def static_rotate(own, mouse): if own['cur_pos'] != 0: render.setMousePosition(*own['cur_pos']) own['cur_pos'] = 0.0 render.showMouse(True) own['init'] = False player_rot(0, 0, 0)
def update(self): if not self.is_open: # menu's not open, listen to in-game hotkeys R.setMousePosition(*self.screen_center) self.cursor.localPosition = self.mouse.raySource if[self.kh_menu] == RELEASED: self.toggle_menu() elif[self.kh_view_toggle] == RELEASED: controls.movement_controls.view_toggle() return # menu is open self.cursor.localPosition = self.mouse.raySource obj = self.mouse.hitObject if obj and 'highlight' in obj and obj['highlight']: self.menu_highlight.localPosition = obj.position self.menu_highlight.localPosition.z = obj.position.z - 1.0 self.menu_highlight.setVisible(True) if E.LEFTMOUSE in G.mouse.active_events and 'start_game' in obj: print('mouse button', obj) if == 'choose_fly': try: #controls.start_game() self.toggle_menu(False) except Exception as e: print(e) elif == 'choose_exit': G.endGame()
def __init__(self, cont): self.body = cont.owner self.camera_parent = self.body.children[ 'shortcuts_third_person_camera_parent'] self.camera_parent_rotation = self.camera_parent.localOrientation.copy( ) # Player movement variables self.move_speed = 5.0 self.run_multiplier = 2.0 self.jump_force = 5.0 # Mouse variables self.mouse_sensitivity = 0.002 self.mouse_smoothing = 0.5 # Used for smoothing the mouselook self.old_x = 0.0 self.old_y = 0.0 # Screen variables used for the mouselook self.screen_width = render.getWindowWidth() self.screen_height = render.getWindowHeight() self.screen_center = (self.screen_width // 2, self.screen_height // 2) # Set the mouse position to the center of the screen render.setMousePosition(*self.screen_center) # logic.mouse.position is incorrect on the first frame. This variable is used to get around that self.delay = 0
def m(cont): global mousePos, mouseSensitivity ob = cont.owner mouse = cont.sensors["Mouse"] # calculate the amount mouse cursor moved from the center since last frame mouseDelta = [ (mouse.position[0] - centerX) * mouseSensitivity, (centerY - mouse.position[1]) * mouseSensitivity] # move mouse cursor back to center render.setMousePosition(centerX, centerY) # update our secret internal mouse position mousePos[0] += mouseDelta[0] mousePos[1] += mouseDelta[1] # move cube onscreen ob.localPosition.x = mousePos[0] ob.localPosition.y = mousePos[1] # rotate 45 degrees to convert to motor impulses motorPos = [ -mousePos[0]*cos45 + mousePos[1]*cos45, (mousePos[0]*cos45 + mousePos[1]*cos45), ] print(mousePos) # send new motor positions to uC # NO LONGER SUPPORTED #sendChairCmd('R', int(motorPos[0])) #sendChairCmd('L', int(motorPos[1]))
def __init__(self, cont): self.body = cont.owner = self.body.children['shortcuts_fps_camera'] # Player movement variables self.move_speed = 5.0 self.run_multiplier = 2.0 self.jump_force = 5.0 # Mouse variables self.mouse_sensitivity = 0.002 self.mouse_smoothing = 0.5 # Used for smoothing the mouselook self.old_x = 0.0 self.old_y = 0.0 # Screen variables used for the mouselook self.screen_width = render.getWindowWidth() self.screen_height = render.getWindowHeight() self.screen_center = (self.screen_width//2, self.screen_height//2) # Set the mouse position to the center of the screen render.setMousePosition(*self.screen_center) # logic.mouse.position is incorrect on the first frame. This variable is used to get around that self.delay = 0
def main(cont): global dest, from_quat, slerp_factor, to_quat own = cont.owner #where we are going dest = cam_defualt_pos.worldPosition.copy() diff = dest - own.worldPosition.copy() #lerping if diff.magnitude > 0.1: diff *= 0.025 if slerp_factor < 1.0: slerp_factor += 0.005 #print ('slerp', slerp_factor) own.worldPosition += diff #slerping rotation quatInterpolation = from_quat.slerp(to_quat, slerp_factor) own.worldOrientation = quatInterpolation.to_matrix() #reached our destination if own.worldPosition == dest: #own.orientation = cam_defualt_pos.orientation logic.sendMessage('player_unfreeze') logic.sendMessage('HUD_on') render.setMousePosition(int(render.getWindowWidth() / 2), int(render.getWindowHeight() / 2)) own.state = logic.KX_STATE1
def m(cont): global mousePos, mouseSensitivity ob = cont.owner mouse = cont.sensors["Mouse"] # calculate the amount mouse cursor moved from the center since last frame mouseDelta = [(mouse.position[0] - centerX) * mouseSensitivity, (centerY - mouse.position[1]) * mouseSensitivity] # move mouse cursor back to center render.setMousePosition(centerX, centerY) # update our secret internal mouse position mousePos[0] += mouseDelta[0] mousePos[1] += mouseDelta[1] # move cube onscreen ob.localPosition.x = mousePos[0] ob.localPosition.y = mousePos[1] # rotate 45 degrees to convert to motor impulses motorPos = [ -mousePos[0] * cos45 + mousePos[1] * cos45, (mousePos[0] * cos45 + mousePos[1] * cos45), ] print(mousePos)
def main(): cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController() own = cont.owner mouse = cont.sensors ["Mouse"] rotx = cont.actuators ["RotX"] rotz = cont.actuators ["RotZ"] cont.activate(rotx) cont.activate(rotz) x = render.getWindowWidth()//2 y = render.getWindowHeight()//2 screen_center = (x,y) center = Vector(screen_center) mouse_position = Vector(mouse.position) offset = (mouse_position - center) * -0.002 rotx.dRot = [offset.y, 0, 0] rotz.dRot = [0, 0, offset.x] render.setMousePosition(x,y)
def main(self):# vec_offset = self.getMouseOffset() vec_offset *= -0.005 self.act_rotx.dRot = [vec_offset.y, 0, 0] self.act_rotz.dRot = [0, 0, vec_offset.x] render.setMousePosition(*self.screen_center)
