Esempio n. 1
def get_tikz_lines(fs):
    @param fs: user input
    @return: a sequence of tikz lines
    # define characteristics for all circles
    radius = 1
    nsegments = 5
    # define the first circle
    center = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
    axis = 0
    owned_bchunks = bezier.gen_bchunks_ortho_circle(center, radius, axis, pcurve.OwnedBezierChunk)
    first_curve = pcurve.BezierPath(owned_bchunks)
    # define the second circle
    center = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 0.0])
    axis = 1
    owned_bchunks = bezier.gen_bchunks_ortho_circle(center, radius, axis, pcurve.OwnedBezierChunk)
    second_curve = pcurve.BezierPath(owned_bchunks)
    # rotate every control point in every bchunk in each curve
    for curve in (first_curve, second_curve):
        for b in curve.bchunks:
            b.p0 = rotate_to_view(b.p0)
            b.p1 = rotate_to_view(b.p1)
            b.p2 = rotate_to_view(b.p2)
            b.p3 = rotate_to_view(b.p3)
    # define some new flat curves whose bchunks reference the deep curves
    deep_curves = (first_curve, second_curve)
    flat_curves = []
    for deep_curve in deep_curves:
        flat_bchunks = []
        for deep_b in deep_curve.bchunks:
            flat_b = pcurve.OwnedBezierChunk(
                deep_b.start_time, deep_b.stop_time, deep_b.p0[1:], deep_b.p1[1:], deep_b.p2[1:], deep_b.p3[1:]
            flat_b.parent_ref = id(deep_curve)
    # break up the piecewise curves for z-ordering
    child_parent_curve_pairs = list(pcurve.decompose_scene(deep_curves, flat_curves, fs.min_gridsize))
    # extract the child curves
    child_curves = zip(*child_parent_curve_pairs)[0]
    # sort the child curves according to depth order
    # TODO chain together the bezier curve into a single drawing command
    depth_curve_pairs = []
    for curve in child_curves:
        x, y, z = rotate_to_view(curve.evaluate(curve.characteristic_time))
        depth_curve_pairs.append((x, curve))
    lines = []
    for x, curve in sorted(depth_curve_pairs):
        colors = ["yellow", "orange", "red", "green", "blue", "purple"]
        c = random.choice(colors)
        for b in curve.bchunks:
            controls = (b.p0, b.p1, b.p2, b.p3)
            points = [tikz.point_to_tikz(p[1:]) for p in controls]
            args = tuple([c] + points)
            line = "\\draw[draw=white,double=%s,thick] %s .. controls %s and %s .. %s;" % args
            # line = '\\draw %s -- %s -- %s -- %s;' % points
            # lines.append(line)
    return lines
Esempio n. 2
def get_scene(root_a, root_b, root_c, initial_t, final_t, intersection_radius,
    Define all of the bezier paths annotated with styles.
    @return: a list of strokes
    # define the strokes
    strokes = []
    # define the half axis line segments
    xp_rad, xn_rad, yp_rad, yn_rad, zp_rad, zn_rad = half_axis_radii
        bpath_to_stroke(make_half_axis(0, +1, xp_rad), STYLE_X),
        bpath_to_stroke(make_half_axis(0, -1, xn_rad), STYLE_X),
        bpath_to_stroke(make_half_axis(1, +1, yp_rad), STYLE_Y),
        bpath_to_stroke(make_half_axis(1, -1, yn_rad), STYLE_Y),
        bpath_to_stroke(make_half_axis(2, +1, zp_rad), STYLE_Z),
        bpath_to_stroke(make_half_axis(2, -1, zn_rad), STYLE_Z)
    # define the polynomial curve
    p3 = sympyutils.roots_to_poly((root_a, root_b, root_c))
    p2 = p3.diff()
    p1 = p2.diff()
    shape = interlace.CubicPolyShape((p1, p2, p3), initial_t, final_t)
    strokes.append(bpath_to_stroke(shape.get_bezier_path(), STYLE_CURVE))
    # define the orthocircles at curve-plane intersections
    axes = range(3)
    point_seqs = shape.get_orthoplanar_intersections()
    styles = (STYLE_X, STYLE_Y, STYLE_Z)
    for axis, point_seq, style in zip(axes, point_seqs, styles):
        for center in point_seq:
            bchunks = list(
                bezier.gen_bchunks_ortho_circle(center, intersection_radius,
            bpath = pcurve.BezierPath(bchunks)
            for b in bchunks:
                b.parent_ref = id(bpath)
            strokes.append(bpath_to_stroke(bpath, style))
    return strokes
Esempio n. 3
def get_scene(root_a, root_b, root_c,
        initial_t, final_t, intersection_radius, half_axis_radii):
    Define all of the bezier paths annotated with styles.
