Esempio n. 1
def test_compute_maps(root_system, mu):
    bgg = BGGComplex(root_system)
    ws = WeightSet.from_bgg(bgg)
    mu = ws.make_dominant(mu)[0] # make sure weight is dominant
    mapsolver= BGGMapSolver(bgg,mu)
    assert mapsolver.check_maps()==True
def test_trivial_module(root_system):
    bgg = BGGComplex(root_system)
    factory = ModuleFactory(bgg.LA)
    component_dic = {"g": factory.build_component("g", "coad")}

    components = [[("g", 1, "wedge")]]
    module = LieAlgebraCompositeModule(factory, components, component_dic)
    assert bgg.LA.dimension() == module.total_dimension
def test_cohom1(root_system):
    r""":math:`H^k(X,\mathfrak b)=0` for all k and for all types."""
    BGG = BGGComplex(root_system)
    factory = ModuleFactory(BGG.LA)
    component_dic = {"b": factory.build_component("b", "coad")}

    components = [[("b", 1, "wedge")]]
    module = LieAlgebraCompositeModule(factory, components, component_dic)

    bggcohom = BGGCohomology(BGG, module)
    all_degrees = range(BGG.max_word_length + 1)
    for i in all_degrees:
        assert bggcohom.betti_number(bggcohom.cohomology(i)) == 0
Esempio n. 4
def test_total_trivial_dim(root_system):
    """Total dimension of principal block is given by (h+1)**r, with h coxeter number
    and r the rank.
    BGG = BGGComplex(root_system)
    mu = (0,)*BGG.rank
    total_betti = 0
    for a,b,i,j,k in all_abijk(BGG):
        coker = Eijk_basis(BGG,j,k)
        cohom = BGGCohomology(BGG, Mjk(BGG,j,k),coker=coker)
        total_betti+=cohom.betti_number(cohom.cohomology(i, mu=mu))
    theoretical_dim = (2*len(BGG.neg_roots)/BGG.rank+1)**BGG.rank
    assert theoretical_dim == total_betti
def test_adjoint_action_parabolic(root_system, subset):
    bgg = BGGComplex(root_system)
    factory = ModuleFactory(bgg.LA)

    component = factory.build_component("p", "ad", subset=subset)
    for (i, j), Cijk in component.action.items():
        Li = factory.index_to_lie_algebra[i]
        Lj = factory.index_to_lie_algebra[j]
        Lij = Li.bracket(Lj)
        from_coeffs = sum(factory.index_to_lie_algebra[k] * c
                          for k, c in Cijk.items())
        if from_coeffs - Lij != 0:
            raise AssertionError(
                "Structure coefficients of action are incorrect")
Esempio n. 6
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Produce table from .pkl file")
    parser.add_argument("--compact", default=True)
    parser.add_argument("-s", default=0, type=int)
    parser.add_argument("--subset", default="", type=str)
    args = parser.parse_args()


    os.makedirs("pickles", exist_ok=True)
    os.makedirs("tables", exist_ok=True)

    diagram = args.diagram
    s = args.s
    compact = args.compact
    if len(args.subset) == 0:
        subset = []
            subset = [int(x) for x in args.subset.strip().split(",")]
            raise ValueError(f"argument --subset inproperly formated: {args.subset}")

    # the parameters we actually want to change
    BGG = BGGComplex(diagram)
    compact = True

    picklefile = os.path.join("pickles", f"{diagram}-s{s}-{subset}.pkl")
    cohom_dic = pickle.load(open(picklefile, "rb"))
    cohom = BGGCohomology(BGG)
    abijk = all_abijk(BGG, s=s, subset=subset, half_only=False)
    max_a = max(x[0] for x in abijk)
    cohom_dic = extend_from_symmetry(cohom_dic, max_a=max_a)
    for a, b, i, j, k in all_abijk(BGG, s=s, subset=subset, half_only=False):
        if (a, b) not in cohom_dic:
            cohom_dic[(a, b)] = None
    latex_dic = {k: cohom.cohom_to_latex(c, compact=compact) for k, c in cohom_dic.items()}
    betti_dic = {k: cohom.betti_number(c) for k, c in cohom_dic.items()}
    tab1 = display_bigraded_table(latex_dic, text_only=True)
    tab2 = display_bigraded_table(betti_dic, text_only=True)
    tab3 = display_cohomology_stats(cohom_dic, BGG, text_only=True)
    texfile = os.path.join("tables", f"{diagram}-s{s}-{subset}.tex")
    with open(texfile, "w") as f:
                [tab1, tab2, tab3], title=f"type {diagram}, s={s}, subset={subset}"
def test_init_weight_set(root_system, mu, from_bgg, w):
    if from_bgg:
        bgg = BGGComplex(root_system)
        ws = WeightSet.from_bgg(bgg)
        ws = WeightSet(root_system)
    assert ws.weight_to_tuple(ws.tuple_to_weight(mu)) == mu

    def sage_dot_action(w, mu):
        w_sage = ws.weyl_dic[w]
        mu_sage = ws.tuple_to_weight(mu)
        new_mu = w_sage.action(mu_sage + ws.rho) - ws.rho
        return ws.weight_to_tuple(new_mu)

    assert sage_dot_action(w, mu) == tuple(ws.dot_action(w, mu))
def test_cohom2(root_system):
    r""":math:`H^k(X,\mathfrak b\otimes \mathfrak u)=0` for all k>0 in type An, n>1"""
    BGG = BGGComplex(root_system)
    factory = ModuleFactory(BGG.LA)
    component_dic = {
        "b": factory.build_component("b", "coad"),
        "u": factory.build_component("u", "coad"),

    components = [[("b", 1, "wedge"), ("u", 1, "wedge")]]
    module = LieAlgebraCompositeModule(factory, components, component_dic)

    cohom = BGGCohomology(BGG, module)
    bggcohom = BGGCohomology(BGG, module)
    assert bggcohom.betti_number(bggcohom.cohomology(0)) == 1
    all_degrees = range(1, BGG.max_word_length + 1)
    for i in all_degrees:
        assert bggcohom.betti_number(bggcohom.cohomology(i)) == 0
Esempio n. 9
def test_signs(root_system):
    bgg = BGGComplex(root_system)
    signs = compute_signs(bgg)
    assert check_signs(bgg, signs) == True
def test_coker(root_system, action_type, subset):
    """Use fact that coker(^2b->bxb) = sym^2b"""
    BGG = BGGComplex(root_system)
    factory = ModuleFactory(BGG.LA)

    component_dic = {
        "b": factory.build_component("b", action_type, subset=subset)

    wedge_components = [[("b", 2, "wedge")]]
    wedge_module = LieAlgebraCompositeModule(factory, wedge_components,

    tensor_components = [[("b", 1, "wedge"), ("b", 1, "wedge")]]
    tensor_module = LieAlgebraCompositeModule(factory, tensor_components,

    sym_components = [[("b", 2, "sym")]]
    sym_module = LieAlgebraCompositeModule(factory, sym_components,

    # Store cokernel in a dictionary
    # each key is a weight, each entry is a matrix encoding the basis of the cokernel
    T = dict()

    for mu in wedge_module.weight_components.keys():
        # Basis of the weight component mu of the wedge module
        wedge_basis = wedge_module.weight_components[mu][0][1]

        # Build the matrix as a sparse matrix
        sparse_mat = dict()

        for wedge_index, wedge_row in enumerate(wedge_basis):
            a, b = wedge_row  # each row consists of two indices

            # dictionary sending tuples of (a,b,0) to their index in the basis of tensor product module
            target_dic = tensor_module.weight_comp_index_numbers[mu]

            # look up index of a\otimes b and b\otimes a, and assign respective signs +1, -1
            index_1 = target_dic[(a, b, 0)]
            index_2 = target_dic[(b, a, 0)]
            sparse_mat[(wedge_index, index_1)] = 1
            sparse_mat[(wedge_index, index_2)] = -1

        # Build a matrix from these relations
        M = matrix(

        # Cokernel is kernel of transpose
        T[mu] = M.transpose().kernel().basis_matrix()

    bggcohom1 = BGGCohomology(BGG, tensor_module, coker=T)
    bggcohom2 = BGGCohomology(BGG, sym_module)
    all_degrees = range(BGG.max_word_length + 1)
    for i in all_degrees:
        betti1 = bggcohom1.betti_number(bggcohom1.cohomology(i))
        betti2 = bggcohom2.betti_number(bggcohom2.cohomology(i))
        assert betti1 == betti2