Esempio n. 1
class GrpcJsonTranscoder(betterproto.Message):
    [#next-free-field: 14] GrpcJsonTranscoder filter configuration. The filter
    itself can be used per route / per virtual host or on the general level.
    The most specific one is being used for a given route. If the list of
    services is empty - filter is considered to be disabled. Note that if
    specifying the filter per route, first the route is matched, and then
    transcoding filter is applied. It matters when specifying the route
    configuration and paths to match the request - for per-route grpc
    transcoder configs, the original path should be matched, while in other
    cases, the grpc-like path is expected (the one AFTER the filter is

    # Supplies the filename of :ref:`the proto descriptor set
    # <config_grpc_json_generate_proto_descriptor_set>` for the gRPC services.
    proto_descriptor: str = betterproto.string_field(1, group="descriptor_set")
    # Supplies the binary content of :ref:`the proto descriptor set
    # <config_grpc_json_generate_proto_descriptor_set>` for the gRPC services.
    proto_descriptor_bin: bytes = betterproto.bytes_field(
        4, group="descriptor_set")
    # A list of strings that supplies the fully qualified service names (i.e.
    # "package_name.service_name") that the transcoder will translate. If the
    # service name doesn't exist in ``proto_descriptor``, Envoy will fail at
    # startup. The ``proto_descriptor`` may contain more services than the
    # service names specified here, but they won't be translated. By default, the
    # filter will pass through requests that do not map to any specified
    # services. If the list of services is empty, filter is considered disabled.
    # However, this behavior changes if :ref:`reject_unknown_method <envoy_v3_api
    # _field_extensions.filters.http.grpc_json_transcoder.v3.GrpcJsonTranscoder.R
    # equestValidationOptions.reject_unknown_method>` is enabled.
    services: List[str] = betterproto.string_field(2)
    # Control options for response JSON. These options are passed directly to
    # `JsonPrintOptions <
    # buffers/docs/reference/cpp/
    # google.protobuf.util.json_util#JsonPrintOptions>`_.
    print_options: "GrpcJsonTranscoderPrintOptions" = betterproto.message_field(
    # Whether to keep the incoming request route after the outgoing headers have
    # been transformed to the match the upstream gRPC service. Note: This means
    # that routes for gRPC services that are not transcoded cannot be used in
    # combination with *match_incoming_request_route*.
    match_incoming_request_route: bool = betterproto.bool_field(5)
    # A list of query parameters to be ignored for transcoding method mapping. By
    # default, the transcoder filter will not transcode a request if there are
    # any unknown/invalid query parameters. Example : .. code-block:: proto
    # service Bookstore {       rpc GetShelf(GetShelfRequest) returns (Shelf) {
    # option (google.api.http) = {           get: "/shelves/{shelf}"         };
    # }     }     message GetShelfRequest {       int64 shelf = 1;     }
    # message Shelf {} The request ``/shelves/100?foo=bar`` will not be mapped to
    # ``GetShelf``` because variable binding for ``foo`` is not defined. Adding
    # ``foo`` to ``ignored_query_parameters`` will allow the same request to be
    # mapped to ``GetShelf``.
    ignored_query_parameters: List[str] = betterproto.string_field(6)
    # Whether to route methods without the ``google.api.http`` option. Example :
    # .. code-block:: proto     package bookstore;     service Bookstore {
    # rpc GetShelf(GetShelfRequest) returns (Shelf) {}     }     message
    # GetShelfRequest {       int64 shelf = 1;     }     message Shelf {} The
    # client could ``post`` a json body ``{"shelf": 1234}`` with the path of
    # ``/bookstore.Bookstore/GetShelfRequest`` to call ``GetShelfRequest``.
    auto_mapping: bool = betterproto.bool_field(7)
