Esempio n. 1
def load_demand(state: State, config: Benedict, current_time: datetime) -> None:
    """Loads water demand from file into the state for each grid cell.

        state (State): the current model state; will be mutated
        config (Benedict): the model configuration
        current_time (datetime): the current time of the simulation

    # demand path can have placeholders for year and month and day, so check for those and replace if needed
    path = config.get('water_management.demand.path')
    path = re.sub('\{y[^}]*}', current_time.strftime('%Y'), path)
    path = re.sub('\{m[^}]*}', current_time.strftime('%m'), path)
    path = re.sub('\{d[^}]*}', current_time.strftime('%d'), path)

    demand = open_dataset(path)

    # if the demand file has a time axis, use it; otherwise assume data is just 2d
    if config.get('water_management.demand.time', None) in demand:
        state.grid_cell_demand_rate = np.array(demand[config.get('water_management.demand.demand')].sel({config.get('water_management.demand.time'): current_time}, method='pad')).flatten()
        state.grid_cell_demand_rate = np.array(demand[config.get('water_management.demand.demand')]).flatten()

    # fill missing values with 0
    state.grid_cell_demand_rate = np.where(

Esempio n. 2
def load_runoff(state: State, grid: Grid, config: Benedict,
                current_time: datetime) -> None:
    """Loads runoff from file into the state for each grid cell.

        state (State): the current model state; will be mutated
        grid (Grid): the model grid
        config (Benedict): the model configuration
        current_time (datetime): the current time of the simulation

    # note that the forcing is provided in mm/s
    # the flood section needs m3/s, but the routing needs m/s, so be aware of the conversions
    # method="pad" means the closest time in the past is selected from the file

    runoff = open_dataset(config.get('runoff.path'))

    sel = {config.get('runoff.time'): current_time}

    if config.get('runoff.variables.surface_runoff', None) is not None:
        state.hillslope_surface_runoff = 0.001 * grid.land_fraction * grid.area * np.array(
                sel, method='pad')).flatten()

    if config.get('runoff.variables.subsurface_runoff', None) is not None:
        state.hillslope_subsurface_runoff = 0.001 * grid.land_fraction * grid.area * np.array(
                sel, method='pad')).flatten()

    if config.get('runoff.variables.wetland_runoff', None) is not None:
        state.hillslope_wetland_runoff = 0.001 * grid.land_fraction * grid.area * np.array(
                sel, method='pad')).flatten()

Esempio n. 3
def flood(state: State, grid: Grid, parameters: Parameters,
          config: Benedict) -> None:
    """Excess runoff is removed from the available groundwater; mutates state.

        state (State): the current model state; will be mutated
        grid (Grid): the model grid
        parameters (Parameters): the model parameters
        config (Benedict): the model configuration

    ### Compute Flood
    ### Remove excess liquid water from land
    ### TODO tcraig leaves a comment here concerning surface_runoff in fortran mosart:
    ### "This seems like an odd approach, you
    ### might create negative forcing.  why not take it out of
    ### the volr directly?  it's also odd to compute this
    ### at the initial time of the time loop.  why not do
    ### it at the end or even during the run loop as the
    ### new volume is computed.  fluxout depends on volr, so
    ### how this is implemented does impact the solution."

    # flux sent back to land
    state.flood = np.where(
        (grid.land_mask == 1) & ( > parameters.flood_threshold) &
        (state.tracer == parameters.LIQUID_TRACER),
        ( - parameters.flood_threshold) /
        config.get('simulation.timestep'), 0)
    # remove this flux from the input runoff from land
    state.hillslope_surface_runoff = np.where(
        state.tracer == parameters.LIQUID_TRACER,
        state.hillslope_surface_runoff - state.flood,
Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self,
                 grid: Grid = None,
                 config: Benedict = None,
                 parameters: Parameters = None,
                 grid_size: int = None,
                 empty: bool = False):
        """Initialize the model state.

            grid (Grid): the model grid
            config (Config): the model configuration
            parameters (Parameters): the model parameters
            grid_size (int): size of the flattened grid
            empty (bool): if True, return an empty instance