def head_control(contr): """ Move the target of the head and camera Use the movement of the mouse to determine the rotation for the human head and camera. """ # get the object this script is attached to human = contr.owner scene = logic.getCurrentScene() target = scene.objects['Target_Empty'] POS_EMPTY = scene.objects['POS_EMPTY'] Head_Empty = scene.objects['Head_Empty'] right_hand = scene.objects['Hand_Grab.R'] mmb = contr.sensors['MMB'] # If the manipulation mode is active, an object is grabbed # and the Middle Mouse Button is pressed, do nothing if (human['Manipulate'] and right_hand['selected'] != 'None' and right_hand['selected'] != '' and mmb.positive): return if mmb.positive: target = scene.objects['IK_Target_Empty.R'] # Get sensor named Mouse mouse = contr.sensors['Mouse'] if mouse.positive: # get width and height of game window width = render.getWindowWidth() height = render.getWindowHeight() # get mouse movement from function move = mouse_move(human, mouse, width, height) # set mouse sensitivity sensitivity = human['Sensitivity'] # Amount, direction and sensitivity left_right = move[0] * sensitivity up_down = move[1] * sensitivity if not human['FOCUSED']: POS_EMPTY.applyRotation([0.0, 0.0, left_right], True) if not ((Head_Empty.localOrientation.to_euler()[1] >= 0.7 and up_down < 0) or (Head_Empty.localOrientation.to_euler()[1] <= -0.4 and up_down > 0)) and not human['Manipulate']: # capping the rotation to prevent the camera to be upside down if not mmb.positive: Head_Empty.applyRotation([0.0, -up_down, 0.0], True) target.applyMovement([0.0, 0.0, up_down], True) elif human['Manipulate']: Head_Empty.applyRotation([0.0, -up_down, 0.0], True) target.applyMovement([0.0, 0.0, up_down], True) # Reset mouse position to the centre of the screen # Using the '//' operator (floor division) to produce an integer result render.setMousePosition(width//2, height//2)
def main(cont): own = cont.owner mousemove = cont.sensors['mousemove'] cranezrot = cont.actuators['cranezrot'] crane_move = cont.actuators['crane_move'] gear_rot = cont.actuators['gear_rot'] gear_s_rot = cont.actuators['gear_s_rot'] #set mouse pos screenwidth = render.getWindowWidth() screenheight = render.getWindowHeight() render.setMousePosition(int(screenwidth / 2), int(screenheight / 2)) crane_tip = cont.sensors['crane_tip'].owner if mousemove.positive: zmouse = (screenwidth / 2 - mousemove.position[0]) * own['sensitivity'] ymouse = (screenheight / 2 - mousemove.position[1]) * own['sensitivity'] own['previousz'] = (own['previousz'] * .8 + zmouse * .2) own['previousy'] = (own['previousy'] * .8 + ymouse * .2) zmouse = own['previousz'] #set max speed zmouse = max(min(zmouse, .02), -.02) ymouse = max(min(ymouse, .06), -.06) #restrict crane tip #loc = crane_tip.localPosition[0] crane_tip.localPosition[0] = max(min(crane_tip.localPosition[0], 5), -20) #restrict crane rotation #print (own['start_rot']) crane_angle = own.localOrientation.to_euler() crane_angle[2] = max(min(crane_angle[2], (own['start_rot'] + 1.4)), (own['start_rot'] - 1.4)) crane_angle.to_matrix() own.localOrientation = crane_angle #rotate the crane crane_move.dLoc = (ymouse * 8, 0, 0) cranezrot.dRot = (0, 0, -zmouse) gear_rot.dRot = (0, 0, zmouse * 2.5) gear_s_rot.dRot = (0, -zmouse * 2.5, 0) cont.activate(gear_rot) cont.activate(gear_s_rot) cont.activate(cranezrot) cont.activate(crane_move) else: cont.deactivate(gear_rot) cont.deactivate(gear_s_rot) cont.deactivate(cranezrot) cont.deactivate(crane_move)
def main(cont): """called once by the "Always" sensor named InitGame, will remove sensors if we have time its kinda complicated""" bge.c = Controller(0) # hard codded, will be the players list index (i++) = Game(2) bge.c.display = bgui.bge_utils.System('../../themes/default') bge.c.display.load_layout(MainDisplay, None) render.showMouse(True) render.setMousePosition(400, 400)
def main(cont): own = cont.owner mousemove = cont.sensors['mousemove'] cranezrot = cont.actuators['cranezrot'] crane_move = cont.actuators['crane_move'] gear_rot = cont.actuators['gear_rot'] gear_s_rot = cont.actuators['gear_s_rot'] #set mouse pos screenwidth = render.getWindowWidth() screenheight = render.getWindowHeight() render.setMousePosition(int(screenwidth/2), int(screenheight/2)) crane_tip = cont.sensors['crane_tip'].owner if mousemove.positive: zmouse = (screenwidth/2 - mousemove.position[0]) * own['sensitivity'] ymouse = (screenheight / 2 - mousemove.position[1]) * own['sensitivity'] own['previousz'] = (own['previousz'] * .8 + zmouse * .2) own['previousy'] = (own['previousy'] * .8 + ymouse * .2) zmouse = own['previousz'] #set max speed zmouse = max(min(zmouse, .02), -.02) ymouse = max(min(ymouse, .06), -.06) #restrict crane tip #loc = crane_tip.localPosition[0] crane_tip.localPosition[0] = max(min(crane_tip.localPosition[0], 5), -20) #restrict crane rotation #print (own['start_rot']) crane_angle = own.localOrientation.to_euler() crane_angle[2] = max(min(crane_angle[2], (own['start_rot'] + 1.4)), (own['start_rot'] - 1.4)) crane_angle.to_matrix() own.localOrientation = crane_angle #rotate the crane crane_move.dLoc =(ymouse *8, 0, 0) cranezrot.dRot =(0, 0, -zmouse) gear_rot.dRot =(0, 0, zmouse *2.5) gear_s_rot.dRot =(0, -zmouse *2.5, 0) cont.activate(gear_rot) cont.activate(gear_s_rot) cont.activate(cranezrot) cont.activate(crane_move) else: cont.deactivate(gear_rot) cont.deactivate(gear_s_rot) cont.deactivate(cranezrot) cont.deactivate(crane_move)
def activate_mouse(): cont = logic.getCurrentController() own = cont.owner mPosi = cont.sensors['MousePosi'] if own['init']: render.setMousePosition( render.getWindowWidth() // 2, render.getWindowHeight() // 2 ) own['init'] = 0 ### move cursor to mouse position own.localPosition = mPosi.raySource
