def bootstrap_cluster(cfg): config = copy.copy(pristine_config) config.update(cfg) # Flamegraph Setup if flamegraph.is_enabled(): execute(flamegraph.setup) git_id = bootstrap(config, destroy=True) return git_id
def stress_compare(revisions, title, log, operations = [], subtitle = '', capture_fincore=False, initial_destroy=True, leave_data=False, keep_page_cache=False ): """ Run Stress on multiple C* branches and compare them. revisions - List of dictionaries that contain cluster configurations to trial. This is combined with the default config. title - The title of the comparison subtitle - A subtitle for more information (displayed smaller underneath) log - The json file path to record stats to operations - List of dictionaries indicating the operations. Example: [# cassandra-stress command, node defaults to cluster defined 'stress_node' {'type': 'stress', 'command': 'write n=19M -rate threads=50', 'node': 'node1', 'wait_for_compaction': True}, # nodetool command to run in parallel on nodes: {'type': 'nodetool', 'command': 'decomission', 'nodes': ['node1','node2']}, # cqlsh script, node defaults to cluster defined 'stress_node' {'type': 'cqlsh', 'script': "use my_ks; INSERT INTO blah (col1, col2) VALUES (val1, val2);", 'node': 'node1'} ] capture_fincore - Enables capturing of linux-fincore logs of C* data files. initial_destroy - Destroy all data before the first revision is run. leave_data - Whether to leave the Cassandra data/commitlog/etc directories intact between revisions. keep_page_cache - Whether to leave the linux page cache intact between revisions. """ validate_revisions_list(revisions) validate_operations_list(operations) pristine_config = copy.copy(fab_config) # initial_destroy setting can be set in the job # configuration, or manually in the call to this function. # Either is fine, but they shouldn't conflict. If they do, # ValueError is raised. if initial_destroy == True and pristine_config.get('initial_destroy', None) == False: raise ValueError('setting for initial_destroy conflicts in job config and stress_compare() call') else: initial_destroy = bool(distutils.util.strtobool(str(pristine_config.get('initial_destroy', initial_destroy)))) if initial_destroy:"Cleaning up from prior runs of stress_compare ...") teardown(destroy=True, leave_data=False) # Update our local cassandra git remotes and branches _, localhost_entry = get_localhost() with common.fab.settings(hosts=[localhost_entry]): execute(cstar.update_cassandra_git) # Flamegraph Setup if flamegraph.is_enabled(): execute(flamegraph.setup) clean_stress() stress_revisions = set([operation['stress_revision'] for operation in operations if 'stress_revision' in operation]) stress_shas = setup_stress(stress_revisions) with GracefulTerminationHandler() as handler: for rev_num, revision_config in enumerate(revisions): config = copy.copy(pristine_config) config.update(revision_config) revision = revision_config['revision'] config['log'] = log config['title'] = title config['subtitle'] = subtitle product = dse if config.get('product') == 'dse' else cstar # leave_data setting can be set in the revision # configuration, or manually in the call to this function. # Either is fine, but they shouldn't conflict. If they do, # ValueError is raised. if leave_data == True and revision_config.get('leave_data', None) == False: raise ValueError('setting for leave_data conflicts in job config and stress_compare() call') else: leave_data = bool(distutils.util.strtobool(str(revision_config.get('leave_data', leave_data))))"Bringing up {revision} cluster...".format(revision=revision)) # Drop the page cache between each revision, especially # important when leave_data=True : if not keep_page_cache: drop_page_cache() # Only fetch from git on the first run: git_fetch = True if rev_num == 0 else False revision_config['git_id'] = git_id = bootstrap(config, destroy=initial_destroy, leave_data=leave_data, git_fetch=git_fetch) if flamegraph.is_enabled(revision_config): execute(flamegraph.ensure_stopped_perf_agent) execute(flamegraph.start_perf_agent, rev_num) if capture_fincore: start_fincore_capture(interval=10) last_stress_operation_id = 'None' for operation_i, operation in enumerate(operations, 1): try: start = stats = { "id": str(uuid.uuid1()), "type": operation['type'], "revision": revision, "git_id": git_id, "start_date": start.isoformat(), "label": revision_config.get('label', revision_config['revision']), "test": '{operation_i}_{operation}'.format( operation_i=operation_i, operation=operation['type']) } if operation['type'] == 'stress': last_stress_operation_id = stats['id'] # Default to all the nodes of the cluster if no # nodes were specified in the command: if operation.has_key('nodes'): cmd = "{command} -node {hosts}".format( command=operation['command'], hosts=",".join(operation['nodes'])) elif '-node' in operation['command']: cmd = operation['command'] else: cmd = "{command} -node {hosts}".format( command=operation['command'], hosts=",".join([n for n in fab_config['hosts']])) stats['command'] = cmd stats['intervals'] = [] stats['test'] = '{operation_i}_{operation}'.format( operation_i=operation_i, operation=cmd.strip().split(' ')[0]).replace(" ", "_")'Running stress operation : {cmd} ...'.format(cmd=cmd)) # Run stress: # (stress takes the stats as a parameter, and adds # more as it runs): stress_sha = stress_shas[operation.get('stress_revision', 'default')] stats = stress(cmd, revision, stress_sha, stats=stats) # Wait for all compactions to finish (unless disabled): if operation.get('wait_for_compaction', True): compaction_throughput = revision_config.get("compaction_throughput_mb_per_sec", 16) wait_for_compaction(compaction_throughput=compaction_throughput) elif operation['type'] == 'nodetool': if 'nodes' not in operation: operation['nodes'] = 'all' if operation['nodes'] in ['all','ALL']: nodes = [n for n in fab_config['hosts']] else: nodes = operation['nodes'] set_nodetool_path(os.path.join(product.get_bin_path(), 'nodetool'))"Running nodetool on {nodes} with command: {command}".format(nodes=operation['nodes'], command=operation['command'])) stats['command'] = operation['command'] output = nodetool_multi(nodes, operation['command']) stats['output'] = output"Nodetool command finished on all nodes") elif operation['type'] == 'cqlsh':"Running cqlsh commands on {node}".format(node=operation['node'])) set_cqlsh_path(os.path.join(product.get_bin_path(), 'cqlsh')) output = cqlsh(operation['script'], operation['node']) stats['output'] = output.split("\n") stats['command'] = operation['script']"Cqlsh commands finished") elif operation['type'] == 'bash': nodes = operation.get('nodes', [n for n in fab_config['hosts']])"Running bash commands on: {nodes}".format(nodes=nodes)) stats['output'] = bash(operation['script'], nodes) stats['command'] = operation['script']"Bash commands finished") elif operation['type'] == 'spark_cassandra_stress': node = operation['node']"Running spark_cassandra_stress on {node}".format(node=node)) output = spark_cassandra_stress(operation['script'], node) stats['output'] = output"spark_cassandra_stress finished") elif operation['type'] == 'ctool':"Running ctool with parameters: {command}".format(command=operation['command'])) ctool = Ctool(operation['command'], common.config) output = execute( stats['output'] = output"ctool finished") elif operation['type'] == 'dsetool': if 'nodes' not in operation: operation['nodes'] = 'all' if operation['nodes'] in ['all','ALL']: nodes = [n for n in fab_config['hosts']] else: nodes = operation['nodes'] dsetool_options = operation['script']"Running dsetool {command} on {nodes}".format(nodes=operation['nodes'], command=dsetool_options)) stats['command'] = dsetool_options output = dsetool_cmd(nodes=nodes, options=dsetool_options) stats['output'] = output"dsetool command finished on all nodes") elif operation['type'] == 'dse':"Running dse command on {node}".format(node=operation['node'])) output = dse_cmd(node=operation['node'], options=operation['script']) stats['output'] = output.split("\n") stats['command'] = operation['script']"dse commands finished") end = stats['end_date'] = end.isoformat() stats['op_duration'] = str(end - start) log_stats(stats, file=log) finally: # Copy node logs: retrieve_logs_and_create_tarball(job_id=stats['id']) revision_config['last_log'] = stats['id'] if capture_fincore: stop_fincore_capture() log_dir = os.path.join(CSTAR_PERF_LOGS_DIR, stats['id']) retrieve_fincore_logs(log_dir) # Restart fincore capture if this is not the last # operation: if operation_i < len(operations): start_fincore_capture(interval=10) if flamegraph.is_enabled(revision_config): # Generate and Copy node flamegraphs execute(flamegraph.stop_perf_agent) execute(flamegraph.generate_flamegraph, rev_num) flamegraph_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'),'.cstar_perf', 'flamegraph') flamegraph_test_dir = os.path.join(flamegraph_dir, last_stress_operation_id) retrieve_flamegraph(flamegraph_test_dir, rev_num+1) sh.tar('cfvz', "{}.tar.gz".format(stats['id']), last_stress_operation_id, _cwd=flamegraph_dir) shutil.rmtree(flamegraph_test_dir) log_add_data(log, {'title':title, 'subtitle': subtitle, 'revisions': revisions}) if revisions[-1].get('leave_data', leave_data): teardown(destroy=False, leave_data=True) else: kill_delay = 300 if profiler.yourkit_is_enabled(revision_config) else 0 teardown(destroy=True, leave_data=False, kill_delay=kill_delay) if profiler.yourkit_is_enabled(revision_config): yourkit_config = profiler.yourkit_get_config() yourkit_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'),'.cstar_perf', 'yourkit') yourkit_test_dir = os.path.join(yourkit_dir, last_stress_operation_id) retrieve_yourkit(yourkit_test_dir, rev_num+1) sh.tar('cfvz', "{}.tar.gz".format(stats['id']), last_stress_operation_id, _cwd=yourkit_dir) shutil.rmtree(yourkit_test_dir)
def stress_compare(revisions, title, log, operations=[], subtitle='', capture_fincore=False, initial_destroy=True, leave_data=False, keep_page_cache=False): """ Run Stress on multiple C* branches and compare them. revisions - List of dictionaries that contain cluster configurations to trial. This is combined with the default config. title - The title of the comparison subtitle - A subtitle for more information (displayed smaller underneath) log - The json file path to record stats to operations - List of dictionaries indicating the operations. Example: [# cassandra-stress command, node defaults to cluster defined 'stress_node' {'type': 'stress', 'command': 'write n=19M -rate threads=50', 'node': 'node1', 'wait_for_compaction': True}, # nodetool command to run in parallel on nodes: {'type': 'nodetool', 'command': 'decomission', 'nodes': ['node1','node2']}, # cqlsh script, node defaults to cluster defined 'stress_node' {'type': 'cqlsh', 'script': "use my_ks; INSERT INTO blah (col1, col2) VALUES (val1, val2);", 'node': 'node1'} ] capture_fincore - Enables capturing of linux-fincore logs of C* data files. initial_destroy - Destroy all data before the first revision is run. leave_data - Whether to leave the Cassandra data/commitlog/etc directories intact between revisions. keep_page_cache - Whether to leave the linux page cache intact between revisions. """ validate_revisions_list(revisions) validate_operations_list(operations) pristine_config = copy.copy(fab_config) # initial_destroy settting can be set in the job # configuration, or manually in the call to this function. Either # is fine, but they shouldn't conflict. If they do, ValueError is # raised. if initial_destroy == True and pristine_config.get('initial_destroy', None) == False: raise ValueError( 'setting for initial_destroy conflicts in job config and stress_compare() call' ) else: initial_destroy = pristine_config.get('initial_destroy', initial_destroy) if initial_destroy:"Cleaning up from prior runs of stress_compare ...") teardown(destroy=True, leave_data=False) # Update our local cassandra git remotes and branches _, localhost_entry = get_localhost() with common.fab.settings(hosts=[localhost_entry]): execute(cstar.update_cassandra_git) clean_stress() stress_revisions = set([ operation['stress_revision'] for operation in operations if 'stress_revision' in operation ]) stress_shas = setup_stress(stress_revisions) for rev_num, revision_config in enumerate(revisions): config = copy.copy(pristine_config) config.update(revision_config) revision = revision_config['revision'] config['log'] = log config['title'] = title config['subtitle'] = subtitle product = dse if config['product'] == 'dse' else cstar # leave_data settting can be set in the revision # configuration, or manually in the call to this function. # Either is fine, but they shouldn't conflict. If they do, # ValueError is raised. if leave_data == True and revision_config.get('leave_data', None) == False: raise ValueError( 'setting for leave_data conflicts in job config and stress_compare() call' ) else: leave_data = revision_config.get('leave_data', leave_data) "Bringing up {revision} cluster...".format(revision=revision)) # Drop the page cache between each revision, especially # important when leave_data=True : if not keep_page_cache: drop_page_cache() #Only fetch from git on the first run: git_fetch = True if rev_num == 0 else False revision_config['git_id'] = git_id = bootstrap(config, destroy=True, leave_data=leave_data, git_fetch=git_fetch) if capture_fincore: start_fincore_capture(interval=10) for operation_i, operation in enumerate(operations, 1): start = stats = { "id": str(uuid.uuid1()), "type": operation['type'], "revision": revision, "git_id": git_id, "start_date": start.isoformat(), "label": revision_config.get('label', revision_config['revision']) } if operation['type'] == 'stress': # Default to all the nodes of the cluster if no # nodes were specified in the command: if operation.has_key('nodes'): cmd = "{command} -node {hosts}".format( command=operation['command'], hosts=",".join(host=operation['nodes'])) elif '-node' in operation['command']: cmd = operation['command'] else: cmd = "{command} -node {hosts}".format( command=operation['command'], hosts=",".join([n for n in fab_config['hosts']])) stats['command'] = cmd stats['intervals'] = [] stats['test'] = '{operation_i}_{operation}'.format( operation_i=operation_i, operation=cmd.strip().split(' ')[0]).replace(" ", "_") 'Running stress operation : {cmd} ...'