        # flow [m3/s]
        # flow
        self.flow: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # outflow into downstream links from previous timestep [m3/s]
        # eroup_lagi
        self.outflow_downstream_previous_timestep: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # outflow into downstream links from current timestep [m3/s]
        # eroup_lagf
        self.outflow_downstream_current_timestep: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # initial outflow before dam regulation at current timestep [m3/s]
        # erowm_regi
        self.outflow_before_regulation: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # final outflow after dam regulation at current timestep [m3/s]
        # erowm_regf
        self.outflow_after_regulation: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # outflow sum of upstream gridcells, average [m3/s]
        # eroutUp_avg
        self.outflow_sum_upstream_average: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # lateral flow from hillslope, including surface and subsurface runoff generation components, average [m3/s]
        # erlat_avg
        self.lateral_flow_hillslope_average: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # routing storage [m3]
        # volr np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # routing change in storage [m3/s]
        # dvolrdt
        self.delta_storage: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # routing change in storage masked for land [m3/s]
        # dvolrdtlnd
        self.delta_storage_land: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # routing change in storage masked for ocean [m3/s]
        # dvolrdtocn
        self.delta_storage_ocean: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # basin derived flow [m3/s]
        # runoff
        self.runoff: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # return direct flow [m3/s]
        # runofftot
        self.runoff_total: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # runoff masked for land [m3/s]
        # runofflnd
        self.runoff_land: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # runoff masked for ocean [m3/s]
        # runoffocn
        self.runoff_ocean: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # direct flow [m3/s]
        # direct np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # direct-to-ocean forcing [m3/s]
        # qdto
        self.direct_to_ocean: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # flood water [m3/s]
        # flood
        self.flood: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # hillslope surface water storage [m]
        # wh
        self.hillslope_storage: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # change of hillslope water storage [m/s]
        # dwh
        self.hillslope_delta_storage: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # depth of hillslope surface water [m]
        # yh
        self.hillslope_depth: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # surface runoff from hillslope [m/s]
        # qsur
        self.hillslope_surface_runoff: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # subsurface runoff from hillslope [m/s]
        # qsub
        self.hillslope_subsurface_runoff: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # runoff from glacier, wetlands, and lakes [m/s]
        # qgwl
        self.hillslope_wetland_runoff: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # overland flor from hillslope into subchannel (outflow is negative) [m/s]
        # ehout
        self.hillslope_overland_flow: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # subnetwork water storage [m3]
        # wt
        self.subnetwork_storage: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # subnetwork water storage at previous timestep [m3]
        # wt_last
        self.subnetwork_storage_previous_timestep: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # change of subnetwork water storage [m3]
        # dwt
        self.subnetwork_delta_storage: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # depth of subnetwork water [m]
        # yt
        self.subnetwork_depth: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # cross section area of subnetwork [m2]
        # mt
        self.subnetwork_cross_section_area: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # hydraulic radii of subnetwork [m]
        # rt
        self.subnetwork_hydraulic_radii: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # wetness perimeter of subnetwork [m]
        # pt
        self.subnetwork_wetness_perimeter: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # subnetwork flow velocity [m/s]
        # vt
        self.subnetwork_flow_velocity: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # subnetwork mean travel time of water within travel [s]
        # tt
        self.subnetwork_mean_travel_time: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # subnetwork evaporation [m/s]
        # tevap
        self.subnetwork_evaporation: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # subnetwork lateral inflow from hillslope [m3/s]
        # etin
        self.subnetwork_lateral_inflow: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # subnetwork discharge into main channel (outflow is negative) [m3/s]
        # etout
        self.subnetwork_discharge: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # main channel storage [m3]
        # wr
        self.channel_storage: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # change in main channel storage [m3]
        # dwr
        self.channel_delta_storage: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # main channel storage at last timestep [m3]
        # wr_last
        self.channel_storage_previous_timestep: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # main channel water depth [m]
        # yr
        self.channel_depth: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # cross section area of main channel [m2]
        # mr
        self.channel_cross_section_area: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # hydraulic radii of main channel [m]
        # rr
        self.channel_hydraulic_radii: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # wetness perimeter of main channel[m]
        # pr
        self.channel_wetness_perimeter: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # main channel flow velocity [m/s]
        # vr
        self.channel_flow_velocity: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # main channel evaporation [m/s]
        # erlg
        self.channel_evaporation: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # lateral flow from hillslope [m3/s]
        # erlateral
        self.channel_lateral_flow_hillslope: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # inflow from upstream links [m3/s]
        # erin
        self.channel_inflow_upstream: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # outflow into downstream links [m3/s]
        # erout
        self.channel_outflow_downstream: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # outflow into downstream links from previous timestep [m3/s]
        # TRunoff%eroup_lagi
        self.channel_outflow_downstream_previous_timestep: np.ndarray = np.empty(
        # outflow into downstream links from current timestep [m3/s]
        # TRunoff%eroup_lagf
        self.channel_outflow_downstream_current_timestep: np.ndarray = np.empty(
        # initial outflow before dam regulation at current timestep [m3/s]
        # TRunoff%erowm_regi
        self.channel_outflow_before_regulation: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # final outflow after dam regulation at current timestep [m3/s]
        # TRunoff%erowm_regf
        self.channel_outflow_after_regulation: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # outflow sum of upstream gridcells, instantaneous [m3/s]
        # eroutUp
        self.channel_outflow_sum_upstream_instant: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # outflow sum of upstream gridcells, average [m3/s]
        # TRunoff%eroutUp_avg
        self.channel_outflow_sum_upstream_average: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # lateral flow from hillslope, including surface and subsurface runoff generation components, average [m3/s]
        # TRunoff%erlat_avg
        self.channel_lateral_flow_hillslope_average: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # flux for adjustment of water balance residual in glacier, wetlands, and lakes [m3/s]
        # ergwl
        self.channel_wetland_flux: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # streamflow from outlet, positive is out [m3/s]
        # flow
        self.channel_flow: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # tracer, i.e. liquid or ice - TODO ice not implemented yet
        self.tracer: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # euler mask - which cells to perform the euler calculation on
        self.euler_mask: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # a column of always all zeros, to use as a utility
        self.zeros: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)