def rotate(contr): """ Read the movements of the mouse and apply them as a rotation to the camera. """ # get the object this script is attached to camera = contr.owner scene = logic.getCurrentScene() if not scene: # not ready, main reload(blenderapi) return # Do not move the camera if the current view is using another camera if camera != scene.active_camera: return camera = scene.cameras["BodyCam"] # Get sensor named Mouse mouse = contr.sensors['Mouse'] # Get Blender keyboard sensor # Show the cursor mouse_visible = True # Hide the cursor while we control the camera mouse_visible = False if mouse.positive: # get width and height of game window width = render.getWindowWidth() height = render.getWindowHeight() # get mouse movement from function move = mouse_move(camera, mouse, width, height) # set mouse sensitivity sensitivity = 0.003 # camera['Sensitivity'] print(camera.localOrientation) # Amount, direction and sensitivity leftRight = move[0] * sensitivity upDown = move[1] * sensitivity print(upDown, leftRight) # set the values camera.localOrientation = Euler((upDown, 0.0, leftRight), 'XYZ') print(Euler((upDown, 0.0, leftRight), 'XYZ')) # Center mouse in game window # Using the '//' operator (floor division) to produce an integer result render.setMousePosition(width // 2, height // 2) # Show the cursor mouse_visible = True # Set the cursor visibility render.showMouse(mouse_visible)
def mouseCenter(c, size, mouse, enabled): if mouse != None: width = size[0] height = size[1] pos = mouse.position if pos != [int(width/2), int(height/2)]: if enabled != False: r.setMousePosition(int(width/2), int(height/2))
def mouse_move(own, mouse): if own['cur_pos'] == 0: own['cur_pos'] = mouse.position render.showMouse(False) render.setMousePosition(*own['win_size']) x_pos = (own['win_size'][0] - mouse.position[0]) * SENSITIVITY y_pos = (own['win_size'][1] - mouse.position[1]) * SENSITIVITY if own['init'] == False: x_pos = y_pos = 0 own['init'] = True return x_pos, y_pos
def mouseMove(): cont = logic.getCurrentController() = cont.owner mouse = cont.sensors["Mouse"] # Set mouse sensitivity sensitivity = 0.07 h = r.getWindowHeight()//2 w = r.getWindowWidth()//2 x = (h - mouse.position[0])*sensitivity y = (w - mouse.position[1])*sensitivity # reset mouse for next frame and keep mouse in the game window r.setMousePosition(h, w) rot = # Bank / Lean when gliding, but not for car shapes if["onGround"] == False and["activeShape"] <= 4: yaw = math.degrees(rot[2]) + x / 6 rot[2] = math.radians(yaw) roll = math.degrees(rot[1]) + x * -1 rot[1] = math.radians(roll) pitch = math.degrees(rot[0]) + y / 4 rot[0] = math.radians(pitch) # Apply rotation = rot.to_matrix() # Mouse "dead zone" 0.45 to help moving straight # Right if x < -0.45: # Turn Wheels["steer"] -=["steerAmount"] / 2 if["onGround"] == False: # Vector thrust to move (and stay in the air)[0] +=["glideJumpZ"][2] +=["glideBonusZ"] / 4 # Left if x > 0.45: # Turn Wheels["steer"] +=["steerAmount"] / 2 if["onGround"] == False: # Vector thrust to move (and stay in the air)[0] -=["glideJumpZ"][2] +=["glideBonusZ"] / 4 # reset mouse for next frame and keep mouse in the game window r.setMousePosition(h, w)
def _mouselook_core(self, id): deadzone = 0.001 # used to prevent floating when mouse isn't moving screen_x = 0.5 - logic.mouse.position[0] if -deadzone < screen_x < deadzone: screen_x = 0 screen_y = 0.5 - logic.mouse.position[1] if -deadzone < screen_y < deadzone: screen_y = 0 self.applyRotation([screen_y * sensitivity_x, 0, screen_x * sensitivity_y], True, per_second=True) render.setMousePosition(int(render.getWindowWidth() / 2), int(render.getWindowHeight() / 2))
def main(): #get screen size screen_width = render.getWindowWidth() screen_height = render.getWindowHeight() #center the mouse render.setMousePosition(int(screen_width / 2), int(screen_height / 2)) #if mouse is moving if mouse_move.positive: x_mouse = (screen_width / 2 - mouse_move.position[0]) * own['SENSITIVITY'] y_mouse = (screen_height / 2 - mouse_move.position[1]) * own['SENSITIVITY'] own['previous_x'] = (own['previous_x'] * .8 + x_mouse * .2) own['previous_y'] = (own['previous_y'] * .8 + y_mouse * .2) #limit camera rotation cam_angle = own.localOrientation.to_euler() #print (cam_angle) #cam_angle[0] = max(min(cam_angle[0], 0), 3) cam_angle.to_matrix() own.localOrientation = cam_angle #move the camera cam_x_rot.dRot = (0, 0, x_mouse) cam_y_rot.dRot = (y_mouse, 0, 0) cont.activate(cam_x_rot) cont.activate(cam_y_rot) else: cont.deactivate(cam_x_rot) cont.deactivate(cam_y_rot) #camera lense transition - thanks to YoFrankie old_lens = player_camera.lens if sintel_col['RUNNING'] == True and sintel_col['MOVING'] == True: lens = 22 own['SENSITIVITY'] = .00075 if sintel_col['RUNNING'] == True and sintel_col['MOVING'] == False: lens = 35 own['SENSITIVITY'] = .001 if sintel_col['RUNNING'] == False: lens = 35 own['SENSITIVITY'] = .001 if lens != old_lens: player_camera.lens = (lens * 0.02) + (old_lens * 0.98) #camera collision if cam_col_check.positive: player_camera.worldPosition = cam_col_check.hitPosition player_camera.localPosition.y += MARGIN else: player_camera.worldPosition = cam_col.worldPosition player_camera.localPosition.y -= cam_col_check.range - MARGIN
def Player(): #T# get the scene from where the module was called scene1 = logic.getCurrentScene() #T# get a particular object in the scene scene_obj1 = scene1.objects['Object_name'] #T# get the controller that called the module controller1 = logic.getCurrentController() #T# get the owner of the controller object1 = controller1.owner #T# get a named actuator connected to the controller motion = controller1.actuators['motion_actuator_name1'] #T# get a named sensor connected to the controller sensor1 = controller1.sensors['sensor_name1'] #T# get the UPBGE window width and height win_width1 = render.getWindowWidth() win_height1 = render.getWindowHeight() #T# an enum dictionary with the keyboard keys can be accessed with key = #T# save the value of interesting keys pressed from the keyboard, 0 not pressed, 1 started, 2 hold, 3 released kb_left = key[events.LEFTARROWKEY] kb_right = key[events.RIGHTARROWKEY] x_pos1 = 480 y_pos1 = 240 #T# set the mouse position render.setMousePosition(x_pos1, y_pos1) #T# the Update() function is common and executes in each frame def Update(): movespd = 0.2 deltaX = 0 deltaY = 0 if kb_left > 0: deltaX += -movespd if kb_right > 0: deltaX += movespd #T# change the location motion.dLoc = [deltaX, deltaY, 0.0] #T# activate the actuator connected to the controller controller1.activate(motion) Update()