    # Whether to ignore query parameters that cannot be mapped to a corresponding
    # protobuf field. Use this if you cannot control the query parameters and do
    # not know them beforehand. Otherwise use ``ignored_query_parameters``.
    # Defaults to false.
    ignore_unknown_query_parameters: bool = betterproto.bool_field(8)
    # Whether to convert gRPC status headers to JSON. When trailer indicates a
    # gRPC error and there was no HTTP body, take ``google.rpc.Status`` from the
    # ``grpc-status-details-bin`` header and use it as JSON body. If there was no
    # such header, make ``google.rpc.Status`` out of the ``grpc-status`` and
    # ``grpc-message`` headers. The error details types must be present in the
    # ``proto_descriptor``. For example, if an upstream server replies with
    # headers: .. code-block:: none     grpc-status: 5     grpc-status-details-
    # bin:
    # CAUaMwoqdHlwZS5nb29nbGVhcGlzLmNvbS9nb29nbGUucnBjLlJlcXVlc3RJbmZvEgUKA3ItMQ
    # The ``grpc-status-details-bin`` header contains a base64-encoded protobuf
    # message ``google.rpc.Status``. It will be transcoded into: .. code-block::
    # none     HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found     content-type: application/json     {"co
    # de":5,"details":[{"@type":"","req
    # uestId":"r-1"}]} In order to transcode the message, the
    # ``google.rpc.RequestInfo`` type from the ``google/rpc/error_details.proto``
    # should be included in the configured :ref:`proto descriptor set
    # <config_grpc_json_generate_proto_descriptor_set>`.
    convert_grpc_status: bool = betterproto.bool_field(9)
    # URL unescaping policy. This spec is only applied when extracting variable
    # with multiple segments in the URL path. For example, in case of
    # `/foo/{x=*}/bar/{y=prefix/*}/{z=**}` `x` variable is single segment and `y`
    # and `z` are multiple segments. For a path with
    # `/foo/first/bar/prefix/second/third/fourth`, `x=first`, `y=prefix/second`,
    # `z=third/fourth`. If this setting is not specified, the value defaults to :
    # ref:`ALL_CHARACTERS_EXCEPT_RESERVED<envoy_v3_api_enum_value_extensions.filt
    # ers.http.grpc_json_transcoder.v3.GrpcJsonTranscoder.UrlUnescapeSpec.ALL_CHA
    url_unescape_spec: "GrpcJsonTranscoderUrlUnescapeSpec" = betterproto.enum_field(
    # If true, unescape '+' to space when extracting variables in query
    # parameters. This is to support `HTML 2.0
    # <>`_
    query_param_unescape_plus: bool = betterproto.bool_field(12)
    # If true, try to match the custom verb even if it is unregistered. By
    # default, only match when it is registered. According to the http template
    # `syntax <
    # tp.proto#L226-L231>`_, the custom verb is **":" LITERAL** at the end of
    # http template. For a request with */foo/bar:baz* and *:baz* is not
    # registered in any url_template, here is the behavior change - if the field
    # is not set, *:baz* will not be treated as custom verb, so it will match
    # **/foo/{x=*}**. - if the field is set, *:baz* is treated as custom verb,
    # so it will NOT match **/foo/{x=*}** since the template doesn't use any
    # custom verb.
    match_unregistered_custom_verb: bool = betterproto.bool_field(13)
    # Configure the behavior when handling requests that cannot be transcoded. By
    # default, the transcoder will silently pass through HTTP requests that are
    # malformed. This includes requests with unknown query parameters, unregister
    # paths, etc. Set these options to enable strict HTTP request validation,
    # resulting in the transcoder rejecting such requests with a ``HTTP 4xx``.
    # See each individual option for more details on the validation. gRPC
    # requests will still silently pass through without transcoding. The benefit
    # is a proper error message to the downstream. If the upstream is a gRPC
    # server, it cannot handle the passed-through HTTP requests and will reset
    # the TCP connection. The downstream will then receive a ``HTTP 503 Service
    # Unavailable`` due to the upstream connection reset. This incorrect error
    # message may conflict with other Envoy components, such as retry policies.
    request_validation_options: "GrpcJsonTranscoderRequestValidationOptions" = (
Esempio n. 2
class CMsgDPPartnerMicroTxnsResponse(betterproto.Message):
    eresult: int = betterproto.uint32_field(1)
    eerrorcode: "CMsgDPPartnerMicroTxnsResponseEErrorCode" = betterproto.enum_field(
Esempio n. 3
class ControlFailure(betterproto.Message):
    """ControlFailure control failure message"""

    cause: "Cause" = betterproto.enum_field(1)
    control_outcome: bytes = betterproto.bytes_field(2)
    message: str = betterproto.string_field(3)
Esempio n. 4
class Failure(betterproto.Message):
    """Failure is a subscription failure status"""

    cause: "Cause" = betterproto.enum_field(1)
    message: str = betterproto.string_field(2)
Esempio n. 5
class CMsgGCRoutingInfo(betterproto.Message):
    dir_index: List[int] = betterproto.uint32_field(1)
    method: "CMsgGCRoutingInfoRoutingMethod" = betterproto.enum_field(2)
    fallback: "CMsgGCRoutingInfoRoutingMethod" = betterproto.enum_field(3)
    protobuf_field: int = betterproto.uint32_field(4)
    webapi_param: str = betterproto.string_field(5)
Esempio n. 6
class HealthCheckEjectUnhealthy(betterproto.Message):