        ## Reservoir related state variables

        # reservoir streamflow schedule
        self.reservoir_streamflow: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # StorMthStOp
        self.reservoir_storage_operation_year_start: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # storage [m3]
        self.reservoir_storage: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # MthStOp,
        self.reservoir_month_start_operations: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # MthStFC
        self.reservoir_month_flood_control_start: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # MthNdFC
        self.reservoir_month_flood_control_end: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # release [m3/s]
        self.reservoir_release: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # supply [m3/s]
        self.grid_cell_supply: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # demand rate [m3/s] (demand0)
        self.grid_cell_demand_rate: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # unmet demand volume within sub timestep [m3]
        self.grid_cell_unmet_demand: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # unmet demand over whole timestep [m3]
        self.grid_cell_deficit: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)
        # potential evaporation [mm/s] # TODO this doesn't appear to be initialized anywhere currently
        self.reservoir_potential_evaporation: np.ndarray = np.empty(0)

        # shortcut to get an empty state instance
        if empty:

        # initialize all the state variables'Initializing state variables.')
        for key in [
                key for key in dir(self)
                if isinstance(getattr(self, key), np.ndarray)
            setattr(self, key, np.zeros(grid_size))

        # set tracer to liquid everywhere... TODO ice is not implemented
        self.tracer = np.full(grid_size, parameters.LIQUID_TRACER)

        # set euler_mask to 1 everywhere... TODO not really necessary without ice implemented
        self.euler_mask = np.where(self.tracer == parameters.LIQUID_TRACER,
                                   True, False)

        if config.get('water_management.enabled', False):
            logging.debug(' - reservoirs')
            initialize_reservoir_state(self, grid, config, parameters)
Esempio n. 5
    def __init__(self,
                 config: Benedict = None,
                 parameters: Parameters = None,
                 empty: bool = False):
        """Initialize the Grid class.
            config (Benedict): the model configuration
            parameters (Parameters): the model parameters
            empty (bool): if true will return an empty instance

        # shortcut to get an empty grid instance
        if empty:
            return'Loading grid file.')

        # open dataset
        grid_dataset = open_dataset(config.get('grid.path'))

        # create grid from longitude and latitude dimensions
        self.unique_longitudes = np.array(
        self.unique_latitudes = np.array(
        self.cell_count = self.unique_longitudes.size * self.unique_latitudes.size
        self.longitude_spacing = abs(self.unique_longitudes[1] -
        self.latitude_spacing = abs(self.unique_latitudes[1] -
        self.longitude, self.latitude = np.meshgrid(
        self.longitude = self.longitude.flatten()
        self.latitude = self.latitude.flatten()

        for key, value in config.get('grid.variables').items():
            setattr(self, key, np.array(grid_dataset[value]).flatten())

        # free memory

        # use ID and dnID field to calculate masks, upstream, downstream, and outlet indices, as well as count of upstream cells
            ' - masks, downstream, upstream, and outlet cell indices')

        # ocean/land mask
        # 1 == land
        # 2 == ocean
        # 3 == ocean outlet from land
        # rtmCTL%mask
        self.land_mask = np.where(
            self.downstream_id >= 0, 1,
            np.where(np.isin(, self.downstream_id), 3, 2))

        # TODO this is basically the same as the above... should consolidate code to just use one of these masks
        # mosart ocean/land mask
        # 0 == ocean
        # 1 == land
        # 2 == outlet
        # TUnit%mask
        self.mosart_mask = np.where(
            np.array(self.flow_direction) < 0, 0,
                np.array(self.flow_direction) == 0, 2,
                np.where(np.array(self.flow_direction) > 0, 1, 0)))

        # determine final downstream outlet of each cell
        # this essentially slices up the grid into discrete basins
        # first remap cell ids into cell indices for the (reshaped) 1d grid
        id_hashmap = {}
        for i, _id in enumerate(
            id_hashmap[int(_id)] = int(i)
        # convert downstream ids into downstream indices
        self.downstream_id = np.array([
            id_hashmap[int(i)] if int(i) in id_hashmap else -1
            for i in self.downstream_id
        # update the id to be zero-indexed (note this makes them one less than fortran mosart ids) = np.arange(

        # follow each cell downstream to compute outlet id
        size = self.downstream_id.size
        self.outlet_id = np.full(size, -1)
        self.upstream_id = np.full(size, -1)
        self.upstream_cell_count = np.full(size, 0)
        for i in np.arange(size):
            if self.downstream_id[i] >= 0:
                # mark as upstream cell of downstream cell
                self.upstream_id[self.downstream_id[i]] = i
            if self.land_mask[i] == 1:
                # land
                j = i
                while self.land_mask[j] == 1:
                    self.upstream_cell_count[j] += 1
                    j = int(self.downstream_id[j])
                if self.land_mask[j] == 3:
                    # found the ocean outlet
                    self.upstream_cell_count[j] += 1
                    self.outlet_id[i] = j
                # ocean
                self.upstream_cell_count[i] += 1
                self.outlet_id[i] = i