    @return: a list of strokes
    # define the strokes
    strokes = []
    # define the half axis line segments
    xp_rad, xn_rad, yp_rad, yn_rad, zp_rad, zn_rad = half_axis_radii
        bpath_to_stroke(make_half_axis(0, +1, xp_rad), STYLE_X),
        bpath_to_stroke(make_half_axis(0, -1, xn_rad), STYLE_X),
        bpath_to_stroke(make_half_axis(1, +1, yp_rad), STYLE_Y),
        bpath_to_stroke(make_half_axis(1, -1, yn_rad), STYLE_Y),
        bpath_to_stroke(make_half_axis(2, +1, zp_rad), STYLE_Z),
        bpath_to_stroke(make_half_axis(2, -1, zn_rad), STYLE_Z)])
    # define the polynomial curve
    p3 = sympyutils.roots_to_poly((root_a, root_b, root_c))
    p2 = p3.diff()
    p1 = p2.diff()
    shape = interlace.CubicPolyShape((p1, p2, p3), initial_t, final_t)
    strokes.append(bpath_to_stroke(shape.get_bezier_path(), STYLE_CURVE))
    # define the orthocircles at curve-plane intersections
    axes = range(3)
    point_seqs = shape.get_orthoplanar_intersections()
    styles = (STYLE_X, STYLE_Y, STYLE_Z)
    for axis, point_seq, style in zip(axes, point_seqs, styles):
        for center in point_seq:
            bchunks = list(bezier.gen_bchunks_ortho_circle(
                    center, intersection_radius, axis))
            bpath = pcurve.BezierPath(bchunks)
            for b in bchunks:
                b.parent_ref = id(bpath)
            strokes.append(bpath_to_stroke(bpath, style))
    return strokes
Esempio n. 4
def get_tikz_lines(fs):
    @param fs: user input
    @return: a sequence of tikz lines
    # define characteristics for all circles
    radius = 1
    nsegments = 5
    # define the first circle
    center = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
    axis = 0
    owned_bchunks = bezier.gen_bchunks_ortho_circle(
        center, radius, axis, pcurve.OwnedBezierChunk)
    first_curve = pcurve.BezierPath(owned_bchunks)
    # define the second circle
    center = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 0.0])
    axis = 1
    owned_bchunks = bezier.gen_bchunks_ortho_circle(
        center, radius, axis, pcurve.OwnedBezierChunk)
    second_curve = pcurve.BezierPath(owned_bchunks)
    # rotate every control point in every bchunk in each curve
    for curve in (first_curve, second_curve):
        for b in curve.bchunks:
            b.p0 = rotate_to_view(b.p0)
            b.p1 = rotate_to_view(b.p1)
            b.p2 = rotate_to_view(b.p2)
            b.p3 = rotate_to_view(b.p3)
    # define some new flat curves whose bchunks reference the deep curves
    deep_curves = (first_curve, second_curve)
    flat_curves = []
    for deep_curve in deep_curves:
        flat_bchunks = []
        for deep_b in deep_curve.bchunks:
            flat_b = pcurve.OwnedBezierChunk(
                    deep_b.start_time, deep_b.stop_time,
                    deep_b.p0[1:], deep_b.p1[1:], deep_b.p2[1:], deep_b.p3[1:])
            flat_b.parent_ref = id(deep_curve)
    # break up the piecewise curves for z-ordering
    child_parent_curve_pairs = list(pcurve.decompose_scene(
            deep_curves, flat_curves, fs.min_gridsize))
    # extract the child curves
    child_curves = zip(*child_parent_curve_pairs)[0]
    # sort the child curves according to depth order
    # TODO chain together the bezier curve into a single drawing command
    depth_curve_pairs = []
    for curve in child_curves:
        x, y, z = rotate_to_view(curve.evaluate(curve.characteristic_time))
        depth_curve_pairs.append((x, curve))
    lines = []
    for x, curve in sorted(depth_curve_pairs):
        colors = ['yellow', 'orange', 'red', 'green', 'blue', 'purple']
        c = random.choice(colors)
        for b in curve.bchunks:
            controls = (b.p0, b.p1, b.p2, b.p3)
            points = [tikz.point_to_tikz(p[1:]) for p in controls]
            args = tuple([c] + points)
            line = '\\draw[draw=white,double=%s,thick] %s .. controls %s and %s .. %s;' % args
            #line = '\\draw %s -- %s -- %s -- %s;' % points
    return lines
Esempio n. 5
def get_scene(sample):
    Define all of the bezier paths.
