Esempio n. 1
def norm(order, dist, orth=None):

    dim = len(dist)
        if dim > 1:
            norms = np.array([norm(order + 1, D) for D in dist])
            Is = ber.bindex(order, dim)
            out = np.ones(len(Is))

            for i in xrange(len(Is)):
                I = Is[i]
                for j in xrange(dim):
                    if I[j]:
                        out[i] *= norms[j, I[j]]
            return out

        K = range(1, order + 1)
        ttr = [1.] + [dist.ttr(k)[1] for k in K]
        return np.cumprod(ttr)

    except NotImplementedError:

        if orth is None:
            orth = orth_chol(order, dist)
        return E(orth**2, dist)
Esempio n. 2
def norm(order, dist, orth=None):

    dim = len(dist)
        if dim>1:
            norms = np.array([norm(order+1, D) for D in dist])
            Is = ber.bindex(order, dim)
            out = np.ones(len(Is))

            for i in xrange(len(Is)):
                I = Is[i]
                for j in xrange(dim):
                    if I[j]:
                        out[i] *= norms[j, I[j]]
            return out

        K = range(1,order+1)
        ttr = [1.] + [dist.ttr(k)[1] for k in K]
        return np.cumprod(ttr)

    except NotImplementedError:

        if orth is None:
            orth = orth_chol(order, dist)
        return E(orth**2, dist)
Esempio n. 3
def sparse_grid(func, order, dim, skew=None):

    X, W = [], []
    bindex = ber.bindex(order - dim + 1, order, dim)

    if skew is None:
        skew = np.zeros(dim, dtype=int)
        skew = np.array(skew, dtype=int)
        assert len(skew) == dim

    for i in xrange(ber.terms(order, dim) - ber.terms(order - dim, dim)):

        I = bindex[i]
        x, w = func(skew + I)
        w *= (-1)**(order - sum(I)) * comb(dim - 1, order - sum(I))

    X = np.concatenate(X, 1)
    W = np.concatenate(W, 0)

    order = np.lexsort(X)
    X = X.T[order].T
    W = W[order]

    # identify non-unique terms
    diff = np.diff(X.T, axis=0)
    ui = np.ones(len(X.T), bool)
    ui[1:] = (diff != 0).any(axis=1)

    # merge duplicate nodes
    N = len(W)
    i = 1
    while i < N:
        while i < N and ui[i]:
            i += 1
        j = i + 1
        while j < N and not ui[j]:
            j += 1
        if j - i > 1:
            W[i - 1] = np.sum(W[i - 1:j])
        i = j + 1

    X = X[:, ui]
    W = W[ui]

    return X, W
Esempio n. 4
def sparse_grid(func, order, dim, skew=None):

    X, W = [], []
    bindex = ber.bindex(order-dim+1, order, dim)

    if skew is None:
        skew = np.zeros(dim, dtype=int)
        skew = np.array(skew, dtype=int)
        assert len(skew)==dim

    for i in xrange(ber.terms(order, dim)-ber.terms(order-dim, dim)):

        I = bindex[i]
        x,w = func(skew+I)
        w *= (-1)**(order-sum(I))*comb(dim-1,order-sum(I))

    X = np.concatenate(X, 1)
    W = np.concatenate(W, 0)

    X = np.around(X, 15)
    order = np.lexsort(tuple(X))
    X = X.T[order].T
    W = W[order]

    # identify non-unique terms
    diff = np.diff(X.T, axis=0)
    ui = np.ones(len(X.T), bool)
    ui[1:] = (diff!=0).any(axis=1)

    # merge duplicate nodes
    N = len(W)
    i = 1
    while i<N:
        while i<N and ui[i]: i+=1
        j = i+1
        while j<N and not ui[j]: j+=1
        if j-i>1:
            W[i-1] = np.sum(W[i-1:j])
        i = j+1

    X = X[:,ui]
    W = W[ui]

    return X, W
Esempio n. 5
def lagrange_polynomial(X, sort="GR"):
Lagrange Polynomials

X : array_like
    Sample points where the lagrange polynomials shall be 

    X = np.asfarray(X)
    if len(X.shape) == 1:
        X = X.reshape(1, X.size)
    dim, size = X.shape

    order = 1
    while ber.terms(order, dim) <= size:
        order += 1

    indices = np.array(ber.bindex(1, order, dim, sort)[:size])
    s, t = np.mgrid[:size, :size]

    M =[s]**indices[t], -1)
    det = np.linalg.det(M)
    if det == 0:
        raise np.linalg.LinAlgError, "invertable matrix"

    v = po.basis(1, order, dim, sort)[:size]

    coeffs = np.zeros((size, size))

    if size == 2:
        coeffs = np.linalg.inv(M)

        for i in xrange(size):
            for j in xrange(size):
                coeffs[i, j] += np.linalg.det(M[1:, 1:])
                M = np.roll(M, -1, axis=0)
            M = np.roll(M, -1, axis=1)
        coeffs /= det

    return po.sum(v * (coeffs.T), 1)
Esempio n. 6
def lagrange_polynomial(X, sort="GR"):
Lagrange Polynomials