        # recalculate area to fill in missing values
        # assumes grid spacing is in degrees and uniform
        logging.debug(' - area')
        deg2rad = np.pi / 180.0
        self.area = np.where(
            self.local_drainage_area <= 0,
                parameters.radius_earth**2 * deg2rad * self.longitude_spacing *
                (np.sin(deg2rad *
                        (self.latitude + 0.5 * self.latitude_spacing)) -
                 np.sin(deg2rad *
                        (self.latitude - 0.5 * self.latitude_spacing)))),

        # update zero slopes to a small number
        self.hillslope = np.where(self.hillslope <= 0,
                                  parameters.hillslope_minimum, self.hillslope)
        self.subnetwork_slope = np.where(self.subnetwork_slope <= 0,
        self.channel_slope = np.where(self.channel_slope <= 0,

        # load the land grid to get the land fraction; if it's not there, default to 1
        # TODO need to just add this field to mosart grid file
            land = open_dataset(config.get(''))
            self.land_fraction = np.array(
            self.land_fraction = np.full(, 1.0)

        logging.debug(' - main channel iterations')

        # parameter for calculating number of main channel iterations needed
        # phi_r
        phi_main = np.where(
            (self.mosart_mask > 0) & (self.channel_length > 0),
            self.total_drainage_area_single * np.sqrt(self.channel_slope) /
            (self.channel_length * self.channel_width), 0)
        # sub timesteps needed for main channel
        # numDT_r
        self.iterations_main_channel = np.where(
            phi_main >= 10,
                np.floor(1 + config.get('simulation.subcycles') *
            np.where((self.mosart_mask > 0) & (self.channel_length > 0),
                     1 + config.get('simulation.subcycles'), 1))

        logging.debug(' - subnetwork substeps')

        # total main channel length [m]
        # rlenTotal
        self.total_channel_length = self.area * self.drainage_density
        self.total_channel_length = np.where(
            self.channel_length > self.total_channel_length,
            self.channel_length, self.total_channel_length)

        # hillslope length [m]
        # constrain hillslope length
        # there is a TODO in fortran mosart that says: "allievate the outlier in drainage density estimation."
        # hlen
        channel_length_minimum = np.sqrt(self.area)
        hillslope_max_length = np.maximum(channel_length_minimum, 1000)
        self.hillslope_length = np.where(
            self.channel_length > 0,
            self.area / self.total_channel_length / 2.0, 0)
        self.hillslope_length = np.where(
            self.hillslope_length > hillslope_max_length, hillslope_max_length,

        # subnetwork channel length [m]
        # tlen
        self.subnetwork_length = np.where(
            self.channel_length > 0,
                self.channel_length >= channel_length_minimum,
                self.area / self.channel_length / 2.0 - self.hillslope_length,
                self.area / channel_length_minimum / 2.0 -
                self.hillslope_length), 0)
        self.subnetwork_length = np.where(self.subnetwork_length < 0, 0,

        # subnetwork channel width (adjusted from input file) [m]
        # twidth
        self.subnetwork_width = np.where(
            (self.channel_length > 0) & (self.subnetwork_width >= 0),
                (self.subnetwork_length > 0) &
                ((self.total_channel_length - self.channel_length) /
                 self.subnetwork_length > 1),
                parameters.subnetwork_width_parameter * self.subnetwork_width *
                ((self.total_channel_length - self.channel_length) /
                 self.subnetwork_length), self.subnetwork_width), 0)
        self.subnetwork_width = np.where(
            (self.subnetwork_length > 0) & (self.subnetwork_width <= 0), 0,

        # parameter for calculating number of subnetwork iterations needed
        # phi_t
        phi_sub = np.where(
            self.subnetwork_length > 0,
            (self.area * np.sqrt(self.subnetwork_slope)) /
            (self.subnetwork_length * self.subnetwork_width),

        # sub timesteps needed for subnetwork
        # numDT_t
        self.iterations_subnetwork = np.where(
            self.subnetwork_length > 0,
                phi_sub >= 10,
                    np.floor(1 + config.get('simulation.subcycles') *
                             np.log10(phi_sub)), 1),
                np.where(self.subnetwork_length > 0,
                         1 + config.get('simulation.subcycles'), 1)), 1)

        # if water management is enabled, load the reservoir parameters and build the grid cell mapping
        # note that reservoir grid is assumed to be the same as the domain grid
        if config.get('water_management.enabled', False):
            logging.debug(' - reservoirs')
            load_reservoirs(self, config, parameters)
Esempio n. 6
def storage_targets(state: State, grid: Grid, config: Benedict,
                    parameters: Parameters, current_time: datetime) -> None:
    """Define the necessary drop in storage based on the reservoir storage targets at the start of the month.