    @param sample: an interlacesample.Sample object
    @return: a list of strokes
    # define the strokes
    strokes = []
    # For these full images as opposed to the two-color logos,
    # set the half axis radii per shape.
    xp_rad, xn_rad, yp_rad, yn_rad, zp_rad, zn_rad = sample.get_axis_radii()
    #xp_rad = xn_rad = 3 * (width + height) / 4.0
    #yp_rad = yn_rad = width / 2.0
    #zp_rad = zn_rad = height / 2.0
    # Replace this junk with the right transformations.
    # The right way would involve turning the shapes into
    # bezier paths and then linearly transforming the beziers
    # and then estimating the width and height of the transformation
    # by looking at the bezier bounding boxes and recursively splitting
    # the beziers which are near the x or y max or min, until
    # the x and y max and min are known within some specified error.
    # Then the whole scene can be rescaled to fit within the
    # desired width and height dimensions.
    # The values should be (A^T g) where g is a screen space
    # 2d cardinal direction vector
    # and A is the matrix that rotates and projects the original shapes
    # into screen space.
    bchunks = [b for bpath in shape.get_bezier_paths() for b in bpath.bchunks]
    screen_right = bezier.get_max_dot(bchunks, np.array([-0.3, 0.8, 0]))
    screen_left = bezier.get_max_dot(bchunks, -np.array([-0.3, 0.8, 0]))
    screen_top = bezier.get_max_dot(bchunks, np.array([-0.1, 0.3, 0.8]))
    screen_bottom = bezier.get_max_dot(bchunks, -np.array([-0.1, 0.3, 0.8]))
    scaling_factor = min(
            (width / 2.0) / screen_right,
            (width / 2.0) / screen_left,
            (height / 2.0) / screen_top,
            (height / 2.0) / screen_bottom)
    # define the scaling factor and the shape
    sf = sample.get_large_3d_sf()
    shape = sample.get_shape()
    # add the half axis strokes
        bpath_to_stroke(make_half_axis(0, +1, xp_rad), STYLE_X),
        bpath_to_stroke(make_half_axis(0, -1, xn_rad), STYLE_X),
        bpath_to_stroke(make_half_axis(1, +1, yp_rad), STYLE_Y),
        bpath_to_stroke(make_half_axis(1, -1, yn_rad), STYLE_Y),
        bpath_to_stroke(make_half_axis(2, +1, zp_rad), STYLE_Z),
        bpath_to_stroke(make_half_axis(2, -1, zn_rad), STYLE_Z)])
    # add the scaled bezier paths of the shape
    for bpath in shape.get_bezier_paths():
        strokes.append(bpath_to_stroke(bpath, STYLE_CURVE))
    # define the orthocircles at curve-plane intersections
    intersection_radius = 0.2
    axes = range(3)
    point_seqs = shape.get_orthoplanar_intersections()
    styles = (STYLE_X, STYLE_Y, STYLE_Z)
    for axis, point_seq, style in zip(axes, point_seqs, styles):
        for center in point_seq:
            # NOTE using four-stroke circles
            # NOTE to avoid problems caused by thick back-erased lines
            bchunks = list(bezier.gen_bchunks_ortho_circle(
                    center*sf, intersection_radius, axis))
            bpath = pcurve.BezierPath(bchunks)
            strokes.append(bpath_to_stroke(bpath, style))
            for b in bezier.gen_bchunks_ortho_circle(
                    center*sf, intersection_radius, axis):
                strokes.append(bpath_to_stroke(pcurve.BezierPath([b]), style))
    # return the strokes
    return strokes
Esempio n. 6
def get_scene(sample):
    Define all of the bezier paths.
