Esempio n. 1
def test_config_init_from_class_load_derivatives():
    config = Config.load('derivatives')
    assert == 'derivatives'
    ent_names = ('space', 'atlas', 'roi')
    assert all([en in config.entities for en in ent_names])
    assert 'subject' not in config.entities
    assert config.default_path_patterns is None
Esempio n. 2
def test_parse_file_entities():
    filename = '/sub-03_ses-07_run-4_desc-bleargh_sekret.nii.gz'

    # Test with entities taken from bids config
    target = {'subject': '03', 'session': '07', 'run': 4, 'suffix': 'sekret'}
    assert target == parse_file_entities(filename, config='bids')
    config = Config.load('bids')
    assert target == parse_file_entities(filename, config=[config])

    # Test with entities taken from bids and derivatives config
    target = {
        'subject': '03',
        'session': '07',
        'run': 4,
        'suffix': 'sekret',
        'desc': 'bleargh'
    assert target == parse_file_entities(filename)
    assert target == parse_file_entities(filename,
                                         config=['bids', 'derivatives'])

    # Test with list of Entities
    entities = [
        Entity('subject', "[/\\\\]sub-([a-zA-Z0-9]+)"),
        Entity('run', "[_/\\\\]run-0*(\\d+)", dtype=int),
        Entity('suffix', "[._]*([a-zA-Z0-9]*?)\\.[^/\\\\]+$"),
        Entity('desc', "desc-([a-zA-Z0-9]+)"),
    # Leave out session to distinguish from previous test target
    target = {'subject': '03', 'run': 4, 'suffix': 'sekret', 'desc': 'bleargh'}
    assert target == parse_file_entities(filename, entities=entities)
Esempio n. 3
def test_parse_file_entities_from_layout(layout_synthetic):
    layout = layout_synthetic
    filename = '/sub-03_ses-07_run-4_desc-bleargh_sekret.nii.gz'

    # Test with entities taken from bids config
    target = {'subject': '03', 'session': '07', 'run': 4, 'suffix': 'sekret'}
    assert target == layout.parse_file_entities(filename, config='bids')
    config = Config.load('bids')
    assert target == layout.parse_file_entities(filename, config=[config])
    assert target == layout.parse_file_entities(filename, scope='raw')

    # Test with default scope--i.e., everything
    target = {
        'subject': '03',
        'session': '07',
        'run': 4,
        'suffix': 'sekret',
        'desc': 'bleargh'
    assert target == layout.parse_file_entities(filename)
    # Test with only the fmriprep pipeline (which includes both configs)
    assert target == layout.parse_file_entities(filename, scope='fmriprep')
    assert target == layout.parse_file_entities(filename, scope='derivatives')

    # Test with only the derivative config
    target = {'desc': 'bleargh'}
    assert target == layout.parse_file_entities(filename, config='derivatives')
Esempio n. 4
def test_parse_file_entities():
    filename = '/sub-03_ses-07_run-4_desc-bleargh_sekret.nii.gz'

    # Test with entities taken from bids config
    target = {'subject': '03', 'session': '07', 'run': 4, 'suffix': 'sekret'}
    assert target == parse_file_entities(filename, config='bids')
    config = Config.load('bids')
    assert target == parse_file_entities(filename, config=[config])

    # Test with entities taken from bids and derivatives config
    target = {'subject': '03', 'session': '07', 'run': 4, 'suffix': 'sekret',
              'desc': 'bleargh'}
    assert target == parse_file_entities(filename)
    assert target == parse_file_entities(filename, config=['bids', 'derivatives'])