X : array_like
    Sample points where the lagrange polynomials shall be 

    X = np.asfarray(X)
    if len(X.shape)==1:
        X = X.reshape(1,X.size)
    dim,size = X.shape

    order = 1
    while ber.terms(order, dim)<=size: order += 1

    indices = np.array(ber.bindex(1, order, dim, sort)[:size])
    s,t = np.mgrid[:size, :size]

    M =[s]**indices[t], -1)
    det = np.linalg.det(M)
    if det==0:
        raise np.linalg.LinAlgError, "invertable matrix"

    v = po.basis(1, order, dim, sort)[:size]

    coeffs = np.zeros((size, size))

    if size==2:
        coeffs = np.linalg.inv(M)

        for i in xrange(size):
            for j in xrange(size):
                coeffs[i,j] += np.linalg.det(M[1:,1:])
                M = np.roll(M, -1, axis=0)
            M = np.roll(M, -1, axis=1)
        coeffs /= det

    return po.sum(v*(coeffs.T), 1)
Esempio n. 7
def orth_ttr(order, dist, normed=False, sort="GR", retall=False, **kws):
Create orthogonal polynomial expansion from three terms recursion

order : int
    Order of polynomial expansion
dist : Dist
    Distribution space where polynomials are orthogonal
    If dist.ttr exists, it will be used,
    othervice Clenshaw-Curtis integration will be used.
    Must be stochastically independent.
normed : bool
    If True orthonormal polynomials will be used instead of monic.
sort : str
    Polynomial sorting. Same as in basis
retall : bool
    If true return norms as well.
kws : optional
    Keyword argument passed to stieltjes method.

orth[, norms]

orth : Poly
    Orthogonal polynomial expansion
norms : np.ndarray
    Norms of the orthogonal expansion on the form
    E(orth**2, dist)
    Calculated using recurrence coefficients for stability.

>>> Z = cp.Normal()
>>> print cp.orth_ttr(4, Z)
[1.0, q0, q0^2-1.0, q0^3-3.0q0, -6.0q0^2+3.0+q0^4]

    P, norms, A, B = qu.stieltjes(dist, order, retall=True, **kws)

    if normed:
        for i in xrange(len(P)):
            P[i] = P[i]/np.sqrt(norms[:,i])
        norms = norms**0

    dim = len(dist)
    if dim>1:
        Q, G = [], []
        indices = ber.bindex(0,order,dim,sort)
        for I in indices:
            q = [P[I[i]][i] for i in xrange(dim)]
            q = reduce(lambda x,y: x*y, q)
        if retall:
            for I in indices:
                g = [norms[i,I[i]] for i in xrange(dim)]
        P = Q
        G = norms[0]

    P = po.flatten(po.Poly(P))

    if retall:
        return P, np.array(G)
    return P
Esempio n. 8
def orth_ttr(order, dist, normed=False, sort="GR", retall=False, **kws):
Create orthogonal polynomial expansion from three terms recursion

order : int
    Order of polynomial expansion
dist : Dist
    Distribution space where polynomials are orthogonal
    If dist.ttr exists, it will be used,
    othervice Clenshaw-Curtis integration will be used.
    Must be stochastically independent.
normed : bool
    If True orthonormal polynomials will be used instead of monic.
sort : str
    Polynomial sorting. Same as in basis
retall : bool
    If true return norms as well.
kws : optional
    Keyword argument passed to stieltjes method.

orth[, norms]

orth : Poly
    Orthogonal polynomial expansion
norms : np.ndarray
    Norms of the orthogonal expansion on the form
    E(orth**2, dist)
    Calculated using recurrence coefficients for stability.

>>> Z = cp.Normal()
>>> print cp.orth_ttr(4, Z)
[1.0, q0, q0^2-1.0, q0^3-3.0q0, -6.0q0^2+3.0+q0^4]

    P, norms, A, B = qu.stieltjes(dist, order, retall=True, **kws)

    if normed:
        for i in xrange(len(P)):
            P[i] = P[i] / np.sqrt(norms[:, i])
        norms = norms**0

    dim = len(dist)
    if dim > 1:
        Q, G = [], []
        indices = ber.bindex(0, order, dim, sort)
        for I in indices:
            q = [P[I[i]][i] for i in xrange(dim)]
            q = reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, q)
        if retall:
            for I in indices:
                g = [norms[i, I[i]] for i in xrange(dim)]
        P = Q
        G = norms[0]

    P = po.flatten(po.Poly(P))

    if retall:
        return P, np.array(G)
    return P