        state (State): the model state
        grid (Grid): the model grid
        config (Config): the model configuration
        parameters (Parameters): the model parameters
        current_time (datetime): the current simulation time

    # TODO the logic here is really hard to follow... can it be simplified or made more readable?

    # TODO this is still written assuming monthly, but here's the epiweek for when that is relevant
    epiweek = Week.fromdate(current_time).week
    month = current_time.month
    streamflow_time_name = config.get(

    # if flood control active and has a flood control start
    flood_control_condition = (grid.reservoir_use_flood_control > 0) & (
        state.reservoir_month_flood_control_start > 0)
    # modify release in order to maintain a certain storage level
    month_condition = state.reservoir_month_flood_control_start <= state.reservoir_month_flood_control_end
    total_condition = flood_control_condition & (
        (month_condition &
         (month >= state.reservoir_month_flood_control_start) &
         (month < state.reservoir_month_flood_control_end)) |
        (np.logical_not(month_condition) &
         (month >= state.reservoir_month_flood_control_start) |
         (month < state.reservoir_month_flood_control_end)))
    drop = 0 * state.reservoir_month_flood_control_start
    n_month = 0 * drop
    for m in np.arange(1, 13):  # TODO assumes monthly
        m_and_condition = (m >= state.reservoir_month_flood_control_start) & (
            m < state.reservoir_month_flood_control_end)
        m_or_condition = (m >= state.reservoir_month_flood_control_start) | (
            m < state.reservoir_month_flood_control_end)
        drop = np.where(
            (month_condition & m_and_condition) |
            (np.logical_not(month_condition) & m_or_condition),
                    streamflow_time_name: m
                }).values >= grid.reservoir_streamflow_schedule.mean(
                    dim=streamflow_time_name).values, drop + 0, drop + np.abs(
                            dim=streamflow_time_name).values -
                        }).values)), drop)
        n_month = np.where((month_condition & m_and_condition) |
                           (np.logical_not(month_condition) & m_or_condition),
                           n_month + 1, n_month)
    state.reservoir_release = np.where(
        total_condition & (n_month > 0),
        state.reservoir_release + drop / n_month, state.reservoir_release)
    # now need to make sure it will fill up but issue with spilling in certain hydro-climate conditions
    month_condition = state.reservoir_month_flood_control_end <= state.reservoir_month_start_operations
    first_condition = flood_control_condition & month_condition & (
        (month >= state.reservoir_month_flood_control_end) &
        (month < state.reservoir_month_start_operations))
    second_condition = flood_control_condition & np.logical_not(
        month_condition) & (
            (month >= state.reservoir_month_flood_control_end) |
            (month < state.reservoir_month_start_operations))
    # TODO this logic exists in fortran mosart but isn't used...
    # fill = 0 * drop
    # n_month = 0 * drop
    # for m in np.arange(1,13): # TODO assumes monthly
    #     m_condition = (m >= self.state.reservoir_month_flood_control_end.values) &
    #         (self.reservoir_streamflow_schedule.sel({streamflow_time_name: m}).values > self.reservoir_streamflow_schedule.mean(dim=streamflow_time_name).values) & (
    #             (first_condition & (m <= self.state.reservoir_month_start_operations)) |
    #             (second_condition & (m <= 12))
    #         )
    #     fill = np.where(
    #         m_condition,
    #         fill + np.abs(self.reservoir_streamflow_schedule.mean(dim=streamflow_time_name).values - self.reservoir_streamflow_schedule.sel({streamflow_time_name: m}).values),
    #         fill
    #     )
    #     n_month = np.where(
    #         m_condition,
    #         n_month + 1,
    #         n_month
    #     )
    state.reservoir_release = np.where(
        (state.reservoir_release > grid.reservoir_streamflow_schedule.mean(
            dim=streamflow_time_name).values) &
        (first_condition | second_condition),
            dim=streamflow_time_name).values, state.reservoir_release)
Esempio n. 7
def prepare_reservoir_schedule(self, config: Benedict, parameters: Parameters,
                               reservoirs: Dataset) -> None:
    """Establishes the reservoir schedule and flow.

        config (Benedict): the model configuration
        parameters (Parameters): the model parameters
        reservoirs (Dataset): the reservoir dataset loaded from file

    # the reservoir streamflow and demand are specified by the time resolution and reservoir id
    # so let's remap those to the actual mosart domain for ease of use

    # TODO i had wanted to convert these all to epiweeks no matter what format provided, but we don't know what year all the data came from

    # streamflow flux
    streamflow_time_name = config.get(
    streamflow = reservoirs[config.get(
    schedule = None
    for t in np.arange(streamflow.shape[0]):
        flow = streamflow[t, :].to_pandas().to_frame('streamflow')
        sched = pd.DataFrame(self.reservoir_id, columns=[
        ]).merge(flow, how='left', left_on='reservoir_id',
                     {streamflow_time_name: 1}, axis=0)
        if schedule is None:
            schedule = sched
            schedule = concat([schedule, sched], dim=streamflow_time_name)
    self.reservoir_streamflow_schedule = schedule.assign_coords(
        # if monthly, convert to 1 based month index (instead of starting from 0)
            (streamflow_time_name, schedule[streamflow_time_name].values +
             (1 if streamflow_time_name == 'month' else 0))