.format(cmd=cmd)) # Run stress: # (stress takes the stats as a parameter, and adds # more as it runs): stress_sha = stress_shas[operation.get('stress_revision', 'default')] stats = stress(cmd, revision, stress_sha, stats=stats) # Wait for all compactions to finish (unless disabled): if operation.get('wait_for_compaction', True): compaction_throughput = revision_config.get( "compaction_throughput_mb_per_sec", 16) wait_for_compaction( compaction_throughput=compaction_throughput) elif operation['type'] == 'nodetool': if 'nodes' not in operation: operation['nodes'] = 'all' if operation['nodes'] in ['all', 'ALL']: nodes = [n for n in fab_config['hosts']] else: nodes = operation['nodes'] set_nodetool_path( os.path.join(product.get_bin_path(), 'nodetool')) "Running nodetool on {nodes} with command: {command}". format(nodes=operation['nodes'], command=operation['command'])) stats['command'] = operation['command'] output = nodetool_multi(nodes, operation['command']) stats['output'] = output"Nodetool command finished on all nodes") elif operation['type'] == 'cqlsh':"Running cqlsh commands on {node}".format( node=operation['node'])) set_cqlsh_path(os.path.join(product.get_bin_path(), 'cqlsh')) output = cqlsh(operation['script'], operation['node']) stats['output'] = output.split("\n")"Cqlsh commands finished") elif operation['type'] == 'bash': nodes = operation.get('nodes', [n for n in fab_config['hosts']]) "Running bash commands on: {nodes}".format(nodes=nodes)) stats['output'] = bash(operation['script'], nodes)"Bash commands finished") end = stats['end_date'] = end.isoformat() stats['op_duration'] = str(end - start) log_stats(stats, file=log) #Copy node logs: logs_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.cstar_perf', 'logs') log_dir = os.path.join(logs_dir, stats['id']) os.makedirs(log_dir) retrieve_logs(log_dir) revision_config['last_log'] = stats['id'] #Tar them for archiving: subprocess.Popen(shlex.split( 'tar cfvz {id}.tar.gz {id}'.format(id=stats['id'])), cwd=logs_dir).communicate() shutil.rmtree(log_dir) if capture_fincore: stop_fincore_capture() retrieve_fincore_logs(log_dir) # Restart fincore capture if this is not the last # operation: if operation_i < len(operations): start_fincore_capture(interval=10) log_add_data(log, { 'title': title, 'subtitle': subtitle, 'revisions': revisions }) if revisions[-1].get('leave_data', leave_data): teardown(destroy=False, leave_data=True) else: teardown(destroy=True, leave_data=False)
def stress_compare(revisions, title, log, operations = [], subtitle = '', capture_fincore=False, initial_destroy=True, leave_data=False, keep_page_cache=False, git_fetch_before_test=True, bootstrap_before_test=True, teardown_after_test=True ): """ Run Stress on multiple C* branches and compare them. revisions - List of dictionaries that contain cluster configurations to trial. This is combined with the default config. title - The title of the comparison subtitle - A subtitle for more information (displayed smaller underneath) log - The json file path to record stats to operations - List of dictionaries indicating the operations. Example: [# cassandra-stress command, node defaults to cluster defined 'stress_node' {'type': 'stress', 'command': 'write n=19M -rate threads=50', 'node': 'node1', 'wait_for_compaction': True}, # nodetool command to run in parallel on nodes: {'type': 'nodetool', 'command': 'decomission', 'nodes': ['node1','node2']}, # cqlsh script, node defaults to cluster defined 'stress_node' {'type': 'cqlsh', 'script': "use my_ks; INSERT INTO blah (col1, col2) VALUES (val1, val2);", 'node': 'node1'} ] capture_fincore - Enables capturing of linux-fincore logs of C* data files. initial_destroy - Destroy all data before the first revision is run. leave_data - Whether to leave the Cassandra data/commitlog/etc directories intact between revisions. keep_page_cache - Whether to leave the linux page cache intact between revisions. git_fetch_before_test (bool): If True, will update the cassandra.git with fab_common.git_repos bootstrap_before_test (bool): If True, will bootstrap DSE / C* before running the operations teardown_after_test (bool): If True, will shutdown DSE / C* after all of the operations """ validate_revisions_list(revisions) validate_operations_list(operations) pristine_config = copy.copy(fab_config) # initial_destroy and git_fetch_before_test can be set in the job configuration, # or manually in the call to this function. # Either is fine, but they shouldn't conflict. If they do, a ValueError is raised. initial_destroy = get_bool_if_method_and_config_values_do_not_conflict('initial_destroy', initial_destroy, pristine_config, method_name='stress_compare') if initial_destroy:"Cleaning up from prior runs of stress_compare ...") teardown(destroy=True, leave_data=False) # git_fetch_before_test = get_bool_if_method_and_config_values_do_not_conflict('git_fetch_before_test', git_fetch_before_test, pristine_config, method_name='stress_compare') stress_shas = maybe_update_cassandra_git_and_setup_stress(operations, git_fetch=git_fetch_before_test) # Flamegraph Setup if flamegraph.is_enabled(): execute(flamegraph.setup) with GracefulTerminationHandler() as handler: for rev_num, revision_config in enumerate(revisions): config = copy.copy(pristine_config) config.update(revision_config) revision = revision_config['revision'] config['log'] = log config['title'] = title config['subtitle'] = subtitle product = dse if config.get('product') == 'dse' else cstar # leave_data, bootstrap_before_test, and teardown_after_test can be set in the job configuration, # or manually in the call to this function. # Either is fine, but they shouldn't conflict. If they do, a ValueError is raised. leave_data = get_bool_if_method_and_config_values_do_not_conflict('leave_data', leave_data, revision_config, method_name='stress_compare') # bootstrap_before_test = get_bool_if_method_and_config_values_do_not_conflict('bootstrap_before_test', bootstrap_before_test, revision_config, method_name='stress_compare') # teardown_after_test = get_bool_if_method_and_config_values_do_not_conflict('teardown_after_test', teardown_after_test, revision_config, method_name='stress_compare')"Bringing up {revision} cluster...".format(revision=revision)) # Drop the page cache between each revision, especially # important when leave_data=True : if not keep_page_cache: drop_page_cache() # Only fetch from git on the first run and if git_fetch_before_test is True git_fetch_before_bootstrap = True if rev_num == 0 and git_fetch_before_test else False if bootstrap_before_test: revision_config['git_id'] = git_id = bootstrap(config, destroy=initial_destroy, leave_data=leave_data, git_fetch=git_fetch_before_bootstrap) else: revision_config['git_id'] = git_id = config['revision'] if flamegraph.is_enabled(revision_config): execute(flamegraph.ensure_stopped_perf_agent) execute(flamegraph.start_perf_agent, rev_num) if capture_fincore: start_fincore_capture(interval=10) last_stress_operation_id = 'None' for operation_i, operation in enumerate(operations, 1): try: start = stats = { "id": str(uuid.uuid1()), "type": operation['type'], "revision": revision, "git_id": git_id, "start_date": start.isoformat(), "label": revision_config.get('label', revision_config['revision']), "test": '{operation_i}_{operation}'.format( operation_i=operation_i, operation=operation['type']) } if operation['type'] == 'stress': last_stress_operation_id = stats['id'] # Default to all the nodes of the cluster if no # nodes were specified in the command: if operation.has_key('nodes'): cmd = "{command} -node {hosts}".format( command=operation['command'], hosts=",".join(operation['nodes'])) elif '-node' in operation['command']: cmd = operation['command'] else: cmd = "{command} -node {hosts}".format( command=operation['command'], hosts=",".join([n for n in fab_config['hosts']])) stats['command'] = cmd stats['intervals'] = [] stats['test'] = '{operation_i}_{operation}'.format( operation_i=operation_i, operation=cmd.strip().split(' ')[0]).replace(" ", "_")'Running stress operation : {cmd} ...'.format(cmd=cmd)) # Run stress: # (stress takes the stats as a parameter, and adds # more as it runs): stress_sha = stress_shas[operation.get('stress_revision', 'default')] stats = stress(cmd, revision, stress_sha, stats=stats) # Wait for all compactions to finish (unless disabled): if operation.get('wait_for_compaction', True): compaction_throughput = revision_config.get("compaction_throughput_mb_per_sec", 16) wait_for_compaction(compaction_throughput=compaction_throughput) elif operation['type'] == 'nodetool': if 'nodes' not in operation: operation['nodes'] = 'all' if operation['nodes'] in ['all','ALL']: nodes = [n for n in fab_config['hosts']] else: nodes = operation['nodes'] set_nodetool_path(os.path.join(product.get_bin_path(), 'nodetool'))"Running nodetool on {nodes} with command: {command}".format(nodes=operation['nodes'], command=operation['command'])) stats['command'] = operation['command'] output = nodetool_multi(nodes, operation['command']) stats['output'] = output"Nodetool command finished on all nodes") elif operation['type'] == 'cqlsh':"Running cqlsh commands on {node}".format(node=operation['node'])) set_cqlsh_path(os.path.join(product.get_bin_path(), 'cqlsh')) output = cqlsh(operation['script'], operation['node']) stats['output'] = output.split("\n") stats['command'] = operation['script']"Cqlsh commands finished") elif operation['type'] == 'bash': nodes = operation.get('nodes', [n for n in fab_config['hosts']])"Running bash commands on: {nodes}".format(nodes=nodes)) stats['output'] = bash(operation['script'], nodes) stats['command'] = operation['script']"Bash commands finished") elif operation['type'] == 'spark_cassandra_stress': nodes = operation.get('nodes', [n for n in fab_config['hosts']]) stress_node = config.get('stress_node', None) # Note: once we have, we should fix this to use # client-tool when DSE_VERSION >= 4.8.0 # dse client-tool master_regex = re.compile(r"(.|\n)*(?P<master>spark:\/\/\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+:\d+)(.|\n)*") master_out = dsetool_cmd(nodes[0], options='sparkmaster')[nodes[0]] master_match = master_regex.match(master_out) if not master_match: raise ValueError('Could not find master address from "dsetool sparkmaster" cmd\n' 'Found output: {f}'.format(f=master_out)) master_string ='master') build_spark_cassandra_stress = bool(distutils.util.strtobool( str(operation.get('build_spark_cassandra_stress', 'True')))) remove_existing_spark_data = bool(distutils.util.strtobool( str(operation.get('remove_existing_spark_data', 'True'))))"Running spark_cassandra_stress on {stress_node} " "using{node} and " "spark-master {master}".format(stress_node=stress_node, node=nodes[0], master=master_string)) output = spark_cassandra_stress(operation['script'], nodes, stress_node=stress_node, master=master_string, build_spark_cassandra_stress=build_spark_cassandra_stress, remove_existing_spark_data=remove_existing_spark_data) stats['output'] = output.get('output', 'No output captured') stats['spark_cass_stress_time_in_seconds'] = output.get('stats', {}).get('TimeInSeconds', 'No time captured') stats['spark_cass_stress_ops_per_second'] = output.get('stats', {}).get('OpsPerSecond', 'No ops/s captured')"spark_cassandra_stress finished") elif operation['type'] == 'ctool':"Running ctool with parameters: {command}".format(command=operation['command'])) ctool = Ctool(operation['command'], common.config) output = execute( stats['output'] = output"ctool finished") elif operation['type'] == 'dsetool': if 'nodes' not in operation: operation['nodes'] = 'all' if operation['nodes'] in ['all','ALL']: nodes = [n for n in fab_config['hosts']] else: nodes = operation['nodes'] dsetool_options = operation['script']"Running dsetool {command} on {nodes}".format(nodes=operation['nodes'], command=dsetool_options)) stats['command'] = dsetool_options output = dsetool_cmd(nodes=nodes, options=dsetool_options) stats['output'] = output"dsetool command finished on all nodes") elif operation['type'] == 'dse':"Running dse command on {node}".format(node=operation['node'])) output = dse_cmd(node=operation['node'], options=operation['script']) stats['output'] = output.split("\n") stats['command'] = operation['script']"dse commands finished") end = stats['end_date'] = end.isoformat() stats['op_duration'] = str(end - start) log_stats(stats, file=log) finally: # Copy node logs: retrieve_logs_and_create_tarball(job_id=stats['id']) revision_config['last_log'] = stats['id'] if capture_fincore: stop_fincore_capture() log_dir = os.path.join(CSTAR_PERF_LOGS_DIR, stats['id']) retrieve_fincore_logs(log_dir) # Restart fincore capture if this is not the last # operation: if operation_i < len(operations): start_fincore_capture(interval=10) if flamegraph.is_enabled(revision_config): # Generate and Copy node flamegraphs execute(flamegraph.stop_perf_agent) execute(flamegraph.generate_flamegraph, rev_num) flamegraph_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'),'.cstar_perf', 'flamegraph') flamegraph_test_dir = os.path.join(flamegraph_dir, last_stress_operation_id) retrieve_flamegraph(flamegraph_test_dir, rev_num+1) sh.tar('cfvz', "{}.tar.gz".format(stats['id']), last_stress_operation_id, _cwd=flamegraph_dir) shutil.rmtree(flamegraph_test_dir) log_add_data(log, {'title':title, 'subtitle': subtitle, 'revisions': revisions}) if teardown_after_test: if revisions[-1].get('leave_data', leave_data): teardown(destroy=False, leave_data=True) else: kill_delay = 300 if profiler.yourkit_is_enabled(revision_config) else 0 teardown(destroy=True, leave_data=False, kill_delay=kill_delay) if profiler.yourkit_is_enabled(revision_config): yourkit_config = profiler.yourkit_get_config() yourkit_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'),'.cstar_perf', 'yourkit') yourkit_test_dir = os.path.join(yourkit_dir, last_stress_operation_id) retrieve_yourkit(yourkit_test_dir, rev_num+1) sh.tar('cfvz', "{}.tar.gz".format(stats['id']), last_stress_operation_id, _cwd=yourkit_dir) shutil.rmtree(yourkit_test_dir)
def bootstrap_cluster(cfg): config = copy.copy(pristine_config) config.update(cfg) git_id = bootstrap(config, destroy=True) return git_id
def stress_compare(revisions, title, log, operations = [], subtitle = '', capture_fincore=False, initial_destroy=True, leave_data=False, keep_page_cache=False ): """ Run Stress on multiple C* branches and compare them. revisions - List of dictionaries that contain cluster configurations to trial. This is combined with the default config. title - The title of the comparison subtitle - A subtitle for more information (displayed smaller underneath) log - The json file path to record stats to operations - List of dictionaries indicating the operations. Example: [# cassandra-stress command, node defaults to cluster defined 'stress_node' {'type': 'stress', 'command': 'write n=19000000 -rate threads=50', 'node': 'node1', 'wait_for_compaction': True}, # nodetool command to run in parallel on nodes: {'type': 'nodetool', 'command': 'decomission', 'nodes': ['node1','node2']}, # cqlsh script, node defaults to cluster defined 'stress_node' {'type': 'cqlsh', 'script': "use my_ks; INSERT INTO blah (col1, col2) VALUES (val1, val2);", 'node': 'node1'} ] capture_fincore - Enables capturing of linux-fincore logs of C* data files. initial_destroy - Destroy all data before the first revision is run. leave_data - Whether to leave the Cassandra data/commitlog/etc directories intact between revisions. keep_page_cache - Whether to leave the linux page cache intact between revisions. """ validate_revisions_list(revisions) validate_operations_list(operations) pristine_config = copy.copy(fab_config) # initial_destroy settting can be set in the job # configuration, or manually in the call to this function. Either # is fine, but they shouldn't conflict. If they do, ValueError is # raised. if initial_destroy == True and pristine_config.get('initial_destroy', None) == False: raise ValueError('setting for initial_destroy conflicts in job config and stress_compare() call') else: initial_destroy = pristine_config.get('initial_destroy', initial_destroy) if initial_destroy:"Cleaning up from prior runs of stress_compare ...") teardown(destroy=True, leave_data=False) # Clean stress builds stress_builds = [b for b in os.listdir(CASSANDRA_STRESS_PATH) if b not in ['default', 'trunk']] for stress_build in stress_builds: path = os.path.join(CASSANDRA_STRESS_PATH, stress_build)"Removing stress build '{}'".format(path)) shutil.rmtree(path) for rev_num, revision_config in enumerate(revisions): config = copy.copy(pristine_config) config.update(revision_config) revision = revision_config['revision'] config['log'] = log config['title'] = title config['subtitle'] = subtitle # leave_data settting can be set in the revision # configuration, or manually in the call to this function. # Either is fine, but they shouldn't conflict. If they do, # ValueError is raised. if leave_data == True and revision_config.get('leave_data', None) == False: raise ValueError('setting for leave_data conflicts in job config and stress_compare() call') else: leave_data = revision_config.get('leave_data', leave_data)"Bringing up {revision} cluster...".format(revision=revision)) # Drop the page cache between each revision, especially # important when leave_data=True : if not keep_page_cache: drop_page_cache() #Only fetch from git on the first run: git_fetch = True if rev_num == 0 else False revision_config['git_id'] = git_id = bootstrap(config, destroy=True, leave_data=leave_data, git_fetch=git_fetch) if capture_fincore: start_fincore_capture(interval=10) for operation_i, operation in enumerate(operations, 1): start = stats = {"id":str(uuid.uuid1()), "type":operation['type'], "revision": revision, "git_id": git_id, "start_date":start.isoformat(), "label":revision_config.get('label', revision_config['revision'])} if operation['type'] == 'stress': # Default to all the nodes of the cluster if no # nodes were specified in the command: if operation.has_key('nodes'): cmd = "{command} -node {hosts}".format( command=operation['command'], hosts=",".join(host=operation['nodes'])) elif '-node' in operation['command']: cmd = operation['command'] else: cmd = "{command} -node {hosts}".format( command=operation['command'], hosts=",".join([n for n in fab_config['hosts']])) stats['command'] = cmd stats['intervals'] = [] stats['test'] = '{operation_i}_{operation}'.format( operation_i=operation_i, operation=cmd.strip().split(' ')[0]).replace(" ","_")'Running stress operation : {cmd} ...'