    @param sample: an interlacesample.Sample object
    @return: a list of strokes
    # define the strokes
    strokes = []
    # For these full images as opposed to the two-color logos,
    # set the half axis radii per shape.
    xp_rad, xn_rad, yp_rad, yn_rad, zp_rad, zn_rad = sample.get_axis_radii()
    #xp_rad = xn_rad = 3 * (width + height) / 4.0
    #yp_rad = yn_rad = width / 2.0
    #zp_rad = zn_rad = height / 2.0
    # Replace this junk with the right transformations.
    # The right way would involve turning the shapes into
    # bezier paths and then linearly transforming the beziers
    # and then estimating the width and height of the transformation
    # by looking at the bezier bounding boxes and recursively splitting
    # the beziers which are near the x or y max or min, until
    # the x and y max and min are known within some specified error.
    # Then the whole scene can be rescaled to fit within the
    # desired width and height dimensions.
    # The values should be (A^T g) where g is a screen space
    # 2d cardinal direction vector
    # and A is the matrix that rotates and projects the original shapes
    # into screen space.
    bchunks = [b for bpath in shape.get_bezier_paths() for b in bpath.bchunks]
    screen_right = bezier.get_max_dot(bchunks, np.array([-0.3, 0.8, 0]))
    screen_left = bezier.get_max_dot(bchunks, -np.array([-0.3, 0.8, 0]))
    screen_top = bezier.get_max_dot(bchunks, np.array([-0.1, 0.3, 0.8]))
    screen_bottom = bezier.get_max_dot(bchunks, -np.array([-0.1, 0.3, 0.8]))
    scaling_factor = min(
            (width / 2.0) / screen_right,
            (width / 2.0) / screen_left,
            (height / 2.0) / screen_top,
            (height / 2.0) / screen_bottom)
    # define the scaling factor and the shape
    sf = sample.get_large_3d_sf()
    shape = sample.get_shape()
    # add the half axis strokes
        bpath_to_stroke(make_half_axis(0, +1, xp_rad), STYLE_X),
        bpath_to_stroke(make_half_axis(0, -1, xn_rad), STYLE_X),
        bpath_to_stroke(make_half_axis(1, +1, yp_rad), STYLE_Y),
        bpath_to_stroke(make_half_axis(1, -1, yn_rad), STYLE_Y),
        bpath_to_stroke(make_half_axis(2, +1, zp_rad), STYLE_Z),
        bpath_to_stroke(make_half_axis(2, -1, zn_rad), STYLE_Z)
    # add the scaled bezier paths of the shape
    for bpath in shape.get_bezier_paths():
        strokes.append(bpath_to_stroke(bpath, STYLE_CURVE))
    # define the orthocircles at curve-plane intersections
    intersection_radius = 0.2
    axes = range(3)
    point_seqs = shape.get_orthoplanar_intersections()
    styles = (STYLE_X, STYLE_Y, STYLE_Z)
    for axis, point_seq, style in zip(axes, point_seqs, styles):
        for center in point_seq:
            # NOTE using four-stroke circles
            # NOTE to avoid problems caused by thick back-erased lines
            bchunks = list(bezier.gen_bchunks_ortho_circle(
                    center*sf, intersection_radius, axis))
            bpath = pcurve.BezierPath(bchunks)
            strokes.append(bpath_to_stroke(bpath, style))
            for b in bezier.gen_bchunks_ortho_circle(center * sf,
                strokes.append(bpath_to_stroke(pcurve.BezierPath([b]), style))
    # return the strokes
    return strokes