    # The type of failure that caused this ejection.
    failure_type: "HealthCheckFailureType" = betterproto.enum_field(1)
Esempio n. 7
class Event(betterproto.Message):
    """Event is a SubscriptionTask event"""

    type: "EventType" = betterproto.enum_field(1)
    task: "SubscriptionTask" = betterproto.message_field(2)
Esempio n. 8
class GetPurchasedAndUpgradedProfileCustomizationsResponseUpgradedCustomization(
    customization_type: "EProfileCustomizationType" = betterproto.enum_field(1)
    level: int = betterproto.uint32_field(2)
Esempio n. 9
class AcceptSsaRequest(betterproto.Message):
    agreement_type: "EAgreementType" = betterproto.enum_field(1)
    time_signed_utc: int = betterproto.uint32_field(2)
Esempio n. 10
class UeId(betterproto.Message):
    ue_id: str = betterproto.string_field(1)
    type: "UeIdType" = betterproto.enum_field(2)
Esempio n. 11
class GetPurchasedProfileCustomizationsResponsePurchasedCustomization(
    purchaseid: int = betterproto.uint64_field(1)
    customization_type: "EProfileCustomizationType" = betterproto.enum_field(2)
Esempio n. 12
class SliceAssocItem(betterproto.Message):
    ue_slice_assoc_id: str = betterproto.string_field(1)
    e2_node_id: str = betterproto.string_field(2)
    ue_id: List["UeIdType"] = betterproto.enum_field(3)
    slice_id: str = betterproto.string_field(4)
Esempio n. 13
class DeleteSliceRequest(betterproto.Message):
    e2_node_id: str = betterproto.string_field(1)
    slice_id: str = betterproto.string_field(2)
    slice_type: "SliceType" = betterproto.enum_field(3)
Esempio n. 14
class UpdateSliceRequest(betterproto.Message):
    e2_node_id: str = betterproto.string_field(1)
    slice_id: str = betterproto.string_field(2)
    scheduler_type: "SchedulerType" = betterproto.enum_field(3)
    weight: str = betterproto.string_field(4)
    slice_type: "SliceType" = betterproto.enum_field(5)
Esempio n. 15
class GetItemInfoRequestWorkshopItem(betterproto.Message):
    published_file_id: int = betterproto.fixed64_field(1)
    time_updated: int = betterproto.uint32_field(2)
    desired_revision: "EPublishedFileRevision" = betterproto.enum_field(3)
Esempio n. 16
class ScalaPbOptions(betterproto.Message):
    # If set then it overrides the java_package and package.
    package_name: str = betterproto.string_field(1)
    # If true, the compiler does not append the proto base file name into the
    # generated package name. If false (the default), the generated scala package
    # name is the package_name.basename where basename is the proto file name
    # without the .proto extension.
    flat_package: bool = betterproto.bool_field(2)
    # Adds the following imports at the top of the file (this is meant to provide
    # implicit TypeMappers)
    import_: List[str] = betterproto.string_field(3)
    # Text to add to the generated scala file.  This can be used only when
    # single_file is true.
    preamble: List[str] = betterproto.string_field(4)
    # If true, all messages and enums (but not services) will be written to a
    # single Scala file.
    single_file: bool = betterproto.bool_field(5)
    # By default, wrappers defined at
    # ter/src/google/protobuf/wrappers.proto, are mapped to an Option[T] where T
    # is a primitive type. When this field is set to true, we do not perform this
    # transformation.
    no_primitive_wrappers: bool = betterproto.bool_field(7)
    # DEPRECATED. In ScalaPB <= 0.5.47, it was necessary to explicitly enable
    # primitive_wrappers. This field remains here for backwards compatibility,
    # but it has no effect on generated code. It is an error to set both
    # `primitive_wrappers` and `no_primitive_wrappers`.
    primitive_wrappers: bool = betterproto.bool_field(6)
    # Scala type to be used for repeated fields. If unspecified,
    # `scala.collection.Seq` will be used.
    collection_type: str = betterproto.string_field(8)
    # If set to true, all generated messages in this file will preserve unknown
    # fields.
    preserve_unknown_fields: bool = betterproto.bool_field(9)