    # demand volume
    demand_time_name = config.get(
    demand = reservoirs[config.get('water_management.reservoirs.demand')]
    schedule = None
    for t in np.arange(demand.shape[0]):
        dem = demand[t, :].to_pandas().to_frame('demand')
        sched = pd.DataFrame(self.reservoir_id, columns=[
        ]).merge(dem, how='left', left_on='reservoir_id',
                     {demand_time_name: 1}, axis=0)
        if schedule is None:
            schedule = sched
            schedule = concat([schedule, sched], dim=demand_time_name)
    self.reservoir_demand_schedule = schedule.assign_coords(
        # if monthly, convert to 1 based month index (instead of starting from 0)
            (demand_time_name, schedule[demand_time_name].values +
             (1 if demand_time_name == 'month' else 0))

    # initialize prerelease based on long term mean flow and demand (Biemans 2011)
    # TODO this assumes demand and flow use the same timescale :(
    flow_avg = self.reservoir_streamflow_schedule.mean(
    demand_avg = self.reservoir_demand_schedule.mean(dim=demand_time_name)
    prerelease = (1.0 * self.reservoir_streamflow_schedule)
    prerelease[:, :] = flow_avg
    # note that xarray `where` modifies the false values
    condition = (demand_avg >= (0.5 * flow_avg)) & (flow_avg > 0)
    prerelease = prerelease.where(
        ~condition, demand_avg / 10 +
        9 / 10 * flow_avg * self.reservoir_demand_schedule / demand_avg)
    prerelease = prerelease.where(
            ~((flow_avg + self.reservoir_demand_schedule - demand_avg) > 0),
            flow_avg + self.reservoir_demand_schedule - demand_avg))
    self.reservoir_prerelease_schedule = prerelease
Esempio n. 8
def load_reservoirs(self, config: Benedict, parameters: Parameters) -> None:
    """Loads the reservoir information from file onto the grid.

        config (Benedict): the model configuration
        parameters (Parameters): the model parameters
    """'Loading reservoir file.')

    # reservoir parameter file
    reservoirs = open_dataset(config.get('water_management.reservoirs.path'))

    # load reservoir variables
    for key, value in config.get(
        setattr(self, key, np.array(reservoirs[value]).flatten())

    # correct the fields with different units
    # surface area from km^2 to m^2
    self.reservoir_surface_area = self.reservoir_surface_area * 1.0e6
    # capacity from millions m^3 to m^3
    self.reservoir_storage_capacity = self.reservoir_storage_capacity * 1.0e6

    # map dams to all their dependent grid cells
    # this will be a table of many to many relationship of grid cell ids to reservoir ids
    self.reservoir_to_grid_mapping = reservoirs[config.get(
    # drop nan grid ids
    self.reservoir_to_grid_mapping = self.reservoir_to_grid_mapping[
    # correct to zero-based grid indexing for grid cell
    self.reservoir_to_grid_mapping.loc[:, self.reservoir_to_grid_mapping.
                                       name] = self.reservoir_to_grid_mapping.grid_cell_id.values - 1
    # set to integer
    self.reservoir_to_grid_mapping = self.reservoir_to_grid_mapping.astype(int)

    # count of the number of reservoirs that can supply each grid cell
    self.reservoir_count = np.array(
                columns={'reservoir_id': 'reservoir_count'}),

    # index by grid cell
    self.reservoir_to_grid_mapping = self.reservoir_to_grid_mapping.set_index(

    # prepare the month or epiweek based reservoir schedules mapped to the domain
    prepare_reservoir_schedule(self, config, parameters, reservoirs)

Esempio n. 9
def direct_to_ocean(state: State, grid: Grid, parameters: Parameters, config: Benedict) -> None:
    """Direct transfer to outlet point; mutates state.

        state (State): the current model state; will be mutated
        grid (Grid): the model grid
        parameters (Parameters): the model parameters
        config (Benedict): the model configuration

    # direct to ocean
    # note - in fortran mosart this direct_to_ocean forcing could be provided from LND component, but we don't seem to be using it
    source_direct = 1.0 * state.direct_to_ocean
    # wetland runoff
    wetland_runoff_volume = state.hillslope_wetland_runoff * config.get('simulation.timestep') / config.get('simulation.subcycles')
    river_volume_minimum = parameters.river_depth_minimum * grid.area