def __init__(self, cont): #get Dependencies self.cont = cont = cont.owner self.mouse = logic.mouse x = render.getWindowWidth() // 2 y = render.getWindowHeight() // 2 self.screen_center = (x, y) render.setMousePosition(x + 1, y + 1) #show Mouse render.showMouse(1)
def main(): #get screen size screen_width = render.getWindowWidth() screen_height = render.getWindowHeight() #center the mouse render.setMousePosition(int(screen_width/2), int(screen_height/2)) #if mouse is moving if mouse_move.positive: x_mouse = (screen_width / 2 - mouse_move.position[0]) * own['SENSITIVITY'] y_mouse = (screen_height / 2 - mouse_move.position[1]) * own['SENSITIVITY'] own['previous_x'] = (own['previous_x'] * .8 + x_mouse * .2) own['previous_y'] = (own['previous_y'] * .8 + y_mouse * .2) #limit camera rotation cam_angle = own.localOrientation.to_euler() #print (cam_angle) #cam_angle[0] = max(min(cam_angle[0], 0), 3) cam_angle.to_matrix() own.localOrientation = cam_angle #move the camera cam_x_rot.dRot =(0, 0, x_mouse) cam_y_rot.dRot =(y_mouse, 0, 0) cont.activate(cam_x_rot) cont.activate(cam_y_rot) else: cont.deactivate(cam_x_rot) cont.deactivate(cam_y_rot) #camera lense transition - thanks to YoFrankie old_lens = player_camera.lens if sintel_col['RUNNING']==True and sintel_col['MOVING'] ==True: lens = 22 own['SENSITIVITY'] = .00075 if sintel_col['RUNNING']==True and sintel_col['MOVING'] ==False: lens = 35 own['SENSITIVITY'] = .001 if sintel_col['RUNNING']==False: lens = 35 own['SENSITIVITY'] = .001 if lens != old_lens: player_camera.lens = (lens*0.02) + (old_lens*0.98) #camera collision if cam_col_check.positive: player_camera.worldPosition = cam_col_check.hitPosition player_camera.localPosition.y += MARGIN else: player_camera.worldPosition = cam_col.worldPosition player_camera.localPosition.y -= cam_col_check.range - MARGIN
def initialize_var(own): if not 'init' in own: own['init'] = False own['cur_pos'] = 0.0 own['snap_start'] = False own['snap'] = 0.0 own['fp'] = False own['dist'] = own.localPosition[1] own['cam_degr'] = 0.0 own['zsmooth'] = 0.0 own['wsmooth'] = 0.0 x = render.getWindowWidth() // 2 y = render.getWindowHeight() // 2 own['win_size'] = x, y render.setMousePosition(*own['win_size'])
def __init__(self, cont):# self.cont = cont self.sen_mouse = self.cont.sensors["mouse"] self.act_rotx = self.cont.actuators["rotx"] self.act_rotz = self.cont.actuators["rotz"] self.cont.activate(self.act_rotx) self.cont.activate(self.act_rotz) x = render.getWindowWidth()//2 y = render.getWindowHeight()//2 self.screen_center = (x, y) render.setMousePosition(*self.screen_center)
def DeltaMouse(Xcenter,Ycenter,lockToCenter=False,Xpos=mouse.position[0], Ypos=mouse.position[1]): ''' This function calculates the ditance (in pixels) of the mouse from two given points ''' #Calculates the x variation Dx = Xpos - Xcenter #the y variation Dy = Ypos - Ycenter #Put in a list delta = [Dx,Dy] #If the "lockToCenter" flag is true AND the mouse is NOT in the center if lockToCenter and Dx or Dy: #It centers the mouse render.setMousePosition(Xcenter,Ycenter) #Returns a list with the values return delta
def __init__(self, cont): = cont.owner self.move_speed = 0.2 self.mouse_sensitivity = 0.002 self.mouse_smoothing = 0.5 self.old_x = 0.0 self.old_y = 0.0 self.screen_width = render.getWindowWidth() self.screen_height = render.getWindowHeight() self.screen_center = (self.screen_width//2, self.screen_height//2) render.setMousePosition(*self.screen_center) # logic.mouse.position is incorrect on the first frame. This variable is used to get around that self.delay = 0
def rotateCamera(cont): #print(cont) owner = cont.owner parent = owner.parent mouse = cont.sensors["mouse"] sensitivity = 0.05 #camera rotation limits high_limit = 180 low_limit = 0 h = render.getWindowHeight()//2 w = render.getWindowWidth()//2 y = (h-mouse.position[1])*sensitivity x = (w-mouse.position[0])*sensitivity '''print('H W:', h, w) print('Mouse position:', mouse.position) print('Y X:', y, x)''' rot = owner.localOrientation.to_euler() pitch = abs(math.degrees(rot[0])) pitch += y if(pitch) < low_limit: pitch = low_limit elif(pitch) > high_limit: pitch = high_limit rot[0] = math.radians(pitch) owner.localOrientation = rot.to_matrix() parentRotation = parent.localOrientation.to_euler() yaw = math.degrees(parentRotation[2]) + x #Check this if anything goes wrong parentRotation[2] = math.radians(yaw) parent.localOrientation = parentRotation.to_matrix() render.setMousePosition(int(w),int(h))
def mouse_move(self, controller): if not self.mouse_move_s: self.mouse_move_s = controller.sensors['MouseMove'] width, height = render.getWindowWidth(), render.getWindowHeight() x = (width / 2 - self.mouse_move_s.position[0]) * self.mouse_sensitivity y = (height / 2 - self.mouse_move_s.position[1]) * self.mouse_sensitivity if self.lock_mouse: if 'rotations' not in self.lock_mouse: self.lock_mouse['rotations'] = [math.pi / 2, 0, 0] rotations = self.lock_mouse['rotations'] if (rotations[0] + y > math.pi) or \ (rotations[0] + y < 0): y = 0 rotations[2] += x rotations[0] += y self.lock_mouse.localOrientation = (0.0, 0.0, rotations[2]) logic.getCurrentScene().active_camera.localOrientation = (rotations[0], 0.0, 0.0) render.setMousePosition(int(width / 2), int(height / 2))
