Esempio n. 1
def _get_resized_image_stack(flist):
    """ Load all images in a list and resize to OPTIONS['size']

    When files are parsed, the variables are used in an index to provide
    a method to reference a specific file name by its dimensions. This
    function returns the variable index based on the input filename pattern.

    Inputs:ed th
        flist - Paths of list of images to load and resize
        img_stack - A 3D stack of 2D images
        X - width of image
        Y - height of image

    #Initialize the output
    br = BioReader(str(flist[0]))
    X = br.num_x()
    Y = br.num_y()
    C = len(flist)
    img_stack = np.zeros((OPTIONS['size'], OPTIONS['size'], C),

    # Load every image as a z-slice
    for ind, fname in zip(range(len(flist)), flist):
        br = BioReader(str(fname))
        I = np.squeeze(br.read_image())
        img_stack[:, :, ind] = cv2.resize(
            I, (OPTIONS['size'], OPTIONS['size']),
    return img_stack, X, Y
Esempio n. 2
    def buffer_image(self, image_path, Xi, Yi, Xt, Yt, color=False):
        """buffer_image Load and image and store in buffer

        This method loads an image and stores it in the appropriate
        position based on the stitching vector coordinates within
        a large tile of the output image. It is intended to be
        used as a thread to increase the reading component to
        assembling the image.
            image_path ([str]): Path to image to load
            Xi ([list]): Xmin and Xmax of pixels to load from the image
            Yi ([list]): Ymin and Ymax of pixels to load from the image
            Xt ([list]): X position within the buffer to store the image
            Yt ([list]): Y position within the buffer to store the image

        # Load the image
        br = BioReader(image_path, max_workers=2)
        image = br.read_image(X=Xi, Y=Yi)  # only get the first z,c,t layer

        # Put the image in the buffer
        if color != None:
            image_temp = (
                255 * (image[..., 0, 0].astype(np.float32) - self.bounds[0]) /
                (self.bounds[1] - self.bounds[0]))
            image_temp[image_temp > 255] = 255
            image_temp[image_temp < 0] = 0
            image_temp = image_temp.astype(np.uint8)
            self._image[Yt[0]:Yt[1], Xt[0]:Xt[1], ...] = 0
            self._image[Yt[0]:Yt[1], Xt[0]:Xt[1], self.color] = image_temp
            self._image[Yt[0]:Yt[1], Xt[0]:Xt[1], ...] = image[:, :, :, 0, 0]
Esempio n. 3
def _merge_layers(input_dir, input_files, output_dir, output_file):
    zs = [z for z in input_files.keys()]  # sorted list of filenames by z-value

    # Initialize the output file
    br = BioReader(
    bw = BioWriter(str(Path(output_dir).joinpath(output_file).absolute()),
    del br

    # Load each image and save to the volume file
    for z, i in zip(zs, range(len(zs))):
        br = BioReader(
        bw.write_image(br.read_image(), Z=[i, i + 1])
        del br

    # Close the output image and delete
    del bw
Esempio n. 4
        {% endif -%}
        {% for inp,val in cookiecutter._inputs|dictsort -%}
        {% if val.type=="collection" -%}
        # Get all file names in {{ inp }} image collection
        {{ inp }}_files = [ for f in Path({{ inp }}).iterdir() if f.is_file() and "".join(f.suffixes)=='.ome.tif']
        {% endif %}
        {% endfor -%}
        {% for inp,val in cookiecutter._inputs|dictsort -%}
        {% for out,n in cookiecutter._outputs|dictsort -%}
        {% if val.type=="collection" and cookiecutter.use_bfio -%}
        # Loop through files in {{ inp }} image collection and process
        for i,f in enumerate({{ inp }}_files):
            # Load an image
            br = BioReader(Path({{ inp }}).joinpath(f))
            image = np.squeeze(br.read_image())

            # initialize the output
            out_image = np.zeros(image.shape,dtype=br._pix['type'])

            """ Do some math and science - you should replace this """
  'Processing image ({}/{}): {}'.format(i,len({{ inp }}_files),f))
            out_image = awesome_math_and_science_function(image)

            # Write the output
            bw = BioWriter(Path({{ out }}).joinpath(f),metadata=br.read_metadata())
        {%- endif %}{% endfor %}{% endfor %}
        {%- if cookiecutter.use_bfio %}
Esempio n. 5
    logger = logging.getLogger("do_flat")

    # Set up the FilePattern object
    images = FilePattern(inpDir, filepattern)
    ''' Start the javabridge '''"Starting the javabridge...")
    log_config = Path(__file__).parent.joinpath("")
    ''' Load the flatfielding data '''"Loading the flatfield data...")
    flat_br = BioReader(brightfield)
    flat_image = np.squeeze(flat_br.read_image())
    del flat_br

    # Normalize the brightfield image if it isn't done already
    flat_image = flat_image.astype(np.float32)
    flat_image = np.divide(flat_image, np.mean(flat_image))

    # Load the darkfield and photobleach offsets if they are specified
    if darkfield != None:
        dark_br = BioReader(darkfield)
        dark_image = np.squeeze(dark_br.read_image())
        del dark_br
        dark_image = np.zeros(flat_image.shape, dtype=np.float32)
    if photobleach != None:
        with open(photobleach, 'r') as f: