def test_RadianceObj_high_azimuth_angle_end_to_end():
    # modify example for high azimuth angle to test different parts of makesceneNxR.  Rear irradiance fraction roughly 17.3% for 0.95m landscape panel
    # takes 14 seconds for sensorsy = 9, 11 seconds for sensorsy = 2
    demo = RadianceObj()  # Create a RadianceObj 'object'
    )  # input albedo number or material name like 'concrete'.  To see options, run this without any input.

    #metdata = demo.readEPW() # read in the EPW weather data from above
    metdata = demo.readTMY(
        MET_FILENAME2)  # select a TMY file using graphical picker
    # Now we either choose a single time point, or use cumulativesky for the entire year.
    fullYear = False
    if fullYear:
        )  # entire year.  # Don't know how to test this yet in pytest...
        demo.gendaylit(metdata, 4020)  # Noon, June 17th
    # create a scene using panels in landscape at 10 deg tilt, 1.5m pitch. 0.2 m ground clearance
    sceneDict = {
        'tilt': 10,
        'pitch': 1.5,
        'height': 0.2,
        'orientation': 'landscape',
        'azimuth': 30
    demo.makeModule(name='simple_panel', x=0.95, y=1.59)
    scene = demo.makeScene(
        'simple_panel', sceneDict, nMods=10, nRows=3
    )  #makeScene creates a .rad file with 20 modules per row, 7 rows.
    octfile = demo.makeOct(
    )  # makeOct combines all of the ground, sky and object files into a .oct file.
    analysis = AnalysisObj(
    )  # return an analysis object including the scan dimensions for back irradiance
    analysis.analysis(octfile,, scene.frontscan,
                      scene.backscan)  # compare the back vs front irradiance
    #assert np.round(np.mean(analysis.backRatio),2) == 0.20  # bifi ratio was == 0.22 in v0.2.2
    assert np.mean(analysis.Wm2Front) == pytest.approx(912, rel=0.005)
    assert np.mean(analysis.Wm2Back) == pytest.approx(182, rel=0.01)
def test_RadianceObj_fixed_tilt_end_to_end():
    # just run the demo example.  Rear irradiance fraction roughly 11.8% for 0.95m landscape panel
    # takes 12 seconds
    demo = RadianceObj()  # Create a RadianceObj 'object'
    )  # input albedo number or material name like 'concrete'.  To see options, run this without any input.

    metdata = demo.readEPW(
        epwfile=MET_FILENAME)  # read in the EPW weather data from above
    #metdata = demo.readTMY() # select a TMY file using graphical picker
    # Now we either choose a single time point, or use cumulativesky for the entire year.
    fullYear = False
    if fullYear:
        demo.genCumSky(demo.epwfile)  # entire year.
        demo.gendaylit(metdata, 4020)  # Noon, June 17th
    # create a scene using panels in landscape at 10 deg tilt, 1.5m pitch. 0.2 m ground clearance
    sceneDict = {
        'tilt': 10,
        'pitch': 1.5,
        'height': 0.2,
        'orientation': 'landscape'
    demo.makeModule(name='simple_panel', x=0.95, y=1.59)
    scene = demo.makeScene(
        'simple_panel', sceneDict, nMods=10, nRows=3
    )  #makeScene creates a .rad file with 20 modules per row, 7 rows.
    octfile = demo.makeOct(
    )  # makeOct combines all of the ground, sky and object files into a .oct file.
    analysis = AnalysisObj(
    )  # return an analysis object including the scan dimensions for back irradiance
    analysis.analysis(octfile,, scene.frontscan,
                      scene.backscan)  # compare the back vs front irradiance
    #assert np.round(np.mean(analysis.backRatio),decimals=2) == 0.12  # NOTE: this value is 0.11 when your module size is 1m, 0.12 when module size is 0.95m
    assert np.mean(analysis.backRatio) == pytest.approx(0.12, abs=0.01)
# ### A. Generating the firt scene object
# This is a standard fixed-tilt setup for one hour. Gencumsky could be used too for the whole year.
# The key here is that we are setting in sceneDict the variable **appendRadfile** to true.

# In[4]:

demo = RadianceObj("MultipleObj",
                   path=testfolder)  # Create a RadianceObj 'object'
epwfile = demo.getEPW(lat=37.5, lon=-77.6)
metdata = demo.readWeatherFile('EPWs\\USA_VA_Richmond.Intl.AP.724010_TMY.epw')
fullYear = True
               4020)  # Noon, June 17th  . # Gencumsky could be used too.
module_type = 'Prism Solar Bi60 landscape'
demo.makeModule(name=module_type, y=1, x=1.7)
sceneDict = {
    'tilt': 10,
    'pitch': 1.5,
    'clearance_height': 0.2,
    'azimuth': 180,
    'nMods': 5,
    'nRows': 2,
    'appendRadfile': True
sceneObj1 = demo.makeScene(module_type, sceneDict)

# Checking values after Scene for the scene Object created
# ### A. Generating the first scene object
# This is a standard fixed-tilt setup for one hour. Gencumsky could be used too for the whole year.
# The key here is that we are setting in sceneDict the variable **appendRadfile** to true.

# In[2]:

demo = RadianceObj("tutorial_7", path = testfolder) 
epwfile = demo.getEPW(lat = 37.5, lon = -77.6)    
metdata = demo.readWeatherFile(epwfile, coerce_year=2001) 
fullYear = True
timestamp = metdata.datetime.index(pd.to_datetime('2001-06-17 13:0:0 -5'))  # Noon, June 17th  
module_type = 'test-moduleA' 
mymodule = demo.makeModule(name=module_type,y=1,x=1.7)
sceneDict = {'tilt':10,'pitch':1.5,'clearance_height':0.2,'azimuth':180, 'nMods': 5, 'nRows': 2, 'appendRadfile':True} 
sceneObj1 = demo.makeScene(mymodule, sceneDict)  

# Checking values after Scene for the scene Object created

# In[3]:

print ("SceneObj1 modulefile: %s" % sceneObj1.modulefile)
print ("SceneObj1 SceneFile: %s" %sceneObj1.radfiles)
print ("SceneObj1 GCR: %s" % round(sceneObj1.gcr,2))
print ("FileLists: \n %s" % demo.getfilelist())