def DeltaMouse(Xcenter, Ycenter, lockToCenter=False, Xpos=mouse.position[0], Ypos=mouse.position[1]): ''' This function calculates the ditance (in pixels) of the mouse from two given points ''' #Calculates the x variation Dx = Xpos - Xcenter #the y variation Dy = Ypos - Ycenter #Put in a list delta = [Dx, Dy] #If the "lockToCenter" flag is true AND the mouse is NOT in the center if lockToCenter and Dx or Dy: #It centers the mouse Rasterizer.setMousePosition(Xcenter, Ycenter) #Returns a list with the values return delta
def FPS_main(): mouse = gl.mouse objDict = GetBlenderObject.get() cam = objDict["Camera.003"] cylinder = objDict["me"] Hrot = 3 * (0.5 - mouse.position[0]) if -0.002 < Hrot < 0.002: Hrot = 0 # en radians ? cylinder.applyRotation([0, 0, Hrot], False) Vrot = 1 * (0.5 - mouse.position[1]) if -0.001 < Vrot < 0.001: Vrot = 0 cam.applyRotation([Vrot, 0, 0], True) # Center the mouse render.setMousePosition(int(render.getWindowWidth() / 2), int(render.getWindowHeight() / 2))
def main(): co = bge.logic.getCurrentController() o= co.owner #sensor mouse = co.sensors["mousesensor"] #objects Cube= scene.objects["Cube"] cameraTarget= scene.objects["cameraTarget"] #####mouse movemente movSpeed = 0.02 rotSpeed = (0.0003, 0.0001) # mouse look x = (render.getWindowWidth() / 2 - mouse.position[0]) y = (render.getWindowHeight() / 2 - mouse.position[1]) Cube.applyRotation((0 , 0, int(x) * rotSpeed[0]), False) cameraTarget.applyRotation((int(y) * rotSpeed[1], 0, 0), True) render.setMousePosition(int(render.getWindowWidth() / 2), int(render.getWindowHeight() / 2))
def edge_scroll(self, scene, cam, mouse_pos): """Detect if mouse is close to the screen edge and if so, move the camera.""" if mouse_pos.position[0] <= 5: self.move_cam(scene, cam, 1) if mouse_pos.position[0] < 0: render.setMousePosition(2, mouse_pos.position[1]) elif mouse_pos.position[1] <= 5: self.move_cam(scene, cam, 2) if mouse_pos.position[1] < 0: render.setMousePosition(mouse_pos.position[0], 2) elif mouse_pos.position[0] >= render.getWindowWidth() - 5: self.move_cam(scene, cam, 3) if mouse_pos.position[0] > render.getWindowWidth(): render.setMousePosition(render.getWindowWidth(), mouse_pos.position[1] - 2) elif mouse_pos.position[1] >= render.getWindowHeight() - 5: self.move_cam(scene, cam, 4) if mouse_pos.position[1] > render.getWindowHeight(): render.setMousePosition(mouse_pos.position[0], render.getWindowHeight() - 2)
def hand_control(contr): """ Move the hand following the mouse Use the movement of the mouse to determine the rotation for the IK arm (right arm) stays for better placing of objects - >(QKEY + EKEY) to rotate body< """ # get the object this script is attached to human = contr.owner # if the human is external, do nothing if human.get('External_Robot_Tag') or human['disable_keyboard_control']: return # get the suffix of the human to reference the right objects suffix =[-4:] if[-4] == "." else "" scene = logic.getCurrentScene() target = scene.objects['IK_Target_Empty.R' + suffix] right_hand = scene.objects['Hand_Grab.R' + suffix] mmb = human.sensors['MMB'] # If the manipulation mode is inactive, do nothing if not human['Manipulate']: return # set mouse sensitivity sensitivity = human['Sensitivity'] # Get sensors for mouse wheel wheel_up = contr.sensors['Wheel_Up'] wheel_down = contr.sensors['Wheel_Down'] keyboard = contr.sensors['All_Keys'] keylist = for key in keylist: # key[0] == events.keycode, key[1] = status if key[1] == logic.KX_INPUT_NONE and key[0] == events.LEFTCTRLKEY: if wheel_up.positive: front = 50.0 * sensitivity target.applyMovement([front, 0.0, 0.0], True) if wheel_down.positive: back = -50.0 * sensitivity target.applyMovement([back, 0.0, 0.0], True) # If nothing grabbed or Middle Mouse Button is not pressed, # do nothing of the following if (right_hand['selected'] == 'None' or right_hand['selected'] == '' or (not mmb.positive)): #use head_control for this return # Get sensor named Mouse mouse = contr.sensors['Mouse'] if mouse.positive: # get width and height of game window width = render.getWindowWidth() height = render.getWindowHeight() # get mouse movement from function move = mouse_move(human, mouse, width, height) # Amount, direction and sensitivity left_right = move[0] * sensitivity up_down = move[1] * sensitivity if not human['FOCUSED']: target.applyMovement([0.0, left_right, 0.0], True) target.applyMovement([0.0, 0.0, up_down], True) # Reset mouse position to the centre of the screen # Using the '//' operator (floor division) to produce an integer result render.setMousePosition(width//2, height//2)
from helpers import search_object, get_object import controls from bge import events as E from bge import logic as G from bge import render as R from mathutils import Vector RELEASED = G.KX_INPUT_JUST_RELEASED R.setMousePosition(R.getWindowWidth()//2, R.getWindowHeight()//2) class HUD(object): def __init__(self): self.is_open = False # hotkeys self.kh_menu = E.QKEY self.kh_view_toggle = E.ZKEY # self.cursor = search_object('cursor') self.mouse = self.cursor.sensors['mouse_over'] self.menu_highlight = get_object('menu_highlight') = search_object('camera') self.scene = G.getCurrentScene() = search_object('hud_menu') if not or not self.menu_highlight: raise Exception('Cannot proceed') print('HUD', self.scene) self.toggle_menu(True) def update_screen_size(self): self.W = R.getWindowWidth() self.H = R.getWindowHeight()
def setCenter(self): render.setMousePosition(self.size[0] // 2, self.size[1] // 2)
y = (h2 - y)*s if x > 0.1: x = 0.1 elif x < -0.1: x = -0.1 if y > 0.1: y = 0.1 elif y < -0.1: y = -0.1 if "cap" in o: import mathutils camOrient = o.localOrientation camZ = [camOrient[0][2],camOrient[1][2],camOrient[2][2]] vec1 = mathutils.Vector(camZ) camParent = p parentZ = [0,0,1] vec2 = mathutils.Vector(parentZ) rads = mathutils.Vector.angle(vec2, vec1) angle = rads * (180.00 / 3.14) capAngle = o["cap"] moveY = y if (angle > (90 + capAngle/2) and moveY > 0) or (angle < (90 - capAngle/2) and moveY < 0) == True: y = 0 o.applyRotation([y,0,0],True) p.applyRotation([0,0,x],False) r.setMousePosition(h1, h2)