.format(cmd=cmd)) # Run stress: # (stress takes the stats as a parameter, and adds # more as it runs): stats = stress(cmd, revision, stats, stress_revision=revision_config.get('stress_revision', None)) # Wait for all compactions to finish (unless disabled): if operation.get('wait_for_compaction', True): compaction_throughput = revision_config.get("compaction_throughput_mb_per_sec", 16) wait_for_compaction(compaction_throughput=compaction_throughput) elif operation['type'] == 'nodetool': if 'nodes' not in operation: operation['nodes'] = 'all' if operation['nodes'] in ['all','ALL']: nodes = [n for n in fab_config['hosts']] else: nodes = operation['nodes']"Running nodetool on {nodes} with command: {command}".format(nodes=operation['nodes'], command=operation['command'])) stats['command'] = operation['command'] output = nodetool_multi(nodes, operation['command']) stats['output'] = output"Nodetool command finished on all nodes") elif operation['type'] == 'cqlsh':"Running cqlsh commands on {node}".format(node=operation['node'])) output = cqlsh(operation['script'], operation['node']) stats['output'] = output.split("\n")"Cqlsh commands finished") elif operation['type'] == 'bash': nodes = operation.get('nodes', [n for n in fab_config['hosts']])"Running bash commands on {node}".format(nodes=nodes)) output = bash(operation['script'], nodes) stats['output'] = output.split("\n")"Bash commands finished") end = stats['end_date'] = end.isoformat() stats['op_duration'] = str(end - start) log_stats(stats, file=log) #Copy node logs: logs_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'),'.cstar_perf','logs') log_dir = os.path.join(logs_dir, stats['id']) os.makedirs(log_dir) retrieve_logs(log_dir) revision_config['last_log'] = stats['id'] #Tar them for archiving: subprocess.Popen(shlex.split('tar cfvz {id}.tar.gz {id}'.format(id=stats['id'])), cwd=logs_dir).communicate() shutil.rmtree(log_dir) if capture_fincore: stop_fincore_capture() retrieve_fincore_logs(log_dir) # Restart fincore capture if this is not the last # operation: if operation_i < len(operations): start_fincore_capture(interval=10) log_add_data(log, {'title':title, 'subtitle': subtitle, 'revisions': revisions}) if revisions[-1].get('leave_data', False): teardown(destroy=False, leave_data=True) else: teardown(destroy=True, leave_data=False)
def stress_compare( revisions, title, log, operations=[], subtitle="", capture_fincore=False, initial_destroy=True, leave_data=False, keep_page_cache=False, ): """ Run Stress on multiple C* branches and compare them. revisions - List of dictionaries that contain cluster configurations to trial. This is combined with the default config. title - The title of the comparison subtitle - A subtitle for more information (displayed smaller underneath) log - The json file path to record stats to operations - List of dictionaries indicating the operations. Example: [# cassandra-stress command, node defaults to cluster defined 'stress_node' {'type': 'stress', 'command': 'write n=19M -rate threads=50', 'node': 'node1', 'wait_for_compaction': True}, # nodetool command to run in parallel on nodes: {'type': 'nodetool', 'command': 'decomission', 'nodes': ['node1','node2']}, # cqlsh script, node defaults to cluster defined 'stress_node' {'type': 'cqlsh', 'script': "use my_ks; INSERT INTO blah (col1, col2) VALUES (val1, val2);", 'node': 'node1'} ] capture_fincore - Enables capturing of linux-fincore logs of C* data files. initial_destroy - Destroy all data before the first revision is run. leave_data - Whether to leave the Cassandra data/commitlog/etc directories intact between revisions. keep_page_cache - Whether to leave the linux page cache intact between revisions. """ validate_revisions_list(revisions) validate_operations_list(operations) pristine_config = copy.copy(fab_config) # initial_destroy settting can be set in the job # configuration, or manually in the call to this function. Either # is fine, but they shouldn't conflict. If they do, ValueError is # raised. if initial_destroy == True and pristine_config.get("initial_destroy", None) == False: raise ValueError("setting for initial_destroy conflicts in job config and stress_compare() call") else: initial_destroy = pristine_config.get("initial_destroy", initial_destroy) if initial_destroy:"Cleaning up from prior runs of stress_compare ...") teardown(destroy=True, leave_data=False) # Update our local cassandra git remotes and branches _, localhost_entry = get_localhost() with common.fab.settings(hosts=[localhost_entry]): execute(cstar.update_cassandra_git) clean_stress() stress_revisions = set([operation["stress_revision"] for operation in operations if "stress_revision" in operation]) stress_shas = setup_stress(stress_revisions) for rev_num, revision_config in enumerate(revisions): config = copy.copy(pristine_config) config.update(revision_config) revision = revision_config["revision"] config["log"] = log config["title"] = title config["subtitle"] = subtitle product = dse if config["product"] == "dse" else cstar # leave_data settting can be set in the revision # configuration, or manually in the call to this function. # Either is fine, but they shouldn't conflict. If they do, # ValueError is raised. if leave_data == True and revision_config.get("leave_data", None) == False: raise ValueError("setting for leave_data conflicts in job config and stress_compare() call") else: leave_data = revision_config.get("leave_data", leave_data)"Bringing up {revision} cluster...".format(revision=revision)) # Drop the page cache between each revision, especially # important when leave_data=True : if not keep_page_cache: drop_page_cache() # Only fetch from git on the first run: git_fetch = True if rev_num == 0 else False revision_config["git_id"] = git_id = bootstrap(config, destroy=True, leave_data=leave_data, git_fetch=git_fetch) if capture_fincore: start_fincore_capture(interval=10) for operation_i, operation in enumerate(operations, 1): start = stats = { "id": str(uuid.uuid1()), "type": operation["type"], "revision": revision, "git_id": git_id, "start_date": start.isoformat(), "label": revision_config.get("label", revision_config["revision"]), } if operation["type"] == "stress": # Default to all the nodes of the cluster if no # nodes were specified in the command: if operation.has_key("nodes"): cmd = "{command} -node {hosts}".format( command=operation["command"], hosts=",".join(host=operation["nodes"]) ) elif "-node" in operation["command"]: cmd = operation["command"] else: cmd = "{command} -node {hosts}".format( command=operation["command"], hosts=",".join([n for n in fab_config["hosts"]]) ) stats["command"] = cmd stats["intervals"] = [] stats["test"] = "{operation_i}_{operation}".format( operation_i=operation_i, operation=cmd.strip().split(" ")[0] ).replace(" ", "_")"Running stress operation : {cmd} ...".format(cmd=cmd)) # Run stress: # (stress takes the stats as a parameter, and adds # more as it runs): stress_sha = stress_shas[operation.get("stress_revision", "default")] stats = stress(cmd, revision, stress_sha, stats=stats) # Wait for all compactions to finish (unless disabled): if operation.get("wait_for_compaction", True): compaction_throughput = revision_config.get("compaction_throughput_mb_per_sec", 16) wait_for_compaction(compaction_throughput=compaction_throughput) elif operation["type"] == "nodetool": if "nodes" not in operation: operation["nodes"] = "all" if operation["nodes"] in ["all", "ALL"]: nodes = [n for n in