    # if wetland runoff is negative and it would bring main channel storage below the minimum, send it directly to ocean
    condition = ((state.channel_storage + wetland_runoff_volume) < river_volume_minimum) & (state.hillslope_wetland_runoff < 0)
    source_direct = np.where(
        source_direct + state.hillslope_wetland_runoff,
    state.hillslope_wetland_runoff = np.where(
    # remove remaining wetland runoff (negative and positive)
    source_direct = source_direct + state.hillslope_wetland_runoff
    state.hillslope_wetland_runoff = 0.0 * state.zeros
    # runoff from hillslope
    # remove negative subsurface water
    condition = state.hillslope_subsurface_runoff < 0
    source_direct = np.where(
        source_direct + state.hillslope_subsurface_runoff,
    state.hillslope_subsurface_runoff = np.where(
    # remove negative surface water
    condition = state.hillslope_surface_runoff < 0
    source_direct = np.where(
        source_direct + state.hillslope_surface_runoff,
    state.hillslope_surface_runoff = np.where(

    # if ocean cell or ice tracer, remove the rest of the sub and surface water
    # other cells will be handled by mosart euler
    condition = (grid.mosart_mask == 0) | (state.tracer == parameters.ICE_TRACER)
    source_direct = np.where(
        source_direct + state.hillslope_subsurface_runoff + state.hillslope_surface_runoff,
    state.hillslope_subsurface_runoff = np.where(
    state.hillslope_surface_runoff = np.where(
    )[:] = source_direct

    # send the direct water to outlet for each tracer[:] = pd.DataFrame(, columns=['id']
  , columns=['direct']
                grid.outlet_id, columns=['outlet_id']
Esempio n. 10
def subnetwork_routing(state: State, grid: Grid, parameters: Parameters,
                       config: Benedict, delta_t: float) -> None:
    """Tracks the storage and flow of water in the subnetwork river channels.

        state (State): the current model state; will be mutated
        grid (Grid): the model grid
        parameters (Parameters): the model parameters
        config (Benedict): the model configuration
        delta_t (float): the timestep for this subcycle (overall timestep / subcycles)

    state.channel_lateral_flow_hillslope[:] = 0
    local_delta_t = (delta_t / config.get('simulation.routing_iterations') /

    # step through max iterations, masking out the unnecessary cells each time
    base_condition = (grid.mosart_mask > 0) & state.euler_mask
    sub_condition = grid.subnetwork_length > grid.hillslope_length  # has tributaries

    for _ in np.arange(np.nanmax(grid.iterations_subnetwork)):
        iteration_condition = base_condition & (grid.iterations_subnetwork > _)

        state.subnetwork_flow_velocity = calculate_subnetwork_flow_velocity(
            iteration_condition, sub_condition,
            state.subnetwork_hydraulic_radii, grid.subnetwork_slope,
            grid.subnetwork_manning, state.subnetwork_flow_velocity)

        state.subnetwork_discharge = calculate_subnetwork_discharge(
            iteration_condition, sub_condition, state.subnetwork_flow_velocity,
            state.subnetwork_lateral_inflow, state.subnetwork_discharge)

        discharge_condition = calculate_discharge_condition(
            iteration_condition, sub_condition, state.subnetwork_storage,
            state.subnetwork_lateral_inflow, state.subnetwork_discharge,
            local_delta_t, parameters.tiny_value)

        state.subnetwork_discharge = update_subnetwork_discharge(
            discharge_condition, state.subnetwork_lateral_inflow,
            state.subnetwork_storage, local_delta_t,

        state.subnetwork_flow_velocity = update_flow_velocity(
            discharge_condition, state.subnetwork_cross_section_area,
            state.subnetwork_discharge, state.subnetwork_flow_velocity)

        state.subnetwork_delta_storage = calculate_subnetwork_delta_storage(
            iteration_condition, state.subnetwork_lateral_inflow,
            state.subnetwork_discharge, state.subnetwork_delta_storage)

        # update storage
        state.subnetwork_storage_previous_timestep = calculate_subnetwork_storage_previous_timestep(
            iteration_condition, state.subnetwork_storage,
        state.subnetwork_storage = calculate_subnetwork_storage(
            iteration_condition, state.subnetwork_storage,
            state.subnetwork_delta_storage, local_delta_t)

        update_subnetwork_state(state, grid, parameters, iteration_condition)

        state.channel_lateral_flow_hillslope = calculate_channel_lateral_flow_hillslope(
            iteration_condition, state.channel_lateral_flow_hillslope,

    # average lateral flow over substeps
    state.channel_lateral_flow_hillslope = average_channel_lateral_flow_hillslope(
        base_condition, state.channel_lateral_flow_hillslope,
Esempio n. 11
def initialize_reservoir_start_of_operation_year(
        self, grid: Grid, config: Benedict, parameters: Parameters) -> None:
    """Determines the start of operation for each reservoir, which influences the irrigation release patterns

        grid (Grid): the model grid
        config (Config): the model configuration
        parameters (Parameters): the model parameters

    # Note from fortran mosart:
    # multiple hydrograph - 1 peak, 2 peaks, multiple small peaks

    # TODO this all depends on the schedules being monthly :(

    streamflow_time_name = config.get(

    # find the peak flow and peak flow month for each reservoir
    peak = np.max(grid.reservoir_streamflow_schedule.values, axis=0)
    month_start_operations = grid.reservoir_streamflow_schedule.idxmax(