ucChair.write(struct.pack('>B', ord(cmd))) #ucChair.write(struct.pack('>b', val)) #ucChair.write(struct.pack('>B', ord('\n'))) ######################################################################### mousePos = [0, 0] mouseSensitivity = .05 cos45 = 1 / sqrt(2) centerY = render.getWindowHeight() // 2 centerX = render.getWindowWidth() // 2 # move mouse cursor to center render.setMousePosition(centerX, centerY) # keyboard subroutine for interactive wheelchair movement # control left and right motors independently, as in controlling a tank # each motor can move forward or backward # hit spacebar to stop motors immediately def k(cont): global mousePos # heartbeat character sent every frame; # uC will stop motion if this is not received after a short amount of time sendChairCmd('~') # left motor increase/decrease speed if keydown( sendChairCmd('L') if keydown( sendChairCmd('l')
from bge import logic, render from mathutils import Vector W = render.getWindowWidth() H = render.getWindowHeight() screen_center = Vector((W // 2, H // 2)) render.showMouse(True) render.setMousePosition(int(screen_center.x), int(screen_center.y)) def _restrict_movement(): for i in (0, 2): if player.worldPosition[i] > limits[i]: player.worldPosition[i] = limits[i] elif player.worldPosition[i] < -limits[i]: player.worldPosition[i] = -limits[i] def move(): mouse_position = Vector(mouse_sensor.position) mouse_offset = mouse_position - screen_center mouse_offset.magnitude *= 0.001 movement = Vector((mouse_offset.x, 0, -mouse_offset.y)) player.worldPosition += movement _restrict_movement()
def update(self): # --------- # Mouselook # --------- if self.delay >= 1: # Get the center of the screen and the current mouse position center = Vector(self.screen_center) mouse_position = Vector([logic.mouse.position[0] * self.screen_width, logic.mouse.position[1] * self.screen_height]) x = center.x - mouse_position.x y = center.y - mouse_position.y # Smooth movement self.old_x = (self.old_x*self.mouse_smoothing + x*(1.0-self.mouse_smoothing)) self.old_y = (self.old_y*self.mouse_smoothing + y*(1.0-self.mouse_smoothing)) x = self.old_x* self.mouse_sensitivity y = self.old_y* self.mouse_sensitivity # set the values self.body.applyRotation([0, 0, x], False)[y, 0, 0], True) # Center mouse in game window render.setMousePosition(*self.screen_center) if self.delay <= 1: self.delay += 1 # -------- # Movement # -------- keyboard = # Use two variables to track the directions forward = 0 side = 0 # Get the keyboard inputs and manipulate the direction variables if keyboard[events.WKEY]: forward += 1 if keyboard[events.SKEY]: forward -= 1 if keyboard[events.AKEY]: side -= 1 if keyboard[events.DKEY]: side += 1 # Calculate the speed that the player will be moving at. Holding left shift activates the run multiplier speed = self.move_speed if keyboard[events.LEFTSHIFTKEY]: speed = self.move_speed * self.run_multiplier # Calculate the z_speed (fall speed) and add the jump force if the player presses the spacebar z_speed = self.body.getLinearVelocity().z if keyboard[events.SPACEKEY] == 1: z_speed += self.jump_force # Move the object using linear velocities self.body.setLinearVelocity([side * speed, forward * speed, z_speed], True)
parent = own.parent #set speed for camera movement sensitivity = 0.05 #set camera rotation limits high_limit = 180 low_limit = 0 h = r.getWindowHeight() // 2 w = r.getWindowWidth() // 2 x = (h - mouse.position[0]) * sensitivity y = (w - mouse.position[1]) * sensitivity if own["startup"]: r.setMousePosition(h, w) own["startup"] = False else: rot = own.localOrientation.to_euler() pitch = abs(math.degrees(rot[0])) if high_limit > (pitch + y) > low_limit: pitch += y elif (pitch + y) < low_limit: pitch = low_limit elif (pitch + y) > high_limit: pitch = high_limit rot[0] = math.radians(pitch) own.localOrientation = rot.to_matrix() parentRot = parent.localOrientation.to_euler() yaw = math.degrees(parentRot[2]) + x
def main(): cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController() own = cont.owner #Gather sensors + actuators mousemove = cont.sensors['mousemove'] cam = cont.sensors['playercam'].owner rightmouse = cont.sensors['rightmouse'].positive Ray = cont.sensors["collision"] #camact = cont.actuators['camact'] camxrot = cont.actuators['camxrot'] camyrot = cont.actuators['camyrot'] lock_cam = cont.actuators['lock_cam'] lock_cam_track = cont.actuators['lock_cam_track'] Player = bge.logic.getCurrentScene().objects["PlayerCol"] #Set mouse pos screenwidth = render.getWindowWidth() screenheight = render.getWindowHeight() render.setMousePosition(int(screenwidth / 2), int(screenheight / 2)) #Rotate camera, but not instantly (bug fix) if mousemove.positive and own['wtime'] >= .1: #Rotate by mouse x + y xmouse = (screenwidth / 2 - mousemove.position[0]) * own['sensitivity'] ymouse = (screenheight / 2 - mousemove.position[1]) * own['sensitivity'] #Calculate cam rotation #if Player['Fightmode']==True: #own['previousx'] = (own['previousx']*.4 + xmouse*.1) #own['previousy'] = (own['previousy']*.4 + ymouse*.1) #else: own['previousx'] = (own['previousx'] * .8 + xmouse * .2) own['previousy'] = (own['previousy'] * .8 + ymouse * .2) xmouse = own['previousx'] ymouse = own['previousy'] #print (ymouse,xmouse) #Set cam rotation camyrot.dRot = (ymouse, 0, 0) camxrot.dRot = (0, 0, xmouse) cont.activate(camxrot) cont.activate(camyrot) else: cont.deactivate(camxrot) cont.deactivate(camyrot) #Something is in the way of the camera if Ray.positive: Newcampos = Ray.hitPosition Newcampos[2] = Newcampos[2] + .2 cam.position = Newcampos OrigCamera = cont.sensors["campos"].owner cam.worldOrientation = OrigCamera.worldOrientation else: OrigCamera = cont.sensors["campos"].owner cam.position = OrigCamera.position if Player['Locked'] == False: cam.worldOrientation = OrigCamera.worldOrientation #Camera trick - Thanks to YoFrankie old_lens = cam.lens if cam['run'] == True or Player['Locked'] == True: lens = 28 if cam['run'] == False and Player['Locked'] == False: lens = 35 if lens != old_lens: cam.lens = (lens * 0.04) + (old_lens * 0.96) #BATTLE CAM if Player['Locked'] == True: cont.activate(lock_cam) try: lock_cam_track.object = Player['Target'] cont.activate(lock_cam_track) except: pass else: cont.deactivate(lock_cam) cont.deactivate(lock_cam_track)
