def work(scl_pin, sda_pin, tca_address, intervall, sensor_mappings, factor_sunny, mqtt_broker, mqtt_client_id, mqtt_port, mqtt_user, mqtt_password, mqtt_topic): tca = tca9548a.TCA9548A(scl_pin, sda_pin, tca_address) mqtt_client = MQTTClient(mqtt_client_id, mqtt_broker, mqtt_port, mqtt_user, mqtt_password) print("Starting infinite loop") while True: try: mqtt_client.connect() sensor_readings = [] for row in sensor_mappings: tca.switch_channel(row[0]) if row[1] == "BH1750": sensor = bh1750.BH1750(tca.bus) sensor.reset() reading = sensor.luminance( bh1750.BH1750.ONCE_HIRES_1) * row[4] if row[3]: sensor_readings.append([row[2], reading]) else: mqtt_client.publish(mqtt_topic + row[2], str(reading)) elif row[1] == "VEML7700": sensor = veml7700.VEML7700(address=0x10, i2c=tca.bus, it=25, gain=1 / 8) reading = sensor.read_lux() * row[4] if row[3]: sensor_readings.append([row[2], reading]) else: mqtt_client.publish(mqtt_topic + row[2], str(reading)) else: print("Unknown sensor or bad config!") sensor_readings.sort(key=sort_readings) sunny_sides = [] for row in sensor_readings: if row[1] >= sensor_readings[0][1] * factor_sunny: sunny_sides.append(row[0]) if len(sunny_sides) >= 1: mqtt_client.publish(mqtt_topic + "weather/sun_direction", str(sunny_sides)) else: mqtt_client.publish(mqtt_topic + "weather/sun_direction", "none") mqtt_client.disconnect() except: print("Error in loop!") print("These values were recorded: " + str(sensor_readings) + " and these are the sunny sides: " + str(sunny_sides)) sleep(intervall)
# UV sensing using library import bh1750 import machine i2c = machine.I2C(scl=machine.Pin(5), sda=machine.Pin(4)) ''' confirm your device is present on the bus it should return [35] for this particular sensor if this returns nothing, check your wiring then check the Pin GPIO numbers are correct ''' print(i2c.scan()) s = bh1750.BH1750(i2c) while True: s.luminance(BH1750.ONCE_HIRES_1) ''' there are lots of options to sense luminance read for details this is a high resolution single reading it returns a float of luminance in LUX '''
#!/usr/bin/python import bh1750 import time light = bh1750.BH1750() print("Default parameters:" + str(light.get_light_mode())) print() light = bh1750.BH1750(mode=5) print("Low resolution, but faster:" + str(light.get_light_mode())) print() light = bh1750.BH1750(0, 1, 0) # Address pin low, I2Cbus 1, continuous mode light.set_mode() for i in range(20): print("Continuous readings, " + str(i) + ":" + str(light.get_light())) time.sleep(1)
# simple script to get lux values from BH1750 sensor import time import bh1750 try: import smbus2 as smbus except ImportError: import smbus # create i2c bus object. usually bus 1. bus = smbus.SMBus(1) # create sensor object. default address is 0x23. secondary address is 0x5C sensor = bh1750.BH1750(bus, addr=0x23) try: print("Reading lux values from sensor. Press Ctrl-C to exit") print("") print("Sensitivity: {:d}".format(sensor.mtreg)) while True: print("Light level: {:3.2f} lx ".format(sensor.measure_high_res()), end='\r') time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print('script stopped by user') finally: bus.close()
def __init__(self, _sleep): self.sleep = _sleep = data.Sensors_data() self.bus = smbus.SMBus(1) self.light = bh1750.BH1750(self.bus) self.dht = dht11.DHT()
# Pot qui pense - CREPP 2019 # GPL V3.0 # - [email protected] import machine import bh1750 i2c = machine.I2C(scl=machine.Pin(5), sda=machine.Pin(4)) lum = bh1750.BH1750(i2c) def test(): print(lum.lecture_lumiere(bh1750.MODE_CONTINU_HAUTE_RESOLUTION))
# # Utilisation capteur de luminosite BH1750 # Tester sur Wemos D1 mini # # Auteur : iTechnoFrance # import machine, time import bh1750 # librairie capteur BH1750 # Declaration I2C # // D1 -> GPIO05 --> SCL # // D2 -> GPIO04 --> SDA i2c = machine.I2C(scl=machine.Pin(5), sda=machine.Pin(4), freq=400000) capteur_lumiere = bh1750.BH1750(i2c) # declaration BH1750 if (capteur_lumiere.detect()): # Resolutions et modes possibles pour les mesures # MODE_CONTINU_HAUTE_RESOLUTION = Mesure continue, résolution 1 Lux, temps de mesure 120ms # MODE_2_CONTINU_HAUTE_RESOLUTION = Mesure continue, résolution 0.5 Lux, temps de mesure 120ms # MODE_CONTINU_BASSE_RESOLUTION = Mesure continue, résolution 4 Lux, temps de mesure 16ms # MODE_UNE_MESURE_HAUTE_RESOLUTION = 1 mesure puis passe en veille, résolution 1 Lux, temps de mesure 120ms # MODE_2_UNE_MESURE_HAUTE_RESOLUTION = 1 mesure puis passe en veille, résolution 0.5 Lux, temps de mesure 120ms # MODE_UNE_MESURE_BASSE_RESOLUTION = 1 mesure puis passe en veille, résolution 4 Lux, temps de mesure 16ms while True: mesure_lux = capteur_lumiere.lecture_lumiere( bh1750.MODE_CONTINU_HAUTE_RESOLUTION) print(mesure_lux) time.sleep(1) else: print("Capteur BH1750 non detecte")