    # If defined, sets the name of the file-level object that would be generated.
    # This object extends `GeneratedFileObject` and contains descriptors, and
    # list of message and enum companions.
    object_name: str = betterproto.string_field(10)
    # Experimental: scope to apply the given options.
    scope: "ScalaPbOptionsOptionsScope" = betterproto.enum_field(11)
    # If true, lenses will be generated.
    lenses: bool = betterproto.bool_field(12)
    # If true, then source-code info information will be included in the
    # generated code - normally the source code info is cleared out to reduce
    # code size.  The source code info is useful for extracting source code
    # location from the descriptors as well as comments.
    retain_source_code_info: bool = betterproto.bool_field(13)
    # Scala type to be used for maps. If unspecified,
    # `scala.collection.immutable.Map` will be used.
    map_type: str = betterproto.string_field(14)
    # If true, no default values will be generated in message constructors.
    no_default_values_in_constructor: bool = betterproto.bool_field(15)
    enum_value_naming: "ScalaPbOptionsEnumValueNaming" = betterproto.enum_field(
    # Indicate if prefix (enum name + optional underscore) should be removed in
    # scala code Strip is applied before enum value naming changes.
    enum_strip_prefix: bool = betterproto.bool_field(17)
    # Scala type to use for bytes fields.
    bytes_type: str = betterproto.string_field(21)
    # Enable java conversions for this file.
    java_conversions: bool = betterproto.bool_field(23)
    # List of message options to apply to some messages.
    aux_message_options: List[
        "ScalaPbOptionsAuxMessageOptions"] = betterproto.message_field(18)
    # List of message options to apply to some fields.
    aux_field_options: List[
        "ScalaPbOptionsAuxFieldOptions"] = betterproto.message_field(19)
    # List of message options to apply to some enums.
    aux_enum_options: List[
        "ScalaPbOptionsAuxEnumOptions"] = betterproto.message_field(20)
    # List of enum value options to apply to some enum values.
    aux_enum_value_options: List[
        "ScalaPbOptionsAuxEnumValueOptions"] = betterproto.message_field(22)
    # List of preprocessors to apply.
    preprocessors: List[str] = betterproto.string_field(24)
    field_transformations: List[
        "FieldTransformation"] = betterproto.message_field(25)
    # Ignores all transformations for this file. This is meant to allow specific
    # files to opt out from transformations inherited through package-scoped
    # options.
    ignore_all_transformations: bool = betterproto.bool_field(26)
    # If true, getters will be generated.
    getters: bool = betterproto.bool_field(27)
    # For use in tests only. Inhibit Java conversions even when when generator
    # parameters request for it.
    test_only_no_java_conversions: bool = betterproto.bool_field(999)
Esempio n. 17
class FileSubscribedNotificationRevisionData(betterproto.Message):
    revision: "EPublishedFileRevision" = betterproto.enum_field(1)
    file_hcontent: int = betterproto.fixed64_field(2)
    rtime_updated: int = betterproto.uint32_field(3)
Esempio n. 18
class FieldTransformation(betterproto.Message):
    when: "betterproto_lib_google_protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto" = (
    match_type: "MatchType" = betterproto.enum_field(2)
    set: "betterproto_lib_google_protobuf.FieldOptions" = betterproto.message_field(
Esempio n. 19
class HealthCheckFailure(betterproto.Message):
    # The type of failure that caused this event.
    failure_type: "HealthCheckFailureType" = betterproto.enum_field(1)