if cmd != '~' :print(cmd) ucChair.write(struct.pack('>B', ord(cmd))) #ucChair.write(struct.pack('>b', val)) #ucChair.write(struct.pack('>B', ord('\n'))) ######################################################################### mousePos = [0, 0] mouseSensitivity = .05 cos45 = 1/sqrt(2) centerY = render.getWindowHeight()//2 centerX = render.getWindowWidth()//2 # move mouse cursor to center render.setMousePosition(centerX, centerY) # keyboard subroutine for interactive wheelchair movement # control left and right motors independently, as in controlling a tank # each motor can move forward or backward # hit spacebar to stop motors immediately def k(cont): global mousePos # heartbeat character sent every frame; # uC will stop motion if this is not received after a short amount of time sendChairCmd('~') # left motor increase/decrease speed if keydown( sendChairCmd('L') if keydown( sendChairCmd('l') # right motor increase/decrease speed
def position_pix(self, vec): render.setMousePosition(*[int(v) for v in vec])
def update(self): # Mouselook if self.delay >= 1: # Get the center of the screen and the current mouse position center = Vector(self.screen_center) mouse_position = Vector([logic.mouse.position[0] * self.screen_width, logic.mouse.position[1] * self.screen_height]) x = center.x - mouse_position.x y = center.y - mouse_position.y # Smooth movement self.old_x = (self.old_x*self.mouse_smoothing + x*(1.0-self.mouse_smoothing)) self.old_y = (self.old_y*self.mouse_smoothing + y*(1.0-self.mouse_smoothing)) x = self.old_x* self.mouse_sensitivity y = self.old_y* self.mouse_sensitivity # set the values[0, 0, x], False)[y, 0, 0], True) # Center mouse in game window render.setMousePosition(*self.screen_center) if self.delay <= 1: self.delay += 1 # Keyboard movement keyboard = if logic.getAverageFrameRate() != 0: frame_equaliser = 60 / logic.getAverageFrameRate() else: frame_equaliser == 1 speed = self.move_speed * frame_equaliser if keyboard[events.LEFTSHIFTKEY]: speed = self.move_speed * 3 * frame_equaliser if keyboard[events.LEFTCTRLKEY]: speed = self.move_speed / 3 * frame_equaliser if keyboard[events.WKEY]:[0, 0, -speed], True) if keyboard[events.SKEY]:[0, 0, speed], True) if keyboard[events.AKEY]:[-speed, 0, 0], True) if keyboard[events.DKEY]:[speed, 0, 0], True) if keyboard[events.EKEY]:[0, speed, 0], True) if keyboard[events.QKEY]:[0, -speed, 0], True)
# set camera rotation limits high_limit = 180 low_limit = 60 #original script used w and h, pand swapped them! # determine center of window cy = r.getWindowHeight()//2 cx = r.getWindowWidth()//2 # calculate dx and dy based on position # dx and dy are actually distance from center dx = (cx - mouse.position[0])*sensitivity dy = (cy - mouse.position[1])*sensitivity r.setMousePosition(cx, cy) rot = camera.localOrientation.to_euler() # calculate new pitch (rotation around local X) pitch = abs(math.degrees(rot[0])) if high_limit > (pitch+dy) > low_limit: pitch += dy elif (pitch+dy) < low_limit: pitch = low_limit elif (pitch+dy) > high_limit: pitch = high_limit rot[0] = math.radians(pitch) camera.localOrientation = rot.to_matrix()
if x > 0.1: x = 0.1 elif x < -0.1: x = -0.1 if y > 0.1: y = 0.1 elif y < -0.1: y = -0.1 if "cap" in o: import mathutils camOrient = o.localOrientation camZ = [camOrient[0][2], camOrient[1][2], camOrient[2][2]] vec1 = mathutils.Vector(camZ) camParent = p parentZ = [0, 0, 1] vec2 = mathutils.Vector(parentZ) rads = mathutils.Vector.angle(vec2, vec1) angle = rads * (180.00 / 3.14) capAngle = o["cap"] moveY = y if (angle > (90 + capAngle / 2) and moveY > 0) or (angle < (90 - capAngle / 2) and moveY < 0) == True: y = 0 o.applyRotation([y, 0, 0], True) p.applyRotation([0, 0, x], False) r.setMousePosition(h1, h2)
def main(): cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController() own = cont.owner #Gather sensors + actuators mousemove = cont.sensors['mousemove'] cam = cont.sensors['playercam'].owner rightmouse = cont.sensors['rightmouse'].positive Ray = cont.sensors["collision"] #camact = cont.actuators['camact'] camxrot = cont.actuators['camxrot'] camyrot = cont.actuators['camyrot'] lock_cam = cont.actuators['lock_cam'] lock_cam_track = cont.actuators['lock_cam_track'] Player = bge.logic.getCurrentScene().objects["PlayerCol"] #Set mouse pos screenwidth = render.getWindowWidth() screenheight = render.getWindowHeight() render.setMousePosition(int(screenwidth/2), int(screenheight/2)) #Rotate camera, but not instantly (bug fix) if mousemove.positive and own['wtime']>=.1: #Rotate by mouse x + y xmouse = (screenwidth/2 - mousemove.position[0]) * own['sensitivity'] ymouse = (screenheight/2 - mousemove.position[1]) * own['sensitivity'] #Calculate cam rotation #if Player['Fightmode']==True: #own['previousx'] = (own['previousx']*.4 + xmouse*.1) #own['previousy'] = (own['previousy']*.4 + ymouse*.1) #else: own['previousx'] = (own['previousx']*.8 + xmouse*.2) own['previousy'] = (own['previousy']*.8 + ymouse*.2) xmouse = own['previousx'] ymouse = own['previousy'] #print (ymouse,xmouse) #Set cam rotation camyrot.dRot =(ymouse, 0, 0) camxrot.dRot =(0, 