    # correct the month start for reservoirs where average flow is greater than a small value and magnitude of peak flow difference from average is greater than smaller value
    # TODO a little hard to follow the logic here but it seem to be related to number of peaks/troughs
    flow_avg = grid.reservoir_streamflow_schedule.mean(
    condition = flow_avg > parameters.reservoir_minimum_flow_condition
    number_of_sign_changes = 0 * flow_avg
    count = 1 + number_of_sign_changes
    count_max = 1 + number_of_sign_changes
    month = 1 * month_start_operations
    sign = np.where(
        np.abs(peak - flow_avg) >
        np.where(peak - flow_avg > 0, 1, -1), 1)
    current_sign = 1 * sign
    for t in grid.reservoir_streamflow_schedule[streamflow_time_name].values:
        # if not an xarray object with coords, the sel doesn't work, so that why the strange definition here
        i = grid.reservoir_streamflow_schedule.idxmax(dim=streamflow_time_name)
        i = i.where(i + t > 12, i + t).where(i + t <= 12, i + t - 12)
        flow = grid.reservoir_streamflow_schedule.sel(
            {streamflow_time_name: i.fillna(1)})
        flow = np.where(np.isfinite(i), flow, np.nan)
        current_sign = np.where(
            np.abs(flow - flow_avg) >
            np.where(flow - flow_avg > 0, 1, -1), sign)
        number_of_sign_changes = np.where(current_sign != sign,
                                          number_of_sign_changes + 1,
        change_condition = (current_sign != sign) & (current_sign > 0) & (
            number_of_sign_changes > 0) & (count > count_max)
        count_max = np.where(change_condition, count, count_max)
        month_start_operations = np.where(condition & change_condition, month,
        month = np.where(current_sign != sign, i, month)
        count = np.where(current_sign != sign, 1, count + 1)
        sign = 1 * current_sign

    # setup flood control for reservoirs with average flow greater than a larger value
    # TODO this is also hard to follow, but seems related to months in a row with high or low flow
    month_flood_control_start = 0 * month_start_operations
    month_flood_control_end = 0 * month_start_operations
    condition = flow_avg > parameters.reservoir_flood_control_condition
    match = 0 * month
    keep_going = np.where(np.isfinite(month_start_operations), True, False)
    # TODO why 8?
    for j in np.arange(8):
        t = j + 1
        # if not an xarray object with coords, the sel doesn't work, so that why the strange definitions here
        month = grid.reservoir_streamflow_schedule.idxmax(
        month = month.where(month_start_operations - t < 1,
                            month_start_operations - t).where(
                                month_start_operations - t >= 1,
                                month_start_operations - t + 12)
        month_1 = month.where(month_start_operations - t + 1 < 1,
                              month_start_operations - t + 1).where(
                                  month_start_operations - t + 1 >= 1,
                                  month_start_operations - t + 1 + 12)
        month_2 = month.where(month_start_operations - t - 1 < 1,
                              month_start_operations - t - 1).where(
                                  month_start_operations - t - 1 >= 1,
                                  month_start_operations - t - 1 + 12)
        flow = grid.reservoir_streamflow_schedule.sel(
            {streamflow_time_name: month.fillna(1)})
        flow = np.where(np.isfinite(month), flow, np.nan)
        flow_1 = grid.reservoir_streamflow_schedule.sel(
            {streamflow_time_name: month_1.fillna(1)})
        flow_1 = np.where(np.isfinite(month_1), flow_1, np.nan)
        flow_2 = grid.reservoir_streamflow_schedule.sel(
            {streamflow_time_name: month_2.fillna(1)})
        flow_2 = np.where(np.isfinite(month_2), flow_2, np.nan)
        end_condition = (flow >= flow_avg) & (flow_2 <= flow_avg) & (match
                                                                     == 0)
        month_flood_control_end = np.where(
            condition & end_condition & keep_going, month,
        match = np.where(condition & end_condition & keep_going, 1, match)
        start_condition = (flow <= flow_1) & (flow <= flow_2) & (flow <=
        month_flood_control_start = np.where(
            condition & start_condition & keep_going, month,
        keep_going = np.where(condition & start_condition & keep_going, False,
        # note: in fortran mosart there's a further condition concerning hydropower, but it doesn't seem to be used

    # if flood control is active, enforce the flood control targets
    flood_control_condition = (grid.reservoir_use_flood_control >
                               0) & (month_flood_control_start == 0)
    month = np.where(month_flood_control_end - 2 < 0,
                     month_flood_control_end - 2 + 12,
                     month_flood_control_end - 2)
    month_flood_control_start = np.where(condition & flood_control_condition,
                                         month, month_flood_control_start)

    self.reservoir_month_start_operations = month_start_operations
    self.reservoir_month_flood_control_start = month_flood_control_start
    self.reservoir_month_flood_control_end = month_flood_control_end