    # Test with list of Entities
    entities = [
        Entity('subject', "[/\\\\]sub-([a-zA-Z0-9]+)"),
        Entity('run', "[_/\\\\]run-0*(\\d+)", dtype=int),
        Entity('suffix', "[._]*([a-zA-Z0-9]*?)\\.[^/\\\\]+$"),
        Entity('desc', "desc-([a-zA-Z0-9]+)"),
    # Leave out session to distinguish from previous test target
    target = {'subject': '03', 'run': 4, 'suffix': 'sekret', 'desc': 'bleargh'}
    assert target == parse_file_entities(filename, entities=entities)
Esempio n. 5
def test_config_init_from_class_load_derivatives():
    config = Config.load('derivatives')
    assert == 'derivatives'
    ent_names = ('space', 'atlas', 'roi')
    assert all([en in config.entities for en in ent_names])
    assert 'subject' not in config.entities
    assert config.default_path_patterns is None
Esempio n. 6
def test_config_init_from_class_load_bids():
    config = Config.load('bids')
    assert == 'bids'
    ent_names = ('subject', 'run', 'suffix')
    assert all([en in config.entities for en in ent_names])
    assert 'space' not in config.entities
    first_patt = 'sub-{subject}[/ses-{session}]/anat/sub-{subject}'
    assert config.default_path_patterns[0].startswith(first_patt)
Esempio n. 7
def test_config_init_from_class_load_bids():
    config = Config.load('bids')
    assert == 'bids'
    ent_names = ('subject', 'run', 'suffix')
    assert all([en in config.entities for en in ent_names])
    assert 'space' not in config.entities
    first_patt = 'sub-{subject}[/ses-{session}]/anat/sub-{subject}'
    assert config.default_path_patterns[0].startswith(first_patt)
Esempio n. 8
def test_add_config_paths():
    bids_dir = dirname(bids.__file__)
    bids_json = os.path.join(bids_dir, 'layout', 'config', 'bids.json')
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc:
    assert str(exc.value).startswith('Configuration file')
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc:
    assert str(exc.value).startswith("Configuration 'bids' already")
    config = Config.load('dummy')
    assert 'subject' in config.entities
Esempio n. 9
def test_add_config_paths():
    bids_dir = dirname(bids.__file__)
    bids_json = os.path.join(bids_dir, 'layout', 'config', 'bids.json')
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc:
    assert str(exc.value).startswith('Configuration file')
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc:
    assert str(exc.value).startswith("Configuration 'bids' already")
    config = Config.load('dummy')
    assert 'subject' in config.entities
Esempio n. 10
def test_config_init_with_args():
    ents = [{
        "name": "task",
        "pattern": "[_/\\\\]task-([a-zA-Z0-9]+)"
    }, {
        "name": "acquisition",
        "pattern": "[_/\\\\]acq-([a-zA-Z0-9]+)"
    patterns = ['this_will_never_match_anything', 'and_neither_will_this']
    config = Config('custom', entities=ents, default_path_patterns=patterns)
    assert == 'custom'
    assert {'task', 'acquisition'} == set(config.entities.keys())
    assert config.default_path_patterns == patterns
Esempio n. 11
def test_parse_file_entities_from_layout(layout_synthetic):
    layout = layout_synthetic
    filename = '/sub-03_ses-07_run-4_desc-bleargh_sekret.nii.gz'

    # Test with entities taken from bids config
    target = {'subject': '03', 'session': '07', 'run': 4, 'suffix': 'sekret'}
    assert target == layout.parse_file_entities(filename, config='bids')
    config = Config.load('bids')
    assert target == layout.parse_file_entities(filename, config=[config])
    assert target == layout.parse_file_entities(filename, scope='raw')

    # Test with default scope--i.e., everything
    target = {'subject': '03', 'session': '07', 'run': 4, 'suffix': 'sekret',
              'desc': 'bleargh'}
    assert target == layout.parse_file_entities(filename)
    # Test with only the fmriprep pipeline (which includes both configs)
    assert target == layout.parse_file_entities(filename, scope='fmriprep')
    assert target == layout.parse_file_entities(filename, scope='derivatives')

    # Test with only the derivative config
    target = {'desc': 'bleargh'}
    assert target == layout.parse_file_entities(filename, config='derivatives')
Esempio n. 12
def test_config_init_bare():
    config = Config('custom')
    assert == 'custom'
    assert config.entities == {}
    assert config.default_path_patterns is None