fab_config["hosts"]] else: nodes = operation["nodes"] set_nodetool_path(os.path.join(product.get_bin_path(), "nodetool")) "Running nodetool on {nodes} with command: {command}".format( nodes=operation["nodes"], command=operation["command"] ) ) stats["command"] = operation["command"] output = nodetool_multi(nodes, operation["command"]) stats["output"] = output"Nodetool command finished on all nodes") elif operation["type"] == "cqlsh":"Running cqlsh commands on {node}".format(node=operation["node"])) set_cqlsh_path(os.path.join(product.get_bin_path(), "cqlsh")) output = cqlsh(operation["script"], operation["node"]) stats["output"] = output.split("\n")"Cqlsh commands finished") elif operation["type"] == "bash": nodes = operation.get("nodes", [n for n in fab_config["hosts"]])"Running bash commands on: {nodes}".format(nodes=nodes)) stats["output"] = bash(operation["script"], nodes)"Bash commands finished") end = stats["end_date"] = end.isoformat() stats["op_duration"] = str(end - start) log_stats(stats, file=log) # Copy node logs: logs_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".cstar_perf", "logs") log_dir = os.path.join(logs_dir, stats["id"]) os.makedirs(log_dir) retrieve_logs(log_dir) revision_config["last_log"] = stats["id"] # Tar them for archiving: subprocess.Popen( shlex.split("tar cfvz {id}.tar.gz {id}".format(id=stats["id"])), cwd=logs_dir ).communicate() shutil.rmtree(log_dir) if capture_fincore: stop_fincore_capture() retrieve_fincore_logs(log_dir) # Restart fincore capture if this is not the last # operation: if operation_i < len(operations): start_fincore_capture(interval=10) log_add_data(log, {"title": title, "subtitle": subtitle, "revisions": revisions}) if revisions[-1].get("leave_data", leave_data): teardown(destroy=False, leave_data=True) else: teardown(destroy=True, leave_data=False)
def stress_compare(revisions, title, log, operations=[], subtitle='', capture_fincore=False, initial_destroy=True, leave_data=False, keep_page_cache=False, git_fetch_before_test=True, bootstrap_before_test=True, teardown_after_test=True): """ Run Stress on multiple C* branches and compare them. revisions - List of dictionaries that contain cluster configurations to trial. This is combined with the default config. title - The title of the comparison subtitle - A subtitle for more information (displayed smaller underneath) log - The json file path to record stats to operations - List of dictionaries indicating the operations. Example: [# cassandra-stress command, node defaults to cluster defined 'stress_node' {'type': 'stress', 'command': 'write n=19M -rate threads=50', 'node': 'node1', 'wait_for_compaction': True}, # nodetool command to run in parallel on nodes: {'type': 'nodetool', 'command': 'decomission', 'nodes': ['node1','node2']}, # cqlsh script, node defaults to cluster defined 'stress_node' {'type': 'cqlsh', 'script': "use my_ks; INSERT INTO blah (col1, col2) VALUES (val1, val2);", 'node': 'node1'} ] capture_fincore - Enables capturing of linux-fincore logs of C* data files. initial_destroy - Destroy all data before the first revision is run. leave_data - Whether to leave the Cassandra data/commitlog/etc directories intact between revisions. keep_page_cache - Whether to leave the linux page cache intact between revisions. git_fetch_before_test (bool): If True, will update the cassandra.git with fab_common.git_repos bootstrap_before_test (bool): If True, will bootstrap DSE / C* before running the operations teardown_after_test (bool): If True, will shutdown DSE / C* after all of the operations """ validate_revisions_list(revisions) validate_operations_list(operations) pristine_config = copy.copy(fab_config) # initial_destroy and git_fetch_before_test can be set in the job configuration, # or manually in the call to this function. # Either is fine, but they shouldn't conflict. If they do, a ValueError is raised. initial_destroy = get_bool_if_method_and_config_values_do_not_conflict( 'initial_destroy', initial_destroy, pristine_config, method_name='stress_compare') if initial_destroy:"Cleaning up from prior runs of stress_compare ...") teardown(destroy=True, leave_data=False) # git_fetch_before_test = get_bool_if_method_and_config_values_do_not_conflict( 'git_fetch_before_test', git_fetch_before_test, pristine_config, method_name='stress_compare') stress_shas = maybe_update_cassandra_git_and_setup_stress( operations, git_fetch=git_fetch_before_test) # Flamegraph Setup if flamegraph.is_enabled(): execute(flamegraph.setup) with GracefulTerminationHandler() as handler: for rev_num, revision_config in enumerate(revisions): config = copy.copy(pristine_config) config.update(revision_config) revision = revision_config['revision'] config['log'] = log config['title'] = title config['subtitle'] = subtitle product = dse if config.get('product') == 'dse' else cstar # leave_data, bootstrap_before_test, and teardown_after_test can be set in the job configuration, # or manually in the call to this function. # Either is fine, but they shouldn't conflict. If they do, a ValueError is raised. leave_data = get_bool_if_method_and_config_values_do_not_conflict( 'leave_data', leave_data, revision_config, method_name='stress_compare') # bootstrap_before_test = get_bool_if_method_and_config_values_do_not_conflict( 'bootstrap_before_test', bootstrap_before_test, revision_config, method_name='stress_compare') # teardown_after_test = get_bool_if_method_and_config_values_do_not_conflict( 'teardown_after_test', teardown_after_test, revision_config, method_name='stress_compare') "Bringing up {revision} cluster...".format(revision=revision)) # Drop the page cache between each revision, especially # important when leave_data=True : if not keep_page_cache: drop_page_cache() # Only fetch from git on the first run and if git_fetch_before_test is True git_fetch_before_bootstrap = True if rev_num == 0 and git_fetch_before_test else False if bootstrap_before_test: revision_config['git_id'] = git_id = bootstrap( config, destroy=initial_destroy, leave_data=leave_data, git_fetch=git_fetch_before_bootstrap) else: revision_config['git_id'] = git_id = config['revision'] if flamegraph.is_enabled(revision_config): execute(flamegraph.ensure_stopped_perf_agent) execute(flamegraph.start_perf_agent, rev_num) if capture_fincore: start_fincore_capture(interval=10) last_stress_operation_id = 'None' for operation_i, operation in enumerate(operations, 1): try: start = stats = { "id": str(uuid.uuid1()), "type": operation['type'], "revision": revision, "git_id": git_id, "start_date": start.isoformat(), "label": revision_config.get('label', revision_config['revision']), "test": '{operation_i}_{operation}'.format( operation_i=operation_i, operation=operation['type']) } if operation['type'] == 'stress': last_stress_operation_id = stats['id'] # Default to all the nodes of the cluster if no # nodes were specified in the command: if operation.has_key('nodes'): cmd = "{command} -node {hosts}".format( command=operation['command'], hosts=",".join(operation['nodes'])) elif '-node' in operation['command']: cmd = operation['command'] else: cmd = "{command} -node {hosts}".format( command=operation['command'], hosts=",".join( [n for n in fab_config['hosts']])) stats['command'] = cmd stats['intervals'] = [] stats['test'] = '{operation_i}_{operation}'.format( operation_i=operation_i, operation=cmd.strip().split(' ')[0]).replace( " ", "_") 'Running stress operation : {cmd} ...'