Esempio n. 1
    def highlightBlock(self, text):

        #pcache = BibConfigParsingCache()
        blockno = self.currentBlock().blockNumber()

        for m in rxsrc.finditer(text):
            self.setFormat(m.start('src'), len('src')), self.fmt_src)

        for m in rxfilter.finditer(text):
            self.setFormat(m.start('filter'), len('filter')), self.fmt_filter)
            fmtname = self.fmt_filtername
                # try to load the filter module to see if it exists
                filtmodule = filters_factory.get_module('filtername'))
            except (filters_factory.NoSuchFilter, filters_factory.NoSuchFilterPackage):
                fmtname = self.fmt_filtername_nonex

            self.setFormat(m.start('filtername'), len('filtername')), fmtname)

        for m in rxstring1.finditer(text):
            self.setFormat(m.start('str'), len('str')), self.fmt_string)
        for m in rxstring2.finditer(text):
            self.setFormat(m.start('str'), len('str')), self.fmt_string)

        for m in rxcomment.finditer(text):
            self.setFormat(m.start(), len(, self.fmt_comment)
Esempio n. 2
    def setData(self, index, value, role=Qt.EditRole):
        col = index.column()
        row = index.row()

        if (col != 1):
            return False

        if (self._fopts is None):
            return False

        if (role != Qt.EditRole):
            return False

        filteroptions = self._fopts.filterOptions()

        if (row < 0 or row >= len(filteroptions)):
            return False

        arg = filteroptions[row]

        value = value.toPyObject()
        if (isinstance(value, QString)):
            value = unicode(value); # make sure we're dealing with Python strings and not Qt strings

        logger.debug("Got value: %r", value)

        # validate type
        typ = None
        if (arg.argtypename is not None):
            typ = butils.resolve_type(arg.argtypename, filters_factory.get_module(self._filtername, False))
        if (typ == None):
            typ = unicode
        value = typ(value)

        logger.debug("Got final value: %r ; typ=%r", value, typ)

        self._kwargs[arg.argname] = value


        self.dataChanged.emit(index, index)


        logger.debug("_kwargs is %r", self._kwargs)
        return True
Esempio n. 3
    def data(self, index, role=Qt.DisplayRole):
        if (self._fopts is None):
            return QVariant()
        filteroptions = self._fopts.filterOptions()

        col = index.column()
        row = index.row()

        if (row < 0 or row >= len(filteroptions)):
            return QVariant()

        # the argument specification of the current row (_ArgDoc namedtuple instance)
        arg = filteroptions[row]

        if (col == 0):
            # argument name
            if (role == Qt.DisplayRole):
                return QVariant(QString(self._fopts.getSOptNameFromArg(filteroptions[row].argname)))

            # tool-tip documentation
            if (role == Qt.ToolTipRole):
                return QVariant(QString(arg.doc))

            return QVariant()

        # the value of the argument of the current row.
        val = self._kwargs.get(arg.argname)
        if (col == 1):
            # argument value

            if (role == overlistbuttonwidget.ROLE_OVERBUTTON):
                if (val is not None):
                    return QVariant(overlistbuttonwidget.OVERBUTTON_REMOVE)
                return QVariant(overlistbuttonwidget.OVERBUTTON_ADD)

            if (role == overlistbuttonwidget.ROLE_ARGNAME):
                return QVariant(QString(arg.argname))
            if (role == Qt.DisplayRole):
                if (val is None):
                    return QVariant()
                return QVariant(QString(unicode(val)))

            # request editing value of argument
            if (role == Qt.EditRole):
                if (arg.argtypename is not None):
                    fmodule = filters_factory.get_module(self._filtername, False)
                    typ = butils.resolve_type(arg.argtypename, fmodule)
                    typ = unicode
                if (hasattr(typ, 'type_arg_input')):
                    editval = RegisteredArgInputType(typ, val)
                elif (issubclass(typ, basestring) and val is None):
                    editval = typ('')
                elif (issubclass(typ, CommaStrList)):
                    editval = unicode(val)
                    editval = typ(val)
                return QVariant(editval)
            return QVariant()

        return QVariant()