNeumannTrace

    elif dom in neighbors:
        IncDirichletTrace = bem.GridFunction(space_d,
        IncNeumannTrace = bem.GridFunction(space_n, fun=evalIncNeumannTrace)
        idir, ineu = -IncDirichletTrace, -IncNeumannTrace

        IncDirichletTrace = bem.GridFunction(space_d, fun=evalZeros)
        IncNeumannTrace = bem.GridFunction(space_n, fun=evalZeros)
        idir, ineu = IncDirichletTrace, IncNeumannTrace

Esempio n. 10
    G = Gw.sparse_operator
    iGlu = spla.splu(G)
    Gt = G.transpose()
    iGtlu = spla.splu(Gt)
    iG = spla.LinearOperator(iGlu.shape, matvec=iGlu.solve)
    iGt = spla.LinearOperator(iGtlu.shape, matvec=iGtlu.solve)

    print('Assembling W...')
    tt = time()
    W = opW.weak_form()
    tt_W = time() - tt

    Dof[i, 4], Tps[i, 4] = W.shape[0], tt_W
    Dof[i, 5], Tps[i, 5] = W.shape[0], tt_W

    gf0 = bem.GridFunction(P0, fun=fdata)
    f0 = gf0.projections()

    gf = bem.GridFunction(P0d, fun=fdata)
    f = gf.projections()

    print('Solving V00...')
    res_V0, ts_V0, x_V0 = solve(V00, f0)

    Its[i, 0], STps[i, 0] = len(res_V0), ts_V0

    print('Solving iJV0...')
    res_iJV0, ts_iJV0, x_iJV0 = solve(V00, f0, Ml=lambda x: iJ00(x))

    Its[i, 1], STps[i, 1] = len(res_iJV0), ts_iJV0
Esempio n. 11
File: Progetto: zimoun/mtf

m = met.shape[0]

# Vhat = np.random.rand(m, l) + 1j * np.random.rand(m, l)
Vhat = np.eye(m)
VVhat = Vhat[:, 0:l]
Vhat = np.zeros((m, 1), dtype=np.complex)
space =
for v in VVhat.T:
    if m % 2 == 0:
        half = int(m / 2)
        raise ValueError('Odd shape: WEIRD !! is possible ?')
    v1, v2 = v[:half], v[half:]
    gfun1 = bem.GridFunction(space, coefficients=v1)
    gfun2 = bem.GridFunction(space, coefficients=v2)
    u = np.concatenate((gfun1.projections(), gfun2.projections()), axis=0)
    Vhat = np.concatenate((Vhat, u.reshape((m, 1))), axis=1)
Vhat = Vhat[:, 1:]

AN = np.zeros((m, l), dtype=np.complex)
BN = np.zeros((m, l), dtype=np.complex)

An = np.zeros((m, l), dtype=np.complex)
Bn = np.zeros((m, l), dtype=np.complex)

count, tt = 1, time()
for tj in t[0:-1]:
    print('#', count, '/', N)
    count += 1
Esempio n. 12

    stf = STF(xtf)
    M_stf = stf.get()
    b_stf = stf.rhs()


    zz_stf, niter_stf, res_stf, tt_stf = my_gmres(
        "\nGmres restart={0} maxiter={1}", M_stf, b_stf, tol, restart, maxiter)

    n, = zz_stf.shape
    n = int(n / 2)
    sold_stf, soln_stf = zz_stf[:n], zz_stf[n:]

    gui = bem.GridFunction(, fun=uinc)
    uicoeffs = gui.coefficients

    fui = bem.GridFunction(, fun=dnuinc)
    dnuicoeffs = fui.coefficients

    # There is a sign somewhere which is opposite.
    # in the Mie series ?
    soldi = sold_stf + uicoeffs
    solni = -soln_stf + dnuicoeffs
    sol0 = np.concatenate((sold_stf, soln_stf))
    sol1 = np.concatenate((soldi, solni))
    xx_stf = np.concatenate((sol0, sol1))

    ecald_stf = checker('Calderon ', A, J, xx_stf)
    etrans_stf = checker('Transmission ', J, X, xx_stf, b)
Esempio n. 13
import scipy
from scipy.special import sph_harm, sph_jn, sph_yn, lpn

p = 1
kappa = 1

def Y(x, n, d, r):
    phi = Get_phi(x)
    theta = Get_theta(x)
    r[0] = sph_harm(p, p, phi, theta)
    #r[0] = sph_harm(p,p,theta,phi)

Uinc = bem.GridFunction(sp, fun=Y)

V = bem.operators.boundary.helmholtz.single_layer(sp, sp, sp, kappa)
K = bem.operators.boundary.helmholtz.double_layer(sp, sp, sp, kappa)
W = bem.operators.boundary.helmholtz.hypersingular(sp, sp, sp, kappa)
M = bem.operators.boundary.sparse.identity(sp, sp, sp)

Vmat = bem.as_matrix(V.weak_form())
Kmat = bem.as_matrix(K.weak_form())
Wmat = bem.as_matrix(W.weak_form())
Mmat = bem.as_matrix(M.weak_form())

# Orthogonality

Utemp = Uinc.projections()
Esempio n. 14
File: Progetto: zimoun/mtf
 def setRHS(self, dir_data, neu_data):
     self.fdir = bem.GridFunction(, fun=dir_data)
     self.fneu = bem.GridFunction(, fun=neu_data)
Esempio n. 15
    def fdat(point, normal, dom_ind, result):
        x, y, z = point
        val = x**2
        result[0] = val

    def gfun(point):
        x, y, z = point
        val = y**2
        return y

    def gdat(point, normal, dom_ind, result):
        val = gfun(point)
        result[0] = val

    tt = time.time()
    f = bem.GridFunction(space, fun=fdat)
    tf = time.time() - tt
    print('time gf:', tf)
    print('', flush=True)

    tt = time.time()
    g = bem.GridFunction(space, fun=gdat)
    tg = time.time() - tt
    print('time gf:', tg)
    print('', flush=True)

    if tf < tg:
        print('double call slower')
    print('', flush=True)

grid = bem.shapes.sphere(h=h)
space = bem.function_space(grid, "P",
                           2)  # Can be applied to any function space

# Assembly of operators

V = bem.operators.boundary.helmholtz.single_layer(space, space, space, kappa)
Vop = V.weak_form()
ID = bem.operators.boundary.sparse.identity(space, space, space)
K = bem.operators.boundary.helmholtz.double_layer(space, space, space, kappa)
KP = bem.operators.boundary.helmholtz.adjoint_double_layer(
    space, space, space, kappa)

dirichlet_data = bem.GridFunction(space, fun=U_inc)
neumann_data = bem.GridFunction(space, fun=gamma_1_U_inc)

# We work with the total field U

# Direct formulation

lhs = Vop
rhs_0 = dirichlet_data.projections()
neumann_coeff_U, info = scipy.sparse.linalg.gmres(lhs, rhs_0, tol=1E-5)

# Combined formulation

lhs_combined = .5 * ID + KP - 1j * kappa * V
lhs_combined = lhs_combined.weak_form()