.format( cmd=cmd)) # Run stress: # (stress takes the stats as a parameter, and adds # more as it runs): stress_sha = stress_shas[operation.get( 'stress_revision', 'default')] stats = stress(cmd, revision, stress_sha, stats=stats) # Wait for all compactions to finish (unless disabled): if operation.get('wait_for_compaction', True): compaction_throughput = revision_config.get( "compaction_throughput_mb_per_sec", 16) wait_for_compaction( compaction_throughput=compaction_throughput) elif operation['type'] == 'nodetool': if 'nodes' not in operation: operation['nodes'] = 'all' if operation['nodes'] in ['all', 'ALL']: nodes = [n for n in fab_config['hosts']] else: nodes = operation['nodes'] set_nodetool_path( os.path.join(product.get_bin_path(), 'nodetool')) "Running nodetool on {nodes} with command: {command}" .format(nodes=operation['nodes'], command=operation['command'])) stats['command'] = operation['command'] output = nodetool_multi(nodes, operation['command']) stats['output'] = output"Nodetool command finished on all nodes") elif operation['type'] == 'cqlsh':"Running cqlsh commands on {node}".format( node=operation['node'])) set_cqlsh_path( os.path.join(product.get_bin_path(), 'cqlsh')) output = cqlsh(operation['script'], operation['node']) stats['output'] = output.split("\n") stats['command'] = operation['script']"Cqlsh commands finished") elif operation['type'] == 'bash': nodes = operation.get('nodes', [n for n in fab_config['hosts']])"Running bash commands on: {nodes}".format( nodes=nodes)) stats['output'] = bash(operation['script'], nodes) stats['command'] = operation['script']"Bash commands finished") elif operation['type'] == 'spark_cassandra_stress': nodes = operation.get('nodes', [n for n in fab_config['hosts']]) stress_node = config.get('stress_node', None) # Note: once we have, we should fix this to use # client-tool when DSE_VERSION >= 4.8.0 # dse client-tool master_regex = re.compile( r"(.|\n)*(?P<master>spark:\/\/\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+:\d+)(.|\n)*" ) master_out = dsetool_cmd( nodes[0], options='sparkmaster')[nodes[0]] master_match = master_regex.match(master_out) if not master_match: raise ValueError( 'Could not find master address from "dsetool sparkmaster" cmd\n' 'Found output: {f}'.format(f=master_out)) master_string ='master') build_spark_cassandra_stress = bool( distutils.util.strtobool( str( operation.get( 'build_spark_cassandra_stress', 'True')))) remove_existing_spark_data = bool( distutils.util.strtobool( str( operation.get('remove_existing_spark_data', 'True')))) "Running spark_cassandra_stress on {stress_node} " "using{node} and " "spark-master {master}".format( stress_node=stress_node, node=nodes[0], master=master_string)) output = spark_cassandra_stress( operation['script'], nodes, stress_node=stress_node, master=master_string, build_spark_cassandra_stress= build_spark_cassandra_stress, remove_existing_spark_data= remove_existing_spark_data) stats['output'] = output.get('output', 'No output captured') stats[ 'spark_cass_stress_time_in_seconds'] = output.get( 'stats', {}).get('TimeInSeconds', 'No time captured') stats['spark_cass_stress_ops_per_second'] = output.get( 'stats', {}).get('OpsPerSecond', 'No ops/s captured')"spark_cassandra_stress finished") elif operation['type'] == 'ctool': "Running ctool with parameters: {command}".format( command=operation['command'])) ctool = Ctool(operation['command'], common.config) output = execute( stats['output'] = output"ctool finished") elif operation['type'] == 'dsetool': if 'nodes' not in operation: operation['nodes'] = 'all' if operation['nodes'] in ['all', 'ALL']: nodes = [n for n in fab_config['hosts']] else: nodes = operation['nodes'] dsetool_options = operation['script'] "Running dsetool {command} on {nodes}".format( nodes=operation['nodes'], command=dsetool_options)) stats['command'] = dsetool_options output = dsetool_cmd(nodes=nodes, options=dsetool_options) stats['output'] = output"dsetool command finished on all nodes") elif operation['type'] == 'dse':"Running dse command on {node}".format( node=operation['node'])) output = dse_cmd(node=operation['node'], options=operation['script']) stats['output'] = output.split("\n") stats['command'] = operation['script']"dse commands finished") end = stats['end_date'] = end.isoformat() stats['op_duration'] = str(end - start) log_stats(stats, file=log) finally: # Copy node logs: retrieve_logs_and_create_tarball(job_id=stats['id']) revision_config['last_log'] = stats['id'] if capture_fincore: stop_fincore_capture() log_dir = os.path.join(CSTAR_PERF_LOGS_DIR, stats['id']) retrieve_fincore_logs(log_dir) # Restart fincore capture if this is not the last # operation: if operation_i < len(operations): start_fincore_capture(interval=10) if flamegraph.is_enabled(revision_config): # Generate and Copy node flamegraphs execute(flamegraph.stop_perf_agent) execute(flamegraph.generate_flamegraph, rev_num) flamegraph_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.cstar_perf', 'flamegraph') flamegraph_test_dir = os.path.join(flamegraph_dir, last_stress_operation_id) retrieve_flamegraph(flamegraph_test_dir, rev_num + 1) sh.tar('cfvz', "{}.tar.gz".format(stats['id']), last_stress_operation_id, _cwd=flamegraph_dir) shutil.rmtree(flamegraph_test_dir) log_add_data(log, { 'title': title, 'subtitle': subtitle, 'revisions': revisions }) if teardown_after_test: if revisions[-1].get('leave_data', leave_data): teardown(destroy=False, leave_data=True) else: kill_delay = 300 if profiler.yourkit_is_enabled( revision_config) else 0 teardown(destroy=True, leave_data=False, kill_delay=kill_delay) if profiler.yourkit_is_enabled(revision_config): yourkit_config = profiler.yourkit_get_config() yourkit_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.cstar_perf', 'yourkit') yourkit_test_dir = os.path.join(yourkit_dir, last_stress_operation_id) retrieve_yourkit(yourkit_test_dir, rev_num + 1) sh.tar('cfvz', "{}.tar.gz".format(stats['id']), last_stress_operation_id, _cwd=yourkit_dir) shutil.rmtree(yourkit_test_dir)