    # Whether this event is the result of the first ever health check on a host.
    first_check: bool = betterproto.bool_field(2)
Esempio n. 20
class CDOTAMatchMetadataCDOTAMatchMetadataTeamPlayer(betterproto.Message):
    account_id: int = betterproto.uint32_field(1)
    ability_upgrades: List[int] = betterproto.uint32_field(2)
    player_slot: int = betterproto.uint32_field(3)
    equipped_econ_items: List["CSOEconItem"] = betterproto.message_field(4)
    kills: List[
        "CDOTAMatchMetadataTeamPlayerKill"] = betterproto.message_field(5)
    items: List[
        "CDOTAMatchMetadataTeamItemPurchase"] = betterproto.message_field(6)
    avg_kills_x16: int = betterproto.uint32_field(7)
    avg_deaths_x16: int = betterproto.uint32_field(8)
    avg_assists_x16: int = betterproto.uint32_field(9)
    avg_gpm_x16: int = betterproto.uint32_field(10)
    avg_xpm_x16: int = betterproto.uint32_field(11)
    best_kills_x16: int = betterproto.uint32_field(12)
    best_assists_x16: int = betterproto.uint32_field(13)
    best_gpm_x16: int = betterproto.uint32_field(14)
    best_xpm_x16: int = betterproto.uint32_field(15)
    win_streak: int = betterproto.uint32_field(16)
    best_win_streak: int = betterproto.uint32_field(17)
    fight_score: float = betterproto.float_field(18)
    farm_score: float = betterproto.float_field(19)
    support_score: float = betterproto.float_field(20)
    push_score: float = betterproto.float_field(21)
    level_up_times: List[int] = betterproto.uint32_field(22)
    graph_net_worth: List[float] = betterproto.float_field(23)
    inventory_snapshot: List[
        "CDOTAMatchMetadataTeamInventorySnapshot"] = betterproto.message_field(
    avg_stats_calibrated: bool = betterproto.bool_field(25)
    auto_style_criteria: List[
        "CDOTAMatchMetadataTeamAutoStyleCriteria"] = betterproto.message_field(
    event_data: List[
        "CDOTAMatchMetadataTeamEventData"] = betterproto.message_field(29)
    strange_gem_progress: List[
        "CDOTAMatchMetadataTeamStrangeGemProgress"] = betterproto.message_field(
    hero_xp: int = betterproto.uint32_field(31)
    camps_stacked: int = betterproto.uint32_field(32)
    victory_prediction: List[
        "CDOTAMatchMetadataTeamVictoryPrediction"] = betterproto.message_field(
    lane_selection_flags: int = betterproto.uint32_field(34)
    rampages: int = betterproto.uint32_field(35)
    triple_kills: int = betterproto.uint32_field(36)
    aegis_snatched: int = betterproto.uint32_field(37)
    rapiers_purchased: int = betterproto.uint32_field(38)
    couriers_killed: int = betterproto.uint32_field(39)
    net_worth_rank: int = betterproto.uint32_field(40)
    support_gold_spent: int = betterproto.uint32_field(41)
    observer_wards_placed: int = betterproto.uint32_field(42)
    sentry_wards_placed: int = betterproto.uint32_field(43)
    wards_dewarded: int = betterproto.uint32_field(44)
    stun_duration: float = betterproto.float_field(45)
    rank_mmr_boost_type: "EDOTAMMRBoostType" = betterproto.enum_field(46)
    gauntlet_progress: "CDOTAMatchMetadataTeamGauntletProgress" = (
    contract_progress: List[
        "CDOTAMatchMetadataTeamPlayerContractProgress"] = betterproto.message_field(
Esempio n. 21
class Lifecycle(betterproto.Message):
    """Lifecycle is a subscription task status"""

    phase: "Phase" = betterproto.enum_field(1)
    status: "Status" = betterproto.enum_field(2)
    failure: "Failure" = betterproto.message_field(3)
Esempio n. 22
class HttpStatus(betterproto.Message):
    """HTTP status."""

    # Supplies HTTP response code.
    code: "StatusCode" = betterproto.enum_field(1)
Esempio n. 23
class CommandLineOptions(betterproto.Message):
    """[#next-free-field: 29]"""

    # See :option:`--base-id` for details.
    base_id: int = betterproto.uint64_field(1)
    # See :option:`--concurrency` for details.
    concurrency: int = betterproto.uint32_field(2)
    # See :option:`--config-path` for details.
    config_path: str = betterproto.string_field(3)
    # See :option:`--config-yaml` for details.
    config_yaml: str = betterproto.string_field(4)
    # See :option:`--allow-unknown-static-fields` for details.
    allow_unknown_static_fields: bool = betterproto.bool_field(5)