0, xmouse) cont.activate(camxrot) cont.activate(camyrot) else: cont.deactivate(camxrot) cont.deactivate(camyrot) #Something is in the way of the camera if Ray.positive: Newcampos = Ray.hitPosition Newcampos[2] = Newcampos[2] +.2 cam.position = Newcampos OrigCamera = cont.sensors["campos"].owner cam.worldOrientation = OrigCamera.worldOrientation else: OrigCamera = cont.sensors["campos"].owner cam.position = OrigCamera.position if Player['Locked'] ==False: cam.worldOrientation = OrigCamera.worldOrientation #Camera trick - Thanks to YoFrankie old_lens = cam.lens if cam['run']==True or Player['Locked'] ==True: lens = 28 if cam['run']==False and Player['Locked'] ==False: lens = 35 if lens != old_lens: cam.lens = (lens*0.04) + (old_lens*0.96) #BATTLE CAM if Player['Locked'] ==True: cont.activate(lock_cam) try: lock_cam_track.object = Player['Target'] cont.activate(lock_cam_track) except: pass else: cont.deactivate(lock_cam) cont.deactivate(lock_cam_track)
def update(self): # --------- # Mouselook # --------- if self.delay >= 1: # Get the center of the screen and the current mouse position center = Vector(self.screen_center) mouse_position = Vector([ logic.mouse.position[0] * self.screen_width, logic.mouse.position[1] * self.screen_height ]) x = center.x - mouse_position.x y = center.y - mouse_position.y # Smooth movement self.old_x = (self.old_x * self.mouse_smoothing + x * (1.0 - self.mouse_smoothing)) self.old_y = (self.old_y * self.mouse_smoothing + y * (1.0 - self.mouse_smoothing)) x = self.old_x * self.mouse_sensitivity y = self.old_y * self.mouse_sensitivity # set the values self.body.applyRotation([0, 0, x], False) #[y, 0, 0], True) # Center mouse in game window render.setMousePosition(*self.screen_center) if self.delay <= 1: self.delay += 1 # ----------------------------- # Movement and camera rotation # ----------------------------- keyboard = mouse = # Use two variables to track the directions forward = 0 side = 0 # Get the keyboard inputs and manipulate the direction variables if keyboard[events.WKEY]: forward += 1 if keyboard[events.SKEY]: forward -= 1 if keyboard[events.AKEY]: side -= 1 if keyboard[events.DKEY]: side += 1 # Calculate the speed that the player will be moving at. Holding left shift activates the run multiplier speed = self.move_speed if keyboard[events.LEFTSHIFTKEY]: speed = self.move_speed * self.run_multiplier # Calculate the z_speed (fall speed) and add the jump force if the player presses the spacebar z_speed = self.body.getLinearVelocity().z if keyboard[events.SPACEKEY] == 1: z_speed += self.jump_force # Move the object using linear velocities self.body.setLinearVelocity([side * speed, forward * speed, z_speed], True) # Camera rotation when right click is pressed if mouse[events.RIGHTMOUSE]: pass
def setCenter(self): render.setMousePosition(self.size[0]//2, self.size[1]//2)
cont = G.getCurrentController() #owner = scene.cameras["Camera"] #cam.worldOrientation = rot owner = cont.owner Mouse = cont.sensors["Mouse"] w = R.getWindowWidth()//2 h = R.getWindowHeight()//2 screen_center = (w, h) # center mouse on first frame, create temp variables if "oldX" not in owner: R.setMousePosition(w + 1, h + 1) owner["oldX"] = 0.0 owner["oldY"] = 0.0 else: scrc = Vector(screen_center) mpos = Vector(Mouse.position) x = scrc.x-mpos.x y = scrc.y-mpos.y # Smooth movement owner['oldX'] = (owner['oldX']*smooth + x*(1.0-smooth))
parent = own.parent #set speed for camera movement sensitivity = 0.05 #set camera rotation limits high_limit = 180 low_limit = 0 h = r.getWindowHeight()//2 w = r.getWindowWidth()//2 x = (h - mouse.position[0])*sensitivity y = (w - mouse.position[1])*sensitivity if own["startup"]: r.setMousePosition(h, w) own ["startup"] = False else: rot = own.localOrientation.to_euler() pitch = abs(math.degrees(rot[0])) if high_limit > (pitch+y) > low_limit: pitch += y elif (pitch+y) < low_limit: pitch = low_limit elif (pitch+y) > high_limit: pitch = high_limit rot[0] = math.radians(pitch) own.localOrientation = rot.to_matrix() parentRot = parent.localOrientation.to_euler() yaw = math.degrees(parentRot[2]) + x
def hand_control(contr): """ Move the hand following the mouse Use the movement of the mouse to determine the rotation for the IK arm (right arm) stays for better placing of objects - >(QKEY + EKEY) to rotate body< """ # get the object this script is attached to human = contr.owner scene = logic.getCurrentScene() target = scene.objects['IK_Target_Empty.R'] right_hand = scene.objects['Hand_Grab.R'] mmb = human.sensors['MMB'] # If the manipulation mode is inactive, do nothing if not human['Manipulate']: return # set mouse sensitivity sensitivity = human['Sensitivity'] # Get sensors for mouse wheel wheel_up = contr.sensors['Wheel_Up'] wheel_down = contr.sensors['Wheel_Down'] if wheel_up.positive: front = 50.0 * sensitivity target.applyMovement([front, 0.0, 0.0], True) if wheel_down.positive: back = -50.0 * sensitivity target.applyMovement([back, 0.0, 0.0], True) # If nothing grabbed or Middle Mouse Button is not pressed, # do nothing of the following if (right_hand['selected'] == 'None' or right_hand['selected'] == '' or (not mmb.positive)): #use head_control for this return # Get sensor named Mouse mouse = contr.sensors['Mouse'] if mouse.positive: # get width and height of game window width = render.getWindowWidth() height = render.getWindowHeight() # get mouse movement from function move = mouse_move(human, mouse, width, height) # Amount, direction and sensitivity left_right = move[0] * sensitivity up_down = move[1] * sensitivity if not human['FOCUSED']: target.applyMovement([0.0, left_right, 0.0], True) target.applyMovement([0.0, 0.0, up_down], True) # Reset mouse position to the centre of the screen # Using the '//' operator (floor division) to produce an integer result render.setMousePosition(width//2, height//2)