    # See :option:`--reject-unknown-dynamic-fields` for details.
    reject_unknown_dynamic_fields: bool = betterproto.bool_field(26)
    # See :option:`--admin-address-path` for details.
    admin_address_path: str = betterproto.string_field(6)
    # See :option:`--local-address-ip-version` for details.
    local_address_ip_version: "CommandLineOptionsIpVersion" = betterproto.enum_field(7)
    # See :option:`--log-level` for details.
    log_level: str = betterproto.string_field(8)
    # See :option:`--component-log-level` for details.
    component_log_level: str = betterproto.string_field(9)
    # See :option:`--log-format` for details.
    log_format: str = betterproto.string_field(10)
    # See :option:`--log-format-escaped` for details.
    log_format_escaped: bool = betterproto.bool_field(27)
    # See :option:`--log-path` for details.
    log_path: str = betterproto.string_field(11)
    # See :option:`--service-cluster` for details.
    service_cluster: str = betterproto.string_field(13)
    # See :option:`--service-node` for details.
    service_node: str = betterproto.string_field(14)
    # See :option:`--service-zone` for details.
    service_zone: str = betterproto.string_field(15)
    # See :option:`--file-flush-interval-msec` for details.
    file_flush_interval: timedelta = betterproto.message_field(16)
    # See :option:`--drain-time-s` for details.
    drain_time: timedelta = betterproto.message_field(17)
    # See :option:`--parent-shutdown-time-s` for details.
    parent_shutdown_time: timedelta = betterproto.message_field(18)
    # See :option:`--mode` for details.
    mode: "CommandLineOptionsMode" = betterproto.enum_field(19)
    # max_stats and max_obj_name_len are now unused and have no effect.
    max_stats: int = betterproto.uint64_field(20)
    max_obj_name_len: int = betterproto.uint64_field(21)
    # See :option:`--disable-hot-restart` for details.
    disable_hot_restart: bool = betterproto.bool_field(22)
    # See :option:`--enable-mutex-tracing` for details.
    enable_mutex_tracing: bool = betterproto.bool_field(23)
    # See :option:`--restart-epoch` for details.
    restart_epoch: int = betterproto.uint32_field(24)
    # See :option:`--cpuset-threads` for details.
    cpuset_threads: bool = betterproto.bool_field(25)
    # See :option:`--disable-extensions` for details.
    disabled_extensions: List[str] = betterproto.string_field(28)

    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
        if self.max_stats:
                "CommandLineOptions.max_stats is deprecated", DeprecationWarning
        if self.max_obj_name_len:
                "CommandLineOptions.max_obj_name_len is deprecated", DeprecationWarning
Esempio n. 24
class CMsgSpectateFriendGameResponse(betterproto.Message):
    server_steamid: float = betterproto.fixed64_field(4)
    watch_live_result: "CMsgSpectateFriendGameResponseEWatchLiveResult" = betterproto.enum_field(
Esempio n. 25
class CMsgGCMsgSetOptions(betterproto.Message):
    options: List["CMsgGCMsgSetOptionsOption"] = betterproto.enum_field(1)
    client_msg_ranges: List[
        "CMsgGCMsgSetOptionsMessageRange"] = betterproto.message_field(2)
    gcsql_version: "CMsgGCMsgSetOptionsGCSQLVersion" = betterproto.enum_field(
Esempio n. 26
class ListRoutesResponse(betterproto.Message):
    # route is the route change on which the event occurred
    route: "_types__.Route" = betterproto.message_field(1)
    # type is a qualification of the type of change being made
    type: "Type" = betterproto.enum_field(2)
Esempio n. 27
File: Progetto: emakeev/api
class RemoveResponse(betterproto.Message):
    header: headers.ResponseHeader = betterproto.message_field(1)
    status: "ResponseStatus" = betterproto.enum_field(2)
    previous_value: bytes = betterproto.bytes_field(3)
    previous_version: int = betterproto.uint64_field(4)
Esempio n. 28
class PublishedFileDetails(betterproto.Message):
    result: int = betterproto.uint32_field(1)
    publishedfileid: int = betterproto.uint64_field(2)
    creator: int = betterproto.fixed64_field(3)
    creator_appid: int = betterproto.uint32_field(4)
    consumer_appid: int = betterproto.uint32_field(5)
    consumer_shortcutid: int = betterproto.uint32_field(6)
    filename: str = betterproto.string_field(7)
    file_size: int = betterproto.uint64_field(8)
    preview_file_size: int = betterproto.uint64_field(9)
    file_url: str = betterproto.string_field(10)
    preview_url: str = betterproto.string_field(11)
    youtubevideoid: str = betterproto.string_field(12)
    url: str = betterproto.string_field(13)
    hcontent_file: int = betterproto.fixed64_field(14)
    hcontent_preview: int = betterproto.fixed64_field(15)
    title: str = betterproto.string_field(16)
    file_description: str = betterproto.string_field(17)
    short_description: str = betterproto.string_field(18)
    time_created: int = betterproto.uint32_field(19)
    time_updated: int = betterproto.uint32_field(20)
    visibility: int = betterproto.uint32_field(21)
    flags: int = betterproto.uint32_field(22)
    workshop_file: bool = betterproto.bool_field(23)
    workshop_accepted: bool = betterproto.bool_field(24)
    show_subscribe_all: bool = betterproto.bool_field(25)
    num_comments_developer: int = betterproto.int32_field(26)
    num_comments_public: int = betterproto.int32_field(27)
    banned: bool = betterproto.bool_field(28)
    ban_reason: str = betterproto.string_field(29)
    banner: int = betterproto.fixed64_field(30)
    can_be_deleted: bool = betterproto.bool_field(31)
    incompatible: bool = betterproto.bool_field(32)
    app_name: str = betterproto.string_field(33)
    file_type: int = betterproto.uint32_field(34)
    can_subscribe: bool = betterproto.bool_field(35)
    subscriptions: int = betterproto.uint32_field(36)
    favorited: int = betterproto.uint32_field(37)
    followers: int = betterproto.uint32_field(38)
    lifetime_subscriptions: int = betterproto.uint32_field(39)
    lifetime_favorited: int = betterproto.uint32_field(40)
    lifetime_followers: int = betterproto.uint32_field(41)
    lifetime_playtime: int = betterproto.uint64_field(62)
    lifetime_playtime_sessions: int = betterproto.uint64_field(63)
    views: int = betterproto.uint32_field(42)
    image_width: int = betterproto.uint32_field(43)
    image_height: int = betterproto.uint32_field(44)
    image_url: str = betterproto.string_field(45)
    spoiler_tag: bool = betterproto.bool_field(46)
    shortcutid: int = betterproto.uint32_field(47)
    shortcutname: str = betterproto.string_field(48)
    num_children: int = betterproto.uint32_field(49)
    num_reports: int = betterproto.uint32_field(50)
    previews: List["PublishedFileDetailsPreview"] = betterproto.message_field(
    tags: List["PublishedFileDetailsTag"] = betterproto.message_field(52)
    children: List["PublishedFileDetailsChild"] = betterproto.message_field(53)
    kvtags: List["PublishedFileDetailsKvTag"] = betterproto.message_field(54)
    vote_data: "PublishedFileDetailsVoteData" = betterproto.message_field(55)
    playtime_stats: "PublishedFileDetailsPlaytimeStats" = betterproto.message_field(
    time_subscribed: int = betterproto.uint32_field(56)
    for_sale_data: "PublishedFileDetailsForSaleData" = betterproto.message_field(
    metadata: str = betterproto.string_field(58)
    language: int = betterproto.int32_field(61)
    maybe_inappropriate_sex: bool = betterproto.bool_field(65)
    maybe_inappropriate_violence: bool = betterproto.bool_field(66)
    revision_change_number: int = betterproto.uint64_field(67)
    revision: "EPublishedFileRevision" = betterproto.enum_field(68)
    available_revisions: List[
        "EPublishedFileRevision"] = betterproto.enum_field(69)
    reactions: List[
        "PublishedFileDetailsReaction"] = betterproto.message_field(70)
    ban_text_check_result: EBanContentCheckResult = betterproto.enum_field(71)
Esempio n. 29
class MetricFamily(betterproto.Message):
    name: str = betterproto.string_field(1)
    help: str = betterproto.string_field(2)
    type: "MetricType" = betterproto.enum_field(3)
    metric: List["Metric"] = betterproto.message_field(4)
Esempio n. 30
class ProposalEvent(betterproto.Message):
    type: "ProposalEventEventType" = betterproto.enum_field(1)
    proposal: "Proposal" = betterproto.message_field(2)

    def __post_init__(self) -> None: